SUNDAY, MARCH 18, 1928 THEI MICHIGAN DAILY 'G WV T'AC E f TVR * I, _ _ 1 US &Alm w Ilm r /7W- AEIR:10ASEBE[HANT UNION TOMORROW PRIOR TO AT OPENING PERFORMANCE OF UAL SUPPER, SO0C IET Y ATENOHC The following wereintae lo I ~Fletcher, '31, Jade H oward , ':>1,1Lu- JUN1O Acille McClelland, '31.A, D)orothy Ar Kee. '30, H rriet. Mos s, <0, ui M'ERLE R AINE IS AUTHOR OF 'PLAY; S PO0RT S /)ad1 I dhlo r tet tof S'~c~lsI trx i CLASS BASEBALL; INTRAMURAL PLAY STARTS TUESDAY TO BE CONTINUED! ,# . 5, , Y ¢F T :' ' l . I Jl'NI{1R$ PLAN TO I.ENTE1IIT"1AINHardy' Is Feature ,HannUah'30, irgin)0. SUPPER$ At Portia FTPEogram The Initiation banquet for :5?vc lty SUPPE I-i rorta rr gram guests was held( at the Chapter hou'se JUNIORS TO GUIDE 1-LiNE Thomas Hardy, the greatest of wa!1 held in honor of Mfrs. Phelbs amz~ Victorian inovelists, as a man and an the Ann Arbor Aliumnae acid Alpha 1special Tmbles Will BIe Rescrvedl For dPhi mothers were invited to mneet Advrisers, Mortiriboard, .Andi author, was appreciatively criticizedIe:. Senior 'Society by Margaret Lyons, '28, and Evelyn Onlsusa eeig h 8 iBumgarner, '30, at the weekly meet- tronesses o.' Alpha Omicron Pi eni Donning their caps and gowns for ing of Portia literary society. tertainedl the active members at di~n-, the first time, senior women will as- The som'ber- background and 2atO ier at the home of Mrs. Ei. F. Lloyd. semlble at 6:30 o'clock tomorrow at mosphere of Hardy's novels and his Alpha Ep)silon entertainedl 5o the Unioni to holdI their annual Senior ability to portray so vividly the guss tte n usdyi lrc s Supper, preceding their attendance Moors were attributed to his love for guestsat tea on Tuedy tir at at the opening performance of the his own corner of England. B~orn in AlhOrconliedthrm- 24th annual Junior Girls' Play, "For a thatched cottage at the edge of iation festivities last week endl. On The Love Of Pete," at the Whit ney ihgdon Helath, the author of "_a Saturday, March 10, the following , Theater. From the Madding Crowd" ear'ly were initiated: Kathleen Clifford, '31, In keeping with tradlition this mnit- showed his interest in nature. Helen Dye, Spec. Ed., Mary Eding- ial p resentation of the play is dedi- Severe criticism which proved dis- ronl, '31, Dorothy Hall, '31, Grace satedl to senior women, commemorat- couraging to Hardy as a yugpe Manbeck, '31, Albertina Maslen, '31,1 ing the fact that the play was orig- turned him to prose. For this he ha~d HlnMyad 3,EiaehM intally ?rarely an entertainment by little liking. "Through his brooding icy, '30, Ernestine Wagner, '31, and the juniors for the senior women:' imagination,"Miss Bumgarner stated Jane Webster, '30. The show will open to anl audience in her report, "a tract of rural fang- Alpha Xi Delta announces the, appreciative because of the memory land with its qan old customs andpldigoAic Ura,',an - of -their own production last ya.altelvlns fislnsaeAgnes Teigart, '29.-t The evening is, as a rule, enlivened passed into literature." Delta Delta, Delta entertained six by impromptu presentations of se- While London was paying tribute( rushees at dinner Tuesday night,1 lections from the previous play, !to him _at Westminster .abbey, on the March 6.1 Special tables will 1)0 reservedI at edge of the heath the whole country- Clhi Omega. is entertaining at Sun- the supper for the Adviser's to Weo- Side did him homage, not as anl'in- lay dinner Dean Hlumphreys, Pro-1 ~ni'n, Mortarboard, and , Sieir So-1 thor but as the friendly little old I fessor John L. Brumm, and ANIrs.e ciely. The Adivisers will be the Iin'an who bicycled tip andicdown th Brumm, and Dr. Carl Hluber and Mrs. guests of honor of the senior class, !lanes. H uber. No definite program has been It was pointed out that while Har - Xi chapter o'f Delta Omicron, nia-i planned for the supper according to sdy realized the fif'ility of life and the tional musical sorority, gave a musi- Margaret Meyer, vice presidenit of the struggle between man's emotions and cal Wednesday night, March 7, at the senior literary class, anid chiairman thle conventions of society lie was home of Mrs. A. S. VanSickcle.; of the affair. Singing will be led by nt, like Dreisser, (desirous that con- Delta Zeta held its fornial initia-c Nellie Hoover and Margaret Coe*vnin eaoihd u htte tion and banquet on Saturday, .larebi who will be remembered astwCoflie vni b eolseouthat vrtey10.Initiates are Virginia Schur-j, the male leads in last year's play.' weary his readers with repetiltion of bet, '29, Nena Phil, '29, Josephinei Spring flowers will form the decora- old t hem~es, andl when in 1912, lie de_ Simons, '30, Bernice Endlicli, '31, tive motif for the suppler. .'lar ed that he would never prodhuce Mnth Matteson, '30, M arg arelrain- Immediately following the supper I aother novel he kept his wor'd. ci', '31, Thelma Roys, '30.J a line of 'march will be formed ; the T he, words of Johii Galsworth y, Mrs. Lee W\. Joslyn of D)et roit is: line will piroceed down State stree'mmrenormating Thomas Hardy wee spending the week end at. the CainnfiioHrnhetoMisretadoquedbtespkr,"Tecef;iBtaos. the Whitney. This is a change from c4 English letters has passed, a Kaplpa Alpha Theta entertaeined; the announcemenit previously made.I brooding, courageous spir'it, a Miss Grace Richard,, iss Bleatrice The march will begin at 7::30 o'clock, staunch guardian of time integrity of Johnseni, and Miss Ethel M1cCormnickc so that seniors unable to attendl the literature.. Long live Thomas Hardy."' at dinneir Thursday night. supper may join the others at the :-__ - -____ Patronesses and alumnae of'1{appa1)} Union at that time. - Delta entertained with a bridge tea Mortaarboard Society will head (the Tl~(~li1lt at~~Sauayatron. line, followed by Senior So cit, thecy! Junior (Uirls' Play will hold its MebesofKppaKpa'nn Whine tun f ill give a faculty buffet supper' on folwdbjh ci~' first l dess reh teearsal at ten Snlyngt e nhnr(iA s all schools, including the nurses, Sunda nigtodayteatithenoWhitney., marching in twos. Juniior Hlonor Iti;ipraiethtaboutlz Cannon, province president oft Guards wil directthe lieseorority, will be given on Thlurs- Guads illdirct he ine }everyone. be present and on dy The honror -gua-rrds, including t he I following junior wonien, have been -ue Ann Arbor alumnae of Kappa 1hap- asked to assemble t the ladies cloak Invitations have been extended to pa Gamma will be entertained at a' room of the Union at 7:15 o'clock. C'oloiiel Charles Lindbergh to be the buffet supper on Friday night by the They are: Merle Raine, Louise Cool- guest of 'the students who are reg- members. ey, Sylvia Stone, Helen Thom'pkins, (istered for the 1928 trip arouind the Pi Beta Phi will entertain their Junne Marshall, Mary White, Edna world in the "floating university." A province president, Miss Aiiie Mar Mower, Marjory Moore, Margaret bill11 has been introduced into Con- shall, of Marshall, for three days5 Arthur, Esther Middlewood, Marion gress to provide the funds necessary this week. Wednesday night a faciul-: Goodale, Rose Strasser, Mary Bari for him to take the trip under gov- Clay, Anne Schell,' Janet Calvert, El- emirnenrt auspices. ! eanor Skutt, and Theresa Jonaitis. __________________ I A 1.t Interclass managers of baseball have been chosen andh practices are scheduled to begin on Tuesday. The squnad~s are to be0 chosen before spring vacation, and it is the hope of the managers that all who are interested in baseball will turn out the first weekE since the season is necessarily short on account of track. Helen Beaumont will be manager of the senior team, Anine. Zauer of the junior team, Margaret Bush of *the sophomore team, and Elizabeth Wood , of the freshman teanm. At least five practicles will be required in order to n?' mke a p~lace on a squad. The only :exceptions will be° in case of thej , .. uniors, who are urged, however, to come out for practice this week if Merfe Thtine, '21) possible. Who is the author of the 24th an- Practices are scheduled as follows:C mmdl Junior Girls' Play, "For The 4 o'clock on Tuesday and Thursday,I Love of Pet e.'' The show will open to- freshmen amid juniors; 5 o'clock morrow night f'or a week's iun at the sophomores aiid seiiiors. It may prove Whitney theater. Its setting is that possible, when the season gets. underI o1' a floating university, way to arraiige for some general prac- ti('esini extra hours during thme week.1 ty (liiUVer -,,ill be given1.ii Regular games will begin oti Pal- 'Theta Phi Alpha announces thow mer' field immediately after spring va- lilefiging ot IDoris Le' Coeus, '29, of (cationi. The class teams will Ife ani- Muskegont. nounced the first week after the vaca- Womaen of Adci ia ('heever Hos tion, the squads having been chosenI hel thir ini < spingdane lstearlier. Last year, it was found im-I ziheld at. nnasping decancerolastpossible to award numerals to thej nightPatfehioh 1)lam. Godme('ahrotcsmembers of the freshman class, be-1 Mr's. Goddaird. Pl'o~eso1' L. C. Karp- . ause too few freshman women turned -gut. This year's plan of* shortening inskadMs aiikadMs ohtebsbl esnadte. . Sehule. tirack season will undoubtedly solve! C."omens H allI was the scene of a r ( iffirnl 1tiecinovoIli nnnm f i ,; 3 Last weel£ ('omp~leted the tirst round j them that I enjoy nieil'