ESTABLISHED 1690 mie -NL , 4L 4 4dM MEMBER PRESS VOL. XXXVIII, No. 124. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1928 EIGHT PAGES orirEnCT Second Baffin Island Trip Is Planned oart Ticket Sale By Putnam To Carry On Explorations Nt s For Annual Frolc TO CO TO ANTARCTIC Speaking informally yesterday of to spend the winter and do extensive F SAILING MORISSEY Tickets for the annual Frosh his past and future as an explorer, exploring with a smaller boat in Frolic are now on sale in the lobby George Palmer Putnam said that he places last summer's expedition could fl of the Union and may be purchased O O[~[I3II expected "to devote next year to a not reach in the Morissey. any5A FAND oathtay during thswis .$5 eah. ATetac very complex exploration of Forty- Speaking of his philosophy of ex- oftetcet s$ ah.Adtca fifth street between Fifth and Sixth ploration, Putnam expressed relief ble stub is appended to each billet LOCAL PROFESSOR WILL HOLD avenues." Among other things, he ex- that he was an "amateur in the field 5,W0 SQUARE MIES ARE ERASE ) ffor presentation in exchange for fa- POST AS GEOGRAPHER * plained, which are pressing for at- and didn't have to take it too seri- BY PROFESSOR GOL D'S vors, which will be distributed at a AND GEOLOGIST tention at his New York office, is a ously." Later he said, "My function is CALCULATIONS later date. -- book he is writing called "Down to provide the machinery for the - Decorative features for the peren- WILL LEAVE TiltS SUMMER North," relating the experiences of scientists to do their work. Person- VESSEL LOSES PROPELLER nial formal, which is to be held in the Baffin Bay trip. ally, my activities stop when my ._the ballroom of the Union on the lams To Stay From Three To Fifteen He added, however, that withil. the sense of humor can carry me no Pa'tySplits At Foxe Basin; Part night of March 30, are being desig- Months In Village To Be Built next two or three' years he hoped to farther." He emphasized the fun of Proeeds Nortl While Mapping ned by two art students. The na- Into Antarctic Ice interest Commander Richard E. Byrd exploration and the importance of Group Goes Inland ture of the scheme is withheld and in some further exploration of Baf- making it human. will be divulged at a later date. George Palmer Putnam announced )fin Island. Ile described it as "the With regard to the names that last Relating the incident which, carto- Actual hanging of the decordiionsE yesterday for release this morning most genuinely unexplored land in summer's Baflin Bay expelition chose will be in the charge of the Ann North Anerica." When he does man- for various undesignated geographi- graphically speaking, resulted in the b h thth a enauhrzdb on Arbor Floral shop. Numerous features are being plan-j tane Rhad Een Bythrid to inorm- age to go north again, Putnam wants cal features, Putnam announced that sinking beneath the surface of Foxe Nmru etrsaebigpa- inder Richard E;. Byrd to inform the Canadian Board of Geographical Basin, 5,000 square miles which ned by the committee in charge. Ne- Prof. Lawrence M. Gould of the geol-aeshd utacepeirlthi Pro. aDenA . iud f hegel-Names had just accepted all their geographical findings proved did not gotiations are in prOgress with the ogy department of his appointment to f seii\ 11 nominations, including "Gould Mesa" Reograms company, of Lansing, to the position of geologist and 'geogra- 1331A ILIIafterProf.Lwec . olaP exist, George Palmer Putnam, pu- Rorm opno asnt the on the South Pole expedition Ii after .sher, explorer and lecturer, told his film the grand march and later Oerohnc inen houthsPt d . lgxnwdtTe.on the board had namted certain moun- audience the story of last summer's stages of the dance. A flashlight pic- eangNew York next September. QP ffI Vtains "Putnam Highlands" after theBainsanexpdtnasngt ntrwiletknandvepdin This Ia nIet mdirector of the expedition. Hill auditorium. Putnam illustrated time to be sold during the evening. rumors that have been current fsin inAs a tip to future explorers, Put- his lecture with complete motion pic- The Goodrich Silvertown band and resrGativ Team To Debate Wisconsinn mdtures of the expedition, taken b the silver masked tenor wil be un- New York with Byrd, although in all e~V' adope eat Wscnonnamincosingoarve outthe "old of his appointments Byrd reserves the At Madison; Affirmative Will dope" on how to arrive in the field of Maurice Kellerman, Pathe Film pho- able to make their scheduled ap- ht tocnents Byn before the Meet Illinois Here exploration. He said that he rosepearance at the Frolic. The rches- tsuddenly from comparative obscurityt e t-tra that will be engaged to substi- Int nf aming.PoesrGud on RENEW ANNUAL CONTEST to the position of third or fourth t~ Iate nsa ing ProfessorrGould,nCon-ETexplor w pr omieth Preceding his lecture, Putnam tte for them has not as yet bee a ho himfromkg ra mlauded Prof. Lawrence M. Gould, of announced. mander Byrd has chosen himsofrbmganconsistentlyt__cal__him more than 2,000 who applied for posi- Michigan's negative Varsity debate aerssn begint to calhi the geology department, who assisted tions with the expedition. The entire I team. composed of Paul Franseth, '29, a "blatherskite" behind his back. I him in the Baffin Island expedition personnel of the expedition. ris limited William C. Bishop, '28, and Jarl last sumer, and made a formal an- CONDI T I to 55 men who will be aboard the Andeer, '29, will leave tonight for nounceinent of the inclusion of pro-O "Sampson" when she sails fromNew Madison where it will meet a Wiscon- NOWfessor Gould in Commander Richard York late in August or early in Sep- sin affirmative team in the thirteenth. E Byrd's expedition to the Southd tmbrautlatesCompleteStoryannu l renewal of the mid-West de-- . j . B exsmmr. t turn to New Zealand if the party de bate's, Prof. James M. O'Neill, chair- IPolenetsmer. L T[[yIL cides to winter in the little village i man of the speech department and (1Putnam related the story of the professOr Hopkins And Editor Of AllS Commander Byrd plans to erect on coach of the team, announced yester- __ expedition from the time the party Arbor Paper Spak At ieeting the ice at tte edge of the Bay of I day. Professor O'Neill will accomp- Drama Deals With Several Historical sailed from Rye, New York, on Junex Sponsored By Religious Body Whales. any the men. Characters; Is Only Siaw Play 12, 1927, until the time of the re- f Will Have ThreeScientwsts i. The third school in the triangular Written For Theater 'turn in September. On board the AU The scientists On the expedition wi contest is Illinois which will be repre- vessel Morrissey, commanded by ASTRONOM IS DISCUSSED W be three in number, including Pro- sented in Ann Arbor by a negative Captain Robert A. Bartlett, who uidd fssor Gould. Commander Byrd plans and at Urbana by an affirmative team SHUTER TO BE IN CHARGE ed Robert Peary on his famous North Pro. Louis Hopkins, secretary of B to take an expert meteorologist whose Frida~y night. Wisconsin will send its .. Pole expedition, the party reached the College of Engineering and Arch- c task will be to advise the aviators negative team to Illinois. The ques- The present lapse in the activitiesB itecture gave an address on "Astron- about the weather conditions and to tion being debeated in all three con- of the Mimes theater organization 2departing0two days. later.. omy study the source of southern ei I tests is "Resolved that the present will extend, according to present Fighting their way northward,the d the BbleAnn Arbor Daily News a sphere storms, and a third scientis policy of the United States Govern- plans, until the week of March 26, expedition nearly ended in disaster, spoke on "The Newspaper and the ar who will combine the functions of ment in Central America be Con- when the production of George Ber- Putnam declared. when a heavy gale Community" in the, second of the t icthiyologist and ornithologist. {(demised;Central America being de- Punardelardhahewa'savmost fammuityoushe dramiofth t ; r mpuard Shaw's most famous drama,( t the propellor shaft out of com- series of lectures being sponsored by t This expedition, known as the Byrd fined to include Panama." "The Devil's Disciple," will go on for Jul 4 the Institute of Religious Education, t Antarctic expedition, will be one of!Franseth will open the debate for a "week's run. Rehearsals for this ie spealer then telar Sagthe boa held in Lane hall last night.t the most elaborate, complete, and ex- Michigan. He is an experienced de- play, which is in three acts, are not has finally guided into shore and "Although the Bible has very little a pensive ever undertaken. Walfmi h ater having been a member of the going on, although the cast has not weighted down so that the end of to say regarding astronomy," said t] wholeencompeteyeseectd.iPof.costing "ad aihalfactcmil-u lion dollars, there will be three air- University negative team of last sem- yet been completely selected, the vessel was projected high enough Prof. Hopkihs, "and gives practically U ester that met Minnesota and Ohio "The Devil's Disciple" has been - t no scientific information, 'we know planes and a small fleet of tractors State. He entered the University last in the air to permit propellor on the"Sam pson" when it sails for the fall after having ht school for pairs duing the two and one half play importants oss ie barrier to spend from three aw-years. Previously he attended for the past two years. It is the onei hours leeway between th falling and part in the basis of knowledge of the h Rosietoplay by Shaw that the writer him-oteanitsSar"zngass South. Kalamazoo normal and debated there y rising tide. This task was s other ancients. Star gazing, as as- to 15 months in the frozen Souhasel believes should be acted, since h( fully accomplished by Robert E. tronomy was termed in 'those days, a Will Attemipt Plar Flight for two years. Likewise, he was a ,y Although the most spectacular event member of East Jordon high school prefers the others to be read. It deals Peary, son of the famous explorer, i was regarded as a serious breach of r of the expedition will be the attempt debate teams for two years. Franseth with several characters of history, and once more, after a seven daysthe Divine will, and consequently we t hich Commander Byrd and one other is a member of Alpha Nu. among them General Burgoyne, who lapse, the party pushed on. are given very little practical in. t pilot will make to fly to the South Giving the second negative speech commanded the British forces dur- Bartlett Leads The Group formation, only superstitions. Dole and possibly land there, the in constructive argument and the final ing a part of the Revolutionary war, When Foxe Basin was finally "There is no longer any dispute c rimary purpose of the trip will be negativerebuttal is William Bishop. and the scenes are laid entirely in Wrached, the party split i p, n or differees between the science oi scientific, Commander Byrd explained Bishop is from Alpena high school that period. Direction will be in the taing .csmall whale boat and wend- astronomy and the Bible," stated 0 recently. He said Ji part, "There is where he debated for three years. hands of E. Mortimer Shuter with ina their way inland for the main Professor Eiopkin s in conclusion,t n uch meteorological data to be ob- Last year, lie was a member of the members of Mimes assisting. 1 objective of the expedition-geogaph- "llit the scientific dispute now to be t tained which alone would justify the Var*ity debate squad and last sem- The theater was dark for this week ical and geological observations. The settled is between the science of hazards encountered, for the weath estr he was the third spAker on the because of the construction of scen- Morissey, with Captain Bartlett in con- biology .and the Bible."t of-a large part Pf the world is af-team whch met Northwestern here. cry for the annual Junior Girls' Play. mnand, followed her course northward I The newspaper was conceived by t footed by the Antarctic. It is also not Bishop is also an orator having placed The sets are being executed by Fredl reaching a point attained only oncefBaker as being a huge telescope o-P unreasonable to believe that new second in the University oratorical Rebman, Mimes scenic director, from' before, in 1823-24. It was as a re- cated on a high hill which inform-ed I %pepies of plant or animal life mght contest last spring. Hie is a member prepared models. Also nothing will sult of the inland expedition that the people down below as to the news be found, or that fossil remainsdight of Adelphi. be produced by any campus organi- Professor Gould was able to make of the entire world. be "'uncovered vhih would indicate Jarl Andeer is the third Michigan zation during the week's run of the calculations which resuted in the "We are often severely criticised li scale of the secrets of the past. Somespeaker in constructive argument and Junior Girls' Play at the Whitney. erasure of 5,000 miles of territory in- for publishing crime news by peo-t interesting mineral deposits might the second in rebuttal. He was a Several other attractions are now eluded in maps of Baffin Island, Put- ple who believe that it tends to fos- i also be found." member of the same team with Bishop being considered for production dur- nam pointed out. ter crime. But crime cannot bev After leaving New York at the end ;ast semester. He was particularly ing the remainder of the campus sea- Referring to th Esi nos found ii cured by ignoring it." In proof of thisn of tie summer, Byrd will proceed active in speech contests last year son by Mimes. They include an ex- the region of Bafiin island, Put-,. Baker said that Hickman as well asd tZdough the Panama. canal to Newf placing second in the extemporaneo s perimental work, "The Mask and the nam characterized them as the kind- Loeb and Leopold would not proba- bealadd winto the "amsps." He 'condes in the spring ratorcal t Face," a translation fom the Itahiam liest most lovable, most trustworthy bly have been found if it had not e tt revouMchga each the " rabso u seconds in the spring oratorical con- that was sent specially to Shuter and "dancingest" people in the world. been for the extensive publicity given hpe, to reachthe ice barrier aout At. Previous to coming to Michiga from New Orleans; and after that Given the opportunity, lie said, they to these cases all over the country. te 16, but there is the possi p Andeer had three years of higbsch the famous Kaufman and Connelly would be willing to dance from morn- "The Anm Arbor Daily News is a a that lie may be delayed bythes debating at Valley City, N.D. satire, "Beggar On Horseback." If muing until night. They are not as moderately conservative newspaper," Should that be the case,he may not I' (the latter is produced unique sets p lrimitive, however, the speaker said, said Baker, "whose policy is to print be able to start work on the Vila GROUP IITIA4TES taking weeks to plan and build ac- as their Greenland contemporaries. as much of the news as is fit to heaUarter until January 1. If hs FRST YEAR M ENi cording to the size of the Mimes ' The Eskimo mothers, PutnamI print. It is. our policy not to publih ?1(bt mton leted before the !stage will e necessary, acco'ding to ideclared, pride themselves particular- any suicide stories or the details of tarctic winter sets in in early Shuter. ly in the care of their children, and divorce cases, because we believe AMarcBr will sedth "Samp son" Iity-eight first year men, wshat a othe younger Eskimos are consequent- that it is not to the benefit of the bacch tB rd will send thand spe1nd 15 thde the equirnd lastiav e $2,000 GIVEN TO RESEARCHly a hapy, contented lot. Their kind- public." }Sack toneswsethedspeakerenexp5ained, tishlx-A and _halfBduringthe__ months in the Antarctice s past semester, were initiated into aker explannedsisesx-ct efore the ajoo he Eta Sigma at the annual initiation Announcement has been made by APPROPRIATIONS FOR NEW Before the major flight to the p to banquet last night in the Union. Prof. George R. La Rue, of the zoology WEN EY WR TES BUIL N ARER LA E i attempted, dog sleds, wi usDean Wilber R. Humpireys of t'he department, of the receipt of a grant eading conditions atntva literarycollege, ,Dean George W. Pat- of $2,000 from the American Medical AREA1SM PAPER gate landing conditions at tterva1 terson of the engineering college, and association for the continuation of' the Approporiations recently rleased to of 100 miles il the route to the ple.t Prof. John L. Brumm, head of the department's research work on the FOR COLLECTION rs gthe University i pTihese will be usedtfr v to journalism department, spoke to broad tapeworm. This grant is, insamrnistatio s}eheUnarstyf points of side trips via ap ane een members and initiates attending the effect, a renewal of an original gift Prof. Robert M. Wenley, of the 1925, Shirley Smith, secretary of the explore vast areas neveraboresen'banquet.,i made by the medical society in 1926. philosophy department, is contribut- by man, and they will also come linl in, an artcet avlie fcn Univesity 'said yesterday. A $209,- handy should the main flight fail and CEAiof n- 1 677 balance of an original appropria- bc toOFFICIALS DENY THAT ALL HOPE; temporary Amricani philosophers I force the aviators to wak bc ofecmie work which is under the ion of 900,000 was released for the headquarters. FOR UNIVERSITY COLLEGE IS LOST e "" "" " Pr r P "dams,' new museum. d hasplanniig this x- suervio of Prof. George P. Adas A balance of $25,000 for the comple- peition ever since he returned two Though the faculties of the Colleges from an instructional standpoint the of tim iv M t f >nia n tion of the architecturial building also years ago from the North Polar of Engineering and Architecture and University college proposal probably b.a university, will nclude papers was presented to tie University. flight, taking time out only to fly the of the Cohlege of Literature, Science, equalled the present literary coise of anvthermous rical paeity MSETS THEA T to take with him a master of the ves- ject, all hope for the consummation could not afford from a financial pulishn EFO REALL MICH sel, two mates, a crew of 16, three of the University college plan has not standpoint the erection of another ad- pubThed in England and Gernany. scientists, four air pilots wHio ire also been abandoned, according to word ministrative unit. The subject of Professor Wenley'sEs expert mechanics, two mechanics, two given out unofficially by University ' More than 73 per cent of the in- paperis "Unborn Idealism," an Editor's tote: This is the ninth of exer seriosiend e tdevtilesonpurhsi-, wireless operators, Oskar Wisting who officials yesterday. It is quite possible creased revenue accruing to the Uni- idealism never p hiog stated. The t in dlo teir i- captained Amundsen's ship, Isaak ;that when President Little returns versity through the removal of the I most important thing in human life tor and major principles or organization Isaaksen who took the Chantier from from his trip to Kansas City some def- mill tax limit at the last session of the is the ideals with which a man takes andma mminm to King' hay on Byrd's linit sttement as to future plans will legislature has been used in regular service, or according to Professor Although not the oldest organiza- l C[psCUSSMN11FATALITIES AMONG RESIDENTS Of SAN FRNIQTOVALLEY TAKE PROGRAM ORDERS - Members of the senior literary class may order invitations, programs, and announcements 1 today and tomorrow from 9 to 4 o'clock in the lobby of Angell hall. Senior dues may be paid at the same time, and must be paid before any orders will be taken. IELLON AND BUTLER [a-ni T ey Refused To Jolin hays, 14 Alloting Bonds, And Saw 1 .No Reason To .Tell KNOWN DEATH TOLL NUMBERS MORE THAN 140; FEAR LOSS OF 250 MORE RESCUE WORK IS STARTED 18-Foot Retaining Wall Gi)es Way Without Warning, creating Complete Destruction BI &~ET N (By Associated Press.) NEWHALL, Calif., Mlarchl 13- A rapdjly Mounting (eatht 1l from the great torrent that swept into San Francisquito canyon from the huge St. Francis dawn tonight showed a death list of 274, while upward of 700 more persons were reported missing. {Property damage was variously estimated at from $10,000,000 to i 30,4h)O,0Q. NEWHALL, Cal., March 13.-A tre- AYS IS THIRD ON STAND mendous wall of water turned loose (1"y Associated .Press.) into San Francisquito canyon when' WASHINGTON, March 13-A cabi- the giant St, Francis dam burst under et officer and a past and a present the pressure of 12 -billion gallons of hairman of the Republican national water at 12:30 a. m. todayo carried ommittee were asked today by the more than 125 sleeping residents of enate Teapot Donne committee to the narrow valley to death. xplain their silence of more than With the bodies of at least 140 men, ur years regarding the efforts of women and children recovered this r T11 yrsrarynchieef1920,rtso afternoon ,the known death toll was il Hay, part chie in 10, to mounting hourly. Officials feared that ispose of securities paid into the as many as 400 persons had lost their lepublican treasury by Harry F. Sin- lives the way down the narr r de- l Secrtaryfile through which a 75-foot wall of Two of the wtnesses, r y water poured and on toward the sea 'ellon, f the treasury department,) at Ventura the subsiding flood waters nd Willian M. Butler, present na- continued to give up their dead. ional Republican chairman, said A great concrete retaining wall 185 iy had not spoken soonerbecause feet high, built less than two years hey had refused in 1923 to have any- ago to impound water for the city of hing to do with Hays' plan of bond Los Angeles, gave way without warn- llotment, and saw no reason why hng, releasing the flood upon the ,heir knowledge of it would be val- sleeping inhabitants of the pictur- able*to the public. - vae The third occupant of the witness Carries All Before t tand was Hays himself. Under a two Everything was swept away-hu- our rain of question; he maintained man beings, cabins, houses, work- e had done -nothing improper, aind' men's tents, orchards and liyestocl . rg ued with cornittee members that Of the estimated 500 persons who recent disclosures did not contradict were in the narrow canyon and low- ie testimony he, previously had given lands below at the time the dam gave he committee under oath. It was way, only a few more than a hundred hese disclosures that led Senator had been accounted for. obinson, of Arkansas, the Democra- Hemmed in by the precipitous sides ic leader of the Senate, to (declare of the San Francisquito, the canyon th lor of the Senateys tday, (wellers and power company workers n the floor of the Senate yesterday, engaged in constructing new toll lines lhat Hays hadsubjected himself to had little chance for life. he possible charge of perjuy s Over the whole' of canyon, a deep hays' proposal for getting some ouf' layer of yellowish filth was deposited, ze $260,000 in Sinclair bonds out of and beneath this, rescue officers be- he Republican party treasury, as ex-lieve, undetermined scores of dead plained in the testimony, was -to de- may be buried. liver parcels of them to Secretary Fifteen hundred Los Angeles peace Mellon and others, the recipient in officers, ranchers and other dwellers each case to make a contribution in in the rolling hill country north of ike amount to the Republican na- Saugus carried on the rescue work tional committee. That would make and aided refugees. t appear that the money came from Recover Bodies From River various individual ,subscribers, and , Meanwhile along the Santa Clara not in one lump from the original river, into which the torrent dis- donor, while at the same time the gorged itslef, bodies were being re- ndividual subscriber would be noth- covered. Torn and gashed by the ing out of pocket. mad rush of water along the wooded _sides of the canyon, only a, small per- ENROLLMENT OF centage could be identified. A. N %AW- L Work. of rescue in the hours before CAMP ADVANCES )i Enrollment for the University sum- mer biological station at Douglas lake, is mrapidly reaching its limit,, it,- was announced yesterday by Prof. George R. La Rue, director of the canmp. Two changes in the station faculty have been made recently. Prof. F. N. Blanchard of the University, who is on leave of absence -in Australia, will not return in time to assume his Iduties at the station. His place will be taken by Prof. Alfred O. Gross of Bowdoin college, one of the country's leading authorities on the study of birds. The other change will be the sub- sitution of Pmof. Clarence I-I.Kennedy of Ohio State university for Prof. Hungerford, of Kansas State. Profes- sor Kennedy has had previous experi- ence teaching in summer biological stations. ER STANDARD IGAN PRODUCTIONS have seen any academic attempt at the production of plays, and the move- ment is still in its -'infancy. But for many years past knowledge and train- ing in the art of the theater, includ- E;. ] , nn - -_ o A- h- i- - A t , k- , dawn was hampered because the en-. tire stricken area, comprising many square miles, had been thrown in darkness by the destruction of power lnes. The valley presented a scene of utter desolation. Rescurers plodded through mire knee-deep in _search of the dead. Temporary, morgues, hos- pitals, and rescue-stations were set up at Saugus, Newhall, Oxnard, -Fill- more, Piru, Moor Park, and other in- land towns along the route of the flood. D eports came inm from all these- points of the recover? of bodies. At Moor Park alone 16 bodies were in an improvised receiving station with five others reported on the way. .Coniuuiication Is Ruinied Because of the almost prostration of communication facilities in the de- vastated zone it was virtually impos- sible to definitely state the number of bodies recovered. Thlme damhwas one of toe reservoir units of the Los Angeles aqueduct systems from Owens Valley, serving the city with domestic water. What 'caused the big dam to give way was not definitely known. Officials believe, however, that seepage of water through the shale formation of one of the earthen abut- ments had caused the concrete wall