ESTABLISHED 1890h Jr Ait . X MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVIII, No. 127. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1928 EIGHT.P MICHI6AN FALLS TO WISCONSIN BRIDGE TOURNEY FINALS DECIDED IN BOTH CLASSES The Delta Kappa Ep'silon bridge team won the interfraternity bridge tournament by defeating Phi Kappa Sigma in the finals at the Union last BATES DISCUSSES OIL QUESTIONS IN SPEECH( BROADCAST BY WWJ1 { t I N VRSITY DEBATE 'LOSES TO 1 I~LLIOIS NEG DISCUSS CENTRAL AMERICAN POLICY OF UNITED STATES MORRIS JUDGES CONTEST Paul Franseth, '29, Jaril Andeer, '29, And William C. Bishop, '28, Speak At Madisont (Special to The Daily.) MADISON, March 16.-Wisconsin defeated Michigan in an intercolleg-t iate debate here tonight to mark the conclusion of the thirteenth annual series of mid-Western debates. The Michigan team was composedl of Paul Franseth, '29, William C. Bishop, .'28, and Jarl Adeer, '29. The met spoke in the order named. Prof. James M. O'Neill of the University of Michigan speech department accomp- anied the team on the trip here. ] "Resolved that the present policy of the United States in Centralc America should be condemned," wasc the question discussed in the debate. Prof. Wayne Morris of the speech de- partment of the University of Minne- sota judged the 'contest. Franseth, giving the first negative speechwdeclared that the present pol- icy of the United States is necessary. To substantiate his contention hei pointed out that there are foreign interests in the Central American states, iparticuarly in' Nicaragua, which must be protected either by the United States or by the foreign pow- ers concerned. Then too,he went on,' th extensive financial investments in the Carribean by United States inter- ests demand protection. Following Franseth in the negative lineup was Bishop, whose chief dec- laration was that the present policy of the United States has resulted in economic benefits to Central America.1 As evidence to support this contention, he pointed to the many. American in- vestments that have been made in the region. From these he drew the con- clusion that the effect of these invest-l ments had been to improve the econ- omic situation of the countries in- volved and to develop their commerce and national resources. Andeer concluded the constructive case for Michigan. His argument was centered around an effort to2 demonstrate that intervention on the, part o2 the United States has been of political benefit to Central Amer- ica. 'To support this contention, he nzaintained that the presence of American troops and officials hadt had a steadying influence in the de-t velopment of the organs of sel-gov-2 ernment in the none too stable Latin1 American countries.I Illinois won its first intercollegiate debate in Ann Arbor in almost tenl years and its second consecutive vic- tory from Michigan in the past two years when Prof. Howard Woodward, t head of the department of speech at Western Reserve university, gave hisc decision to the negative last night, after the annual contest in ill aud-1 itorium. "Resolved that the present policy of the United States government in Central Am'erica should be condemn- ed" was the subject which was de- bated in the thirteenth renewal of the annual Mid-West debates. Lish Whitson, Albert Hallet, andt Lewis .Sutin composed the Illinois negative Rteam which earned a close decision over Michigan's affirmative after exceptionally food and inter- esting debates. John E. Webster, '30, Lawrence Hartwig, '31, and Elliott H. Moyer, '30L were the Michigan team. The entire debate centered about a spirited clash over the armed in- tervention of the United S'tates in Central America. The Illinois team sought to justify the position of the United States in intervening while the Michigan team's efforts were di-, rected toward -condemning in partic- ular this portion of the United States policy. Webster opened the debate by de- fining .ur policy as "the exclusive right of armed intervention in theseI weaker soveriegn states." He then pointed out that this policy of force' has resulted throughout Central Aiperica in ill will for the United States and bitter resentrnrent against her. In the first negative speech, Whit- ri. sr. ws. . ... s ors w w night. In the consolation match Phit Kappa "Tau took the finals after 'win- ning from P1 Kappa Alpha. The DECLARES .L A W S .MUST .BEr IE JE I lbridge tournament was engineered ENACTED CONCERNINGb with much success and undoubtedly a OIL IFFICULTIESI of the armcd intervention was un- similar contest will be held next year. necessary, and that the question At a meeting of the Interfraternity FORSYTHE DELIVERS TALKn should he submitted to arbitration. He council next week silver loving cups n maintained that peaceful settlement cuil nteektsilverlinges cwilldbeepmesented tontheawinnersrofMusic Numbers Ad Talks By Fishere fo"l ei anowdemmany cases where th regular and consolation tourna- .An] Byrn Feature Balance Of r Torce isnow elnoyed. k H ments; while sets of playing cards will Michigan Night Programr The second Illinois speaker, Hallet, be awarded the runners-up in both ! ___ told the audience that it was vital contests. t that we interfere in Central America cntests-__ Mentioning the problems which con-n to protect the Panama canal, to pro- AIfronted the committee of nine appoint-t tect lives and property and to pre- ed by President Coolidge to considerp vent European intervention. ' METROPOLITAN.l I. .oilconservationrecently Armed intervention, about which the s debate was now hinging, was taken . ton, Dean Henry M. Bates, of the Law n up by Moyer in concluding the affirm- ENGAGED 11 school, set forth a plan whereby na-e ative case. He pointed to the many SINGER I[O11 lultional conservation of oil might be a acts of actual war, unsanctioned by accomplished, in speaking on the Congress, and to the large percentage dJ LAILS 111111 twelfth Michigan Night radio program' of the people of Central America who 3l liL I LL ILIL broadcast over station WWJ, the ,D- are now out of sympathy with the troit News, last night.t United States rule as evidences to EWTThe immediately available remediesn condemn the policy. EXPECT NEW OR AN TO JE for this ituation, Dean Bates declared, j' That force, however, is not the only ENTIRELY FINISHED BY are first, the passage of a law by Con- policy, which the United States has MAY FIgress permitting oil producers en- followed in Central America, was the gaged in interstate commerce to agree belief of Lewis Sutin in concluding the PLAN DEDICATION RITES'upon methods of production which1 Illinois constructive case. We have, will avoid th present unnecessary he pointed out, a constructive econ- Special American Compositions Will waste of natural gas and the glutting omi and political policy those Be Played As Features 0 of the market in periods of over pro- countries. . Coming May Festival j duction with vast quantities of oil Juniua E. Beal, regent of the Uni- which is wasted. The second need, I versity, acted as chairman at the con- Marion Telva, a leading contralto Dean Bates said, is similar legislation Merrill Olsen, '29, were the timekeep- of the Metropolitan Opera company, t pe t rodus towin ens. has been engaged by the officials of ly handle their business without vo ers. segdyhs lating state statutes forbidding co- _- - the University Musical Society, to operative agreements. The third need appear in the 35th annual May Fes- cited was that for state legislation1 tival, which will be held May 16, 17, regulating production at the wells to 18, and 19 in Hill auditorium, is was prevent a wholly unnecessary escape fasa gas. .i announced yesterday by Charles A. fas wastes Are Large I NEW MEMOR L PLAN Sink, president. Telva has never be- "The losses which the country has fore been heard in Ann Arbor, and already suffered from the waste of Senior Class Decides On Endowment Ithrough a combination of circum- gas are staggering in magnitude," Policy For Group As Pa1tig Dean Bates said. "It is to be hoped f Gift To University sgncesherlcon ract hasth olee that within the measureable future,n "Ar_"_n"_d"__ heStu-conservation on even a broader scale (co se vaion on ev n a br ad r s alV ' Am neris" in "Aida" 'at the Satur-I'ma be attem pted by our governm ent. FUND NAMED BENEFICARY day night concert, appearinginstead y ado LDLL~.4I~L igh cocer, apeainginseadI The plan is old and to execute it of Marguerite D'Alverez who was requires imagination and political Hoping to successfully establish a previously announced in that role. daring," Dean Bates concluded, "but precedent in the way of cla's me- The completion of the new big or- the. service to mankind in the conser- monrials, the 1928 Engineering class at gan for Hill auditorium has been an- vation of a fast dwindling but preciousc a meeting held yesterday morni nounced for the first of May, and the natural resource would amply justify a tnyga eldgestrdy orning h dedication of this will inject a new the attempt and bring earned appre- voted by a large majority to adopt the feature into the Festival. The organ ciation to those who promoted it." plan of a group endowment insurance was originally installed at the fac- "The Use and Abuse of Drugs" wasn policy as its gift to the University. tory, and was then taken down and the subject of the address by Dr. War-a The plan of the memorial is as fo- shipped. The last few carloads of ren E. Forsythe,. director of the Uni-a lows: -each member of the class upon parts arrived a few days ago, and I versity health service. "Unfortunatelyb graduation, will take out a $250 in- they are rapidly being assembled for many people today," Dr. Forsythe surance policy payable at the end of here. The installation of the new stated, "there still remains an unjus- s5uyar, an sglepayentofthi h instrument has been attracting the tified faith in the power of drugs in 25 years, a single payment of which attention of many organists, mus- the cure of disease. This we find re- will amount to approximately $8.75 cians, and specialists in that line fiected frequently in the attitude ofI per year. This means that each of through the country. Palmer Christ- university students who look with c the 300 members will pay in about ian, University organist, and one of suspicion upon the service of the phy-1 $218 over a period of 25 years. At the outstanding players of the coun- sician who does not supply a bottlek th$2th eraeunio of e clas. try as well, will dedicate the instru- of medicine or a box of mysterious thent with a composition written by tablets, when only advice is needed.s sum of about $110,000 will have been Eric Delamarter, also a famous or- There should be a more .general un- accumulated. At this time, the class ganist and musician. Delamarter derstanding," Dr. Forsythe said, "ass plans' to meet and decide where the will wield the baton with the Chicago to the properly restricted place off money can best be spent for the chief Symphony orchestra on this occasion drugs in recovery from illness and the interest of the University e and it is planned to make it a trib- preservation of health."h The class fund will be made the ute to, American music and musi- Real Estate Problems Discussed t beneficiary of the policies, and in the cians. "Real Estate Educational Problems" t case of the death of a member of the Grainger Will Conduct Work was the subject of the address byc lunseocyitias trustee fo the Two other i great American compo- - Prof. Ernest M. Fisher, of the real I Alumni association as trusteepforuhr- sitions will be heard at different estate department in the School of t chased through Ward Peterson, '21, of times during this year's Festival. One Business Administration. Professort the Prudential Life Insurance om- Jof these is "The Marching Song of Fisher mentioned some of the pitfalls; the Democracy," by Percy Grainger. to be avoided in investing in realr In approving the action of the class,1 American pianist; the latter will also estate, and pointed out how the de- Harold L. Matheson, '28E, president conduct the orchestra during the velopment of technical methods ofs of the senior Engineering class 'said, rendition of the work. A composition studying certain data will lead to a: "We felt that in adopting this form for children's voices by Hyde, "The more accurate understanding of thet of a class memorial, we could do the Quest Of The Queer Prince," is the principles underlying successful own-f most for the University by making our other representative number, show- ership and utilization of real estate. gifts over a period of years, at the end ing what Americans are doing in the "Why Teach Industrial Arts in the of which wo would have a sum of con- field of music. Juva Higbee, super- Jumor High School was the subject siderable value to the school, and visor of music in the Ann Arbor pub- of the concluding address on the pro- which could be administered by us lic schools, will conduct the latter. gram by Prof. M. L. Byrn, head of the then with better judgment than now. Monumental choral works by Ital- industrial arts department of the Uni- It i-s hoped that this plan will keep ian composers which will occupy a versity. Professor Byrn declared that the class together, and that it will en- prominent place in the program are there is no department i the high courage the men to come back to their 'Pierne's "St. Francis of Assisi," and I school which offers more opportunity reunions." the earlier and more famous "Aida, for experiences that carry rich mean- At the present time, three other of Verdi. The latter selection will ing over into modern life than do the3 senior classes, as well as a number of bring the Festival to a climax on idustrial arts. "It is the self- the alumni classes, under the plan Saturdaynight imotivated activity that makes the ex-1 of the Alumni university, are consider- The Pier e work will be sungon perience carry meaning over to other ing an insurance endowment for their Thersderne w y ie sunga, experiences," he concluded.- .. . -, Thursday night by Marie Montana. .tiemscmmtrm one u gifts to the University. This method soprano; Merle Alcock, contralto;jthep mich wasrinc eo of providing class funds has been Tudor Davies, tenor; Raymond Koch, he program, which was i charge of widely used in other schools, especial-Tar ae; ,nor;sRaymo ,as Waldo M. Abbot, of the rhetoric de- ly in the East, but this is the first baritone; and Chase Baro-meo, bass. 'partinent, rga aae n n I t e acsu tfos s een The latter is a graduate of the Uni- rm , program manager and an- time a successful effort has e versity School of Music and nouncern. made for its inception at Michigan. averd wiSho thefMhicanCrecently Carolyn Slepicka, SM,1 soprano,< ____ (appeared with the Chicago Civic Op- Fanny Shiff, SM, mezzo contralto,; LITTLE SAYS ALUMNI ARE era company in its Detroit season. Louise Nelson, SM, pianist, and Ben-I He will also appear in the "Aida," jamin Z. N. Ing, baritone, rendered! FAVORABLE TO NEW PLAN as will Paul Althouse, Mario Basiola, the musical numbers of the program. j Leone Kruse, and Miss Telva. __ "Western alumni seem enthusiastic Matzenauer Will Sing UN about the plan for the Alumni uni- Margaret Matzenauer, long a fav-1 'A versity," President Clarence Cook .orite with- opera audiences, and who ! WINNERS ARE ANNOUNCED Little stated yesterday on his return has not appeared for many years in from Kansas City, Mo., where he ad- Hill auditorium, will also feature the Burdette Custer, '29, and Edward dressed a large gathering of Michigan concert of Wednesday night in which C. Cronwall, '31, were announced as alumni Wednesday night. The Presi- the organ will be dedicated. She winners of the Union pool and bil- COOLIDGE TALKS ABOUT NICARAGUA (lly Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, March 16.-Presi- dent Coolidge believes that the United States can be helpful to Nicaragua by assisting the people of that country to choose its government, in spite of the action of the Nicaraguan house in rejecting a few days ago the McCoy bill providing for supervision of the coming election by the marine corps. This view was reflected late in the day by an announcement from the navy department that two additional battalions of marines had been ord- ered to the little Central American republic to reinforcetthe 2,700 al- ready on duty there. Commenting on this new develop- ment Secretary Wilbur said the addi-' tional marine forces were to be used primarily for overseeing the coming election and not for action against General Sandino, although the troops may be employed to further the gen- eral activities of the marine in Nicar- agua. While President Coolidge doubts that the legislation embodied in the McCoy bill was absolutely necessary to the execution of the Stimson agree- ment, providing for supervision of the election, he feels that it would have been desirable. DISTRIBUTE TICKETS FOR ,LAWYERS' DANCE, HARVARD WILL FACE MICHI GAN ON, TRACK TONIGH:TILAR H;TILRAF INISED IN HIGH SCHOOL MEEI Gray Fawn Orchestra Of To Furnish Music Crease Event Cleveland For TO ISSUE SCANDAL SHEET Tickets are now being distributed to those whose applications for the Crease dance, senior law formal, have been accepted by the committee in charge. The affair will be held from 9 until 2 o'clock Friday night, March 30, in the lawyer's club. As usual, the senior law class, sponsors of the crease dance, have limited the attendance to 125 couples, preference being given to seniors and the appli- cations of those who have paid their class dues. . Music will be furnished iby tho. Gray Fawn orchestra of Cleveland, a nine piece organization, which has attained fame in this country and abroad -as an orchestral unit of mer- it. The coming event will be their first introduction to local dancers. As has been the custom, a scandal' sheet, called "The Michigan Crease' Paper," will be issued at the dance. Ray L. Alexander, '28L, is in chargel of the publication of the sheet and Frederick W. Ziv, '28L, John D. Voel- ker, '28L, and John G. Garlingaouse, '28L, constitute his staff for the is- sue. Tickets for the dance have been sold at $5 per couple, and no trans- fers of tickets are to be allowed, as a record of names for identification has been kept. Enough applications to more than sell the total of 125 tickets have been received. The crease dance committee is headed this year by John F. McCarthy, '2$1, while Claude W. Coates, '28L, Ken- neth E. Midgely, '28L, and Ralph M. Schwartzenberg, '28L, are the other members of the committee in charge. Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law school and Mrs. Bates as well as the other merrebers of the faculty and, their wives will act as chaperones for the affair. EIGHT NORTHWESTERN MEN QUALIFY FOR- VARIOUS TRACK EVENTS IS FOURTH ANNUAL MEET Several Records Are Made Including New Marks In Half Mile, 440 And Shot Put - Qualifying eight men for the finals that will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, the Northwestern track squad began its drive to re- gain the Michigan interscholastic 'track title which it lost for the first time last year, in the preliminaries held last night in Yost field house. * The Colts were closely followed by Detroit Northwestern, who qualified seven, and Froebel high of Gary, Scott high of Toledo, and Central high of Columbus with six each. Three new Michigan interscholastic records were established in the half mile run, the 440 yard dash and the shot put. Thompson of Northwest- ern started the record. breaking when he clipped half a second off tje for- mer mark for the half mile which was 2:05. In the 440 Moxley of Cen- tral high, Columbus, running ii the first heat, lowered the record from 53.4 to 52.7. Turashoff, star Cass Tech shot putter, tossed the 12 pound shot 47 feet three and one quarter inches to better the old distance by one foot, four and - a half inches. Beatty of Northwestern and Den- nis of Northwestern were the out- standing individual performers, both qualifying in three events. Capt. Er- skine of the Colts provided the up- set of the meet when he failed to qualify in either the hurlles or the dash. Erskine seemed greatly boh- ered by an old leg injury ead could not find himself, limping off the track after finishing the dash. ,Summaries - 65 yard high hurdles-prehiminar- ies-first heat-won by Simmons (Redford);, Anthorpe, Toledo Waite, second. Second-won by Keller, Co- lumbus East; Janowski, Froebel se- cond. Third heat-won by Baxter, Scott Toledo; Odell, Froebol, second. Fourth heat-won by Brown Colum- bus Central; Duhaime, Toledo Waite, second. . Fifth heat-won by Beatty, Northwestern; -Jackson, Dearborn, second. Best time-:08.8 by Beatty. S'emifinas-first heat--won by Keller; Janowski and Simmons tied for second. Second .eat-won by Beatty; Brown and Odell :ied for se- cond. Best time-:08.8 by Beatty. Semifinals-First heat-won by Snowden; Brooks second. Second heat-won by Dennis; Mitchell, sec- ond. Third heat-won by Bennett, Libbey; Lovegrove and Proctor tied for second. Best time-Snowden-. :05.7. 440 yard run-First heat won by Moxley, Columbus Central; Burgess; Northwestern, second. Seond heat- won by Johnson, Elkhart; Eknovich, Northeastern, second. Third heat- won by Meldrum, Northwestern; Scott, Toledo. Waite, second. Fourth (Continued on Page Three.) CONTEST. STANDS AS FIRS' BETWEEN CRIMSON AND WOLVERINES TWO STARS ARE INJUREI Expect Tonight's Meet To Establish New Records For Field House In Three Events - By Morris Quinn Inaugurating a series of athletic contests including track, baseball and football which will extend ove: the next two years, Harvard's trac team will invade Conference circle for the first time at 8 o'clock tonigh when it meets Coach Steve Farrell' Wolverines 'in the field house. In addition to being the first meet ing of the two teams, the engagemen is the only dual meet of the season which will be held at home. The win ner of the annual Indoor Interschol astic title will also be determined a the finals in the 50 yard dash, the 6 yard low hurdles and the half mile re lay are included on the dual meet pro gram.. Michigan's chances received a se- vere blow late Thursday afternoon when Chapman, sprint star, and Tar bill, hurdler, suffered pulled tendon in practice. Chapman was injured s badly that he is definitely out of tc night's meet, while Tarbill's conditio will remain uncertain until 10 o'cloc this morning. Coach Farrell als stated that he probably will not us his best miler, Monroe, due to the fac that he has 'een unable to practic( this week be ause of injuries receive at, Iowa City last Saturday. Harvard. Inked As Favorite Harvard will enter the meet a fav orite to continue her unbroken strin of victories over Michigan teams, n Wolverine aggregation having b'ee able to break through on the Johr nies. Coach Eddie Farrell's charge are credited with a triumph over Cor nell and Dartmouth in a triangula meet, It is expected that tonight's engage ment will witness the establishmer of at least three new field house rec ords. Both the mile and the two mi] marks should fall if Luttman, Wilde and Reid, Harvard's great trio of dis tance men ace functioning properl: The loss of Chapman places th burden in the 60 yard dash upon tb shoulders of Capt. Buck Hester, whb with Grodsky will be pitted agaihs French and Moran, the Tarvar sprinters. Captain O'Neil, Harvard' veteran middle distance ace, and Poi ter will run against Al Lamon an Grunow of the Wolverine team in th 880. COURSES IN ART OF THE THEA TER PRESENTED BY PLAY PRODUCTIONS- Editor's ?Noter Tis is the twelfth of advertisement, and in a new field, but S°a series of feature articles on campusin thsl warepsbe stitutions intended to develop their his- this play was responsible for much tory and major principles or organization favorable comment. and nianagement. -At the close of the year the Uni- Comparatively new as a dramatic versity hall auditorium was con- medium and different in its approach demned for public entertainments, and Ito the campus theater problem, Play the pains spent to renovate and decor- productions stands both as a new in- ate it went for nought. This year Earl stitution and a new form of academic Fleischman of the speech department endeavor for the Michigan campus. replaced Owen as director, when the Practically nothing in the way of real latter went to Northwestern univer- dramatic courses were offered in the sity. Many more improvements have University prior to last year. Study been made in the auditorium, and it of dramatic forms was carried on by has been turned completely into a the departments of speech, English, dramatic workshop, where plays are and rhetoric, but all efforts in pro- tried out, scenery is designed and ex- duction as an entirety had to be ac- ecuted, and the various arts of the I complished by individual organiza- drama including make-up are taught. tions, with no credit given for the Each semester as many as 10 or 15 work. modern dramas are produced by the The initial impetus to the University classes as experiments, and the most production movement was given last successful at private showings are year by David Owen, secured from reproduced for the public. The casts Stanford university to head the de- of these are open to any one inter- partment. Under his direction the old ested whether in the 'classes or not. University hall auditorium was over- Although still hampered by poor hauled, workshops for the construc- equipment Fleischman's plans for the tion of scenery were built, and class- future of Play productions are am- Don Cooper Will Compete Don Cooper's recovery from the ankle injury that prevented him f;on competing in the Big Ten meet las week, has greatly increased thm strength of the Maize and Blue tean in the two hurdle events. Cooper will team with Finney it the high hurdles against the Harvar veterans, Tupper and ,Henrich. Ii case Tarbill is unable to compete i the lows, Jones will be named to tak his place. Opposed to the Michigan men in this event will be Tupper an Mason. Cumings, captain and star of thi 1927 Crimson freshman team, wil match his speed with Munger an Jones, leading'Michigan 440 men. Hen nessey, the second Harvard entry i considered nearly as fast as his teamr mate. Harvard ranks as favorite in th mile, her entries Luttman and Wilde being rated among the best distant men in eastern collegiate circle: Luttman, sensational performer o two years ago, is staging a remarlk able comeback this season. Jesso and Goetz will probably run for Mic igan In this event. Invaders Strong In Shot The weightmen of the invadin team, Pratt and Guarnaccia, who ar football stars, outclass any of th Michigan shot putters. The former i credited with a toss of 44 feet 71- while his teammate is nearly as capa ble a performer. Poorman and Carlso will represent Michigan. Jimmy Reid, the iron man of th invading squad who annexed both th mile and the two mile against ;Dart mouth and Cornell, is expected to se a new mark in the two mile. Flaks man is Harvard's other entry, whil Ted Wuerfel will be Michigan's onl representative.