SUfND >> ad~MAR H 1, 1928 THE MICHIGAN DAILY R~ 11 14 I ,. y <. )file Quartet To C'ompete In Annll, Texas -,Anil Rice Relays Oil Manrchl:33 And 24 FIVE MEN TO MAKE TI (Special to 'The 'Daily.) CON FERENCE. SPORT DOPE JUNE 25 IS. SET AS OPENING DATE FOR WOLVERINE COACHING SCHOOL! Diamonds *;Watches o Clocks Jewelry High Grade Repair Service IOWA CITIY, Match 17-Races two relay carnivals in 'Texas will -it'1 beI , . .. NT, AR run next week by the University -of Iowa mile relay team, Coach G. T. Bresnahan .announced yesterday. The Hawkeye quartet will appear at the Texas relays March 23 at Aus- tin, then will run at the Rice insti-I tute games the following day atj - Five athletes, one of -whom will rank as an alternate, will be taken into the southwest. Quarter milers who are. prominent candidates in-I elude G. Ff. Baird, holder of the Big; F« Text -indoor record; Captain Frank Cuhel, C. L. Wilmoth, R. I. Stamats,' * ,memnber of the conference champion- ship team, W. C. McDowell, and V.1 *, .W. Stevenson. Hawkeyes Sipash Record When an Iowa team' last appeared in Texas, the quartet, with the great Cuhel at the anchor position, smash- ed the Texas relays record witha -, mark of 3:23 5-10, Georgetown's team forcing the- Iowans to the re- Scord performance. At the iRice games Sthe following day, Iowa was nipped a by the Washington, D. C. runners. r Coach Bresnahan andl his five run- z. ners'will leave Tuesday, only twio r. days after the Ilinois relays. It will . be the initial outdoor com'petition of o 0 the year for the Iowans who made1 ,j the fastest indoor time "ever record- Coach Bert Ingwersen has been comp~elled to hold his spring grid drills insidle the armory, due to the leggy condition of the practice field.l New formations and signal compirise7 the greater portion of theI'Hawkeye's1 daily routine. Rags' Wilcox~, regular center tor the past two years will cap- 1 tain the Iowa basketball team next season. Otterness, a for- ward will lead the Gophers in 132-29, while Ernie Dorn: has beent named as the new Illinois Cap~tain. Iowa's baseball team has been able to hold several outdloor practice ses- sions in spite of unfavorable weath- er conditions. The Illinois gymnasts have just completed their most successful season since 1912, when they won their last Big Ten title. The 12 men who participated in the Con- ference meet returnedl with 13 titles. Wiscontsint's freshman swimming team revealed unexpected strength in a recent practice, meet with the Var- sity, when they defated Lhe regulars b~y a score of 41-26 to avenge a form- er reverse. j Coach Dad Vail's Badger crew- men have been holding daily workouts on the indoor rowing machines in the gymnasium an- nex," pending the time when weather conditions 'will permit them to work outside. Follo wing the announcements that the Conference freshman telegraphic track meet had been called off. Badger coaches scheduled a meet with the (Continued from Coach Charles h-oyt. The instruction courses in the majo concerned primarily problems confronti naii'ely: planning ol ment of schedules, Tale, purchasing eqi like. Aside from the ci problems there will in special pr'olem, in 5PtesVwil be hl il ntrc her(patet withpothewigenealin training:lDr. lDaniel C. Reynolds ng the coach, Will conduct the dellartnll"nt in prt- f plays, arrange- tical hygiene; Profelessor \Vieiman and maintaining mo- Coach Veeilker wxill1 tutor in 1the' uiipment, and the third and final branchlt that in rules and officiat ing. ourse in g'eneral Announcemenlts have alteady been also be a course; distributed throughout, all sect ions of s. This subiect the coiutr'y and it is reportedl that. } Page Eight.) k flly carried ilt order to allow eve0- (lit to be gained. Coaches II oyt anid Subscribe For the Weekly , .. is listed under three headings, at 'more than 200 students will seek the, 'least two of which must be saccess- iist rttct toflil opipcrtunities availalie. i d . . ., . . s :: I 0 k" 7U 4.a '4 '4.a f,4 " MA 4'w a 4 R .# * .4 0.b 7 '. e- J 14 R' A4# 9'4 4'., r1 4., yN" t'. ed by a~ Big Ten team, 3:24 2-10, at i strong Illinois freshman team Tor the conference championships. I March 21 and 22. mmmo .. FOWLER' S TEA ROOM III Breakfast--Lunchen---Dinnfer ' Hill I I I I I I 111111111111 HII I i I I I I I I IR RO III I I I mill iniffil=11 IIIII! M I I I I 11151111111111 Ill i i I I I t I I I I I I f I i I I I I I I I I I i I I I i I I I I ( I I I I I I I I I I I OPEN SUNDAYS f '4 Just tray it--You'll like it 229 So. State Small Gifts I 1'' A&Al i uv 1 , M1 , ti . .._ ... . .r ............ WAS- . ... : ' .'. t:i' llf1 r ;fix. :=::.: ::' : :: : 11 '' - Est: ' r ..:4... :'+t .............. ...... /\ 'N / r*. ./f / A" tK v 1 1 r --F- Y IF) 1 Nunc est bibendum, nunc pede libero Pul sanda tellus.-ORACE GENTLEM EN :'This is Latin. Latin is an Ancient Lan- guage. It is no longer studied in colleges. You are not expected to know what this quotation means. Literal Translation--Strike up the band! Now is the time to drink. Now is the time to shake a mean pair of dogs. Free Translation-W~hen, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for two or more undergrad- uates to gather together in friendly communion, there is only one drink, Gentlemen, for the occasion-"Canada Dry," The Chamnpagne of Ginger Ales. Reasons--"Canada Dry" has a delightful flavor be- cause it is madle from pure Jamaica ginger. "Canada Dry" has no false bite, no unpleasant after-taste and is really good for you because it contains ui cpsicum (red pepper) . And, Gentlenv, :.__s well Nith other beverages. Class i:.''J ~CAADADRY-9 Recg. U. S&iPat.Of "T2'he Champagne off ginger o-Hfes " Extract imported from Canada and bottled in the' U. S. A. by Canada Dry Ginge'r Ale, Incorporated, ?s TV. 43rd Street, New York, N. 1 . In Can ada, J. J. AMcLaughlin Limited. Established 1890. Your Spring Topc at is.. Ready \for You CAMEL HAIR COATS specially priced and an exceptional value at 48 OTHERS PRICED TO x;85 IMPORTED -COATS of Scotch Tweeds made _ w. in England 4' $n48 H rRR.E.N~wOO llnd K ITGORER i 1 11 r 1--i I