UNDAY, MARCIZ 18, 1928 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THRVO 4% SUNDAY, MARCH 18, 1928 a TI-IF MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TflR~B (?yHough Airs Views RIC WILsLEDp FOx To Talk! .TYPEWTE STRAWNWILL UDGE ; BON ISSU TALK , AllmaesofMG ^ 0 n ,Shp BV.BOND ISSUE(TALK Before St. AndrewS cines. Or elup; LAUL LLVVH HNI&L VarliusInler-Ciub (Conests lBefoeea vh(lng Fin ils LARGE PRIZE S OFFERED Silas St raw~n, noted Chicago lawyer1 and president of the American Bar association, will come to Ann Arbor to sit as one of t he judges in the case club finals of the Law school which will be argued at 4: 15 Friday after- noon, April 20, in the lounge of the Lawyers' club, according to an an- nouncement madec yesterday by George P. Carver, 128L, chairman of the Founder's day committee which is sponsoring the event. *The contestants in the finals this year will be George 13. Christensen, 't9L, of the H-olmes club against Rob- ert M. Kerr, '29L, and dames 1. John- son, '29L, of the Story club. The other judges for the contest be- tween the finalists of these clubs have not yet been selected but it is expect- ed that two other men of state-wide or national note in the field of law will be here to judge the case. H iltination 31tho 10 sed The contestants have been selected through various inter-club contests. after which judges who have heard all the cases in each group of two clubs selected competitors for the semi- finals in which the men who are to argue in the finals were awarded, the decisions entitling them to participate in the final contest. Prizes for the winners and runners- up in the competition consist of $150, $100 of which will be divided between the members of the winning side and the balance of which will be divided between the members of the losing side. Furthermore, medals will be given to those who participate in the finals. The cash awards are made possible through a fund establishied by the Detroit law firm of Campbell, Bulkley, and Ledyard, in memory of H-enry M. Campbell, '08, the income of which is (devoted annually for thlese prizes. Vaase Is Explait med The case to be discussed is ident- ical with the one used in the trials in the case clubs. It centers about the heirs of a fiancee whose lover had deeded his property to her before leaving for the war with the verbal agreement that when he returned, the property should be transferred back~ to him. The fiancee dies before his return, and when he returns the heirs refuse to recognize the oral agreement which he madie with his fiancee. This material, in the opinion of Prof. E. Blythe Stason of the Law school, pro- vides- excellent discussion points, cen- tering about the technical question of constructive trust. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY.-Major General Charle's P. Sumnmerall, high- est ranking officer in the U~nited States army, will attend the National Scabbard and Blade convention lhere in April. liv L~I-i td tae ~ le nd school building program Rt. TRev. I lerber I1. 11. Fox. bishop i \ niel will be presented to tha voters1 coadjutor of MontIana, will preach this i "The act ioni o'.' the U nit ed Mtates in in ani election Alarich 28, are to be held ; mori'ng in St. A adrcxN-s Episcopal proVo. fnit) 10 (1.aw w ar an, >> g lie ~this weeli hy both the Ann Arbor Iii- ! hurch. Bishop Fox is assisting I ix 1lei. pvos, b ig0Swi ,, Sea Ida w irislub('11)and lthe Chamber of Coin- Bishop Page of :Michigan in confirma-jI 1 Ailbui WIses anlloU1cieg' a shipbuhild- uier'ce. Lou and comes to A-nn Arbor for tha