TH"E MICHIGAN DAILY AlL Y OFFI['CIAL BULLETIN)!3 Romance Club: ?The IMichigan Techlnic: There wi be a meeting of the Romance Club oen Tuesday, March 20, at There will be a eery important meeting of the entire staff and tryouts x':15 o'clock, Room 302, Michigan 'Union. Graduate StudeInts in the Depart-I Tuesday, M' rch1 20, at 7:30 p.m. B.Xment of Romance Languages are invited to this meeting. 1. 'Cai frn, Managing Editor.. , Julio (ldel i oro. -. an. .a a' a-wa --aat ..u - a+ IPublication in the Bulletin Is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. M. (11:30 a. M. Saturday.) I I Volume 8. TUE'FSDAY, NARC 11 20.-Number 12. [ taculty, Colleg eof Literature, Science. and~ the Arts: At the request of President Little, there will be a meeting of the Literary F'aculty Thursday, March 22, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 1025 Angell Hall. It. ,l. Corbin, Secretary to the Dean. University Lectue Dr. George Sartoni, of llarvardl University, and Editor of "Isis," will le c- ture on "The History of Science and tha bNew- Humanism" at 4:15 p.m., Fri- day, March 310, in the Natural Science Auditorium. The lecture is under the. 'Joint auspice:, of the University and the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters. The public is cordially invited. F. E. Robbins. ' __________ Oratorical Association Lecliire: Dr. Vinceuzo Ntti and Samuel S. McClure debate tonight in Hill Audi- torium onl the subject: "Tihe Rule of Mussolini-Is It Injuring Italy.?" Season tickits admit to this number. At the conclusion of the formal debate both speakers will, answer questions from the audience. C.arlt(G. Brandt, Financial Manager. I'renchi Lecture: /Mr. J. B. Cloppet Will lecture Wednesday, March 21, at 4:15 o'clock, in Room 1025, Angell Hall, on "La Vie des Paysans en France. " This is the fifth lecture on the Cercle Francais program. Tickets for' the series mnay be procured from the Secretary of the Romance Language Department, Room 144 South Wing,' or at the door.° Renie Talainon. Business Administration Mloving Picture:. "The Story of Sulphur," a two-reel moving picture made in cooperation with the Texas Gulf Sulphur Company and "The Story or IHeavy Excavating Machinery," a four-reel moving picture will be projected in Natural .Science Auditorium at; 4:15 p.m., on Wednesday, March 21. This is the fourth pro- gramn in the series being presented by the School of Business Administration. The public is invited. (CarlN. Schmalz. senior Elec'rical, Chemiceal, _fechian seal, and Chemists:: Mr. Lampkin, representing. the Union, Carbide and Carbon Corporation, will be in Room 221. West' Engineering Building, Wednesday and Thursday, March 21, and 2,' for the purpose of interviewing those'interested in posi- tion's with this corporation. .J. It. Cannon. A. H. White. 1I1. '. Anderson.. Senior Engineer's: There will be ant important class meeting Tuesday, March 20, in Room 3 48, at 7:30 pm. Every man is, requested to be present. Harold L. Matheson,.-President. Education-Seniors:' Invitations and announcements will be on 'sale in Tappan Hall, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. This is the only, time they will be on sale. Dues may also be paid at that time. No orders will be taken for Invitations or An- rQouncemnents until dues are paid. Earl A. Kelly, President: 1'aval Aviation:, The makeup examination in History of Aviation will be given tonight at 7:15 o'clock. in the usual classroom. PyisClouu:Mr. J. S. Donal will speak on "Unexplained Sources of Energy in Gas~'ous ; IDischarges," and Mr. L~. B. Headrick on "The Theory of the Normal Cat hodiel Fill of Potential in Glow Discharge," at 4:15 o'clock, Tu(-dad-, 1\Iarch 20, illn Room 1Q41, East Physics Building. All intoerested( are inv-ited(. Freshmen Debating Squad-A delphi House of RepreIsent l e1s: EE The following men will compose the Adelphi squad in the annual deba.e with Alpha Nu:1 Hartwig, Urist, Levy, Schroeder. The squads will meet Wednesaday evening, i\ arch 21, imumedZiately follow- ing the closed season. Robert J. C snier. { IA11llcha ambda Di elta: There will be an important meetingeof all members of Alpha Lambda :Delta at 4 o'clock today in Barbour Gymnasium. s ~Margaret Ohison, Chairman.. Adeiphi House of Rlepresentatives: lDne to the program of the Oratorical Association tonight, the meetingI of the House will be postponed until Wednesday evening, March 21, at 7:301 1).m7. B. 1W. Sanderson, Speaker. Theta Sigmia PI': Alpha Nu: Alpha Nu will mneet Tuesday, March 20, at 7:30 o'clock in Alpha Nu~ room.: The program is in the form of a mock trial, both Alpha Nu and Athena taking part. Alpha Nu will have the defense while Athena will carry the prosecution. Visitors are cordially welcome. 'Announcements f~or the spring initiation banquet will be made at the meeting. I ,.'Webster, President. 11il1el Foundation: The regular bi-monthly discussion group. will take place this evening at the Foundation at 7:;30 o'clock. Bern- ard Hartzell will give his paper an:? discussion will follow. Philip S. Sternl. There will he an important meeting at 4:15 o'clock today at the Wash- Institute of'Religious Eduication: t enaw Aprments. D~orotlhy 3orehouse. Dr. Aldred S. Warthin will speak on "The Religion of a 1Biologist" at 7 -t -"______ p.m., and Prof. Peter M. Jack will talk on the ,ubeject "Rerigion and ('ontemn- SeaUhar~l an(] Blade: porary Prose," at 8 p.m. The lectures are in lane Elil and open to S(ti n- r will be a meeting Wednesday, March 21, at 8' o'clock: at the Uion. dents and the general public. C. E. Staff. Found: Found on Collie pups. Campus: 1 hound and 2 Call 3740 or 9512. E. :C. Pardon. Thomas A5 7. 1i1e1. Athena Literary Society: Regular meeting of Athena will con- sist of a joint meeting with Alpha Nu Society. Members are privileged to bring guests. Meeting will ,be held in the Alpha Nu room. Pauline Zoller, President. We sell; The Largest backed- by skill REPAI RING and service all makes of Typewriters and Best stock to select from in Ann Arbor, led service. at Rider's Pen Shop Phone 8950 5 All I %&&rxV' TamrBeta Ph: There wild be the Union at 6 a regular meeting at o'clock tonight. L. D. Weston, Secretary. - A f m a ! Get thle Habit 'I of enjoying the attractive atmosphere and the excellent service. You Will, ,Find It to Be a .Stimul ating and " .. Invigorating Habit lBetsy RssShop 13-15 NICKELS ARCADE I'te a S I'o114 OUR BARGAIN TABLE OF NEW AND SECOND-HAND ; iII 1 l IIIll iiIIIllllll111 ll li lllltlt1lll111HI11111111 [1111111 11111- da' iecala h * - E appre.uorsmut abe a~a' fir filedlut efoe tdhe anye -d rour j ustment can be made." i=Phone 4213''.- I --_ r - _ r r -- _ - Ir Ii I r I K AS *SSSS*!S* *U SJISR * S*RSU * . - . . . . . . . G. 1L.Ellicock. 0 WILL SURELY. INTEREST YOU-COME, EAR2LY Geology 2: The supplementary examination for those who missed. the regular one of Mlarch 7, will be given Thursday, March 23, in Room 4054N N.S., at -4 o'clock. 1 . F.Scott. Sociology 205 and 25~: I shall probably be unable to meet my classes for another week or more. Annourncement regarding Course 51 will be made in the quiz and I suggest that courses ,251" and 253 meet regularly, appoint a chairman and discuss the questions presented as riual. C. H.I. Cooley. Sociology 51 and 251: The Tuesday lecture will be omitted this week, the" Wednesday lecture section meeting as usual. The mid-semester examination will be given Wlednesday, March 28, at 4 pm. Students= having other cgasses at this period should arrange at once, for a special examination to be taken prior to the date announced above. Members of the graduate section are asked to at- tend some undergraduate quiz until further notice. The list of quiz sections is posted in the Economics Building. Bj. H. Hlolmies. Foreign St;udents: Rteservations'for the Annual Spring 'Vacation Tour for foreign student men should be made this week in Room 3224 Angell Hall (Thursday, 2-5:30 p-nm.), or by letter: mailed to the undersigned. I Five Michigan cities will* be 'visited-Battle CGreek, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids. Lansing, and Jackson. The, party is limited to 20. Carlton Wells. I cononics Club: Meets Thursday evening, March 22, at 7:45 o'clock in Room 306 of the U nion. Professor Henry E. Riggs, Head of the Department of Civil Engin- eering, will speak on "Depreciation and Reserves." Z. C. icinmson. Faculty Womenws Club:; -The Play-Reading Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet Tues- day, March 20, at 2:30 o'clock with Mrs. Max Winkler, 1520 Cambridge Road. Assistant ?Hostesses: Mrs. Walter L. Badger and Mrs, Albert B. Peck. .!frs. A. D. Moore. WAH"- Vm IVERSITY BOOKSTORE "FOR -THE 11IOVE O EE SO: XW )NSL . ._. .. .. .. -- __ ._ _e_.__ _ _ . _._._.f avow.& Oratorical Association Number , I;z TO-NJ GHT IS USSLIN. AMENA CE TO" ITALY?, DEBATE Dr. Vin cenzo Nitti vs. S.'s. McClure Eminent Italian Author, Historian, and Lecturer HILL AUDITORIUM, P* M. SINGLE ADMISSIONS $1-AT SLATER'S Founder of McClure's Magazine Season Tickets Admit, BOX OFFICE OPENS 7 P. M. . Mail Orders I Now MIMES THEATRE Box Qffice 4151 Cloy March 26, 27,128, 29, 30, and- 31 Mimes of the Michigan Union presents George Bernard Shaw's Famous,;Drama "TH E D EVIL'S D I S CIPLE" A, A MIES PRODUCTION Featuring Tom Dougall and Florence B. Tennant A MIMES PRODUCTION