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January 14, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-01-14

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Submerged Submarine Must Look Out
For Self As Well As Other
Ships, Claims Expert
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13-Friday the
13th was no deterring influence on
Congress today, either in the way of
getting things started, or finishing
them up.
The House ground out another ap-
propriation bill-that of the Interior
department, calling for $272,000,000,
most of which will go for pensions.
The Senate almost finished its talk
on the tariff, which has been in pro-
gress for several days, and fixed Mon-
day at 3 o'clock for a vote.
Coincident with this action, the ta-
riff fight, begun by Senator McMas-
ter, of South Dakota, one of the Wes-
tern Independent Republicans, spread
over to the House side, where Repre-
sentative Dickenson, Republican, Io-
wa, prepared to go after higher ta-
riff rates on agricultural imports on
behalf of the farmer.
Dickenson, incidentally, will have
the support of Representative "Jack"
Garner, the Texas Democrat-up to a
certain point. Garner wants to talk
tariff, but hehpromised only to help
in getting the subject before the
House, after which the Democrats
will make no guarantees.
While the House was going about
in its machine-like way of passing the
Interior bill today, the Senate droned
along with the 'tariff, with Senator
Fess, of Ohio, taking up the defense
of the administration,sand perhaps a
dozen m'ien taking shots at him as the
opportunity offered. Probably it was
a sleepy audience on the Democratic
side, because most of the leaders of
the minority party had been kept
awake into the small hours of the
morning at the JacksonhDay dinner.
W yoming Governor Talks
In the House committee rooms,
Governor Emerson, of Wyoming, was
a prominent figure. He appeared to
ask that the Boulder Canyon dam billj
be held up while an attempt wasi
made by the states interested to reach
an agreemnt. Finishing his House
testimony, the governor went over to
the Senate side to give his views on
a project important to his section.
The flood control hearings contin-
ued and Chairman Griest of the pos-
tal committee, drew up a bill to lower
postage rates by which $10,000,000
would be lopped off the cost to the
consumer. Assistant Secretary Rob-
inson, told the naval committee that
the Navy was not talking about a
"paper fleet" when it produced its
building program, but that it wanted
real ships.1
BOSTON, Jan. 13- A submarine
running submerged must look out for
herself and for surface ships in her
course as well, Lieut.-Com. Clarke
Withers, a submarine expert, told the
naval court of inquiry investigating
the S-4 disaster today.-
"When the commander of a sub-
marine operating at periscope depth
sees a ship heading toward him, he
has two courses open to him," Lieu-
tenant Commander Withers, who is
executive officer of the submarine
tender Bushnell, said. "He may dive
deeper and go under her, or he may
bring his vessel to the surface where
the other vessel may see him,and
both can manuver out of danger.
Must Watch Others

"Asubmarine running submerged
must look out forsthe other ships as
well as for herself. She cannot
count upon the other ship seeing her,
and obeying the rules of the road.
submarine periscopes are built in
time, and they are invisible in peace I
such a way as to be invisible in war-
time as well.
"The one thing not to do if a col-t
lision is imminent or even possible
is to remain at periscope depth."
The testimony of Lieutenant-Com-
mander Withers was the feature of
a day devoted to hearing the evidence
of seven officers who took part in the.
re-enactment of the S-4 disa.ter off
Provincetown yesterday. Four of theE
witnesses acted as observers on board
the S-6 which went submerged over
the course followed by the sister
ship, S-4, on Dec. 17, just before its
collision with the coast guard de-
stroyer Paulding. Three were ob-
servers on board the coast guard de-
stroyer Monaghan which followed the
course of the Paulding on that day.

a r
A. Maude Royden
Miss A. Maude Royden, English wa-
man preacher now in the Unitedj
States on a speaking tour, recently
found her engagements in Chicago,
Boston, and Philadelphia cancelled
because she smokes cigarettes. She
is to appear as speaker at a Sunday
convocation here early in February.


Celebrating the 75th anniversary of
the founding of the Michigan State
Normal college at Ypsilanti, a large
number of prominent educators, in-
cluding President Clarence Cook Lit-
tle, delivered short speechs in the
neighboring city yesterday. The Pres-
ident spoke at the opening session of
the celebration yesterday morning,
devoting his address to a discussion
of elementary and grade school teach-
ing problems.
President Little stated that grade
and high school teachers show more
favorable attitudes toward their pupils
than instructors in the University,
and he also added that collected data
from grade, high school, and college
teachers shows that there is a de-
creasing interest in the student as
one goes higher up the grade. This
is a reason for the emphasis on ana-
lysis of students by college professors,
President Little declared.
"The most advanced products
should surely receive the most detail-
ed attention, or else be subjected toa
such careful evaluation and classifi-
cation before coming in contact with
college teachers that no effort in-
volving individual analysis would be,
Political Effect Of National Guard I
Mutiny Denied By American
Officials At Somotillo

needed," the President said.'
The speaker also discussed the rela-
tive value of knowledge of the subject
matter and interest in the student
from the teacher's standpoint, statingi
finally that our knowledge of the na-
ture of the pupil is not nearly as far
advanced as our knowledge of meth-
President Bruce Payne, of Peabody
College for Teachers at Nashville,
Tenn., assailed the instiution of col-
lege athletics as now provided in an-
other speech on the morning's pro-
gram. Dr. Charles McKenny, pres-
ident of Michigan State Normal col-
lege was unable to be present because
of illness. The jubilee celebration is
being held in connection with the an-
nual Mid-Year conference of teacherst
held under the auspices of the Normal
When founded in 1852, Ypsilanti,
Normal college was the sixth in the1
United States.'
Prof. Rich Anounces 1any Students
~av-e INet 111,ale A ppoinitments
With Committee
Today at noon will mark the end of
the period of classification, according
to Prof. Daniel L. Rich, chairman of1
the committee on classification for
the College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts. The committee will meet
this morning all of those students
who have reservations. After noon;
there will be no more opportunity to
meet the committee until the regular
period of registration at the beginningE
of the coming semester, Feb. 1-4. 1




Conirol 0 Production By Cooperation
Of Producers And Covernment
Is Advocated
Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law
school will leave for Washington, D.
C., Friday, Jan. 20, to attend a meet-
ing which lie has called as chairman
of the federal committee of nine
whose function it is to study the oil
problem, and make recommendations
for its solution.
"Changes in the Sherman anti-trust
law and similar laws of several stat-
es to provide for control of the pro-
duction of oil by cooperation between
producers and at the same time reg-
ulation of the price by the govern-
ment is the logical solution to the
present oil problem," Dean Bates de-
clared in a recent interview.
Dean Bates claims that millions of
dollars are wasted each year by com-
petitors in the oil production field
who wish to hasten production on
their particular lands, and thereby
permit the escape of natural gas. In
their haste to get all the oil out of
the ground that they possibly can be-
tore adjacent owners of land become
active, the operators simply use the
natural pressure, according to Dean
Bates, and frequently, as a result of
this, less than one half of the oil avail-
able is actually obtained from the
ground, the rest sinking. All the
gas is usually lost. Citing an example
of such waste, Dean Bates showed
that in one year 250 billion cubic feet

All booth chairmen who are selected
by their fraternity or independent
group to represent them in making ar-
rangements for the 1929 J-Hop must
call at the office of the Dean of Stu-
dents and obtain copies 'of the rules
governing conduct at the J-Hop and
concurrent house parties. These rules
must be signed and returned to Dean
Bursley's office on or before Jan. 21
before permission to attend the affair
or to hold a house party will be
granted by University authorities.
The committee again requests that
groups of 20 couples be formed by
combining fraternities as soon as pos-
sible, where there are not that num-
ber within the house attending the
J-Hop. This will work greatly to the
advantage of the group in question, for
otherwise the grouping will be done
arbitrarily by the general booth com-
At the time that favors and invita-
tions will be given out early next
week, fraternity men will be requested
to sign their booth privilege. These
will be compiled and announced later
in the week coincident with the giving
out of one free chaperone's ticket with
each full booth. A few extra chape-
rone's tickets will be available at this
"The Spirit of Chemistry" was the
subject chosen by Professor Paul C.
Walden, of the University of Ros-
tock, Germany, at a lecture delivered
la'st night in the chemistry amphi-
Professor Walden traced the funda-
mental concepts of modern science to
three men: Lavoisier,' the French-
man, the founder of quantitative an-

Man Who Brought Medicine To Arctic
Natives To Relate Experiences
In Mission Work
Sir Wilfred T. Grenfell, the man
who has made Labrador, will deliver
two lectures here Sunday, the first at
11 o'clock in the morning at St. An-
drew's church, and the second at 8
o'clock in the evening in Hill audi-
Sir Wilfred, better known as Dr.
Grenfell, is almost solely responsible
for putting Labrador on the map. For
30 years he has been conducting a
medical mission-in that coufltry, being
gradually able to expand his work un-
til now lie has several land hospitals,
and a floating hospital with which he
cruises up and down the coast dur-
ing the open water season, minister-
ing to the ills of the huge fishing pop-
Before the advent of Dr. Grenfell
the people of Labrador were absolute-
ly ignorant of medical, surgical, and
even hygienic principles. He has
gradually reduced the deaths from
Labrador's two great scourges, small-
pox and tuberculosis. Ailing people
are now brought thousands of miles
on sledges to his hospitals along the
coast for treatment and cure which
otherwise could not be had. The hope
of his mission is to educate the chil-
dren of Labrador in the science of
medicine, to the end that they may
breed a healthier race.
The work is largely carried on by
college students whom Dr. Grenfell
draws to Labrador in large numbers
every summer. Particularly are they
drawn from Johns Hopkins and Har-
vard Medical school. From Ann Ar-
bor last summer Dr. Carl W. Eber-
bach of the University faculty and
Mrs. Hilda Ramsay went to Labrador
to aid in the mission.
Dr. Hugh Cabot, who will introduce
Dr. Grenfell Sunday night, speaking
of his lecture here, said, "The students
have many opportunities in the course
of the year to hear scientific men, but
it is seldom that prophet comes to
(By Associated Press)
New York, Jan. 13.-Jack Sharkey and
Tom Heeney, rival heavyweight title
aspirants, fought to a slashing draw
tonight in a 12-round match that up-
*set the "dope" and left experts as
well as spectators sharply divided in
Apparently believing that Heeney's
bulldog aggressiveness had given hinm
the edge, the crowd of 17,000 onlook-
ers set up a chorus of boos and cheers
after the decision, but the critics'
gallery at the ringside gave a majority
opinion in favor of the Boston ex-
It was a close fight from start to
finish, but a shock to the critics who
had installed Sharkey a heavy fav-

(ysrs "There are many students who have of natural gas, a valuable fuel, equiv- alysis, Liebig, the organic chemist
(By Associated Press) ; not yet appeared before the commit- I alent td five and one half million tons and Ostwald, the creator of physical
MANAGUA, Jan. 13.-While Amer- tee," Professor Rich said last night.-I of coal has been known to be lost chemistry. He briefly outlined the
ican marine planes have been steadily "And there are many others who have from a single oil field, He further work of these three men nd ts value
bombing the Sandino rebel forces near made appointments with the commit- pointed out that oil is perhaps our to the modern chemist, especially iii
1 Quilali, marine infantry detachments tee and have failed to keep these ap- most valuable natural resource re- regard to Ostwald, who was his
are concentrating in the eastern part! pointments." Today marks the clos- maining in this country and that one mentor at Riga.
of the state of Nueva Segovia tocut ing of the Tork of this committee for should therefore consider theasitua- In considering the problem of what
off Sandino from the Coco river in the rest of this semester, and all of tion carefully. makes a great chemist, Professor,
I case he should attempt to escape. those students whose courses require Cooperation Lacking Walden said that the most valuable
Col. Mason Gulick, commanding that they see the committee will have Another waste, according to Dean asset was that of youth. Older men
American forces in Nicaragua, said to- to wait and take their turn at the be- Bates, comes through lack of coop- have made discoveries of great value
day that he would continue his policy ginning of the new semester." eration among the various owners of in the fields of science, but the energy
of bombing the rebels with planes Appointments may still be made the oil tracts, which results in too and imagination of the younger man
rather than have the marine patrols with the committee for this morning, much oil being put on the market is required for the persistent and un-
run the chance of being ambushed. however. Admission will be by ap- during one period of production, so tiring work needed to achieve great
The commander reported that pointment only, and the committee that the oilmus be usedut s results.
planes returning from the Quilali (lis- 'will make all efforts to accommodate bestan une the csrcumstast Professor Walden has come to this
trict on Thursday afternoon vigorous- as many students as possible before Ths can under ought abotnie- country from Germany as the Baker
ly bombed the rebel areas near Qui. the closing at noon. All students, Thonomraltues o h- lecturer at Cornell. He was the guest
lali where American troops were am- whether they have to see the commit- economical uses of the petroleum, of honor at the meeting of the Amer-
bushed early last week. He said that tee or not are advised to make thei which, he maintains, would be worthcan Chemical society, held recently
the airplane bombing of rebel posi- registration today, since by waiting rom ve to eight times as much to in Columbus, 0., and has come to
tions was very effective, the American until the beginning of the new semes- froducer and consumer if it were re- Ann Arbor as the guest of the local
aviators being in a position to see the ter, not only will they chance the los- ne. section of the society.
disastrous effect. he rebels now a ng of some of the courses that they Commenting on the situation, Dean Tomorow morning at 11 o'clock,
! dispersing under heavy cover, fearing desire, but they will also have to pay Bats added, Intelligent producers Professor Walden will speak in room
the effect of b bi the customary fee for late elections. with capital could handle the sitza- 303, Chemistry building on "Stereo-
me ing. tion if they were permitted. But the chemistry and Optical Inversion."
I{ I~)eny Politicail Effettwl-a opne utlecme
The American authorities here to- COLD SNAP DELAYS WORK wild-cat companies must be compell- This is the field in which he has
T day ei athautorituashmuetNNed to come into unit production. In gained his chief distinction, his theory
damy eniedprthat Sunday'samutinyION INTR AMURAL, BUILDIN0 order to do this it will be necessary of the Walden inversion having ques-
among a portion of the Nicaraguan O to modify laws of property. The oil tioned the conclusions of Pasteur,
national guaird stationed at Somotillo
had a political effect. Official ac- Work on the construction of the industry represents a capital invest- van't Hoff and LeBel.
count of the mutiny given out tid ay- new intramural field house situated ment of more than $11,000,000,000, Prof. George L. Clark, of the Uni-
byn the m tinyistern opolcestated t a on the former site of the north stands and presents an enormous problem." versity of Illinois, spoke yesterday
w oy the minister of poce stated that it of Ferry field has been somewhat de- afternoon, on "Applied X-rays." Pro-
Honduran revolutionary leader, and layed because of the spell of cold LAWYER 1UI SPEAi fessor Clark has made a study of X-
that the men fled into Hoduweather during December. The com--- rays as applied to chemistry, particu-
The mn w wrea pletion date for tihe building is the David C. Iloward, a well-known i larly metallurgy.
The m 1 entot escaped were made first part of February, but it is ex- Member of the West Virginia bar, A dinner was given at the Union,
public here today with the statemenmt ,Ainnrlws iveeattheUnon,
that they were ormer members of the Pected that an additional two months will speak this afternoon at 2:-30 last night, by the local chemical so-
Liberalaryw m of 1i'theSacaa andwill be required before the structure o'clock in room B of the Law school ciety, in honor of its two distinguished
iGeeral Moncof Dr. Juan Sacasa and is ready for occupancy. on the subject of Federal taxation. guests.
When the men rose in mutiny they
cheered for Sandino, the present rebel FACULTY M EMBERS COMMENT ON LIFE, WORKS
chieftain, for a free Nicaragua, andT
for the Liberal party, so say accounts 0F THIO MAS HARDY, LA TCAH
from Somotillo, which, however, de-
pied that the movement was of gen- contain a little more light and opti- the man, presenting his viewpoints
nine political motivation. The passing of the late Thomas mise from a different approach.
The men, who had a machine gun, Hardy, one of the last of the great mProf. Peter Munro Jack, head of the "I have been thinking about him
engaged in a fight with the national !Victorian writers, has caused much rof. Pei'rtmunr, way he thnki, a out hd,
dic~al cmmen by arios m l.'lletoric department, was also inter- all day," he started, and then added,
guardsmen who stood by ier iAmeri-J hera thent f acus Ol viewed, concerning the old novelist, "have you ever seen a picture of
can guard officer stationed in Somo- bars of the University faculty on his and he threw quite a new slant on him?" He rummaged among the pa-
tiuo. Three of the mutineers-a ser- relative worth among those of his
contmpoary geof aes astandpers in a portfolio and drew out a
geant and two privates-were killed contemporary age, of ages past, an photograph of Hardy that was quite
and two wounded, while the others of the present. , t.
escaped across the border into lion- eProf. Oscar J. Campbell, of the Eng- s
,snt.sHo'gince h ishlyingi t he
.duras. our miles sdistant. 1I lsh lclEpar'tmet uogzd Hry's ~ -
, ---- _.............__ .,..,........... we t i, ter iCanY w e nJ t t o hU'J



Win Tonight To Mean Chance For Try
At Championship; Maize And Blue
Arrive At Crisis
By Ierbert E. Vedder.
Michigan and Indiana, champion
and runner-up in the Western Con-
ference basketball race a year ago,
will meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight in
Yost field house to inaugurate the
Wolverines' home Big Ten season in
what may aptly be termed an all-im-
portant game, one which should not
be at all different from the many
close, nerve-racking contests of the
past. La'st year the Hoosiers won the
I second game from the Wolverines by
I a three-point margin after sustaining
a four-point defeat at their hands
earlier in the campaign.
The situation confronting the Wol-
verines tonight is nothing if not crit-
ical; the Hoosiers must fall. The
Maize and Blue vehicle has arrived at
! the fork of the road and must turn
I in one direction or the other; if the
Wolverine machine can be shifted into
high gear, it will turn onto the road
which leads to a place in the first
rank in spite of early reverse's.
Is Hoosier Crance, -
To Indiana, the situation is not
quite so serious, but the Hoosiers can
firmly establish themselves as a quin-
tet of the first water by a win tonight.
Coach Dean's team was rated more a
an uncertai ity than as a great aggre-
gation before the season opened, but
its 32-13 victory over Chicago last
Saturday served as a definite warn-
ing that this five cannot be trifled
It was this same badly beaten Mar-
oon team which held Northwestern,
conqueror of Mihigan and Iowa, to
a one-point win Thursday.
In addition to the invaders' sopho-
more sensation, McCracken, who
scored more points in one game than
any of the other Big Ten stars did in
two, Indiana also boasts some further
talent. No one in the Big Ten can
forget Capt. Art Beckner who has
ever seen him play. He is a fine
floorman and a great sharpshooter,
having led the scorers two years ago.
Wells, who lines up at the other for-
ward, and Correll, guard, are other
veterans who will play tonight. The
second guard position ha's seen keen
competition between two sophomores,
Scheid and Gill, with Scheid having
the edge. Starr, because of his pro-
clivity at foul shots is expected to be
at forward at least part of the game.
Michigan In Hole
The Wolverines, backed into a
thicket, are determined to fight their
way out of the jungle at any cost,
and Coach Veenker has nominated the
same five men who started against
Wisconsin as the men to chalk up
Michigan's first Conference victory of
the season.
Capt. Frank Harrigan has been
shifted to forward along side of Oost-
erbaan, with Rose stepping in at
Harrigan's running guard post. Chap-
man and McCoy, center and guard re-
spectively, retain their places.
This coinination is expected to add
speed to the Wolverine quint, with
Rose bringing the ball down the floor
and Harrigan and Oosterbaan teaming
in the front rank. Rose made a rath-
er good showing at Madi'son and his

guarding is of such a nature that it
should aid somewhat ni maintaining
the Wolverine defense as it was last
(Rosteybaan-]larrigan Together
The shift which brings Harrigan
" and Oosterbaan together again should





'descriptive powers. "He was," Pro-
AIRPORT BOOSTERSf ssor Cam'pbell said, "undoubtedly
RT +B TER I the most modern of the Victorian
ARRANGE MEETING writers. I consider him the master of
I natural description. He was unpar-
A new twist was given to plans for alleled in the ability'to fit his char-
the proposed Ann Arbor airport yes- acters to their surroundings." He'
terday when a meeting was scheduled fventured further to state his belief
between Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti that Hardy in his prime wrote far
boosters for Monday evening to dis- in advance of the others of his time.I
cuss plans for the development of one 1 One other member of the English
good Ypsilanti-Ann Arbor air field. 1;faculty, Prof. Louis I. Bredvold, spoke
This latest development came as the !of Hardy, asserting that the man was
result of a meeting of the board of di- "tortured more than any of his con-
rectors of the Chamber of Commerce temporaries by the advent of modern
yesterday noon in the Chamber of science and determinism." Prof. Bred-
Commerce building. At this session vold made plain his assertion by il-
a meeting of the representatives of lustrating it with examples from the
+1- 11- niioc o cli~7~ln7 f [,)A wniL-4 tif lip mnn. a ,v's earlier

we1 ,11 peiu we ugnuwag
his picture," and he draped it over
the face of some ancient, concurrent-
ly less important.
"Hardy was not a pessimist," he
said. "He was a straight speaker and
an honest thinker, and he would not
admit the futility of human endeav-
"He was the gr'3atest poet of mod-
ern England," Prof. Jack went on.
He stated that Hardy had the knack
of noting the change in trend of
thought as time advanced, and this
point was shown by a poem written
scarcely six months prior to his
Hardy's most recent' work, "The
Dynasts," centered about the charac-

speed up the attack and lift- it out
of the rut in which it rested last
week. It will provide an opportunity
for the revival of the Harrigan-Oost-
erbaan combination which was rated
as the finest scoring weapon in the
Conference last year-as attested by
the fact that both men were among
the first five scorers. So far this
season, that combination has not
been effective.
Offense, which slumped so badly
last week, has been stressed in every
workout of late, and if this can take
a turn for the better while the defense
remains tight, Michigan should give
the Hoosiers a real tussle.
The probable lineups:
Indiana Michigan
Beckner, (C) .... F ....Harrigan (C)


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