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March 18, 1928 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-18

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Jlpp'rlyTLE i



Any one ('cimiected Wit The
Wi11l Ie Allowed To V
Restrictionis Set
In an endeavor to ase,
political judIgment of the(
the various issues and can
the coming Pr(IsidC11ta)
The Daily will hold an ex
1)o11 on) Wednesday, it was
yestt eday. All arrangeei
poll will be in the handso
,ication, andl complete prol+

{Biy Associated Press.)
SRRENTOa, March 17.-One
person was killed and a dozen others
PO[L were injured when a tornado struck
cutting ;a swathe 300 feet wide and a
half milo long andl demolishing 10
AVIrs Minnie Blckwell, about 60
years 0o(d, was killed, when her home
'ER.ITAIN= of whome were severely hurt, were
1010E tetdbsidotrwh came here
})y wyo automobiles from. nearby
nididates of i Sho-ving At lill Auditorium Is First
campin Locad Performance; Pro ceeds
+cernlntlI Go IN women's League


AND(Ol 111P1)424vICOR
"The Religious Quest" Tjo IBe Subjiect ui ile .Sqfuad 1'ails .Co Afford Strongm in a track meetatasotd de
Of Sermon Deliiered nFe adbeninoByn( hcjo.m'
3:2 1 to win the mlile relay and the
Sginaw Pastor , cteedEet
-___,____s"_ thousand pe2ople witnessed the even
Rev. John Schroeder of the First By W ilion A. 1~po
Congregational church, Saginaw, will EVANSTON, March 7-Northwest
deliver the address at t he convocation eDEBAepetedcposiiontotheUn
to e hld t 1 oclok tismorning now well on its way to another na-
in Hill auditorium. His sulbject will, tional intercollegiate championship,
be "The Religious Quest." The con- tailed to display itself except in a . ? TO BE HELD TUESDAY
vocaion s inthe andsof a spca scatteredl few events and Coach Matt
ctomittepin tehd forae pupeill7Mann's Wolverines, earning a 45-24 __S._____S.__ *McClure, Dr. Vincent Nitti Will
byPrsien laene ok itle vcor, dvnedino tewih 11 oodbridgeN Ferris D~iscuiss Italian Situation
and the public is cordially invited to osfrteuficaBgTndal ihga senator, who was pro- i etr etr
atted tank title. pouncedl seriously ill yesterday byl-
Repreetna i olaussy Despite the disappoinigting showing attending doctors at Washington. 'ACCEPT SEASON TICKETS
the crgymen of the best modiern ('p.Bbjanlintesrt The 75 year old senator, who is-
typ~e, Rev. Schroeder brings to his bvns h irgn qalreyleing cared for by Dr. G. W. Calvert,l S. S. McClure, of New 'York, publish-
work in the pulpit a wealth of inor- truhtesurmwfotso ant~as pronounced1 as afflicted with a 'er of McClure's Magazinn, and D~r. Vin-
mation and experience which makes lwhetaliedanw aiol "severe case of bronchitis." Mem'bersi cent Nitti, sone of the exiled one time
his sermons inspirational, able and troleitsanrd nth 40 of S'enator Ferris' family said he had Prime Minister Francesco Nitti, of
effective. He has always been inter- who'dfreate nd Lnox, ton aln-rpneumonia, but had a ''fighting Italy, will engage in a (debate Tuesday'
ested in college groups, being himself .rcoatc ratsQk hmin chance for recovery."- !itr night inoHillauioumasnexr
but a few years removed from his own tercoatebes toecamin _______________________ fau e aof the19728 rato lriae-
I - Linassed a point margin more than 20 ___ __ _ - -- - tnp vnro-ii ba n ,annoncenod 1v

t I,. ed der
in a victory over Harvard last pigrht
Juntil the final lap of the final event
'had set a new field house record of .
meet by a 4&$1-?-46 1- score. Four
it x hich was the only indoor meet
a-t hiome for the Wolverines.
1 Going into the relay, Coach Steve
Farrell's squad had managed to
squeeze into a lead ofl three points
andl a comeback was counted on from
the 440 men who had been able to win
only a third in the quarter earlier in
the evening. But the Harvard quartet
was stubborn to the last degree.
Tupper, the first Crimson runner,
p~iled up a lead of about five yards
~or Lauterhiahn when Seymour could
f not last out the distance after lead-
!;g nor-- Ip.-rWr- is "Mp"+u . Unn LUU

an noun ced
nts for the3


of the p Th InivrMY moving pi cure,
t.ction will filmed iundehr the aspiceos of the Uni-

lie aLft o ded1 from any outsidle organiza- versity last fall, will be given its
Lions, first pulblic presentation localtry at
It is thought that there exists among 8$:15 o'clock tomorrow night in Hill
theP faculty andl studlents of the U'ni- auditoriumu. Tickets for the produc-
vei city a considerable amount of in-I tion, which are priced at 25 cents,
have been on sale throughout the
terest, in the various isaues and can- week at the bookstores, and the sale



dida11 es, 11 ani hat theULopiionin oat h ]itIn I ''rere t (teni!"ou college life, and le has preaced uponl 1 " aovw ha a1enepce.I11 IAFTfL 111 rtria fiil. "h ueo
of this interest are formedl upon true Iorium b lox office tomorr ow a fte r- 'invitation at Exeter, Andover, Ha -IAultis time of 5:4.9 ad isplaced pete OratfY t~tlh l~I IMsocl fiial s. nurn TaRl?"fwil
kniowledg~e of the facts and intellectual noon. All proceeds from the showing yard, 'Smith and Wellesley. Mussolfni-I05.t setriby Ialy?"Sam-
will go to the Women's league build-!i nado5053stbPalSmabohsujcfrtedbt.
considleration. The recent series of Is 3 Years ()d b esbetto h eae
ing fund. Still a young man-he is 30 years sone last year in te quarter mile.n rn111 The debate will be complimentar to (
articles tin The Daily regarding th The sale of tickets this week atI ae~rcihs{p isl Wagne's time of 2:40.5 came within, REtrNI Lhlders of season tickets for the Ora-h
poessible candidates for the Presidency j the sorority houses and at the book- well i touch wxith youth and thepiib less than two seconds of the Confer- !1! Uiltorica association lecture series,n
servedl a': onem edium to bring this stores hias been exceptionally good, e; s f l 4ncue mark set by Faricey of--Minne-1 while the reaining seats in Hlill audi-
bdoroiintlheframd much fin the opinion of Elsie Murray, '28, inb cmfwr nlli a lc d , - .8,ex atly six years-ago and
inodboy' campi wortkthanlmhe, hastaplaced eAmid wholesale sm s i g of exist -! to iu in will go n sale in the box of-n
attention an(Idiscussion was aose chairman of the affair from the Wo- i c i ls cnaiwin teronsidered practically unassailable. ingrecrdsth well-balanced Detroit !fv o h eea ulc
by this mrethiod. The editors feel that men's league. More than 500 admis- adolescent youth of the present g 11 Ault was trailed by Watson of Northwestern track team, scoring iiiMI'. McClure, who is brest known as
such interest warrants an lexperi- sos have already been sold, and in erto.Oefhi lla oue I ichigan and Collopy of Northwest- ee vns a erwe e- the editor of the magainze bearing his It
menelta0l tosoulloutthefeeougtie out tofMisMuraeanlMa-gi enimsiaticaboithes ddoesdhee, rnamehedrdeWnaed.Wagerandschlasimehapiocafertlbrefretnamrrcenlyfetrne mfrmamkinng
th oiio oeis aiayanlenti ntusano ot einoadweresolloedlschThomso, teicnmpffcte byte avbitref asuyofpltciodtosnnIay
prvie(in the greater numbers no garet Babcock, '30, chairman of tick- says in a letter, "Schroeder plays a Lenno weref11'weMrb Thopsonlure willeffetakeb the vcoyfastdofplialontosinegtati.v
representedl in the articles. 'et sales, a complete sell-out of the I odame of tennis, swims, plays a I Mihigan sophomore who holds a vi- 1 Oak Park high in last year's meet. deaeMwieDrritiwl
Print Manile lalltb s auditorium is likely, good gaeo!rdeanli efcl try over Merlin Carter, Iowa's Mi-i Northwestern new holds the itn-sde0 h
DgTaUieriylys capin on tatke the affirmative side, that the rule
Duteaillwilrr anmntorc ryin he Te ieriy moving picture, red-blooded enthusiastic, ntral o anloft a tr n usln sijrn tl.t
which Uwaestytaken at the instance of wholesome type of rman." ;civaoftharig o the anualindoort h of Musolini is inuring'tay.Bac
l^il n usday morning, but they both the short sprints, mana ged to, been contested.
tm niversity administration last Atteaeo 4Rv cree a ucasShat,Pupe________________________
campusolte cos fte s ill bfall for ie purpose of distribution to A tecompleted geis fwork vfor a hdrdegree lof oucl0s yareetwhicuexpted-J)in'IBi(rd," antiasitpone iharshioicein h
placed at. different points of vantage the various alumni clibs and other doctor of philosophy with the excep I l a the 4ih xpc - Nr P1DA ( ~F Italy, whi as b e enhaspoeno fv
on the canmpus and members oftheithe rstdggoupotrouhotmterountinnf tahiem inhiithsi.aHnta timywaewoob.i'ikeItichgayNwhichetemn..........nd cIaayrpsih awstnFacrpsatFas-t
stf ft pbiaini tryc(onsists entirely of scenes filmed uatedI from the University of New sphooe ntmIbilattm Northeastern ....... "...........s ndis1ue" Tli8eeec
aiiwilh 1,1'AnAbomsto he nth ok n heeferto ps r'dae 15.5. In the (centry sprint Schwartz IisFmond etl...................17I
c'harge of tie balloting. Some assist- i An Arormos.ofthe.onth Y.k.ad.teref.e tok pst.rauat.th.vedic,.hi. imeof 4.
ance an coopertion ma lie gien on rnverseAs ahmoiveeforthepicusetworeatfColmbia uilersbt. Atntl.....ovrsed Coumbus12sg...........2ggaineorecogntionaaferaappering i
ate n opranmybeharten of;the clubs, Asalmoinefruhtcuewota C iwas hvetis hi aAoer Chei !mTie, in te ise of March 5, in which
teprofteseveral political club )a'rturing luusi s raut reted by time that heti a giit raut liowtgimng slight. avantagc vr!ClubsCentral ..........16 Irbit' pnon 'ssae ia
wilehlclhisso and daughter, both students work a Columbia he asloen(Darnall and Gaseage.........
but( MLI" l f a ninaturel0ay' atwasdlsen-iss ei...... ...........9
only and is meant to havlmo effect oim here, who show blo theni ersity rolled :n tie Union heoloical semi-' iCoabch 1 60 y Narstrh relay qadoimledStim ......................"theasimbecass, in Aer picanprov
lue naltn.Sml alt ares anth tem dostrdes itasrto srk(beke ndwg
igthe exact questions andl themes mnade. The three rolesar played by Worked At Bogo aand 300 yad medley relay events, es-sot tre Toledo Libbey............ 6 rdcr hyd o, eanddsaloo
of te cndiateswil beprited n Ntha Poter,'98 Maian ells, 28, Following his connection withm D. tablishig a Conference standard inm Kalamazoo...................fute
thel ibuso usa n e tdnesldayNaanJoChamberlin,a '28, managing Sperry at tie Cential(Coingregational (the latter event. The time was 3:13.8. Por rluoimrthe BakBrd"i"ritdi
thTeDaly.ssues oBoto, sTuesdTmeainaaonstmidng eatre f te Ano rb or.................ai editckisof1,000rintedines
on ing to afford every one an oppor edt~o o e Daily, churchinBoli, e srvdfora uImeet fialas Tohincta's ninge tr national o inter-____________________________________________- in ae.tioncof1in00an tieseIa
ttnity of famiharizimg himself it hm Among tie finest scenes in thle short time im the place left vaant by 1Icollegiate mark in tie back stroke, DtotNrhatrte o - nisuerPte nw oinm annv oemon'e
the meitre of the po01: picture, according to University f- his frmer chief. But ini a short time 1:41. 'DtotNrhatrte o.sciseo h'nw ra a omr
Anyonme connelcted withntihe imlvei ftiaOls, amrethose which were taken lhe saw the 'opportuiity for greater ______od" place with the victorious Colts be detected, Editor Nitti maintains, n
sity will lbe allowed to vote at this fat the football gaies last fall. Both service in a smaller community and - atyataldwti /pit fIta he fcmo oeppri
ti'mp andthe m re priesentative o teteams adthme cod tthe Oho ith m allr onreatonandde 2AYL A L the Northwestern total of 19 tallies,1 the mails. The entire edition of 12,-e
thne varion;:,schools and colleges amd State aid the Navy games are shown, I tided to reliinquish this place. He OPENS TI-IfS WEEK while Froebel high of Gary followed 000 copies is mailed into Italy despite
of' the f'acu'ties tiereof tie vote is, tie and according to officials of tihe Me- therefore took a simall church in te i n ftliid position with 17 points. tie ban on Ati-Fascislerue.A t
mitrepowerit wnill hv ndetermiimi-topolitaim Moving Picture cman;outskirts of New York city, at Bogota. Opruiyt euesnircnsinhatr rdte ihol w naddprcuin aheiini
igt time feeling. Any atcut to of D~etroit who took time pictures thmey ! New Jersey. He is at present withm jwill be afforded to time seniors of the ' points going into the last trmee evenits mailed fron a town outside of Paris,1
jeopar'andize thie seriousness of the1pol1 are among tie best ever filmed of tie First Congegational ciurcih in ~~ fSine nnee is ntm hr ~it1+rifo ekt
will lbe(discountenanced under the football teams in action. Saginaw. Colege o Liteature, Sincandanedfrs places ithsorsp itme locaion c anging fo ekt
te Arts this week, it was anoun- ,the low hurdles, and broad jump, week.
taksen to panein lallfieots wediled ,U I E SI Y AF O T FOM+S A Eedby illiam Brumbaugh, '28, chair- while tree bare incles separated the Net Tuesday's debate will conclude
taken o cenral ofice n Wedesday; NI GPSITY AFL AT FO MS ST GE ian of tie senior class canes, om- Sntiuaries the lectre 'series given by the nih.adteearne n one.1l soito nHl uior-
A yse o hekngwilbeuilzdE FE T F R JU I R IR S PL N1wiho have aye their class dues will Noteastern; Bennett, Toledo Lib-IfrtiseonacrdgtoRbt
by those in charge to determinme the pS__Miller,_28,_president,_wh
eligibility of the voters, aid also to With the opening of the. Junior be allowed to purchase canes, ac bey, second; Dennis, Northwestern, s.deMillere'28,tpresid. ,wi ini ie
pmevent duplii'ation. Any ballots at- Girls' Play, "For Thme Love Of Pete," cordinig to class officials, tnough fur- tid i tchededatoteulectures.,
temnptinmg to detract fiom the centrall at the Whitney theater tomaorrow I ihem' oportunimity foi',paying des will I ;ounti. Time-:05.6. A ~~UflICf
e bnual teieen0 pardoduchi htig t, tio2nh mmmul pr du ti naof]lso iepbevd d.88pyr'onv'i-ded.y Co u bu 880 yardTh~i U U~ I~
pi~ urpiaftepolat any fic timet several2th 'Thus fain more than $1,000 in class Fast; Toledo Libbey, second; Co- IN GRANT FOR RSEARCH +p
am a an ofthe eveal its kind will hmave been given. Unique
voting booths will be (1rown out by Mit its setting of a floatimg university, de a encletdb h eirbmu etatid asTc,
thmo cinters. thne play repi'esents a sciintillating class in its campaign, according to fourth. Time-1:37. (new record). Announcement was made in the
Wi l ( he k 1eistraition s 1r n in e l c u l s a o t a t class off icems, an d though tie pro- 65 yard low h u 'dles-won by Beat-! I iMa ch 1 s u f T e D iy o h
For-thed' purposes of this checking, in e inwithm intelligenmce. vision for tie secring o invitations ty, Norteastern; Baxton, Toledo grant of $2,000 to te University de-
liem of' a reglar period of r'egistrnationi Six ('veiing performances and one .1'and anoneements for Commience- Libbey, second; Dennis, Northwest- pan tmet o zoology for research work
such as is iln effect at the cammpus uaudymtnehv enshdt-mnct was supposed to emd last week en, third; Keller and Williams, both on tie broad tapewoim.
spring elections, it will lie necessar y e(1 'The initial showing will be made it is uite possible, in the opinion of of Columbus East, tied for fourth. Tfhe grant was nmade to Prof. George
for' ea-ch voter to sign his nmie, adIn~-to senior women, accor'ding to es- cass officers, that a further oppo- TPine-:07.6. (new record). IR La Rue and A. S. Warthin as i-
dr'ess, and~ class, and if a faculty mom Iole w ileFi'iday is traditionally tumity to secure these announce- 440 yard dash-won by Moley, dviduals and not to the departnment
ber, to mak his ballot accordinigly ini Fortinrl night and Saturday is pri- nm-cts and ivitations will be offered (Continued on Page Eight) as oiginally stated.
the' place provided. No punbiciy wllinertly Alunmnaena ight, later thi momth.DA T Tr
lie given to any individual results 0)- 1Cnin- I-ting oni the work of tie - 1 -- A GO~ 1-1R 1~G OFB N E
t aiimed in tinis woy. Menmhers of the play, Miss Millenr said: "It has been xLan]e T WRIPr g a . NKLE, EGAN SALES IN 1908
vrosfaculties are strnigly encou'-ia splendid experiecme, first, with the H l 'o rr ______________
a gedh to express t hei' opinions by The v ery effcent centr'al commmittee, and To Be Hel~d Tiuesday~ Suppression of Tie Wrinkle, a cam- I whmich is appearing today. One of tie
D aiy si eionwthte udrdod uno pus humnormnagazine that poceededI inteesting eature was a column of
A-s far a5s"is knownirelyonw. iy thn e womendwih teinhecdred-od Ijnior- the Gargoyle, bought abouit the start- "Sophomoie Rhetoric Themes," a
President ial candiates and issaeQs will tohens ixwswio e hate caednt Dr. Adred S. Warthin, professor ofin of the present magazine in 1908 column that satirized the institutions
dealcude work, alot fun, i pathiology, and Prof P. M. Jack, head the most recent date of fonding of and activities of the campus of those
posbeta iirquest ioins may find ja great da of hardwok some oftefheu'cneatnt il pa any of the major campus publications. (days. The staff was maeuof1
inoomn there. Tine assistani(c(of the po Tuin ht 5 niiC motnweIae''iesay night at Lane bal on the The Wrimnkle had ben in existenceI students and has since gradually
liti('al scieln(cdprmn and iof the'sabihdvr vlule eato thiind proginam of tie series of 10 lee- since 1893. It was a magazine issued, grown to its present size with abot
various 'stideint oingainizat ioins will lie slhip3 in the junnir class. Itumes beiing givein by the Institute of bi-weekly and consisting of about 12 30 students making up tie business
onith in Pnnouain2 voltflin hroughl- I!It is the alimost single activity Reliius Education. Under the direct ages~ with very little advertisin. Inmm and editorial staffs.

W~olverines fought uphill all the way.
:Freese, Jones C~ain
Freese took the stick five yards
back and ran himself within a cou-
pie of yards oL his opponent but
Jones started out three yards back
if Braytoni on the semi-final lap. The
Wolverine was just a step back when
he handed the burden on to "Dusty"
Mlunger. andi the Michigan anchor
man was just far enough back so-
that hie could* not take the pole. With
a hap to go he had dropped back
nearly five yards but at the last turn,
Miunger uncorked a terrific sprint
which carried him within an ace of
victory over Cummings at the tape--
and the meet went glim-mering. The
old record, 3:28.2, was made by Cor-
nell in 1925.
In the quarter mile also the dope
had it that Michigan should have
done well, but when the points" were
counted it was found that the best
time Wolverines could do was. Mun-
ger's third. Hennessy won in :52.3
with Cummings less than two yards
jbehind, managing to nose out Mun-
ger in the last 5 yards by less than
a foot. Jones was fourth most of
the way.
Tronts Disappoints In Vault
As disappointing as the 440 and re-
lay, was the pole vault which found
Prout, "Wolverine ace in a tie with
Burbamnk and Clark of Harvard and
Eardly of Michigan at 12 feet., Prout
whmo (hid 12 feet 9 a week ago was,
like the rest of the pack, unable to,
clear 12 feet 6 inches last night.
Four field house records fell during
the course of the meet, the Wolverines
and tme Crimson sharing evenly in
these. In addition to the relay, Har-
vard set a two mile record when 'Iron
Man' Reid stepped out to take the
long race in 9:45, bettering the mark
made jointly by Benson of Cornell and
Hornberger of Michigan last year. In
taking second, seven yards back of
Reid, Ted Wuerfel, ran a fine race,
beating Harvard's other entry, Flaks-
"man, by a wide margin.
-Michigan's record' performances
came in the low hurdles and the high
jump with Cooper and Waldo playing
the title roles- Don Cooper stepped
out to top the 65 yard barriers in
:07.4, one-tenth of a second better
thman IHubbard's 1925 race. -Tupper, a
yard or' so back was second while
'rarbill, the second Wolverine entry,
was third, just ahead of Henrich.
Waldo Sets Mark In Jump
Chuck Waldo cleared 5 feet 11 7-8
inches to break the old record of 5 feet
10 inches.
After time first three events had be n
!m'un off, Michigan trailed the Crimsn,
and it was not until Monroe, injured.
IWolverine nmiler, entered and ran
away with the 880 yard run in 2:00.6
that the Maize and Blue managed to
secure a margin of 46 1-2-43 1-2 with
th4 relay remaining. Lomon4 was
second when Capt. O'Neill of Har-
vard fell on the last turn and Porter
took third for the Crimson.
Hester Returns To Form
Capt. Buck Hester returned to form
by finishing fast to win the 60 yard
dash in :06.5. French and Grodsky

out t'lline(aipus. Soume effor't will baeI

for wonmenm which should hnave the



leader'shmip of Thommas M. Idenm, of thie

190 th Bord n Cntrl o Stden Improvements that hnave been nmade
Publicationis caused the sumspensionm of recently are the institution of colored


m ade t(o corireate tine resuilts (if time !iomplete andt whnoe-earted suppoi t l 'fm Iiiima ller, '7a" Alum Arbor Bible Chai-, time series is

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