THE MICHTGAN DAILY F:MPMAY'. TI-rau F M .CT-a srCAM" arTLY av ~X" ",IN m. ThV C.S'JMJAf., SVA X Severaln Falousrsale for the sumiofof ffer,75. PantngThe ipresent rab ook roomp owesI much to the late Isaac Nowton Bern- I - F Last4 Performances 'Today-2:0O, 3:35, 7:00, 8:40 First,('(litions of famous hooks lby' page) becaez l alply.' When this famous au tthors ar1e part ot the cod- change was, made it was d cisc over ed led lol in thle( rare book room of th~e that apply' was spelled with one p' Ma in libralry. Volumes of Shakze- in the original printing. Ai extria, II 5l~;r;(.raCndl, third, and fourth, was inser°ted, but the volume still is folios, Wh'lit maj1's, Wordsworth's, andt terme'd the first edition. Sometimes Milton's works, ai~epaUrt of the group. entire sect ions are rearra mged , but.I lhe IrTfiesre first (e(it ions are usually the edition remains thle same. firt JIssue of al publicationl. Among- the "'firsts," is 'halt Whit- M"iUd' discussion Ilasn (evelope~1 man's "Leaves of (srass," the copy over the term, first edition. Otten in being the onle he sent to Emnerson2. In the course of printing minror mistakes addition several first editions of1"Rob- a e made which are altered without inson Crusoe," and ''Culliver's 't 1 W r c a g s b i g ii d , a - vl, ei e it ns " a a ise Ik- coeirding) to Ell . 1-yrms, librarian gained," and Dryde n's works are on in ii harg o time rare book room. For the shelves. exam ie1, in the printing of the first I Amiou"I the rare bookis is a, set of edition of Robinson Crnsoe, the catch- four hland colored illustrations of word at the bottom of the opening birds in life size. It is the work of page( was 'always.' EBy a rearrange- John Audubon, a naturalist and ment it was possible to place. -always' painter. The purchase of this set was on the preceding p~ag'e.j authorized by the Board of Regep~ts Because of this the catchword ill 1828, under the(direction (of thej (which is the first word on the reverse Michigan Historical society. It, costI or thee English literatnre department until 1 903. t' hrough his knowledge ot° books, and1( insight inito( values, many of the best books in the colbect- tion havxe eweni obtained. CAME THE DAWN! The° Motion- Picture Is More Than a Movie- Its Foundation Has No Equal and Is Priceless to YVou ASK ABOUT {FREE TUMTON FREE TRIPS TO EUROPE EXTRA CASH AAW OITIONS Director Stowluj itil) Tottrs I iLitiar Guld4 (f Ameica. 5'51 cif i-i ~enite, 1.. Ci (lty T~ell me about. thie plan checked. Tiion Iii 'Europe ('asil Vticatioii Pc,"'ions E r 7 ? : ,t j "1 I .:[ And So 'We (1114144 your local crii wVho say" coii'rvatlel nprvaho lity'in Dail eliaivs.i f ona' {. £. ai t II Ill yak it: 1. «. . j t 4 G ..- v s ----a - ...,, .. ..... .............. zedl-Repaired QJ.tet ..................... Phone8115 City......... State......... NOW SHOWING itt'~(A1STIAGE 'iPti: '12NIAIX RA &ROSE LYE "SPOTLIGHT REVUE" 111auiin A Noveli Explc if ip { EDDIE 13JINZF Teriisichoreamn Tretil I! E('1 (IoN~E 8 -Al10- 'CREEN -Also- At (GrAnde Organ )iieluig an "Souvemirs" '-- i A. Orchestra lINOGAIW[S C 1LL A. Merrnad. WVtorld's Greatest !LIfALL ('C'lliy News heel '-- SflII( Coring-i ohAniy Hines i oM ~OR14w in "H, ome Made" i "Q ixey Four"' Two cof- the I: Gere'atet!t ' "gnps forM0"I~f~ re iflrik citlkight aal shp1' ick eoiaiedies and irnpcssi~re 0 ots- of plH4toliays Should ant: ally pesslinistic thought ia , t e m t o i t r .stry has ex i d-u ste d Its su p . y of extraaordinaylum) ~oAuic-/ a ,ac~Written and Directed by TOD BROWNING? Supported by B ETTY 1y 1 LWPSQN , ' M A RCELUN E PAY DAILY MEATINT EElOSE APJ C*1T3LE NS$ ('0)1 E 1)Y '-A EStOP S F< BiLE--PA RAMOUNT EW-''mA S~REVE Musically Perfect Entire Arrcnteet Phit^ ne rd and Super vised' by NICHOLAS'.FALCONE ' Orgaanists MAJESTIC ORCHESTRA, 21:00 3:351 85C) O ..tea I . I The Most Talked of Star i n the World-- GR C ,,)APB.O- 4 I 'Wereve W ereveryou go 7on Icampus ground -- at "football game - in snappy roadster-no matter what 'outdoor activity-there you will see Sawyer's,- Slickers - the unfailing }choiceI of collegiate style ' setters throughout the country. Distine-' tively cut, Sawyer's Slickers not only look well but give absolute pro-, tection against rain; sleet and snow. ~3 4R Sawyer's .Slickers" are obtain- able at men's stores ,N~Iab dhesand department stores, Get yo'urs--TODlAY. TURSDAY STARTING ,roe : ' -.... i. " 7 +f ..., _ -- __ , I I I t f i i I t ' ! 1 t f i # t AL -A -17 7-77/ Story B" Oui, the ;C cif> the tinei IVEl il A Whenu you 4liiik ycv-inisanitlylii That icyrovocativ Ila0b' it apietul tisil. She'll your feet. ,asedactress iv] Itreer hiear't of leer V RO)T to h of asiI !he t ffenintine allure, iof Oreta Garbo. bjeatfy Is here filled with her' .cthngnmgne- veep Youl off thme great w(>n the lie world 3nly' A VICTOl SEASTRb c ro uatioji LIARS IINSO ;ON~ RM AN . AN! THEN Our Galla. Ce bration. March 18 to 24 Three 'Spectacular and Colorfu-l Programs