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March 17, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-17

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U* * *
Published every morning except Monday
iring the Universityoyear by the Board in
>ntrol of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
led ;to the use for republication of all news
spatches credited to it or not otherwise
edited in this paper and the local news pub-
led herein.
Entered at the postoffide at Ann Arbor,
ichigan, as second class matter. Special rate
postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
aster General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
rd Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.
Telephone 4925
ditor.....................Ellis B. Merry
ditor lichigan Weekly..Charles E. Behymer
aff Edlitor............ ..Philip C. Brooks
ty Editor............Courtland C. Smith
omen's Editor..........Marian L. Welles
>orts Editor............Herbert I;. Vedder
heater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
sistant City' Editor... lchard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
obert E. Finch F. Thomas McKean
Stewart hooker enneth G. Patrick
aul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaum
sther Anderson i'ohn H. Maloney"
argaret Arthur Marion McDonald
lex A. Bochnowski Charles S. Monroe
an Campbell Catherine Price
',;ie Churrh. Harold L.. Fassman
anchard W. Cleland Morris W. Quinn
larence N. hoeleso" tkita 'Rosenthal
argaret Gross Pierce Rosenberg
alborg Egeland Eleanor Scribner
arjorie F>Ilmer Corinne Schwarz
mes 1. Freeman Robert G. Silbar
:oert J. Gessner Howard F. Simon
lame E. Gruber George E. Simons
lice Hagelshaw Rowena Stillman
seph 1;. Howell Sylvia Stone
Wallace Hlushen George Tilley
harles R. Kaufman Bert. K.Tritscheller 1
illiam F. Kerby Edward L. Warner, Jr.
awrence R.Klein Benjamin S. Washer
onald J. Kline Leo J.' Yoedicke
illy Knox Joseph Zwerdling ,
ick L. Lait, Jr.
felephone 21214
sstant Manager... George H. Annable, Jr.
dvertising... .....Richard A. Meyw
dvertising ............Arthur M. Hinkley
dvertising... .... ..Edward L. Hulse
dvertising............John W. Ruswncel
ccounts........... ...... Raymond Wachiter
irculation..... ....George B. Ahn, Jr.-
ublication............ ,Harvey Talcott
'eorge Bradley Ray. Hofelicb
arie Brummeler Hal A. Jaehn
mes Carpenter James "Jordan
harles K. Correll Marion Kerr
arbara Cromell Thales N. Lenington
Ta DTively Catherine,-McKinven
essie V. Egeland Dorothy Lyons
IU, Iewer Alex K. Scherer
atherine Frohne George Spater
ouglass Fuller Ruth Thompson
eatrice Greenberg H-erbert E. V rnum
elen Gross Lawrence WValkley
. hammer Hannah Wallen
art W. Hammer
Night Editor-K. G. PATRICK

tion circles. When a raging blizzard
this week threatened to cut off im-
mediate aid for suffering inhabitants
in the upper peninsula villages above
Sault Ste. Marie, the Douglas trans-
port plane which spent the night at
Selfridge field, Mt. Clemens, was en-
listed as one of the few remaining
means of getting relief to the district.
Last word was that the plane, carry-
much needed supplies, had success-
fully completed the first lap of the
hazardous trip, and was preparing to
transport mail and food into the thick
of the storm region.
With the situation so tense that all
highways have been blocked for 15
days, and. with plows, trucks, and
sleighs powerless to cope with the
situation, the army transport plane,
piloted by Lieutenants Joseph J.
Soper and Keith Roscoe, has rendered
a needful and significant service to
the inhabitants of northern Michigan.
Whatever may be the final outcome of
the relief expedition, the flight will
stand as a sterling example of prac-
tical aviation.
It is with heartfelt felicitation for
the Union management that the stu-
dent body will greet the announce-
ment to the effect that the Union, dur-
ing the first semester of the current
year fared better financially than it
has in many years past. The report
shws not only that greater care has
been exercised in operating the insti-.
tution, but that student patronage,
especially at the dances and at the
plays given by Mimes, has been ex-
ceptionally fine.
Though the accomplishments of the
Union management have been note-
worthy, there still remain a number
of minor things which deserve to be
corrected with the increase in rev-
'enue, and first of these is the situation
at the Friday and .Saturday night
dances. Though the student patronage
of these functions has shown tre-
mendous increases in the past year,
some of the accommodations for the
affairs, notably those at the men's
check room on the first floor, have
remained the same as in the past, and
have become woefully inadequate.
Lines 15 minutes to half an hour long
are common at these check windows
following the Union parties, and af-
ford extreme inconvenience to those
attending. Another accommodation
which has similarly become inade-
quate for the Union dance crowds is
the seating facilities at the dances, an
extremely annoying situation.
If a surplus is available for im-
provements, also, it could be used in
spectable Jefferson street entrance
for the Mimes theater. At the pres-
ent time wet weather makes a mass of
half-submerged planks, puddles, and
soft mud out of what is never better
than a dusty path of access. Perhaps
this project is included in the plans
for paving the Union mall, which
Union officials have under considera-
tion at present.

THE SECRET IS now told in The
Daily feature on; the Union which ap-
peared recently. It seems that the
idea of a union was born in the
minds of a group of men who were
seated around a table in Joe Parker's.
* * *
FOR THOSE OF you who think
that Parker's was always a place
where steaks were served we wish to
say that it was once a place where
they gave lunches away. The only
thing was that you had to buy beer or,
something like that to get the free
lunch. Yes, it was a saloon, but not
NOW WHEN IT is mentioned that
the idea of the Union was' born at
Parker's we begin to think. Were the
fellows tseated on chairs or on the
floor? Were they conscious? Were
they, in other words, sober? Well,
personally, we can't see what busi-
ness a sober person had down at
ALL THIS LEADS us to a belief
that the Union was founded by per-
sons under the influence of liquor and
now if you even have the smell of,
liquor on your breath (where did you
get it?) they bounce you out. Well,
times have changed.
AT LEAST, IF you ever feel like
tearing the Union down just stop
and consider the condition of those
who started it, and you will excuse


. I

all blunders

and damages.
* * *

'By Hot Stuff.
Chapter II
Well, there we are perched in
canoe, cursing the day we were
and the stork that brought us. I


)liclhigan takes pleasure in wel-
coming to Ann Arbor the Harvard
trackmen in their first encounter
with the Wolverine' representa-
tives. Without doubt, the contest.
tonight will prove to be an inter-
esting and sportsmanlike exhibi-
tion of track and field ability.
With the same sincerity of its
welcome, Michigan hopes that that
that competition imay mark the
beginning of a continued athletic
relation between the two institu-'
tions. ,R
Debate is a poor way to settle any
question; but debate is an excellent
way to bring out both sides of a con-
troversial problem; and the more able
the antagonists in the debate the more
valuable the discussion will become.
On this basis it may be rather safely
concluded that the debate arranged
by the Oratorial association for Tues-
day night between two internationally
prominent editors-Vincent Nitti and
S. S. McClure-will be one of the most
worthwhile programs presented here
in recent months.
Nitti is a born and bred anti-
Fascist, son of a prime minister who
is now in exile for opposing the Duce.
McClure represents, in a manner,
what is probably the dominant Ameri-
can opinion, that Fascism is a worthy
experiment. The two views are dia-
metrically opposite, and the direct
clash of issues cannot possibly leave
any bit of evidence or argument un-
"The one harsh voice in Italy which
harps and caws at Fascism and its
Duce-the voice of the Black Bird"
is the name which Nitti has gained
for himself from theAmerican press.
McClure believes there is virtue in
Pascisin, to which Nitti replies "The
wealthy class of America believes in
Fascism.......- but they do not
The debate to -be held here Tues-
day night offers an exceptidnal oppor-
tunity for a local audience to learn
first hand, from men close to the sit-
uation, the facts about a social and
economic and political situation
which is fast becoming an interna-
tional concern. It will afford an op-





(The Daily Illini.)
One of the most exploited words in
modern day usage is that of publicity.
There is no telling what effect it has
on the actions of a large number of
individuals; it prompts many to noble
deeds and discourages others from li-
centious commitments. Love of praise
or fear of condemnation are indeed
guiding forces in the lives of most
It is getting to be extremely diffi-
cult for the average person to be able
to differentiate between publicity ma-
terial and impartial, unbiased infor-
mation. Civic and industrial enter-
prises of all kinds are expending large
sums yearly to advance their own
particular views and to cause the pub-
lice to think the way they would have
them think. The result is that the
mails are full of propaganda, the
press is swamped with request ma-
terial from outside organizations, and
the reading public is submerged in
colored and "doctored" literature.
The publicity agent has a place in
the world, to be sure, but should he
not give the public what it ought to
have and what it needs? Much of our
information is dependent on special-
ized experts who are employed by
worthwhile organizations, and to that
extent, the work of these men ful-
fills a distinct need. It would be hard
for the newspaper, and other agencies
for the dissemination of information,
to supply all the facts without the
help of some outside organization to
cooperate with them in the work.
But it is the publicity seekers and
much of their trash that the public is
beginning to resent. People are"forced

my glass eye over Stuff's way and
sees him and his date. hunched over
I looks over to where the whole U.
S. Navy is bearing down on us.
They're about as far away as a para-
lytic can thrown Betsy Barbour, so I
crosses myself, throws the chaperon
overboard, kisses the girl a last ling-
ering good-by and settles' back to
wait, idly humming this ditty:
I didn't raise my boy to be a sttu-
I just wanted him to go to Michi-
He told me he'd be good and wise
-and prudent
But that was long before canoe
and auto ban.
I didn't raise my boy to be a jail
I just wanted him to go to Michi-
But now I guess he's done it-
take my word
He'll sing his alma mater now
from a paddy van.
Just as I'm giving my Adam's ap-
ple a final wind-up, trying to reach
the last high "C" clopslooey!-I feels
the canoe being raised in the air.
About thirty seconds before I'm get-
ting ready to dodge the North Star
and say howdyedo to the man in the
moon we stops with a jolt that knocks
out my latest filling-and there we
are resting high and -iry as a fra-
ternity house on the back of a sub-
"Ahoy, there" sings out an air
cooled voice from somewhere. I low-
ers my haughty head and spies the
boy who manipulates the dry Martini
tones peeking out at me from a con-
ning tower.
"Peek-a-boo," says I. Then I rises
and bows. The head went out of
sight and the sub started to skip for
the shore.
I just has time for one last look be-
fore we slides into port, and in that
eyefull, doggoned if I doesn't see a
familiar black mass bob up in the
middle of the Huron. Can you guess?
Yep-it's the chaperon coming up for
(To Be Cqntinued)
* * *
We Don't Know Many Junior Girls But{
We Hear That Many Of Them Do
Follow Your Suggestion
Has it occurred to you how the
Junior Girls are missing their great
opportunity to score an unprecedented
hit in local dramatic (?) circles by
using such a misleading title when
we all know that they meant to leave
the "e" off the end of "For The Love
Of Pet-e." Think of the great re-
sponse the public would make to this

NIGHT: The Rockford Players pre-
sent "Hedda Gabler" by Henrik Ib-
sen in the Whitney theater at 2:30
and S o'clock.
After all Hedda-"she devil, witch
woman, mighty huntress of men" and
all that-remains Hedda Tesman until
the revolver 'shot that ends her at-
tempt to dominate someone-anyone,
even herself. Poor Hedda probably
didn't know what was the matter with
her; as Miss .Kearns so charmingly
remarked after the performance last
night, if she had lived her life today
instead of in the shadow of Victorian
Christiana, all she would have had to
have done would have been to go to
any first rate psychiatrist and he
could have fixed her up beautifully.
As it is, she is subtle, fascinating,
cruel; .a woman of conflicting and
contradicting emotions; perhaps a
woman without a soul; perhaps a
woman with too much soul; a woman
whom the audience doesn't under-
stand, and who doesn't understand
All of this discussion of the char-
acter has been occasioned this week
by the appearance of a small, red-
haired woman with icy blue eyes, who
is acting the part at the Whitney thea-
ter for the last two times today. Elsie
Herndon Kearns has made the pro-
duction of "Hedda Gabler" successful
through sheer virtuosity of acting.
There are flaws a-plenty in the work
of the others; but she made Hedda
something which Ann- Arbor won't
forget-something that cannot be ef-
faced even by succeeding floods of
Patsys and Home Towners.
THE CAMPUS, by Robert Cooley
Angell; 239 'pages; D. Appleton and
Co.; 1928; $2.50.
Quietly refreshing but conservative
-honest observations duly offered-a
winning and easy style-this is The
Campus in a few phrases. To those
who know Professor Angell it is sim-
ply a cdse of the man in the book and
to those who know him this is a rec-
ommendation. Despite the almost
blatant advertising tactics of the pub-
lishers, the volume is not one of de-
nunciations, of extreme or reactionary
ideas. The reading of it is a sort of
check and balance operation, the
points occasionally jar the pride of
the common assumptions, but a
speedy checking with the facts proves
the truth.
Briefly the work s just what it pro-
claims to be: a study of contemporary
undergraduate life in the American
university, that much-maligned and
exploited institution of today. There
is in its discursive sociological .treat-
meit very little assumption, especial-
ly of a radical nature. The Campus
will attract readers of the professorial
class, and after that those who play
in the backyards of the university in
their various capacities. It will. at-
tract students of the general and ad-
vanced type, . and sociologists as a
matter of course. The rest of the mob
are already proclaiming it a disap-
pointment. The author quietly wiggles
his fingers at these latter with several
well-balanced phrases.
A glance at the chapter headings
reveals an ambitious field of endeavor
to one who is acquainted with a uni-
versity, for such things as fraternities,
student self-support, campus activi-
ties, intercollegiate and intramural

athletics, and religion have served to
bring many a thinking man to figura-
tive tears in the immediate past, and
the problems growing from them oc-
cupy every day a more imminent po-
sition in the discussions regarding
higher education. However everything
is given its place and its credit, there
are no instances where both sides are
not heard. The main fault probably
lies in the lack of decisions given by
the writer; lie refrains from attacking
any but the baser tendencies or cur-
rents of activity. Acting as a pole
around which his conclusions are
drawn is the somewhat wistful desire
{ for a greater consecration of knowl-
edge. Professor Angell, like many
before him, asks the question, "Which
way are we going? Should the accept-
ed value of extra-curricular activities,
the commercial enterprise of highly-
organized athletics, the restless en-
ergy of American life lead us away
from the goal of education? Or have
we been supposing wrongly that the
goal lies elsewhere?" After thnoue-

Vacation in Europe!".I
All Expenses Paid
NE day next summer you will watch the fading sky I E E
' Line of New York from the deck of a great oceanI-
liner. It will carry you to the port of Liverpool -
fronm which you will speed over the English dowvns to
Chester. rom there by motor to Leamington, the Shakes
peare Country, Oxford. Then after two days in London v
spent between Westminster Abbey and the Tower of Lon- W
don (not forgetting "The Cheshire Cheese"), you go to -r-
The Hague, famed as "The Smartest.Capital in'Europe." I, g .
tTo Amsterdam, "The Venice of the North." Next to -
°' F r IBru ssels with its medieval guild houses and the colossal pi
rlioteld Ville, the largest municipal structure in Europe.
On to Cologne and up the swift coursing Rhine to an- A -
xdcient Mainz. By train up the steepening Rhine valley to 3 -
Switzerland, "The Roof of the World." Then a week of w o
motoring through glorious Alpine scenery. At last to1-
Paris, with four days in which to wander through the
Louvre, shop in the Rue de la Paix, and "debauch" atop Montmartre. Then homeward on the Homeric, Cal- -
fornia or Majestic, a wek's vooge in the keen North Atlantic air, while quickened appetites respond to o
three smashing meals and many a hearty 'tween-mneals snack. Ilorne-after the vacation of a lifetime. o r~
TIME-The Weekley Newsmagazine-Offers You This Vacation. r li
in return for yourswork this spring as TIME'S subscription representative. This is not a contest. Special ar- " 0
rangements made with Thos. Cook & Son make possible this amazing generous reward for your efforts. Writep En Z
for details today

e ,.

The "Tip and Turn" Toaster is a brightly
nickeled Manning - Bowman. The toast turns
itself over-just tip the door down.-No burned
fingers or injured dispositions. A square-
shaped Toasted Sandwich Service of "Golden
Glow" Limoges china, seven pieces, decorated
modishly with delicate poppies, goes with the

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