THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, 1TAPCH 18, 1528 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARGH 18, 1~28 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Acolytes: Acolytes will meet on 'Monday, March 19, at 7:30 o'clock in Room 106, :Mason Ball. Professor It. W. Sellars will read a paper on "Some Thoughits About Religion." Raymond4?II(lo&'ksti'a. Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until ' The 1'1i~ilfpiile-3ljcl1ign 'hit): 3:30 p. mn. (11:30'a. m. Saturday.) There will be a meeting of the Philippine-M ichiigan Club today. :March TS, in? Lane Hall at 3 o'clock sharp. Every member is urged to attend. Faculty Women's ('1111) 11niversity senate: The Play-Reading Section of the Faculty W\omen's Club) will meet Tues- The third regular meeting of tha. University Senate for the year 1927- day, March 20, at 2:30 o'clock with Mrs. 1lax Winkler, 1520 Cambridge Road. 1t925 will be held in Room C. Law building bn Monday, March 26, at 4:15 p.m. Assistant Hostesses: Mrs. Walter L. Badger and airs. Albert: 13. Peck. Order of Business: Election of a member of the Board of Directors of Mr11s. A. 1). 3iMoore. the Michigan Union.I Joh W B ad ha , ec et ry of th Se at . nn Ar or Ary ss ci ti n:The Print M akers' Society of California exhibition of Etchingts, Dry Business Administration L~ectuire: Points, Lithographs, and Wood Blocks op-ns Sunday afternooni, Marchl 18, Mr. 0. A. Montgomnery, Secretary of the Detroit Association of Credit 'Men, al.ti closes Sunday afternoon, April 1. Bruce 31. Ion,1ldson, Priesident. will speak on Wholesale Credits, Mondlay, March 19, at 4:15 p.m., Room 206, _-.- ____ Tappan Hall. This is the third lecture in the special series of Credit; 111le1 Foundation: Lectures given under the auspices of the School of Business Administration. Bernard Hartzel will give his paper at the Foundlationl ot 7 : 30~. The public is invited. C. E. Gr~iffin. 'Tuesday. Discussion will follow. Pilip S. Sternz. Work On New Organ For Hill Auditorium Progressing Rapidlyl W\ith the work of wiring almostl completed, the new Skinner of ganI whbich is being erected in Hill audi- torium is rapidly nearing completion, acicording to Palmer Christian, the L nivei'sity organist and designer of the organ. T'he framework is all in plane, and work was in progress, yes- terday afternoon, upon putting back lihe front. of the organ which faces upon Itlie auditorium itself. The 01(1 pipes which used to face the audience andi which have formerly beeni in use, will now act as scenery aim 1'31 1-,1n.n , nn I WHITNE THEATRE STOCK SEASON 9th Week Shool of Education Stabf LunIcheonI: Dr. Sohn Sundwall will address the School of Education staff luncheon on Monday, March 19, at the Union. C. 0. D~avis, Secretary. Senior Electricils, liecianicia Is an11(1 (i1ijs: Representatives of the Bell System will lbe in Room 153 West Engineer- ing Building, Monday, Tu~esdlay, and Wednesday, March 19 to 22, to inter- view those interested in positions in the communication industry. This in- cludes the Development and Research Department and the Bell Telephone Laboratories in New York City, the Western Electric Company at Hawthorne, Illinois and Kearney, N. J., and the eighteen Associated Operating Companies of the B3ell Syst-em covering the entire United States. It.. C. Anderson. j J. It. Cannion. ('hi )eltaPhi:The c'onsole arrived recently and Initiation will be held this afternoon at " o'clock alt Martha. Cook Build- aleetknouofhecvrg Ing. IHelen sll tle, 1-' rsitleit. ______ _______ for inspection, but will not be put French Lecture:: out. until it is ready to he used. Some Mr. J. B. Cloppet will lecture Wedlnesday, Mla re 241, at 4:15 ,o'clock, il ppe have ,not yet arrived from the Room 1025, Angell -lallI, on "La Vie (les Paysans -en France." fcoyi otn u h eto h This is the fifth lecture on the Cercle Franca is program. Tickets f aterial sthere.utheroterfpipe the series may be procur-ed from the Secretary o1 the Romance Languagemarilshe.Teotrpps Department, Room 104, South Wing, or at the (door. Itene 11"".pin. will arrive sho'rtly. Tphe m'an whbo _____will aid Christian in the work of 'lass Officers$ Medical School:f tuning the new instrument is expect- A meeting of the presidents and treasurers of aMl classes in the Medical; ed here today or tomorrow, andl will SSchool will be held in the Student Activity Room of the Union, third flIoor, at 1 art the work of tuning which will 5 'o'clock. Monday afternon. S11141 Cll(ouincil ;robably onueunv the hbe1te Hrt of I MPORTANT NOTICE?~ .) 1. 1 ctiotn-Seniors4: _ Invitations anti announcements will be on sale in Tappan Hall, Monday, Tuesday, andl'Wednesday. T.1his is the only time they will be on sale. Dues may also he paid at that time. No orders wvill be taken for Invitations or Ani-1 rouncements until (1ikes are paid. Earl A. Kelly, President. Sendors, IAerature, Sclence and141tle Arts~: All seniors miteretsted in hit eiviewing representatives of the American, Te lephonie and Telgrapli Comp-any and Associated B3ell Companies see Mr.I Par ker in Room 201 Mason Hil this week. Representatives cf the Company wi11ll i- in Ann Arbor, Mairch '19-23 inclusive. V. 1?. Parker. Mail for the following list of persons is being held at tli ' ostoffice, undo(1- liverable. It may be claimed by the owners if they will call at the General Delivery .windlow, Main Office, on. or before= M-arch 24, 1928. Latin and1 G eck Stmidetts: There will hbe a meeting of upper clatismen and gradluates at 4 o'clock : "-nday, In 2013 Angell IHall to (iscuus's the constitution for the chapter hvnre ofthe national honorary classic org;anization and to discuss future pro- (Cletus Fag'an. I 1 i i i I Padro R. Agor. Stanley Banning. J. Rt. Barton. R. S. Begg. D)avid I3. Bishop. Anne Bohning. Prof. lEdwi n G. Burirow's. :Miss 1V. L. Carroll. Edmund E. Davis. Blaine M. DeLancey. Floy W. DeLancey. Herbert Detwiler. Gerard B. D~oben. Theron IDonohoe. Louis Elliott. Emiliano Enim. Louis Ernst. Dr. J. M. Ravid. C'has. A. Reineke. Norman Ross. Albert L. Scott. Florence M. Smith. Margaret Stair. Rose S. Taylor. Irving Weisberg. Jesse L. Wvilliamsi. Tomm Fi"ske. Louis VFolley. Ona N. Fowler. Ellen flampson. 3 iazc 1e-f a r-ington. 1Pleanor Harris. Ilenri St lill. Augusta Rh gler. 'Magaret A. Kraus. Floydl W. Lashinel. V. A. Lesch insky. Sydney 13. Mitchell. 1f. 1loelberg. Dr. WI). Muliens. Albert IHall Nabuirg or Charles P.1'.lRmsey, Jr. Ililia Ratliff. ji ,01'orfive weeks. All. Skin ner, head of the Skinner Or- :gan compa1ny which is building the { ist runient, has been here to look ovcr' the wor'k several times and will le here many times during the next two monthls to p~ersonally supelcrvise lie work, according to Christiar. "Skinner is undoubtedly the grea est. mrtist in Iieis field,'' said Christ ian, "011(1 his company is t,.le standard of 'om parlison in organ building.'' The organ heredbhas been bun ~t to order, am w xillI havye every modern imnprov, - nment: and duality inl the fine organ field of today. REINHARD MADE EDITOR Prof. Johin R. Reinhard, of the Romance languages dlepartment, ha, bleen made consulting editor of the "It ali('a." The "Italica" is the official organ of the American association of Teachers of It alianin l this country. The Rockford Players are turning over the Whitney Theatre to the annual Jun- ior Girl's play this wreek. The stock season will RE- OPEN Sunday night for a week's run of Kenyon Nichol- 12sn's sensational melodrama of the tank-town carnival Opening Sunday, March 25 ENTIRE WEEK ngineering Opeit. [ouse Cor ni te: There will be an imiportantI meeting na at 4:30 o'clock in thee En- gineerinig Society room. a Kenyon Nicholson's Sensational Melodrama P. U1. Shoemtaker. } { alnmurg. Cradliale ('lub in ElIn acat ion: The Graduate Club in Education will meet Monday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, in the -education laboratory of the University N-igh School. Dr. Wood,)(y will address the club and all graduate students in education are c''rdial ly invited to be p~rese(nt. v 1. IW. Keeler. The Research Club will meet in Room 2528, Feast Medical Building, on j Wednesday, March 21, at 8 pm. The following papers will be read: "Ameri- can Codification of Ititernational Law," by Professor J. S. Reeves, and "The 'Growth of Phenomena of Plants," by Professor F. G. Gustafson. The Council will meet at 4:30 o'clock in Room 1., Pharmacology Btuild- ing. Lottis 1. Brediyold. Secretary. Phi cs Colloltittum: 'Mr. J. S. Donal will speak on "Unexplained Sources of Energy in Gaseous Diseharges," and Mr. L. :B.' Headrick on "T ]he Theory of the Normal Cathode Fall of: Potential in Glow D~ischarge," at 4:15 o'clock, Tuesday, March 20, in Room 1041, East Physics Building. All interested are invited. Vacuity Women s Clubi:. The Monday Eveniing Diama section will meet at the Club House at 226 South Ingalls, 7:30 p.m.. Monday, M~arch 19. Ellciie B. Byerly, Secretary. i s mil l r- . MEDICAL STUDENTS Yo OUR BARGAIN TABLE OF NE ,W AND SECOND-HAND WILL SURELY INTERESTI'YOU--COME EARLY ________STORE eel 1 t AM9m with CHARLES WARBURTON in the Richard Bennett role of "Nifty" Miller Don't Miss "THE BARKER" Don't Miss the Junior Girls' Play! ...._.: w X9 Ci r""°"' . r 4 (', ".......,., r, ,.,,,,, Clean Short KRan to the R& S Lunch 605 Church St. See ghat Alex has to say in every Sunday's Daily ,..... , at all these & S. times. You will find things present at the And if you have your all R Eye On a Good Meal the place to flnd it is here. W~e are now serving our famous strawberry shortcakes and sun- daes which put you O Cn Top of the I-V l4. And in addition, you will find our sandwiches and luncheon specials a deligyht. In fact you wvill Fall for our tasty varieties instantly, and you will want them after the show or dance. It is, you know, only a ----------- ------ - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - _._ ------__----. raraararr~ra, rf+emrrara2raararrarr'rareriaararar122M ri Er_ r 212ITtF2 rarr r ' :r- I I M-1 ,,L .1IW UZU MIMES THEATRE Box Officej I 4151 OW March 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, and 31 Mimes of the Michigan Union presents George 'Bernard Shaw's Famous Drama D EVI L' S D S CI.PLE" Featuring Tom Dougall and Florence B. Tennant A MIMES SPRODUCTION [~i 1rt1