.29, 1928 THE MICHIGAN DAILY -,f ... 20. 1928 TH IHGA AL SCHROEDER TALKS; ON SEARCH FOR RELIGION Says That Tan Finally Is Wrecked On Rteef Which He Hias Known All 'His Life SPEAKS AT CONVOCATION "Religion, to the race in general, has always been an adventure of the mind," said Rev. John Schroeder in his address on "The Quest for Re- ligion," 'at the Student Convocation S'unday morning. "But after all of the searching and fthe' questing over the world, man finally comes to wreck upon it reef which he has knmown and evaded all his life." Reverend Schroeder developed, in general, the relative places of science ;and religion in the world. In this analysis hie developed the point that, .although we may'think that we know reality by the quantitative method of weighing and 'measuring and sticking :closely to what we' call the facts, this, precedure will never give us the real t ruth of existence and the real' se-, cret of man's being. "'By our science," he said, "we have coni, to know the world and to un-' derstand the 'relations of things to 'each other in the world. In is fbr this reason that the qAn no longer believe literally, the stories of the miracles, because we know now the laws of the dissolution of matter and the specific gravity of iron. But this - quantitative 'theory does not go far enough. And it is religion that conmes into our lives with the quan- titative 'element and gives us a sense of values." In the further development of his idea, Reverend Schroeder turned to the idea that of the' two main ele- mients in our life, the ethical and the scientific, there is yet a division, and . that religion and ethics are not the same. DAM LETS LOOSE VALLEY WAT ERS IPIRU w4 FILL MR ER~ NEVJKALL . Map, above, shows the Santa Clara valley district in California, which was inundated by water~ from the broken dam. RELIGIOUS CLASS TO HEAR WAR THIN Lectures by Prof. P. M. Jack, head of the rhetoric department and, Dr. Aldred S. Warthin, professor of path- ology, to be given tonight will comn- Prise the third program of talk's on the ,series of 10 being given by the In- stitute of Religious Education. Prof. Jack will speak on "Religon and Con- temporary Prose," and "The Religion [of a Biologist" will be Dr. Warthin's' topic. These talks, which will be given at 7 o'clock in the Upper Room of Lane hall, are under the direct leadership of Thomas M. Iden and the Student Christian association. They are free and open to the public. M7!EWRITINGW and ikCIMEOGRAPIlING a specialty for twenty years. Prompt Service, Experienced Oper- tors, Moderate Rates. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade. Phone 6615. L SEE Rider for Pens HIGH QUALITY AND STANDARD PRICES PLUS SNAPPY SERVICE REPAIR. SERVICE CLEAN Means Just, What It Spells With Us Have Your Spring PENMAKERS A II Garments Cleaned With Q \j 1 Q' J 1 q . 4 + . , =''- _ . r ,, °. ,. White White Gas 0 Gas Whether you wear a hat jauntily, or whether you wear a hat soberly and sedately, Stetson offers you a choice for your every mood and fancy. EiaItt to .Forty Dollars The Purest Gas Refined NO ODOR - NO GREASE STETSON HATS diulZed o; ouiiy,'1Ien Mens:-Suits, Topcoats, Overcoats, Jackets, h ( ( ; ..o cq" (I Caps, Ties, Gloves and Hats, Cleaned with 'Ceco. Ladies: -Suits, Dressesg, Kimonos, Spring oats, Winter Coats and Hats. We also clean Drapes," I 'I IAO II Small Rugs, Portiers, Blankets, etc. ! M NI r U 7 F-'l All Gaa. ents Pressed r I ASCADE LINEN ('. scadp Linen or Marsala Bond in Full Pound Packages f arcade Linen Sheets awe folded. Special Price This Sale Two Pounds, 41c Two Cartons :(100) Envelopes, 41c Marsala Bond comes .in flat' sheets, with the newer larger envelopes to match. Special, 1T11o0Pounds, Ole T:wo Cartons _(100) Envelopes, 61c REXALL ROOKDS 25e ic1(dioatedl Skin Soap.......... 2 for 26C $1.00 itexall Antiseptc (like Listerinie) ..... ....... 2 for $1.01 MOc heii'ico Antiseptic (like Lavorls) ..2 for :plc Of! Puretest ?Milk of 1Magnesia....... 2 for 61C -? c Boric Acid Powder......... .2for 2 e ,'w fino.-Stearate Powder.......... 2 for 26c -0Rexal113" Hair Tonie.. . ..£ for $I;61 .i5c fRexal 1"93" Shampoo Paste ..... or 36c 40c Analgesee B alm............2 for lle $1)e Rex,01 CnI-tarrh Jelly......... .2 f31 c 5Sc R (mill Carcoal Tablets ........ 2 fe '26. 1255, Rexaall Corn Solvent..........2 for '06e lrw Mechanic's Soap Paste.........2 for 11" t '2 "? Rexahl Carbolic Sl le (tathe). .2 for 26 ' GflA 1eittiolated W1hite Pine Tar Cough Sy-rup..................2 foil 61c p5c Laxatve Aspirin Cold Tablets...2 for 2 35r RexalTKittle ,iver Pills ........ 2 for 360 5c, exaall Kidney Pill's...........2for,")V )9L0 Syrup Hypophiosphtes Comp. 2 for$1AP1 iw, Rexial Toothache Drops.......2 for lac 25c Peps-in Stoa ch _Tablets......2 for 26c " .tc Pink Laxative "'Liver Tabs"... 2for 26c $1000 Peptonit Tonic.............2 for $1.( 20r Line Oxide Ointment...........2 for 21c aoe Sulphur Blood Tablets ........ ".2 for 26c 30e C'hierry Bark Cough Syrup,.......2 for 31c ' 25 c Bitterlax T onic Laxative Tablets. .2 for 2f6c X2.25 Fountain Syringe ( qt) ..:.2' fcr $2.26 li~c Brown's Special Toilet Paper... .2 for 16e (12 rolls limit to a customer) 3cGrease Eradicator, Dry, Cleaner.2 for 36c ~r,)Pou1eand's H~ardwater Castile Soap .2 for 3c 24k lIbirdivater Seftener (i-lI. pkg.) .2 for 21c m-, Cedlar Chest Compound....2 for 20c ll5 oitNWater Uottles (2-qt.) .... 2 for $2.26 Tile Powdered Borax..............2 for l' SPOc fetaick ,Mting Plasters ..........2 for Sic 1,- k E o, .wo Salts................2 for 16c %s ev 1 Foot Powder ...........2 for ?' 10: Lg~et'sCough Drops.........2 for 1Ic .i.0 Sa rsapa rilla Spring T.onic. . 2 for $1.01 :(h 'ound's Sugar Stick Candy...... 2 for Mle ;)0_. (orrt-sa ondence Cards (2 sizes) . .2 for lic REXALL TOOTH PASTE LIGGETS' RHOOLATES Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. MARCH 2 1-22-23-24 O cI ( 'S' T w1illbIN iiiulyiaricle mlenioned in* this advertsement. regardless of its retail value, providing a second article of the same kind is purchased at our regular price. You pay the regular price for the first and get a second for only ONE CENT. T~I LET ARTICLES a_ yy. f ';___ Special Big Values $1.00 Full Pound Packages .2 for $1.01 35c Half Pound Packages. .2 for 36c A great chance to buy good chocolates at a low lprice, SIJ1'0 Bouquet Ranee Face Powder 2 for $1.01 ! $1.50 Bouquet Rainee fT1oilet Water. 1 for $1.5r1 $+1.00 Dayira. or' Nfft'rllSu Perfume. .2 for $1.01 60c Plaso Hlabd 1,o1,in.............2 for 61c 50c Ittainee Comacts or Rtouge...... 2 for Sic 30c Georia htRose Talcumt...........2 for 31c 1 It^ ea l l Toilet Soup.......... 2for 16c 25cxe a~e , It ose Sow)...........2 for 26c 25c 1{lczo Ta~r Slianipoo Soap ...... 2 for 20'c 35c Juneve iNrcissus Talcunt ....... 2 for 36c $1.00 Juneve Narcissus Face Powder 2 for $1.01 75c Junueve Vanishing or Cold Cream 2 for 76c 50c Oeorgia Rose Face Powder ...2 for 5ic 75c Theatrical Cold. Cream ......... 2 for 76c 50c Mlarceliey hair Dressing (greaseless) ... . .. . . 2for 5ic 5Oc Quinine air Tonic (.-oz.)......2 for 41ic "5,c lzrnioily Cream of Almionids ..2 fotr 36c C' (ocoanut, Oil Shamipoo ...... for Sic COP Rollin- g Massag-e Creamn........ 2 for 61c $1.r~1)Pintt Bottles Bay Itum ....... 2 for $1.01 75e Hlarmony Lilac Veg'etale....... 2 for 76c 25c Itairnon r Bandoline...........2 for 26c 25c Rtexaall Tooth Pa ste...........2 for 26c 25c Tr'iiing Arbutus Talc um .......2 for 26c 50c Cocoa. Butter Cold (ream...... 2 for Sic 50c Trullor Toilet Water, (8 odors) ... 2 for 5ic 50c Mlemo Dental Creaam.......... 2 for 5ic 25c M1agnesia D~ental Powder ........ 2 for 24 35c Riexall Shaving Sticks ........... 2 for36c 30c Powder Puffs (assorted sizes) . ..2 for31c 5c A ssorted Candy Wafers ...........2 for 6c 60c Blard Canudy (1-lb). tins) .........2 for 61e 35c billk Chocolate Bars (1z lbs.) . .2 for 36c Wec 1b. Cl ocolate Chips ...........2 lis. 5iC Wec lb. Black Walnut Wafers .......2 lbs. 5ic 35c lb. M1aple Nut Fudge..........2 lbs. 36c $1.¢50 Bouquet Itamnee Perfumte...2 for $1.51 $1.00 Truilor l oilet Water (8 odors) 2 for $1.01 $2 'Boxes Chaocolates (21/ lbs. aas'ted) ..... ... lbs. x$2.01 FDU DAYS ONLY MARCH 21-22-23-24 I}TA NERY AND SUNDRIES 774, tI40 o Sp w''es md C hnunois ...2 for 76c $1.2 T 'isse L ined Staloery....... for $1.26 $~109 1Zt1uhh 'I Household Aprons ...2 for $1.01 3.)c Toofh Iiruslies (assorted).......2 for 36c 75e 1hal r Brushes (assorted) .......2 for 76c Poundr Fkar. Qaeka Coffee.......... 2 for Mec 34,, iDressiiig Combs (8-Inchi).......2 f or 36c 10c EgDy* 17i Palmi Soap............2 forIle. 0~c 'l'° a 'aixit .lamts (iS-oz.) (a kinds) .2 for Sic 40c Pu~re V )nilla or Lemon Extract 2 for 4ie $1.50 Tissuei Linedl Stationery ...2 for $1.51 oc Brocade or Bond Stationaery..... for 5ic 10c ]Linen Fish MWriting 'Tablets ...2 for Ile 73c Linen finish 'Statilonery.........2 for 76e Wec Red Curranit .Jely.............2 for 5ic oft Pound's Linen Writing Paper.. .2 for Sic =10c Cartons (50's) 'Envelopes to match 2 for le s~c Assor'ted Tooth Brushes...... 2for Sic 1I-alL Pounds Opeka Tea (3 kinds) . .2 for 66c l'Qp Peanut Butter (10) oz.) ..........2 for 4ie 10c Pure Grape Jelly.............. 2 for 41c 40e Saala d....ressng .................2 for 41c ,0(c P0'oun1's Bond Stationery (flat sheets) . ........ 2 for Ole floc Envelopes (S0's) to miatchi (large size) .. .................2 fox 61c. $.5Pure Virg'in Ol)ive (Oil (121,,-oz)2 for $1.16 )0c ('ocom Powder (S-oz;)...........2 for 11c 34-) B1ain Choceolate (8-oz.) (bitter) .2 for 36c Mek Beef Cubes (dozen's)........... 2for31c 35c* 31I1rsh1I111ilow Cream (16-oz.) . . .. 2for 36c 344 Chocolate Sauce (12-oz.) .......2 for 36e 40ce Assorted Fruit Bevernge Syrup. . .2 for 4lc $1.00 Pound's Liggett's Chocolate . ..2 for $1.01 60~c Poun1d('s Wrapped Caramels..... 2 for Ole 10c Mlilk (Chocolate Blocks .....2 for lie 3 5 Hla if Pounds Best Chocolates.2for Mek Sc Lioo'ett's Mints or Gum ...........2 for Oc 20e 'Hash Cloths................. for 21c 25c Permaedge Nail Files ............2 for 26c lio Ilair Nets, ]Double Mfesha .......2 for Mec 6~ w (old Edge Correspondence Cards 2 for 66e 50f ,outeel Fm-2 Powder........... 2 for SIc Si RtexalI Shaming Cream ..........2 for,:Ne 60c Biexall Shaving 1Lotion.........2 for Ole S0c Bouq~uet 1 Pamiee Talcum......2 for ic M410 "lonteel;('old or Tanishing ('reamis 2 for Sic MAXIMUM HOT WATER BOTTLE WeSpclieO Dyei ngof garments. Have your garments dyed now. We can give you the best service in town, and satisfactory work. IRemember-Every Garment Entrusted to Us Is Cleaned with Ceco We Also Repair and RemodelGarments ASK US ABOUT OUR MA~TH PROOF BAGS Just Poe40 I U . A perfect dentifrice, anti- septic and, deodorant - cleans and whitens the The largest selling bottle in the world. The price everywhere is $2.25 each. Full twvo-quart ca- irhi~a .1. AFn. r 10x'9- - W W a- AN I I M