THE MICHIGAN DAILY TITmSDAY... A Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches creditedrto it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices:tAnn Arbor Press Building, May- card Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 2124. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR JO H. CHAMBERLIN Editor......................Ellis B. Merry - Editor Michigan Weekly.. Charles E. Behymer Staff Editor..............Philip C. Brooks City Elitor............Courtland C. Smith Women's Editor...........Marian L. Welles Sports Editor............Herbert E. Vedder Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr. Assistant City Editor.. . .Richard C. Kurvink Night Editors Robert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean SStewartHooker Kenneth G.Patrick -aul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr. Milton Kirshbaum z i Reporters Esther Anderson John H. Maloney Margaret Arthur Marion McDonald Alex A..Bochnowski Charles S. Monroe jean Campbell Catherine Price 1hsie C hurh Harold L. Passman Blanchard W. Cleland Morris W. Quinn Line N. Lucia,, kita Rosenthal Margaret Gross Pierce Rosenberg Valborg Egeland Eleanor Scribner Marjorie Follmer Corinne Schwarz Iames 13. Freeman Robert G. Silbar obert J. Gessner Howard F. Simon Elaine E. Gruber Ceorge E. Simons Alice Ilagelshaw Rowena Stillman Joseph E. howell Sylvia Stone1 J. Wallace Hushen George Tilley Charles R. Kaufman Bert. K. Tritscheller William F. Kerby Edward L. Warner Jr Lawrence R. Klein Benjamin S. Washer Donald K. Kline LeoJ. Yoedicke Sally Knox Joseph Zwerdling lack L. Lait, Jr. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAM C. PUSCH Assistant Manager... George H. Annable, Jr. Advertising...... .Richard A. Meyw Advertising. ............. Arthur M. Hinkley Advertising...............Edward L. Hulse Advertising............. John W. Ruswinckel Accounts................Raymond Wachter Circulation..............George B. Ahn, Jr. Publication ..................Harvey Talcott Assistants George Bradley Ray Hofelich Marie Brummeler Hal A. Jaehn iaw tarpente James Jordan Charles K. Correll Marion Kerr Barbara Cromell Thales N. Lenington Mary Dively Catherine McKinven Bessie V. Egeland Dorothy Lyons Ona Felker Alex K. Scherer Katherine Frohne George Spater Douglass Fuller Ruth Thompson Beatrice Greenberg Herbert E. Varnum Helen Gross Lawrence Walkley EJ.WHammer Hannah Wallen CarIW. Hammer THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1928 Night Editor-NELSON J. SMITH, Jr. RECOGNITION One of the most signal honors which has come to the University through its teaching staffs in recent years is the appointment of Prof. Laurence Gould of the geology.department as a member of the expedition which will accompany Commander Richard Byrd in his much heralded trip to the South Pole next winter. Chosen as he was, from more than 2,000 applicants for the less than 60 positions in Com- mander Byrd's party, the honor is a distinct recognition not only of Pro- fessor Gould's genial character but of his sterling scientific attainments as well. To the many congratulations from his personal friends locally, the Uni- versity adds its own for the youthful professor who has already merited such singular recognition. To the un- explored wastes of the Antarctic con- tinent the expedition will carry the quest for scientific knowledge, and there are few men who could better represent the University of Michigan and the science of geology in such an undertakinf thnn "T arrv" Gould. vu- ' TiE BAG Someone has let the cat out of the bag again, with the result that a hor- rible state of corruption within the Republican party has been exposed to the avid gaze of the general public far and wide. Moralists are throwing up their hands in horror and crying out against the fact that Will Hays accepted a little $260,000 donation from men who wanted leases on gov- ernment oil lands. Some radical per- sons have gone so far as to declare that they will not vote the Republi- can ticket in the November elections. All of this is rather pitiful. Nearly everyone knowssthat graft in Ameri- can politics exists-but there is no use to make a public display of the thing. How much better it would be if the Republicans were to find some clever and astute crooks to head their party finances-some men who could keep the think quiet-rather than allow the whole country in on what should be a strictly family affair. 7f the Republicans are to retain public confidence something of this nature must be accomplished. It is asking almost too much to request that any political party adhere to high principles of integrity in its dealings, to install an honor system in finance; States to supervise the October pres- idential elections-thus blowing to tatters the carefully founded plan by which the Washington government planned to oversee the choosing of the next Nicaraguan government. Wash- ington has replied summarily that it will sup-ervise the voting anyway, and that if the Nicaraguans do not care for the policy they need not to vote. All of which seems to indicate rather definitely that in spite of America's professed unselfishness and admitted fatherly interest, the Nicara- guan elections will be held under American supervision only if the marines keep a machine gun at every polling booth and a bombing airplane ready for every assembly hall. The issue resolves itself into the simple question as to whether or not the United States desires to take a nomi- nal protectorate over the Republic of Nicaragua; if such is the case, an honest admission of the policy might help the American conscience; if such is not the case, there is no reason why the Washington government should not allow to Nicaragua a free election-with the Chammorroistas, the progressives, and the other fac- tions all sharing equal campaign op- portunities. There are more effective ways than a dog-catcher to keep dogs off of the campus-and the B. and G. depart- ment has apparently discovered it. The difficulty lies in the fact that the scheme somewhat disregards the stu- dent body. Hails Electric Cure For Dense City Population, reads a headline from a Chicago newspaper. An electric cure for some of their gunmen would be more to the point. CAMPUS OPINION Annonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communi. cants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Letters pub- lished should not be construed as ex- pressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. FINANCIAL GROUNDS? To the Editor: The literary faculty finally decided on rejection of the University college. They spent four meetings discussing the problem, each time postponing action. At the fourth meeting a mo- tion was passed to take a vote at a certain time. A close vote decided for a rejection on the grounds of finance. What does the delay and the result signify? They signify that the liter- ary faculty could find nothing wrong with the plan, but that several, in fear of having their departments cut or their jobs lost, as a last resort, re- jected the plan on the time-worn plea of finance. Then too, financing the innovation would not be the respon- sibility of the literary faculty. Hence, why the concern? To any incoming freshman the present breach between instructor and student is a radical change from the close contact in high school. This sudden change of system would be eliminated by the proposed University college; this elimination itself is worth instituting the plan. When the engineering college fac- ulty rejected the plan because of its harmful tendencies to their school, they were logically justified. But they did not delay four days finally to ad- vance another consideration under which they might take safe refuge because of personal reasons or be- cause of enmity to its authors. Certainly the University college has merit. The question for each school to decide is whether its merit is suf- ficently conducive to its welfare. For any problem worthwhile money should always be a secondary matter. D. L. E., '31. AIDING THE MINERS March 13, 1928. To the Editor: After reading your pertinent art- icles on the conditions of the miners in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Colorado rind especially your excellent editorial in this morning's paper, I should like to take advantage of this opportunity of informing the student body that a group of students have banded to- gether some three weeks ago and or- ganized a Miners' Relief committee which has since solicited useful clothing, imperishable food and money for the relief of the miners' dire needs and, in particular, for the several hundred thousand mothers and chil- dren who are indirectly connected with the struggle. Announcement has been made through several of the churches and other organizations in Ann Arbor. It is quite probable that there are more students who if they knew about it would like to heln if only h ysndino. ,,. ABER NICHII HEUTE IN ORDER THAT students who take foreign languages may under- stand the full significance of our ex- pression, BUT NOT TODAY, we are giving little exercises in various tongues. * * * CONTRIBUTOR BEE JAY AY in- forms us that there is' an old German proverb which reads, "Morgen, mor- gen, ABER NICHT HEUTE, so sagen alle falle Leute." We don't know what it all means but it is evident that they read Rolls in Germany, for they' say BUT NOT TODAY. WE FIND THAT in the original manuscript of Caesar's Gallic Wars there is a wording which is not re- corded in most text books. The cor- rect opening is, "Galia ist omnes di- visa in partes tres, SEN NON HODIE. * * * AS FAR AS we know the expres- sion does not occur in French liter- ature, but it probably is there because the words are there, thus: "MAIS PAS ANJOURD'HUI." * * * FROM THE SUNNY land of Spain comes the legend of Don Juan and his most immortal statement, made in one of his more joyful moments, "Me gusta ver los esposos de las senoras hermosas, PERO NO HOY!" THE ABOVE SAYING of Don Juan is, when translated, useful i4 any land. * * * LITTLE THING TO WORRY ABOUT DURING A DULL LECTURE The girl two rows ahead and three seats over. The auto ban. How soon the hour will be over. The fact that there are only eleven coupons left in the Athletic ibooks and fourteen events left on the home schedules. Mid semester examinations. The girl two rows ahead and three seats over. Who'll get the oil can. The girl back home. The girl two rows ahead and three seats over. Poison Ivy. * * * I I THEATER BOOKS MUSIC TONIGHT: The Rockford Players present Elsie Herndon Kearns In "Hedda Gabler" at the Whitney thea. ter at 8 o'clock, TONIGHT: Students of the School of Music appear in recital at the School of Music auditorium at 8 o'clock. * * * IL CIRCOLO ITALIANO A review, by Oscar R. Fuss Building a framework with such popular numbers as "0 Sole Mio," "Santa Lucia," "Casttigliana" and "La Spagnola" around a program de- voted to selections from Italian oper- as, Il Circolo Italiano presented an interesting musicale yesterday eve- ning. Though recitatives and arias from the operas written by Italian composers or composers showing the Italian influence, which were essen- tially melodic in character, predomi- nated, the program was well propor- tioned. Among the selections from non-Italian composers, "La Ci Darem La Man," the beautiful melodic duet from Mozart's opera "Don Giavonni" was exceedingly well given by Miss' F. Rarden and A. E. Sutton. Mr. Patton sang with much feeling "Lucean Le Stelle" from Puccini's opera "Tosca," while C. Staubach vivified the abun- dant harmony of the "Intermezzo Sin- foncio." The Italian composer Pon- chielli was represented by his "Voce Di Donna," which Miss F. Shiff sung with much skill. Supplementing and correlating with the operatic selec- tions, the Italian club sang in chorus a number of Italian folksongs. The program, employing as it did the semi-classical numbers was well received by the audience; a fact,E which other organizations, contem- plating musical programs in the fu- ture may take heed of, if they wish to appeal to that portion of the Univer- sity musical public which, it seems, is able, or perhaps, willing to appre- ciate semi-classical music. Detroit Theaters ".:"".".: .".":..n """"""" ."" ..."- P E NMAKER S .. .,, # r +F^ w r ar . +r wr C AS S THEATRE Priers-Nights, $1.00 to $3.00. Wednesday Mat. $1.00 to $2.00. Sat. Mat. $1 to $2.50. (Plus Tax) The Pirates of Penzance Ronday, Tuesday and Wednes- lay Eves., and Wednesday Mat. It will cost you: more not to have aRider "Mastemspen"! a Student Necessity. Custom Made, right here in Ann Arbor. Immediate Service i i' [I MW Rider's Pen Shop 315 S. State St. Woodward, at Eliot B 0 N S T E L L E PLAYHOUSE NIGHTS, 75c, $1.50. Mats. Tues., Thurs. and Sat., 50c, 75c second Wk. Reg. Mon. Mar. 12 The Season's Dramatic Sensaition CRAIG'S WIFE IN CHARGE I CLASSIFIED ADS PAY i i ' ,I II GARRICK Beg. Sunday Night, Feb. 11 Jed. Harris' World-Famous Drama of the Cabarets BROADWAY ShUbert-Lafayette Beginning Sunday, March 11 Prices: Nights, 'Oc to $2.50; Sat. lIat. W0e to $".; Popular Thurs. day Mat, 50c to $1.50 2 GIRLS WANTED A Comedy of Youth, Romance and Thrills Why send your laundry home and bother the folks with it. Bring it to The White Swan Cash & Carry Branch Office, opp. Maj. You save 15%. II Open 7 a. m. to 8 p. m. White Swan Laundry Co. "c... . ~Ii AND FOR SENIORS, worry about class dues, Poison Ivy, * * * THE HAPPY COLLEGIANS By Hot Stuff. Chapter 1. Monday being a mild day, Stuff and I decides to go canoeing. That eve- ning we trails over to the river with a couple of dames in tow. After rap- ping three times and giving the coun- tersign-"Long Live the Regents"-I to the guy who runs the boathouse, we trips in and plunks down two dol- lars for a deposit. "Another two bucks," sez the An- cient Mariner, "two bucks more for a deposit on a chaperon. Lose the chaperon and you lose the deposit] Well, Stuff and I cough up and each of us settles ourselves in a canoe- with the chaperons perched between us and our dates. As we rides out to sea the chaperon in my schooner rigs up a long pole over us and presses a button and there we are with an are light glaring down on us. Then theI old lady ropes me off from the girl and settles back for a quiet ride. Well, about this time, Mary (that'sj the girl friend's name) drops her handkerchief on the seat beside her. Along comes a bouncing little baby breeze and carries the little hanky back to me. I give 'er the one-two blow, jab with my left and hook it with my right., Well, there I am, thinking what a regular wide-awake goshdingit I am. Well, I reaches past the chaperon to give Mary what's her own. She reaches back and our hands touch. Horrors! Before I can say "C. C.? Little," a cannon booms out and the: chaperon shrieks. About 500 steam whistles start blowing, bells begin clanging away and a whole flock of headlights is turned on us from shore. Before I even have time to cough up the pipe I've swallowed in the ex- citement, a whole merchant marine pops up from nowhere and comes chasing out after us. Babee! Looks as if we're in for it. While I tries to soothe the yelling chaperon by gently fondling her windpipe, I casts an eyeball over to Stuff in his scow and I sings out, "Thiink we'll get out of this Stuff?" Stuff grins back kind of sickly, fills un his good lunn and ronnn har_ * * * DETROIT APPRECIATION Gilbert and Sullivan have come and seen Detroit, but thus far they have not conquered. All last week, Win-k throp Ames' splendid company played three of the masters' most famous operettas, but Detroit has failed to clutch the opportunity and the com- pany enters its second and final week, running at a considerable loss. After some recent observances of Detroit theater-goers, the reason may be apparent to some. In a village where a crowd will be so discourteous as to stand and leave as a body whilej the musicians are taking their first, final bows, (as happened at the Gershwin-D'Alvarez concert), hardly more can be expected. The recent influx of hilarious and sometimes doubtful musical comedies and drama have been taken too seriously, and it appears that many of the theater- goers cannot see beyond the "humor" of "Abie's Irish Rose" which is now packing them in down the street and drawing laughs for the subtle humor of appendices and "Momma" and "Poppa" stuff. The small crowds which attended the productions of last week were I most appreciative, which renews hope that the Detroit theater patrons are not hopelessly lost. The subtle sar- casm on English institutions was not lost by many in the audiences, and the music, while not jazzy and thump- ing as so much. of the popular music is at present, often brought forth ap- plause and expressions of real appre- ciation. It may be that the people are some- what leary of Gilbert and Sullivan. Even in our own institution of learn- ing, many thought them to be about the same as Aida and Carmen. Detroit seems to be just awakening from a theatrical lethargy, and the produc- tions which have played there recently have been a great improvement over former material. Gilbert and Sulli- van are admitted masters of the light operatic field, and perhaps all Detroit needs is more familiarity with their work. C.M. * *1 * STUDENTS RECITAL The students of the School of Mu- j sic in recital offer another colorful program of classical music in their auditorium tonight at 8 o'clock. Among those playing are Rachel Ram- t - caI? na n no a pl~ nlm -A - I Vacation in Europe- All Expenses Paid NE' day next summer you will watch the fading sky. IIE- line of New York from the deck of a great ocean a i r rm > liner. It will carry you to the port of Liverpool I c rfrom which 'you will sp~eed over the English doawns to, S.a~ Chester. From there by motor to Laemington, the Shakes-o peare Country, Oxford. Then after two days in London spent between Westminster Abbey and the Tower of Lon- W W don (not forgetting "The Cheshire Cheese"), you go to p The Hague, famed as "The Smartest Capital in Europe." To Amsterdam, "The Venice of the North." Next to r Brussels with its medieval guild houses and the colossal ;- Hotel de Ville, the largest municipal structure in Europe. 11 -sOn to Cologne and up the swift coursing Rhine to an- > cient Mainz. By train'up the steepening Rhine valley to t - Switzerland, "The Roof of the World." Then a week of -moterig through glorious Alpine scenery. At last to II Paris, with four days in which to wander through the Louvre, shop in the Rue de la Paix, and "debauch" atop Montmartre. Then homeward on the Homeric, Cal- 11 T fornia or Majestic, a week's voyage in the keen Northh Atlantic air, while quickened appetites respond to three smashing meals and many a hearty, 'twen-meal snack. Home-after the vacation of a lifetime. o -04 TIME-The Weekly Newsmagazine-Offers You This Vacation.PE in return for your work this spring as TI1ME'S subscription representative. This is not a contest. Special ar- 0r- rangements made with Thos. Cook & Son make possible this amazing. generous reward for your efforts. Write E n r this amazing generous reward for your efforts. Writ r :.-_.. I TELEPHONE CO. Long Distance Rates Are Surprisingly Low . . . For Instance, Or Less, After 8:30 P. M., You can call the following points and talk for THREE MINUTES for the rates shown. Rates to other points are proportionately low. Night From Ann Arbor to: Rsaton-teo t ATLANTA, GA............................................ ......$1.30 BIRMINGHAM, ALA . ..........................................1.40 BOSTON, MASS. ............................. ...............1.40 NEW ORLEANS, LA . ..........................................1.90 DULUTH, MINN. -...................... 1.20 JACKSONVILLE, FLA...................................1.75 LITTLE ROCK, ARK. ......................................... 1.50 MEMPHIS, TENN. ............................... ............ 1.40 TAMPA, FLA. ................................................. 2.00 The rates quoted above are Station-to-Station night rates, effective from 8:30 p. m. to 4:30 a. m. A Station-to-Station call is one that is made to a certain telephone, rather than to some person in particular. If you do not know the number of the distant telephone, give the operator the name and address and specify that you will talk with "anyone" who answers at the called telephone. Day rates, 4:30 a. m. to 7 p. m., and evening rates, 7 p. m. to 8:30 p. m., are higher than night rates. A Person-to-Person call, because more work is involved, costs more than a Station-to-Station call. The rate on a Person-to-Person call is the same at all hours. Il