ARCH 17, 1928 THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ PAGE LEAG BRID TEAS Accomplishments Of Women's Club Are Discussed In Article By National Head WIL For n any years the women's clubs the merits of club work. of every town have been the target Certain forms of activities seemrd ach oroity .nd Dormitory To dive of much criticism. The movement to be more prevalent. The most com- A ea, One O or Which Every has so expanded that it has become mon was assistance rendered to Woman Is Asked o Att even less difficult to i' the target. those who want, to read. They have --It is true that the moavement has built libraries, remodeled old build- A TBCsom depica e points, but this crit- igs, and brought traveling libraries EACH TABLE.TOCOST $3icis"hascreatednattiud"whichothe small town. Public welfare March 31, h~as been set for the fails to take into consideration the has an universal appeal and there d ate of t h Bridge e as t w c the commendable features of club work. are some hospitals run by these date of the Bridge teas which the Teefaue r..onD hr lb- Undergraduate campaign committee is These features 'Mrs. John h. Sher- clubs. sponsoring this year for the benefit m'an, who is serving a second term What club in the country accomp- so the Women's lau. Eey r as rrsident of thee national federa- fishes the most is hard to determine. of the Women's league. Every sor- -s eietoftentoaone m-ust knovw the character of the srity and dormitory on, campus is to tion of women's clubs, stresses in ansnsutko hecaatro h oldy ne dof the ry teas, anm it is to iatcle entitled "W hat s W omen's community in order to judge its hold one of .these teas, and it is to Cu o"wihwspbihdi work. The purpose is usually broad -cost 75 :cents for one. person, or $3 Clubs Do?" 'which was published in wr.Tepupsisujual ra ort a tae. very womas being the March number of Scribners. Iand liberal, letting the members do asked to attend one of these teas and In asking representatives of dif- I any work that is worthwhile. to bring her friends. It is also urged ferent towns what would happen if "Just as a group of women findy that sororities ask th ir patronesses. the woman's club ceased to exist, the moreintspiration and achieve more by All refreshments which -are to be answers were invariably favorable working together than as individuals, served at these teas may be paid for toward the continuance of the so do the clubs of a state banded into with 15 per cent of the money which clubs. "They were as ifferent a state confederation increase their each house takes in from tile charge from the answers twevty-five years inluence many times over." They on the bridge tables. Howey it is ago," states Mrs. Sherman, "as are brought into contact with the af- .urged that if possible the houses will the leg-of-mutton sleeves are from fairs of the state and can weave bet- pay for their own refreshments from present costumes." However, the ter their business into the pattern of their house treasuries. By doing this confederation desired definite vi- the state. In the same way more the .league will net a larger profit. dence, so in 1927 a questionnaire was things can be done if all the clubs MVargaret Bush, '30, is in charge of all ent out from the general headquar- will unite with the national confed- the teas and she has on her committee t hb eration. one member of each sororijty and ,ters to the various local clubs. t Mrs. Sherman concludes by saying tdormitory on .campus. Up to date questioned the aims, past, achieve- Mhs. hermran clubyang there have been no arrangements for iment, specific interest, desire for the that the American club woman has any league house to hold teas. How- future, and their general financial obtained her position by herwn ef- ever, if any one house desires to hold condition. In looking over the re- torgWn e w ats somethang, a tea of if two or more houses wish to suits of these questionnaires, Mrs. she organizes with other women adi cooperate and hold a tea they may do Sherman expressed the belief that accomplishes what she desires. Their ;so by calling the chairman. 'no one could remain unconvinced of organization is flexible; it grows and changes; it can throw its influence SKELETONS IN CLOSET FILL SECRETARY'S LOSTSP 0 1 AND FOUND DEPARTMENT ----_ Daily Bulletin of ,3 Like a spectral ghost in a closet, there hangs in an anteroom of the Secretary's office, among other lost Baseball Begins In A articles, a slicker grown stiff after Barbour months of waiting for its rightfulBGymnasium owner to claim it. Yet it is not alone With Outdoor Rules in its waiting, for several overscoats hang there too, with little hope of ever Barbour gymnasium will be turned returning to their owners, 'since, ac- over to the use of baseball fans next . toi cording to the attendant in charge of Monday and they will be privileged to firs lost and found ar'icles, "Overcoats, of use it until fair weather permits out- ter which we have several, are seldom door play. Outdoor rules are being on clamed." practiced this season rather than mu On the other hand while these ar- starting out with indoor rules and thl ticles are waiting to be reclaimed, a then making the change later on, as ize certain young man has for a consid- has been done in the past. erable time, been making frequent "Athletics for more women," said Of cals at the Secretary's office vainly Mis's Hodgson at the recent basket- Pi trying to locate his new, white shirt. ball banquet. And this year's baseball I eig "He no longer asks if we have it," plans have certainly been made with firs smiled the attendant, "he just comes this in mind. Although Barbour gym- up in and looks at us inquiringly." nasium is available during only a On rainy days there are many call- ms ers at the office in search of their um- iay,teins brellas and just before examination schedule of practices and games is so Bo time thero were a great many inquir- flexible that an almost unlimited M ies for books lost at the beginning of number of women can be accommodat- Ha the semester, "but these," she explained ed. Bl "had been given away since they were Miss Rath Figge and Miss Laurie - not called for within the specified Campbell, coaches in baseball, explain time." that the season is being started earlier Besides the seeming lack of in the than is usual for baseball to allow a loss of an overcoat there is apparently short season of track before schools little regard for the possession of a closes in June. As is traditional, the pair of glasses. There are at present baseball season will wind up with a a plentiful supply of them on hand at banquet at which the awards will be the office and they are almost never made. This year for this first time it called for, reports the attendant. is to be held at the field house. "Many other articles are brought in," Velma Johnson, '28Ed, W.A.A. man- she said, "halve's of fountain pens and ager of baseball, stated yesterday that such things especially plentiful are the names of the class managers lost after a concert." would be announced tomorrow. NOTICES UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA - ;All red-headed women of this uni- The remaining senior collars for 'versity were dated by a Sigma Chi women will be sold with the gowns .freshman for Monday afternoon. The at Mrs. Henderson's office this morn- occasion for the unusual monopoly of ing from 9 to 12 o'clock. Those who dates was Clara Bow in "Red Hair" were unable to get them before can to which all rel-haired students do so at this time. could go free on that afternoon. Alpha Omicron Pi announces the engagement of June Davis, '29, of De- I SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.-March 8- troit, to Carl Thisted, '28, of Detroit. Helen Wills, tennis champion, of Berk- Thisted is a member of the Sigma ley, ranks among the highest 14 from Alpha Epsilon fraternity. a list of 125 women chosen as &andi- dates for. the California 'Hall of NEW YORK-Deciding that sorori- 'Fame." ties are social and not scholastic or- ganizations, the inter-sorority coun- 'cif of New York State College for - Teachers has abolished all scholar- EDUCATIONAL TRAVEL ship requirements heretofore requis- A summer of European travel ite to election. I combined with study for young i ladies. Apply with references to t "MARRYING A FORESTER IS BEST WAY INTO FORESTRY," STATES DANA on any side; it has no party and is non-sectarian. Mrs. Sherman believes that as long as its aims and ideas remain high it will flourish. "Perhaps the best way for a wo- man to get into the field of forestry is to marry a forester," said Samuel iT. Dana, dean oil the School of For- .estry and Conservation. "Field work in forestry does not have many open- ings for women, not because women ,are mentally incapable of doing the 0work but because the work must be 'done under such ocnditions that it 'would be physically difficult for them Ito carry it on. There have been a few women in charge of observation towers for the detection of forest wfires in large forest areas. Also, there is an opportunity for women i'n lab- oratory work in wood technology and Awood pathology. In the Forest Pro- ducts laboratories of the United 'States Forest Service at Madison, Wis. women are doing splendid work. "The School of. Forestry is unique in tbfaet that..itis. the only school in the university in which there are "PROBLEMS MAKE DIRECTORS BLIND TO JOY OF WORK" "When a director is in a produc- tioni she is frequently blinded to the pleasures of the job by the immi- nence of the difficulties," said Mrs. Robert Winters, director of the In- ternational' Night Program. "One of the, things which has made the work enjoyable," said Mrs. Winters, "has been the number of interesting con- tacts which I have made. Mr. Huff, the campus electrician, is an exam- ple. No one realizes what an ir'- portant part this small, jovial man plays in the life of the campus. He has charge of all the lighting, spots, and floods in campus buildings, and' has alarge stock of amusing ane- dotes; about past productions. Mr. Nico Charissi, who gave several dances on the program, has heer/en- tertained by President Coolidge and the King of Spain.'' In speaking of her experiences, Mrs. Winters said, "I have always been told that the janitor of the building 'could make or mar a pro- duction. Likewise, a director must have the good-will of advertisers, printers, and fellow directors of campus productions. The old idea that a director could do or say any- thing under the guise of artistic temperarent no longer holds true." Men Exceed Womnen eInKansas Universty Enrollment compiled for the past four years at the University of Kan- sas indicates a general increase in numbers with more men students than women. The only schools in which the wo- men can boast of a majority are the schools of education and fine arts which for the past four years have greatly.out-numbered the men. JUILLERET'S 302 S. State Dial 5860 Try Our Fresh no women enrolled. Two women have been graduated in forestry from Thr Woe'RD Michigan, one in 1922 and one ine o eu 1925. One of them married a for- Ausfralian Ranch ester and the other is teaching A French. Recently the Cornell School: of Forestry graduated a woman and . An Australian woman and her two} she is now married to a forester. daughters are running a 200-mile-: "We do offer some courses which square ranch containing 1,000 sheep, would certainly be of valu'e to stu-c as well as cattle and goats. The worn- dents outside the School of Fores- an in question, Mrs. F. A. Price, came try," continued Dean Dana. "There to Australia with her husband to start the ranch with 200 head of cattle. At are two general courses open to stu- er husband's death, she continued dents from other schools. Course 31 with the help of her two daughters to gives general information regarding carry on the work. forestry in the United States and The women do the shearing aid the abroad. It is a non-technical treat- branding, with only occasional outside ment of the subject. Course 33 deals help. The ranch is 40 miles from the with the identification of trees and nearest telegraph statior; 'and the commercial woods. I do not doubt same distance from the nearest neigh- that there are quite a number ell- bor. The only mode of travel is by rolled in the University who are not horseback, and the girls think nothing aware of the existence of the S'chool of riding 40 miles for the mail, which of Forestry but who might profit arrives only once every two weeks. from taking work in it. There are courses, for example, that would be I of interest to students majoring in!O LE E M economics, geography, and botany. A NL study of the identification, structure, will find the Pat and properties of woods would be helpful to students in the Architec- bigger and be tural school. Students in other schools would certainly find courses / 703 Pac which would be valuable in connec- tion with their other work here." COME TO Easter is not SWEETLAND AND WOMEN ckard Restaurant tier than ever. kard St. far hence ... Special Sale i "111. 212 South Main for Delicious Hot 'Waffles, Toasted Sandwiches. Sodas and Candy I, /r1 , l ;t I ,..( SATURDAY 200 Hats $5.00 Puyear & Hintz Michigan Theatre Bldg. OPEN EVERY IGIIT 1._ 1 f ' 1 , ' ,,, {' itr t I .a } f /f% la .- . s I , .-, =1 -I ~ I Pre- Easter Hat Sale 500 NEW HATS at SATURDAY ONLY! Before Easter gets into full 'swing, we are offering 500 specially bought hats at $7.50. All that is the mode for Spring will be marching by on Easter Sunday, and may be seen here now, so that you can choose your own lovely chapeau. To look your best at Easter services or the afternoon stroll, pay us a visit and look around-Flower trimmed and tinted millinery awaits you here There never were 'such lovely hats-feather- weight felts, peanut straws, silks, flower turbans, milans, leghorns, and hair hats. All head sizes.