- - - . n SECOND, SECTION to i It A ill, SECOND SECTION I VOL. XXXVIII, No 12. ANN ARBOR, 1\ICIIIGAN SUNDJAY, MARCH 1, 1928 PAGES SEVF-N TO TEN JUN GIRLS' IDL Y OpAmjJLNS TO RwtfwIRO "For The Love of Pete," Twenty-Fourth Annual Production, to Have Week's Run at Whitney Theatr Floating University Lends Novelty and Atmosphere to Musical Show e---Setti'ng of . ; C" ,T. ............... - -- - - - - -------------------- (i BY Sylvia . Slone, 9 Leaving behind the tr'aditional canmpus setting, the glamor of house parties, andl the romaiice of the garden scene, the -24th annuial Junior Girls' :Flay, "For the Love of Pete," will set sail on a floating university in seaIrch of new 'ieals oral fresh ad- venture. Blut though it leaves behind the rolling green of the campus, it still retains the delightful frankl- ness, youth, and simplicity which ai-e part o" the strong hold and backgroaund of Junior Girls' Plays. It is a an au'siiig satire which ltas nio reverence for' for'ms or conventions; yet it stays Wxithin the realin of common-sense and good fun. TPhe play, the 24th. produict ion o its kind, has grown from a mere entertainrtent in hionor of senirr wonien to a show which equals and even suripasse - other campus prodluctions. Today it is onn~ of the outstanding activit ies of womien