~AAflI ISUOND[DHOUH WLL IVERobinson Gives Talk ADDRSS ONIHT'On Child Recreation Dr. 1,ynn11 larold Hough, former BY MEDICAL 'SOCIET~~~~~~i J addressing a meeting of theWPhys- peieto otwsentivri BY~~~ ~ ME IAtOIE y, l~~etoof mny rhelgs boles,:77 Ur. Aldred S. Warthin, professor of adpatojo h Cnrl!e Yal: 1 . iso tWtr yn, sti'i rere pathology, has returned from the re- lil .Rbnodsrc pe cent meeting of the American College l lirho Detroit nor the setco'l coil- cciii ati ye of the Playgroiund as,5oeia- of Physicians at. New Orleans, ofI seolitive year has ibeen chosen to t iou of Amer ic.a, stated that the fu-' which he was again elected first vice ;make the address at the annual Wu-tore of 01 tnit edlSt ates dlepenlds upon president. "It was decided," said Dr. ' cyani guild banquet to be held Lit Warthin, "to continue the printing of q; o'clock tollight at the First :icIho-thIleotelise .7eth ncie the College Journal. 'The Annals Of dist chulrchb . t~i. lgh lip _. sn ge hais brought. Qtotinig fro-m9 author-I Internal Medicine,' in Ann Arbor, for as his subject, "The Cloak N\, jhlt, ities he stidl that ~eereation kept chil - nrrr i i w w ® / II I IMIfMA1 .. the next three years. I again ac- Any H-ands."c cepted the editorship of the maga- I'Tbis willI le the 22nd annual hn tine for that length of time, not want- duget of the guiland t he ird ap- l ing to give it up until it is put on a! eaaicei of Dr. B ough as the mnain firm basis.''i speaker. is last book. "Adventuires Prof. Julius Bauer, of the UniversityI in the Minds of Men," was a best of Vienna, was the principal speak- j seler in Detroit for several months.' er at the meeting, and occupied tho TIe is also eat contributing edit or to; position of chief guest. Professor the Christ ian Century magazine. B~auer has been obtained to speair Dr. liough was a speaker on the here on April 4 and to hold a clinic O0ratorical association lecture course at the hospital, for the seniors of the i in 1426, taing as his subject "Anio,- Medical school, on April 5. He is emi- pica and Europe in 16926." drenz {ut of the juvyenilie courts andl helped in the imp rovemcnit of. gangs prevalent in large cities, PORTABLE Ti PE WRITI'E S -- Corona, Underwood, AWe lhave till itiakies. Somec in colored deco finishesq. 0.D. MORRILL nent in the *nrredical field today, amd Dr. Warthin feels that it is on honor to have obtained him as an Ann Ar-I bor guest. Will You Be Prepared for Busines Leadership?'i W HEN you finish College will you have a knowledge of businessj fundamentals which will enable you to succeed? Or are you facing years of apprenticeship-the trial and error method-which may never lead to success? Babson Institute training serves as an excellent transition from College to the business world. 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