MIARCT--T15 , 92,R THE MICHIGAN DAILY Kraus Announces Program Of Summer Sessionl iste-ner to Bufalo. Retuni early onl I Prio. Benjamin b4' Bailey. Play by the Trip ends at 12:1) in Ann Abor. _T l ly 9 oc kord players. Plays by the :Rockord players.~ iJMSF'ly by the iRockford playrs July 2, Excursion, No. 6-Put-in- August 6, "1otor Fuels"Pof. 0 REPAIRING We sell and service all makes Typewriters. The Largest and Best stack to select from in Ann Arbor, backed by skilled service. at Rider's lien Shop Phone 8950 Ili9'ALL MAKESu PART I N PLANS ENROLLED INSt LECTURES, EXCURSI INCLUDED IN ENTERTL July 9, "The Protozoan Parasites of Monkeys and M~en,"' Prof. Robert W. 'T11 egner of Johnas Hopkins university. Play by the Rockford players. FOR STUDENTS1, "We('Aiiateoui Writers," Mr. IMMED SESSIONRoc-ford pRiversR.e ls Jul a , t:1 io'clok, ExctrsiotlNo -- tractor plant, coke ovens5 at D~eairborni, IONS, 'THEA1TER ARE ,M4ic h. To plant and retuirn bly auito THE LIST OF "I)IIstraors of Childrena's Books," gp~y Miss Helen Martin of Western Re- ll C E serve university. Concert b~y faculty - of School of Music iin Hill auditorium. P1rof. Russell C. H-ussey; via Michi- gan Central to Detroit and steamer to Put-in-Bay. Return to Ann Arbor 11 o'clock at night. l3lays lby the Rockford players. July 30, "Maps of America in Euro- pean Archives," Prof. Louis C. Karp- "Something doing on nearly every l GeneralI lihbrary , C'1em: nts Iii oyrari ''uJuly~ 12, 'Atc ni Structuire,'' Prof. dlay of the Summer Session" appears Unrioni. Trip eiiols at 4:45 oclock. IL. A. Kramer:; of Rijks university, to be the policy of those who arrangedi "Geology of Niagara, Falls and Vi- t'trecht I lollanol. Play by the Rock- tile special program of lectures, ex- cinity," Prof. Russell C. I]Hussey.1 ford play'ers. cursions, and entertainments, accord- P lay by the Rockford players. Ju. ily 13, "The Drist ribut ion of Popu- Ing. to the announcement of the full 17.une 29), play by the Rockf~od play- lation in Africa," P~rof. Stanley D). program for the 1928 session from the 1 rs. General reception by the faculty Dodge. Play by the Rock~ford players. office of ;Dean Edward H. Kraus of ito the stuidents of the Summer session July 14, 1,xcursion No. 5.-Detroit the'Summer Session, in Barbour gynmnasium. News building, including radio broad- The Rockford paer s will giveea30, Excursion No. 2.Fod pa gv casting station WWJ; General Motors' repeoireof heirplas thoughut compnyHighland park,D-j building; cafeteria for luncheon; D~e-I six~ weeks of the session in Sarah l troit public library. Trip ends at 8 Caswell Angell hall, and on some f o'clock. days, will give both matinee andl eve- Plays by the Rockford players. fing performances. The matinees will July 16, "The American Academy in start at 3:30 o'clock and the night Rome," Prof. Henry A. Sanders. Play' sows will begin at 8:15 o'clock by theRokrdpaes Seven excursions have already been JIuly 17, "Some ]Political Results of arranged, includling trips to Niagara Our System of P'residential El ction." Fails for three days, to the Ford Mo- Prof. Josep~h R. Hayden. Play by the' tor company plants, to the Put-inBay Rockford players. region, and several Detroit institu- July 18, "The Function -of Speech tions. These trips are under the st-_" Education," Prof. James M. O'Neill. pervision of University officials, and Concert by faculty of the School of will be paid for by those taking themr, Music in Hill auditorium. special rates being offered by the July 19, "The Use of High Temper- transportationr and other companies. ature in Industry," Prof. William P. Several lectures will be given by 'Wood. Play by the Rockford players. members of thle University regular July 20, "Jamaica," Prof. Bradley faculty, and others will be made by M. Davis. Play by the Rockford play- faculty men :coming from other uni- ers" versities both as regular professors July 21, plays by the Rockford play-I or as guest speakers. As the Summer ers Session is a g athering place for teach- Jl 3 Sadrsi nin n ers, the School of Education will hold Modern Sculpture," Prof. Walter A. special events for the benefit and en- I.iliI Edoward I.It Kraii s Agard of the University of Wisconsin.I tertainment of visiting teachers: who Of the summer session, who plans, 'Play hy the Rockford players. are enrolled in the session. The an- through the provision of features, to July 24, play by the Rockford play- nuial banquet of the educational clubs make the suimmer school lib~eral and ers. Visitors' night at the observa- connected with the School will be general in scope for the many stu-i tory; adlmission by ticket only. "Ex- held on Aug.-,6 at the Union.I dents who attendl for special work. cited Atoms," Prof. Ova S. Duffendack. The general reception given by the July 25, "Mexi co," Prof. Herbert J. Priestly of the Uiversity of Cali- faculty to the students of the session troit. Start in front of Angel} hall at * Cncrbyfulyoth will be held on June 29 in Barbour 8 o'clock in the morning. Trip ends tool of Muic int Hillfacuitorium. ;gymnasium. ;at 12:15 o'clock. Round trip (direct :oo nf iciat Hioseradtor;uad Visitor's'nihatteosraryad The program for the whole session, to plant and return by, auto b~us. misobytceon. which will begin on June 25 and close Plays by the Rockford players. Iiy2,"tdn dutett h on Aug. 8, is as follows: July 2, "Elizab~ethan Drama." Prof. ".luly 26. "tudent Adjustme. ngote June 25, "Mussolini: Dictatorship fThoirias Mv. Parrott of lPrincetonui- Plnvironm tent" Rof.roblaers. Vingeors V ersus Democracy," Prof. William A. versity. Play by the Rockford play- PlybIh okod lyr.Vstr' Frayer. Play by Rockford players. ers. night at the Observatory; adlmission Prof. Louis C. Karpinski1 Of the mathematics department, who, in line with his hobby, will speak on "Maps of America in European Ar'chives" late in July as a special feature of the summer session pro- gram. inski.. Play by the Rockford players. July 31, "X-rays and the Constitu- tion of Matter," Prof. James M. Cork. Play by the Rockford players. August 1, "Tax Delinquency in the Cut-Over Lands of Northern Michi- gan," Prof. Kenneth C. McMurry. Con- cert by faculty -of the School of M~u- sic in Hill auditorium. August 2, "Don Quixote," Prof. Charles P. Wagner. Play by the Rockford players. August 3, Social evening, under the auspices of the Women's league. Open to all students of the Summer Session. Barbour gymnasium. Play by the Rockford players. August 4, 8 o'clock in the morning, Excursion No. 7-Michigan state pris- on at Jackson. Party goes directly to prison and returns by auto bus. TYfPEWRITING and MWIMEOGRAPHlINGi a specialty for twenty years. Pronmpt Servie, Experienced Oper- * ators, Moderate Riates. 0. D. MORRILL 117 Nickels Arcade. Phone 6615. tria," MViss Martha Guernsey. Annual banquet of the edlucational clubs of the. School of Education, it. lltiu. Admission will be charged. August 8, "The Value of the Pe- riodic Medical Examination," D~r. i James D. Bruce. August 9, "What. the Spectrum Re- "1veals," Prof. W. C. Rufus. TAPPING LEAVES ON TENM-DAY T~RIP1! .T. Hawley Tapping, field secretaryi of the Alumni association, left Sun- (lay-on a tenl-day trip in 1the interests of the Alumni, association. his itinu l rary~ includIes Chicago.,.Joliet., and l Decatur, ll., St. Louis, and TKansas City, Mo.,, Wichita, Kan., Tulsa, and Oklahomar City, Okla., Memphis, .Tenn., and Peoria, 1ll. ie will re- I turn to Ann Arbor and resume his duties in the office of the Alumni as- sociat ion on March 22. 'Umm N ANA0ER MRRWJED Paul Buckley, general manager ofI the Union, returned Saturday from San Salvador where his marriage t~o Senorita Tanchito Mejia, of that s country, took place. Mrs. Buckley re- turned with her husband who will resume his active duties at the Un- ion. ('RA CAIN THEATER Miss P. R. Miller I "WHY GIRLS GO BACK HOME"1 (WitR, G. N- in' "HE EBEE J1E EBEES"! ''lI'is "Ad" frithi 10e SOON BEN HUR EIC NOW SHOWING ![LtI(II AN ; I A('L ill 3'S '1 A I'ON "The Boys With th.'-e e i KARL WIEDERUOLID'S MiI('IAN ORCHEsrRA Smiths Cook ( Kincigra~nis ('onlelly . News Keel. Lovingly Yours-A No~velty HIAROLD LIARING at GRANDE ORGAN $1 c _. _ . . . I IN .. R^ li ees ) l It's.H4 t Stuff! BIG (M ALA. EVENTS 1l}pe .. . r . . r. . . WEEK OF Prof. Harlow C. Whittemore. Play by the Rockford players. June 27, "Developments in Pern- icious Anemia," Prof. Cyrrus C. Stur- gis. Play by tho Rockford players. Jiune 28, Excursion No. 1.-Ann Arbor and vicinity. Meet. on the Li- brary steps at 2:30 o'clock. Tour of city lboulevards andl city drives in au- tomobiles furnished for the trip). Re- turn to the camnpus for inspection of ing," Miss Adelaide A. Adams. Play by the Rockford players. JIuly 4, Holiday. Play by the Rock-fodpaes July' 5, "Heating the Illonic," Prof. Rainson 5. Hawley, Play by the Rockfcrd players. Jluly 6, 2 o'clock, Excuirsion No. 3.- Niagara. Falls and vicinity, under the direction of Prof. Russell C. Hussey; via Michigan Central to Detroit, and July 27, Subject to be announced, SCHOOL IN PARIS All Expenses Including romid trip steminship fare for Two'i 11onths D~irected by llomer A. Des-Marais Arranged by M1T1rarel I ab), Gr~manmd Rapids, 3Michigan. .a -- A.ND WHA'SMOL7JVSI MILD enough for anyone's taste, milder in fact than most cigarettes and yet, they do what you've always wanted a cigarette to d- THEY SATISFY! CHFFR T IF