THE.,MICH7IGAN DAILY Tf U AT II TCIUIPUTCARNIVAL RELAYS ~ BIB 14 M T SAKE N BET 9 HT TTRACT HOST OF TEAMS IAIOIWDIU WIIlPAT(Continued rom Page Six) ET E VO M EANDWIL CAT TANKMV ITI Pauw, College of the City of Detroit '____________________ Doane, Eureka, Grn nell, Illinois col- (Continauedl from Page Six) Coach M\aun will probably- withdraw lege, Ilinois state normal, Kansas3 to nne soe pins fr te P'-Darnall int favor of Seager. Sate Teacher's colege of Empoia, to anex omepoins fo th Pur {{Kansas State Teacher's college of pie. Some excellent exhibitions shouldI Pittsburg, Lake Forest, Knox, Law-, Coach Mahn will pin his 'hopes in be brought out in tie fancy diving rence, Lincoln college, Lincoln uni- the 160 yard back stroke on his two when Colbath of the Widcats and versity, Lombard, McKendree, Mich- veterans,. Spindle and Hubbell. They Walaitis of the Wolverines vie for igaR State normal, Monmouth, i will meet a worthy adversary in hopors. Both. are unbeaten in Big Wesleyan, South Dakota State, Wes Hinch, the star Northwestern sopho- Ten competition Rosenberg of Mich- tern State, Teahers of Kalamazoo more, who will extend the Michigan iganz and MViller of Northwestern will William Jewel, Central State Teach: I pair to the utmost. be the other entries. o rs of Missouri and Westminister col- Darnall, Walker, or Seager will re- After the meet the Michigan and loge. present the Wolverines in the cen- Northwestern water polo teams will tury free style. Coach Robinson will meet in a Conerece contest. The seleiat his enties from among Purple team must win in order to Schwartz, McDonald, and Wicks. tie with Illinois for the Big Ten The Northwestern squad boasts water polo title. Last year iNlichi-11 one of the fastest medley relay gan won the swimming meet, 52-17, Tbomso teams in the Conference. In Len- but lost to the Wildcat water polo- nox, Hinch, and Schwartz, three ists. sophomnore, the Purple possess a- really fast trio. Michigan also has a The Iowa one-mile relay team will fast team;'~ entered, in the persons of leave Tuesday for Austin, Texas, to Hubbell, Thompson, and Darnall, attend the Rice Institute meet, which who should nmake a strong bid for will mark the second time in twot first place. Slhold Coach Robinson years that the team has competed inf enter Collopy instead of Schwartz, the southwest. Our bfte r c es are - 7new styles in sport shoes $1 -3 new, shoes for day wear W~e harts the assortmenkt from $35.00 to $6.00_________ anit all the fixings.' 3. F.WUERTH4& co. -Thompson's Ann Arbor's Foremost Clothiers. _- o t 322304 So. Mai) St. Next to Werl Theatr. THE DoWNTOWN STORE foJ'IICHIGAN _7IEN * :' I1 U Doyo have a tuxedo afor * 0 C the Frosh Froic? Ifnot, now is the time to get one. For the ~~convenience of those 'who do not wish to m purchase One we have a "The Home of Hiart Schaffner and *x" I / /\ / / -A$ am CADVERTrISING[ .NOTICE FORI FOR RENT-Two NOTICE-'Two ii cdlportable type:- pleasant front writers for sale. One andl two years nished. Reasonal old re'spectivel. Reasonable. prises. Fourth. Call 3489. E. I-I. Munn, C-Tues., Thurs., Sat. COMAFORTABLE f, floor; suitableI NOTICE-Be sure and visit this most floodmmatewiafit( modern and efficient .Hat Cleaning One block from and Shoe Shining Parlor. Michigan WaShington. Theatre Bldg. 539 I,.. Liberty. C-Tues., Thurs., Sat. WAN WANTED-Student NOTICE-Dre smaking and altering, home laundryr Call Miss Eisele, 206 S. Fourth Ave. clothes persona Dial 790. 125-6-7. Laundry, 204 N. TWO-TONE shoes made to your VANTED-Two measure. From $6.50 uip. Hand-made mefosu er English style by an English shoe- between 5 and6 maker. Corner of South U. and 534 127, 1 Forest. No- connection with :any firmLfj of the same name. Only one place, TORTOISE SHELI Yes, we do repairing. C case., with Pittsl THE HEIDELBERG, 307 E.. Washing'- ease. Lost inA ton. Home cooking. Single meals. 4678. Meal tickets. 123-4-5-6-7-8 C LOST--Wednesday NOTICE-Good foods and good service, watch. Reward. one} block from campus-that's why ________ you save. Barney's Restaurant, 5161 LOST-A green Sb L++' Williams. C.1 in 2235 AngellI Foiintaain Pen Repairing communicate w Our skilled Penmakers Service costs you no more. The only logical place to have your pen repaired. Rider's Pen Shop C , TYPEWRITER SERVICE All makes. No better 'skill found any-- where. Prompt service. Rider's Pen Shop Phone 8950 C Porthible T rJ~~~Mrters-lNew or Used IT WILL pay you. to come to Royal_________ headquarters and see the New - - Royal portable before you' buy. This "Baby" Royal is already outselling all other makes of portable. "Somte Baby." Rider's Pen Shop Authorized Dealers in Royals C TYPWRTES-als ndService. 17 TLAll i makes,WRT Slarge~ae and portable, bought, sold. rentedI, repaired. Our, black machines and work guaranteed. In egrees Sulperl business since 1903. 0. D. Morrill, the W 17 Nickels Arcade.C TYPING-Theses a specialty. Rea- COPYin sonable rates, M. V. Hartsuff.. Aal' V D~ial ~387. C-77-180 delr TJypewriter Rib~bonis anld Carbons ,' ~ The estyou can buy. Always fresh. By gv Th etRider's Pen Shop C a longest '1ypleivriters's r hIeat doen bbere Good machines, your favorite make. American Pencil Co., -Rider's lPen Shop I dkoe 12UN .u.Pkone 8950 C ColorePencisin_1 IAT 3 P.', RENT o-roomr suite with room. Newly fur- Ily priced. 201; S. 125-6-7 front suite; secondl for men students. ted for senior lit. ra Campus. 807 E. 1.23-4-5-6-7-8 C NTED) its to know that our methods give your al attention. Moe Main. Dial 3916. C experienced 'sales- rCall Hunter, 7;;10, 28,' 129, 130, 1131, 132 L glasses, in black burgh stamp inside An ;ell Hall. Phone 125-6-7 ynight, Elgin wrist Call 3665. 127, 128, 129 lraeffer fountain pen Hall. Finder please ith IFulghum, 21217. 127, 128 TOUISnTS THIRD 'CLASS ANY LINE, ANY COUNTRY ( 1Otte Way, Round Yri01.~ ora a Real Low Price Teal BOOK, NOW.' AUTHOLIIZED S'TEAIISHI' AM E.G.lKnebler, All d~ines "601 E fl! ^n^t. AsN All~bl SOME PEOPLE SAY and WE HONESTLY BELIEVE That we have for showing the finest of pattern in Topcoats for Spring lire r That it has ever been your pleasure to inspect. The New Block Patterns and Silk Stripe Herring Bones-In Sand, Tans and the Varied Shades of Grey. AND RICED AT $2500 Conli~n and Weth erbee 118 E. WASH I E4TON ST. "The Home of Hari~, Schaffner. & Mar' hke larqgest scumi qual ity pencl Sin the WOVUd of -I dative in quality, vrid- famous I best service and st weair, nds, per doz. $1.00 ends, per doz. 1.20 ,215 Fifth Ave.,NY. VIQUF Thtin Lead 2colors-$1.00 pcr do-. ',l SUNDAY CHURCH-- SERVICE 4 FIRST METHODIST Corer CHURCH: ConrState, and Washington Sts. Arthr W.Stalker, DJ)., Minister PaleC. Biughain, Associate Minister and Student Director 10:30-Lenten Creed-1--"l Believ-e inu Jesus." 12:00-Ralph Johnson will lead the Discussion Class. Mr. Carl Smith will lead the Bible Study Clas's. G6: 00-Wesicyan Guildl Devotional Meeting. Surprise leader. 7:300-Re-v. Sn Kee oug of Korea will speak on "'rI1C Wondlerful People of. the Earth." THE UNITARIAN CHURCH State and Hunroni Streets Sidney S. Robins, Minister IFIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 11ev. It, Edward Sayies, Minister, Ilocvardl It. C hap all,,, Minister for Students. 10 : 45-Mr. Sayles will speak o cn "A Quibbler's Interview, 1,1thl Jesus." (Third in this series.) 12:00-'Church Bible School, stu- dents meeting in' Guild Hou~se, same hour. 5:30-Friendship Hour for Young People. *6:30-The dlevotional meeting. M\alcolm Henry Jnd Vernon Hicks will discuss the ques- * tion4 "Is religion rational?" Special music by saxaphbone orchestra. ET HLEHE EVANGELICAL C (Evangelical Synodt Fourth Ave., betwveen and WMiam G. A. Neumann, ~ 9:00-Sunday School. 10: 00-Regular morning 11:00-German service. 5:30-Young People's and discussion hour aNtI HURCI of A~. A.) nPackard [mister I CONGREGATIONAL CnURC 1 State St. at WVIlliams Dr. Carl S. Patton, Acting Minister .gworship. 9:3 0-Sunday School. 10: 45-Morning -Worship. Dr. Carl1 S. Patton will' preach, conclud- ing his stay as acting pastor. 5:30-Student Fellowship Meeting ,an d Luncheon. Mr. ' Sycd Husain-Khan will speak on "India of Today." ,t fellowship r Alarch 15, 3? HEAR "BILL" LIPP.MAN OF? ST. LOUIS at the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Corner Huron 'and 1Division Streets Sunday Evening, Six-Thirty "bill" is not a minister. He says he wishes he were, but-he's an chi foot-ball player, out-door enthusiast, mountain climber, pioneer motor highway promoter, scenic photographer, and a lot of things. ".bill" used to be a partner in one of the largest, business concerns in the South-west; but he sold; out in order to devote himself to the "business" of the Church. "Bill" is director in charge of our new Student Building project. HE HAS A LOT WORTH SAYING AND HE KNOWS HOW TO SAY ITj Social H-our and Supper, 5:30. Young People's Meeting, 6:30 4 IL0: 45-MVoiln ug SeviCe. 1 '(tCS'0 .Iolm F.'.Sb ' p ard speak's ST. ANDREW'S (EPISCOPAL) CHURCH *Division and Catherine, Streets u~ev.'Henry Lewis, Rector Rev. Thonmas L. Harris, Assistant 'Fourth (Mid-Lent) Sunday in Lent 8: 00 - Holy Communion (the Church). 9;30-Holy Communion (Harris Hall). A service for students, followed by breakfast. 11.:00-Morning Prayer. Sermon S and the Rite of Confirmation by the' Rt. Rev. Herb-ert H1. IH. -Pox, D.D., of Montana. 6: 15-Student Supper and Meet- ing in Harris Hall. 7:30-Evening Service.. ST. PAUL'S. LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) Third and West Huron C. A. Braner, Pastor R~les. 1005 W. Washington St. 5: 45-Candlelight lSupperi. 645-Discussion. God?" "Is r"">,INJ a ft 1 'TUXE TALDEPARTMENT stop in and have yours reserved NOW. °75 31 an evening HILLEL FO)UNDATION M1 E. University Dial 3779 Sunday, March 18, 1928 :00 n. in. at Lane Hall. Dr. Leo -'l. Franklin, Rabbi of~ rrmrlaRah i1 npthrrit And nt'i ' C ZION LUTHERMN Washington St. and 9:00-Bible School. NCHURCH d Fifth Aye. I FIRST 'CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 South Division Street 10:30 a. m.-.Regular Morning Per- vice; Subject: "Matter." 11:45 a. m.-Sunday School follow- ing the morning service. March 18th. '9:00-German Service. '+I c