Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board' in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press Is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not other*ise credited In this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4. $$. Of~ces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- eard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR JO H. CHAMBERLIN Editor......... .... ......Ellis B. Merry Editor Michigan Weekly.. Charles E. Behymer Staff Editor...............Philip C. Brooks City Editor............Courtland C. Smith Wonien's Editor...........Marian L. Welles Sports Editor....... ....Herbert E. Vcdder Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wll, Jr. Assistant City Editor.... Richard C. Kurvink Might Editors Robert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean J. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick Jau J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr. Milton Kirshbaum Reporters Esther Anderson inhn' H. Maloney Margaret Arthur Marion McDonald. Alex A. Bochnowski Charles S. Monroe T=an ('nmpbell Catherine Price Jessie Church Harold L. Passman Lanchard W. Cleland Morris W./ Quinn Clarence N. Edelson Rita Rosenithal Margaret Gross Pierce Rosenberg ValborgEgeland Eleanor Scribner Marjorie Foimer Corinne Schw rt Sames B. Freeman Robert G. Silbar Robert J. Gessner Howard F. Simon Elaine E. Gruber George E. Sinons Alice Hagelshaw Rowena Stillman Joseprh E. Howell Sylvia Stone J. Wallace Hushen George Tilley Charles R. Kaufman Bert. K. Tritscheller William F. Kerby Edward L. Warer, Jr.' Lawrence R. Klein Benjamin S. Washer Donald J. Kline Leo J. Yoedicke Sally Knox Joseph Zwerdling Jack L. LaitJr. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAMC. PUSCH Assistant Manager... George H. Annable, Jr. Advertising... ... ...Richard A. Meyie Advertising... .......Arthur M. Hinkley Advertising...............Edward L. Hulse1 Advertising............John W. Ruswinckel Accounts................Raymond Wachter; Circulation.............George B. Ahn, Jr. Publication,..... ....Harvey Talcottz Assistants George Bradley. RayHofelich Marie Brummeler. Hal A. Jaehnt lames Carpenter James Jordan Charles K. Correll arion Kerr] Barbara Cromel! Thales N. Lenington Mary Dively Catherine McKinven Bessie V. Egeland Dorothy Lyonst ona. Felker Alex K. Scherer Katherine Frohne George Spaterrr Douglass Fuller Ruth Thompson Beatrice Greenberg Herbert E. Varnum t Helen Cross Lawrence Walkley E. J. Hammer Hannah WVallen1 Carl W. Hammer1 SUNDAY, MARCR 18, 1928 I Night Editor-MILTON KlRSIBAUM 1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 18, 1928 which he is connected. To start at a high salary figure does not necessarily mean greatest returns over a long period. Then, finally, no graduate can af- ford to enter a line of work which does not appeal to him. A large por- tion of his life will be spent with the problems of the position he chooses, and to deberately choose an unpleas- ant occupation, even though the re- warl be higher, is somewhat compar- able I choosing an incompatible friend or a disagreeable but wealthy wife. Not only will the net loss of comfort. in life be great, but the prob- I ability of success in a calling for which one does not care is obviously less than in a more agreeable profes- sion. The grada te w ho finds tliese many conditions in his position will be in- deed fortunate; but with the growing appreciation of college trained men which is coming to the commercial and industrial world, there is no rea- son why he should not find them, if he search tirelessly and carefully. The college graduate must not expect, by virtue of his degree, to start with an advantage over men who lack his training; but he can expect that the same qualities which carried him suc- cessfully through his college course will be of distinct aid to him in the competition which he will meet in the cold and rather ruthless world. There is no sure formula for success; no guarantee of eminence in the college degree. There is, however, a very real and inspiring opportunity in the broad commercial and industrial world for the attributes which the col- lege man can bring to it. IME ENGINEERS' 1EORIA L For the second time within three years a plan of financial aid to the University through the medium of an insurance endowment idea has been adopted by a senior class as its me- morial. The senior engineering class voted Friday to undertake a group en- downment policy which will accumu- late by the time of the 25th annivers- ary of the class a sum of $100,000. Atthe time of this anniversary it is planned that the class shall meet and decide where best the money can be spent for the chief interest of the Uni- versity. Aside from the evident virtue of the plan itself the engineers are to be commended upon the goal they have set. In the field of financial memor- ials moderation cannot be stressed too much, since it may mean the life or death of the plah. The immense sums voted by the senior literary class of 1926 served to sink the ship before it was well under way. In setting the amount of the policy at $250 for each individual, which amounts to a per- sonal payment of approximately $8.75 each year, the democratic esprit die corps of the engineering college has profitably been followed. The use of the insurance policy' plan in other in- stitutions-notably in the East-has many times resulted in the more af- fluent having to bear the burden after graduation had dulled the enthusiasm of the less successful and able men. Probably the greatest benefit in the present plan is its setting the stand- ard for others. One of the ideas at the bottom of the Alumni university is that of encouraging the older classes' to fall in line in such endeavors. Some of the classes are know now to be considering the endowment plan, while three of the present senior classes of the University are also in- terested in leaving such a memorial. The engineers have but taken the first leap, but it has been executed with forethoughtrand wise consideration for the future, and is more valuable for that reason.j TO QDRLL ITHEATER sB OO K sSpecial Offering fT 7l !MSCDisplay Tables Many Bargains TIIERE HAS BEEN brought to our attention the fact that a certain Uni- AT BOTH STORES versity official borrowed a motorcycle ToJm()IInROW N 1 lIuT: The twenty- the other day from one of the police fourtli anunal Junior Girls' Play "'For and tried to ride it. It seems that it the IL)oj e of Pete" in the Whitney thea- went along fine, but the thdinm'tetGS: GAMo'clock. Wouldn' stop. e - - i i r i i l I O"FOR TIlE 1)'E 014" ETE" iI' IQ01i A AT 'I'he following is the cast of the principals for the twenty-fourth an- c nual lproduction of the Junior Girls' Clare.................S rly ing Peter ..............T heodora 1\Ialoy Sally ................Elaine ruber - , Tom . . .......Elizabeth Me urdy The abdve-is anl illustration of a Phoebe .......... Dorothy Ackerman certain University official who bor- Prime Minister .......Dorothy Lyonsj rowed a motorcycle from one of the Capt. Blake .........Barbara Krowell special University police, who are Alcibiades ........ :.....Jesse Churchf working under hin. Nancy .............Geraldine Porter Announced ify all the local trumpets IF YOU HAPPENED to se worli- of publicity as a satire on the various men repairing one of the drain pipes extremists of campus life, "For the any other way just run into U hall Love of Pete" will make its initial and it was broken. Well, the story is this: traditional bow to the senior women when you can't stop a motorcycle at the Whitney tomorrow night. The anw other way just run into U hall locale is a floating university, and once and it will stop itself. on board the Junior Girls will sing their songs, dance their dances, and AT LEAST IF the administration make their all campus leer at those will allow the faculty to have auto- who are just a wee bit-well you mobiles it should not allow them to know. drive motorcyches. Suppose that a The music, however, is reported to student had been where the drain be, some of it at least, as good as any pipe was, just look what would have to te moorcyle.ill the current musical revues, and happened to the motorcycle, great hopes are entertained for the] * * *u sucess of Vera JToinston's '29 (lancers. .{ Earn Extra aredrits During Summer facation The change and recreation so necessary to every- one are here combined with superior oppor- tunity for educational advancement. Boatin, swimming, tennis, concerts.dvrnatm e performan- ces, inspiring lectures.etc., are allavailable. Organized excursions to industrial. 'fnancial anrd srt centers of Chi a "o. Cours" coveringfllyear's work in General Chemistry. hs ri r fo rstudents interested in Medicine, Denf.rye ~- nnering. U UMMER, aSSION ON THE SHORE OF LAKE MICHIGAN Opens June 25, 1928. dnd includes: Graduate School Law School College of Liberal Arts School cf Music School of Commerce School of Speech School of Education School of Journalism Send for FREE Booklet Booklet, "Education Plus Recreation." describes the courses of NORTIIWESTERN UNiVERSITY SUM- MER SESSION and its recreational and educational advantages. Address WALTER DILL ScoTT, President NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 13 University Hall EVANSTON, ILL. TYPEWKITER.S? SEE RIDER for ROYALS The Fastest Selling, Most Up-to-Date Portable On the Market. inAVTHORIZED DEALER Michigan's Foremost Entertaining ORCHESTRA Bill Watkins' Eleven Wolverines Under the Direction of BUD GOLDEN every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday ,NVghIs Gc dt Granger's Academy . ,1 i FINDING A NICHiE In slightly less than three montlis the college year will end, and the annual horde of graduating seniors will be released into the life of the state and nation. Many of them will go into positions ready made, by suc- cessful fathers or relatives, and many of them, asis annuallythe case, will be forced to rely on their own re- sources in finding a niche in the busy commercial whirl about them. With the rise of mass education, the market of University graduates has been more or less glutted each June to the point where few of them are able to command either the sal- aries or the respect that was theirs a{ generation ago. Many of them glidat down the course of least resistance into positions where they are neither happy nor congenial, and the result is disagreeable to all parties-in tragic proportions.' In the space of a few weeks certain large corporations and mercantile or- ganizations will send delegates to the campus in an effort to pick the cream of the graduating class for the lines of work which they represent. Some of these men will have worthwhile opportunities; some of them will have very little to offer; acceptance of any of the offers on the part of a grad- uating senior should come only after the most careful consideration of the possible future which the position may or may not offer. One of the first of these considera- tions which should concern the Uni- versity graduate is the nature of the industry and of the particular phase of it which he plane to enter. Stability and reasonable assurance of expan- sion are two of the primary factors which a college graduate should seek in the line of work he plans to pur- sue, and. one of the most accurate ways of ascertaining this stability is by considering the men at the head of the organization and their .record in business or industry. The type of these men higher up,f moreover, can tell the college grad- uate other things such as- appreciation of his work and assurance of advance- ient. Some, organizations will ad- vance men as fast as they become competent to assume further burdens;; other are willing to let their em- ployees sink into vitiating ruts. No IN THE FUTURE we hope that no embes of the enforcement poceed- he book purorts to be clever and ings try to ride motorcycles, or at musing; all the advances on the show sem to point to its beng one least, if they do, we hope they will of the most successful theatricals of find our how to stop them . .110the season. Te theater we always * I*have with us, Ibut the Junior Girls IN CASE ANY readers are in doubt only o1ce a year. as to who the offical was we will il- II. M. form them that he is the one who de- * * nies permits. i MOVIE EMANIIATiON It'he rumors arising out of the in- Knowing What We Do About Those ( tensely loyal soil of His Britannic Wilo Write 110r That ('olum11n We Tho ikr t CoBe IlumnT WetMajesty, G eorge V, in regard to the T1Jnk It CouldJeebThe:Truth latest patriotic film, "Dawn," are IJmany and various. The nubbin o o Do you suppose that "horse l the controversy is thme execution of d'oeuvre" mentioned il Friday's Book nurse' Edith Cavell, and what with the Review columnn could be thle one re -e-mt'itatim'peiittoliyhm recert "situation" precipitated by R- sponsible for the condition of tle mania thi-eateing the prestige of the campus. League of Nations, it was feared that. Freckless Iireh. I anyvhing so obviously propagandistic would be unwise. Apparently the DESPITE CONTRIBUTOR B13 lI British censors feared that the world Reddev's hopes that thle tracks on - Reddv'shope tht th trcks n jwas not quite yet ready for their new State street were being cleared for, Art for George's safe.i use, and the cars were coming back m t in A mfi , toe sake. along with all sorts of old customs rat ill Ameica, the land of tile such as Cap night, it seems that these fmse and the home of the brave in all same tracks are leaving. Perhaps they thimigs, even the artistic, thesame willput hem n th musum a thidng is true and even iii this "right willr put theidinstien men m er little, tiht little" conitnent we are not j emory of the ays whe men were t ready fo Harriet Beecher Stowe's men at Michigan and bans were not Ivtmed o alitBehi tw' yet born. niotto, Art for Uncle Tom's sake. The y*t bornlatest controversy centers around WHAT SHALL WE CALL ,R OWN Universal's film version of "Uncle L1EANING TOWER? om's Cabin" and a legal test of the ,Deal, Jeb: case will soon be made for the film is I am very much under the impres-I booked for Louisville and Lexington. I KInamcvyryasuch antlerrthg imprss- sion that campus matters are of prime Kentucky has a law barring tie sale importance to your dear readers, so 1 of the Stowe book-which inevitably here goes. Speaking of tie interio caused a profitable bootleg trade-- and exterior of the so-called Ec build- but Universal's argument is based on ing, it seems-dropping into the ver--tie fact that movies were not known nacular of Professor Hussey-trou- when the law was passed and hence bled with divers inconformities, dis- are not subject to the restriction. If conformities and other minor variia- Universal wins we can expect a new tions of strata. The ground slants ballyhoo as the emancipators of civ- east and the building west. I wish i lizatioi. that you would appoint a shish com- RL.A. mittee to look into this and other similarly weighty matters. If some- "TR'lE GIEENIV'C1 VILLAGE thing is not done soon, Bruce is going FOLL1ES" to have a Tower of Pisa right here at Opening aweek from tonight, we home to show the folks. find an old friend, "The Greenwich J. Tillingiman tMcNasty. Village Follies" tenanting the Shubert * : Detroit Opera house prior to opening SOLVING THE PROBLEM in New York. It is the eighth edition IN ORDER TO solve the problem by that name; it is presented by The of what has happened to the campus, Bohemians, Inc.; and possesses the Rolls has established a fund to buy usual star-studded cast-this time Listerine by the gallon and spread it featuring Dr. Rockwell and Grace La about the grounds. Eue, Bobby Watson, Evelyn Law, Jans TO START THE fund Rolls has and Whalen, Grace Brinkley and transfered the three cents and two -Laura Lee. To add to the ensembles cent stamp from the bath-tub fund to there are Carlos and Valeria-fromn this latest collection. All those inter- the Casino de Paris-and Jan Oyra, esed are requested to send their con- ballet master of that institution cre- tributions to Rolls. Kernel has been ated the pantomimes and ballets. placed under heavy bonds and will be * * * treasurer. Joe Cook, lately opening in Detroit * *: *: with "Rain or Shine" is immensely DR. LISTER, OWNER of the com- popular in New York, and everyone pany has offered his whole hearted I in the business is claiming the honor support, as has Professor Pardon of of discovering him sometime or other. the B and G fraternity. The B and G Other musial shows which have tried boys are willing to right their wrongs out in Detroit and are successful on by undertaking the task of spreading the Rialto are "Golden ,Dawn," "Take the liquid. I the Air" and "Artists and Models." ONE OF THE University police force has been engaged to guard Ker- T nel, and its not because we think he I he Stone menage follow Beatrice will be heldu with the funds on his Lillie at the New Detroit; other than I that there are two return engage- KODAKS i Be read Brownie Sgoodtime - leethis I) ~ As low as SThisairplane Atlantic in voyage in the QU ESTIO A -l 7 - 1. Who (com111a == -) llow manay a hItm!Ias his 3. In what E1 did ilhis pJA' t+ 4. What quotib did this previously a y with a for the s at coi- Spring. $2 here crossed the a stormy summer of NS - Im-id it? Iecolmpnill ied ropeall spot nme 1211d11 Je air trip comimander make 'y,. . - T . DRUGS C ikins-Fletcher Drug Co. 3 Dependable Stores We have .served Michigan and her students for 40 dears ANSWERS- * tv gsi y asa. a -.i -[A 'g 10"Ill 'V opi'a '.[ THE DRIVE With 401 votes seen as certain on the opening ballot, and 475 a very pos- sible figure, the Hoover forces seem to be at this stage of the campaign in a very enviable position as far as the! candidacy of their man is concerned. Not only does the figure represent more than the probable strength of any other single candidate, but itr means also that the secretary of com- merce will have very nearly half of the votes before tie convention is will under way. Recent developments in Pennsyl- vania, which 'throw the Vare forces into the Hoover camp, are not ex- tremely encouraging. Discredited as Vare and Governor Fisher of that state are, it would perhaps be well for any reputable candidate to avoid their connections. As an indication [of the trend of popular thought, how- ever, the action is significant, for Messrs. Vare, Fisher, et al are far too astute in the political game to be apt{ to "play the losing horse."( trina-" nna'P - r D r I SODAS CANDY - Course tiCkets may be ordered by mail Monday morning, April 2, al 1 ti- unsold tickets will be offered "over the counter," $5.50, $6.00, $7.00. (If Festival coupon is presented in ex- change, $2.50, $3.00, $4.00.) Dates: May 16, 17, 18, 19-Six Concerts CONDUCTORS: Moore, Stock, Grainger, Delamar- ter, Higbee. SOLOISTS: Corona, Montana, Kruse, Alcock, Telva, j ~atzenauer, Davies:, Aithouse, Koch, - Basiola, Baromeo, Rabinof, Grainger, ORGANIZArTIONS: University Choral Union, Chil- dren's Festival Chorus, Chicago Symphony Orchestra. CHORA L WORKS: "St. Francis of Assissi," Pierne