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March 13, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-13

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Noote Pub isher Directed Exploration
lit Grcenland' For Amierican
l spim In 1926
George Palmer Putnam, publisher,
explbrer and lecturer, will be the
eighth speaker on the current Orator-
ical association lecture course, tak-
ing place in H-ill auditorium tonight
at :8 o'clock. Putnam' will take as
the subject of his lecture he~e tonight
the Baffi Island expedition of last
summer, of which he was finacier
and director.
Putnam headed the American Mul-
seum expedition to Greenland in 1926,
andl was director o last summer's
expedition tn Baffin Island, the main
objective of which was the geograph-
ical exploration of that region. Pro-
fessor Lawrence M. Gould, oti the ge-
ology, department, was assistant di-
rector ot the expedition. Putnam is
aAo head of the G P. Putnam corn-
pany in New York, the second oldest
publishing house in the United States.
Esed Fishing Schmoonmer
A two-;asted fishing schooner, the
Morrissey, transported the party;
into the Arctic last summer. The Ves-
sel was equipped for the summer's
work in" the Northland by Putnam
and was personally directed by Capt.I
Robert A. Bartlett, who was making
his seventeenth expedition' in that
Despite the, fact that the party ex-
perienced a summer ol unusually
rough weather, a great dTeal was ac-
complished. According to Professor
Gould, of the 60 days spent in the
Arctic region, only six were what
could rightly be term-e4d summer dlays,I
while the natives referred to it as3
a "five-day" summer. 1
Maurice Kellerman, of the Pate
Film compan , accompanied the par-
ty in the capacity of special photo-
grapher and succeeded in taking
what have been acclaimed somve of
the best films ever taken h the Ar-
tic- region. The original 40,000 feet
filmed on the' trip has since been re-
duced to 6,000, with which V~ tnam
illustrates the lecture tonight. 3'a s.
B. Pond, head of the Pond bureau in
New York, termed them the most in-
teresting hie had ever seen of any
such expeditions,
Is Lecterer Of Note
Although "Putnam is probably best
known as, a publisher' al explorer,
hlis ability as a lecturer has also
attracted attention. At the cocu-
sion of thme American Museum expe-
dition in 192, Putnam delivered a
lecture "Greenland - The Little
Known" he-ore the American Geo-j
graphical Society, which lecture was
sai(l by Dr. Bowman, director of the
society, to have been the best heard
during the past two years and prob-I
ably the best ever heard by that
body on the Arctic.
-The Putnam Baffin Island expedi-
tion enjoyed the unique experience
last' sunner of sailing for some 500,
miles on a course the charts showed
more° than 50 miles removed from
salt water. In consequence of thei
findings of the expeditio, l, afin Is-
land, accreditedIby the Canadian
government with nearly 211,000
square miles of area, has ben i -
duced by more than 5,000 squarel
miles. Whiile the other coasts of Baf-
fin Island have been visited recently,

knowledge of this portion 'o thel
southwvest coast has remained vir-
tually as it was establishedl by Foxe,
and the charting of it ha":s;stood Tunl-
challeng ed as originally laid down a
hiundred years ago by Parry from the
data of Foxe's rvyage.
lin addition to Putnam and Prio-
fes~or Gould the other general' per-1
sond 01'W the party included George
Weymouth, of Phi1lelphia, Monroe
G. Barnard, of New York, John A.
Pope, of Detroit, Robert E. Peary,
son of the famous explorer and, Wal-A
lace II. Hwkiins, wvho were engineer1
and assistant, -espectively; Dr. Pete~r
Ileinbecker, siurgeon.; Edward Mn
leyi, radiio di, ctor; Kellerman, pho-
tographer; Julius 1B. Bird, botan-1
ist; aidtwo junier members, Da-
vid B3. Putnam, son of' the explorcr.
and Deric Nusbaum.
The jllH<i ary cnnittee of the In-

On the eve of April 4 and thereafter must hold a position which will make'-
fhe shall be spoken pf as the "Loquaci- the title of "Loquacious, Lubricator" T O D O E O S
ous Lubricator." That, at least, has most applicable on or about the timeTOP A SF RU I EI YC L E E
been selected as the title to be be- of the award, directors of stock crntityfON MAflPII rjr AND f
stwdupon this year's recipient of panies excluded. While the idniy IN II¢l f f LNI(j 11
the Oil Canl, feature award at the of the recipient remains an nsrut- 4I15ZI ( IG~
annual Gridiron banquet which will able mystery until the night of the +- -R jcs I n v to u g se y ,t
tils year be held upon that date, banquet, April 4, t will be a matter WVIILL BE FIRST SUCHILOCCASION ee t n o ain S g et~ y L tl
Although the identity of the "Lo- of much speculation-and oil-be- I SIM'E 1924 WHVIELN 15,00 O A o rh e tng W t i
'quacious Lubricator" will not be tween now and that date. PEOPLE ATTENDED tF u thietig W ti
known by those outside the ranks of I-- Eight D y
Sigma. Delta Chi, professional journal- " ifr ''"- nrlP WLL SHOW" RADIO RODays
istic Prat rnity, and sponsors of the GILDE SLEE E UIYI \
annal td ffar, n~tl te nghtof arin h hierhgI~parnie, {illFINAL DECISION ON AMENDED RESOLUTION I CLOS
the banquet, rumors are to the effect j Orpiri-n, n Reeaelt Roomus, Shops Atrtrepc'osSSlu a el~eli ih
that prospective recipients are al- Al ~ter three previous sessionsAhadlaesultedrinspostponemientswih
ready uneasy at the thought of being AndLzafl Ioie
ON INTERNATIONAlLISM! out definite action, the faculty of the College of Literature, Sdiem ce,
thsmrkd__Frteistmine115te'amnd the Arts yestrdap expressed its disapproval of the University :
a ablersnypc of mn the seilSCasalonel PatrioticSirtBlee College of Engineerilug will hold an College proposal at the fourth mecaingawithin eight das. TIhe final
daysb They are: President Clarence Its Country Should Lead Ini open house when, on Friday and Sat- ote on the amended resolution was exceedingly close, and was arrived
I Cook Little, Prof. Oscar J. Campbell, All Good Things I urday, March 23 amnd 24, all research at only- after, an hour and a half of arduous discussion regarding the.y
of the IEnglish department, Willian rooms. shops and laboratories will be Motion. N
D. Henderson, director of the Uiniver- PRAISES WO EN C LUBS I peit to public inspection, Over 15,- The rejection of the faculty flody was expressed in the forme of a
cityr Extension division, Prof. Thomas, I popleatelethlstonhue motion and a substitute motion, the latter afterward taking the form of
Reed, of the political science depart- Appealing to University women to of the college in 1915, and as~inany, or an amendment to the original. Tile original resolution read as follows "
wemnt, amnd Prof. William A. Frayer, of utilize the home and classroom" to moe r xpce otkeavnaeGerer Rr unr esolved, that the faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the
ofithe isorheprtenwhrwledspeayhedotinaositrntinl- tieaormng pprtniytoinpcty ubiheixlo-etadletue
some close competition, by other imthouhout the world, Dean Vir- ithe work done, and the methods used who will appear bre under the aus-tie
members of the faculty and admin- ginia Gildersleeve of Barnard college, ~~Cleeo niern pices of the Oratorical association, Considerable discussion of this led to a substitute resolution which
spekig i llltudtoiumtoighlaerad eslveEollge LieraurriSiece
istrative offices. Columibia university, New York city, At -this timne thp various depart-(spo'lk. nHiladtoimtnih tred eoletatteCclg fLaimte rivSilegceofadmttingts""
To be eligible for the award, one yesterday afternoon addressed an an- ments will present special exhibits, to 4occkclis tes ivel of asdmroittendit ..
dience composed largely of women ;the public. Prot'. Neil H. William ru rn RELEASE APPROPRIATION Y-
:411~f vl iedeosrtosc ihf-c- IU 1JI L\J___ the resolution of the Board of Regents.
flhlIIum. "If we suffer from conflicting quency phenomena, measuring time in '31 I'IXLI1 of'Jne 17, 1927, util such time as
IS~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~sso patriotism cec uiof ilm and internation- Ifractioms of a millionth of a second. 1 h tt hl.poieaeut ud
in nalism it is only because we fail toP-fnalhASweIwl eo LNIGlach1,-Te foueeoinnhInvrst olg
PfN~lA~ lJ~ JJjESappreciate the true nature of inter- strata ultra-violet spectroscopy and !fSlAT adinitraiv board today effectively within injury to the estab-,
L2UI911 rI4 Irlesda 29,7 blnc ' I ADDR SSnationalism," Dean Gildersleeve de- Prof.* James M Crk will do some II Qrlasda$2967xaaceO n lished units of the University.
Yaedoprngetswih5aig feqenynn-_I___original $900,000 appropriation Secondi Resolution Carried
"The best type of patriotism must !tution furnace. The x-ray rooms, the l Preiminiaries Will Be Held Four ELa(hlEfr a museuxi at the University 'This second resolution was carried °~ lititr1"1 )lre
Seconid Spieech On Spring' e built on itrainls; she soun-proof room, the reverberation I}," Three Classes; Sopiomores, j of Michigan. A balance of $2r,-I by a small margin, but Prof. Jesse !S."
YugMiitrcontinued. "Real ptits is a r oom, the wind tunnel, and the naval I0a rth e clbulin lo wetwowa cin chimn
Series Sunday spri haablevs icoutrsholmilal dmosrtda ilJunuirs Ani Seniors00frth copein f e Reeves of the poitical science depart-
l1r~iMENinrn,)be a leader in all things good." Dean the ruling engine, which draws lines EjIIiDT~ eesd ue hti ecniee naed
Gideseeewent on to sketch the 'to the finonoss of thce wave-length of RECEIVE O D I, . rent to the' original motion_______
tremendous power which the UnitedI light. 1Atr. also carried by "a close margin, and the .,
will deliver the address at the second power could wield in the world to the Tihe riEiiRadio R oogewhchwhich hreenpeldmiary ocontsts I A L "R In jsbtoPedetas apte.
of the spring series of convocations end of beautifying an iprvg was used recently in the international afternoon, the five student orators PU LIUAIOIUBOlR Cook Little, who sponsored the plan
to e hld extSunday morning inr conditions. "It is an alarming andI tests will be open for inspection. It ! will be chosen wiho will compete ini for tbj University college, it wqs ,
lill auditorium. mhe airangem nsprn pictume," she said, "And our heas ben annmounce'd that lie Michigan the university Oratorical' contest at T Ii1ttdNyseea o hefcltHe
fo te.covcaios rei'te anscoutntry, of all,- is in thre gieatest ICeutl r ailm~cad xwill have their fan- 8 c'clock next Tuesday ig ht. T~IQU fl L hers present and voting,. that there
fo tiecnoaincael h ad anger today from its vast wealth." ons air-brake instruction car here on contests today will be held in~ the was nothing in the argument of'the
is aspecial cmiteappointed fr Tie apaac f h ntdFriday, March 2.Tis crcontaimns debating society rosontef~urtlm pile~tion ariou t e stnthwouldhe ineprie
thpurpo'se by President Clarence States from abroad may not bae "ex- arbaequp ntfroeocn-'lorfAgllhlA1ersis,
Cook Little, the chairmanshipi of which atly as patriotic Americans would tve, 50 freight cars, and cie passeng-f The three contests are' defined by Must Be In With Board By The issue upoim which the Uiversity
wis," ean Gilerseev delarder coach, .and also has sectional classes, tie sophomores speaking inThursdaly, Airl 5 college rested for the faculty of ;the
hs eld by. John Snodgrass, '28E. ws,"Da Glesheedelr d literaryecollegeawls purelyca wiina
isAmerica, from Europe, appears to be'uoeso !osn~ l o hc ilone group, the juniors in another, and -ltrr olg a ueyafnt
W it atabe coas and im omidleI be dmntae.(tesnosi hr.Oespo SET APPOINTMENT DATE cial one, and the body did not thinkil
nections va"lablecactand omm-dle rolling in wealth, pleased, arrogant, Tledermntrated. r ttry i esnosil hr. n ohe htfns eeaalbe a h
'stReendShcerbig toselfish, and afraid to risk personal Thr eatin) fceitywl more, two juniors, andl two-'seniorsthtfnswravibl athe
job, Rveandquipuiet and iagvitiy~ give three exhibitions during the open w xiii be chosen for the final debate. Announcement was made yesterday present rime., They felt that a gel.
interestan eqThemspeaker wenttonito house. The first is on Friday, March- nthe final contest a week from o-"b rf ~sn .Sneln, o ral maintenance or even depression
recesohiag.Acrig th n23sata230 o'cocknietipeefternonejnight, these ive will compete for the Law school, of the annual banquetsintesaeoslresfrhe e-
whichrplces ie rm'in teofores amsogthirnshfAvemiserpre btedthAera- althohetw aronimflo-I $100 cash prize that goes to tie win- to be' given by the Board in Control bes f the faculty was liable ,te-a
crates, "Schroeder is a man of very ica is in danger of becoming near to an a :3 ,ococ i hafternoon I tdnt1-iatosfr h pe
engaging personality aside from his Wa the picture is if it doesn't appre-Theand hiats.3willdoinstr a m. heustest An award of $50 is made to the staffs of the major publications otituinalawoe
inelculcapacity. He is on terms mate the fact that all of the peoples of gaseandreectricnfunacesnd. the campus. The plans and dates The position taken by the literary
of intimate friendship with the out-of the world are closer neighbors now meltimig of metals, and foliowing the !~ le o i cnet e' were mace at the luncheon held by clegfaulyi etrlyd.3rft
than thehave evr been i the 1ist' Y 'the board yesterdayno.fo-3 h
standing rmen inlhi's professiom. The ta hyhv vr eni ieps.exhibits tie pouring of metals +wilIlie a pnomdesteiray. Timerare: Hornthe;noofromthaof thnerifganlty of te Col-
late President, D1;. Eliot of Harvard Dean Gildersleeve spoke at con- hw.spooePo.Rbr anh It was decided that the boardill ~ o niern n rhtc
had an affectionate regard for him sider'able length upon the orgiiza- ________i___ Ralph J. Harlan, amd Earl E, leisch- meet on April 30 for the selection of tuei t eetion oftypooi
at ogthscmaionshi mdcr-tof university women tmraghu S N; forcFOA /T the juniors, Prof. Richard the various officers whoiri they tin The decision of the latter body
th ol auigtewrko h EIOR PRGRAM I D Holister, Carl G. Brandt, and Lbo- I choose annually. At this time choicewabseonaelftht chni-
pany, socially. iWillard Sperry, thenotheiworldllaudingatheuwork ofsthe
Dean cf the Harvard Theological sgam- International Association of Umiver- PL CEIO SALE iie G Crocaker; and for tie senioms, willho made of tie managing ndi o v lation ould bnnerfu llegisap
inary, wrote me g letter saying that sity Women and urging the construc-' Pref. James 1. O'Neill, Pro:. Gal F. amid business manager ot The Daly, 'li huh mrcial
Ihe ,consideorcd Schroeder one of the tbothofhere a duar.Sesriedings Snoreinitaigopogrmisale dhiDensniome, and Pmof. Louis1M. ic. managing editor and business moan- Atogthrishsyeraad
outstandimmg mmnm of the country." bt eeadara.Sedsrbd! nuemnr ilg nsl hs'Sixteen students were entered ii ager of time Michiganemsiamm, amd man- ditouagh$t00,000in millyarataxd t
Reverand Schroeder is a young nian the dedication of the British building! morning in thl, lobby of Angell halli the contest last might. Any mamnomr aging editor and business manager of teUie~t rmsaesuc',i
--30 years of age-who has been oni which will serve as headquarters for- and will bie sold''tomorrow andl Thurs- woman student is eligible who has the Gargoyle. is thought by faculty members that a
hi', ownm simce he entered college. At the Bri'itsh association of university day from 9 to 4 o'clock, accordinig to J. not been a student in a university orj The first banquet to be held will beprsndeiiofpromamy al
the time that he was. attending grad- women, which dedication sre attended IA., Roesch, '28, chairman of the conm- college for- more than four years nor' that for the upper staff of the edi- that amount caused by the installation,
uate (.lasses at Columbia university in last spring, and stressed tie advan-j mittee in tie Literary college senior received a 'degree. tonial side of The Daily, to take place of new uits such as the School of
New York, he was also taking work at tages of the sumnner courses offered class. The leather' bound programsI The contest was won last year by 1 on April 1G. The upper staff of the Frsr n osrainwud e
Union theological seminary and hold- abroad in developing a friendly spiritj are 50 cents amnd the invitations and; Elizabeth Rabinoff, '27Ed. Williami C. I business side of the same, publicationmi oestanon seraiohmntwole
riffu two- other jiobs that helped him to 'of internationalism. One of these 1 announcemlents 15 cents each. I Bishop, '28, was second in the contest will be banqueted on the following University college at the present time,
pay his ;vay. l oumses which she especially lauded senior dic, will also be collected at i isop i osreting againi-this year.might, April 17. All of tie banquets with a coincident maintenance of the
Duming the sunminer Schroedler hasf is that to be offered at Oford umni-; the samne time, according to Dales; is~~ t; abimioff by virtue of her' vic rare to be ]held at 6: 15 on the days present standlards. They consider the
i eote o tN~ f orkTrne ad vrsity nxtsufmnmem, repetitionm ai Kmnape, '28,xteaue any hvepaid tary wssn t oaCity t r- esigmnated at the Union. plan as possible but not practicable.
has spentmuch tiime In surmnem- cammpsi special summer session held in 1926.! their (tus already but a large groupI present the University in the North- Both the upper staffs of the. busi- The question of the Universty-col-
as counsellor. In this way lie has - b as nt according to class officers. I Arn Oratorical league. She finishied ness and editorial sides of the 'Ensian lege will probably be presenteel at the
kp notcwihteaoecns"Iinvitatiomis,programs, announ cemienits, 'o nti oiet will meet April 23, while the banquet nextmeeting of the Board of Regents
kep incotatwih heaolscntthieahesf anconttcktststeteno
1 aey p ikt tl.of time present age and has formulated ! M i oo ball their!.lie Northern Oratorical league for the upper staffs and the business on March 29, although it is not thought
ca ,Iie emmedwtou amnto -nt,st is to be hld at .hvinneapolis amnd editorial sides of the Gargoyle that any step toward adoption will be
and their (desires. (By Associated hress,)I class dues, I ay4 mieo 10 sofrdt iltk place on the fllowing night. taken by that body in the face of the
jTihe subject of Reverand Schroeder's Iii and colder, today; mostly I - the winnr of this contest and a se- It wyas also announced that all ap-I protests of the two largest faculty rep-.
I aidmes ha nt yt benannuned icuy omoro. iMO IP! G PL TLRE cootiaward of $50 is neale. Theim to for the various manager- resentations in the University.Five X
TIC ETS ONp ALE schools represented Will be North- ships must be vn with the board by other bodies have approved theme
O C~ VEDY CLU HAS D VELOPE we strmi, Wsconsi, Minnsota, owa,1hursda, April 5. No applications sure, those of the School of Business ',HStl L etrt'sosnMneoa oa
i ~1T AI~- .~Mchigan and Western Reserve. will be accepted after that time. Administration, the Law school, the"
i SEVERAJ-L W ELL-KNOW/N ACTORSK5 Tickets for the Liiivcsiyoty i Schoolh of Education, the School of'
rl V ; icture, which wvere placd on sale , IN 3 De j1f2j\J2NJLA ntity and the School of Forestry
ti....., ... ,.., .v_ at tie bookstores last wee, am-c sell' NORTfH4 RN T mATION\. 1EXPERIEtNCE17 andensr io,° The Uiversity

a'ditorof Noue: '' i s i h le t .otl soim and Comedy club, has by mnmy inigrapidly, according to aim ai- y f _. TEIIM PER~i/'AURE c rkollg ln isthe prut oftwyer
stitturins intnded 0to(mveo) their his ben mmcomnsidered responsible for the "nI immybu 'ade yesterdaY byElsie ! J REMARKAB~iJLY1 HIGHJJJ ofwr nth ato committees
jtory itd major principles or organization quickenimng of intemest ini canmpus dra- nuncememShitmno h oeapitdb rsdn ite
Noersnaiv ftm let by sicim the-ntorganizat io a l iite e fom tt Woe' s iiiaib Reimarkably light temperatures and jtie ice-cap is limited by their food
doramimatictiv on the ocamps, ysc te ognztosasWnswihis sponsong the shoi'ing T iremeting snow are meomted fronttie. supply and by the meltingo teANNOUNCE o tePUBLIC
a v'lIandi Play Productionis. daa cognztino h aps proceeds from the ticket sale wail Mit. Evans Weather observatory in I snow. Should thi&snow on the Mt.eS LEaO
as ol a wht asben trmd he It was once tie custom to give lbt 1 go to the~ Womenci's league buildingi southwestem-n Greenland in a radio- I melt, as it has domne around tie M. SA EO TICKETS.
University dramatic "renaissance," omne big productiomn in a year, and to fund laid tie tickets arceIpricedh at gr'ammreceived here dated March . Evamsaisn it will beimosbe- '
Comedy club is today well over 30 put into this all the resources of the 1 25 cemnts. Tie picture will be sihows.iIni early March the coldest weather for them to use their sledge and dog Public sale of tickets for the 24t4
years old. It has produced a few of society. This was always given at the etMna ihi iladtrimo h esni xetd corigtaPoesrHbssianulJno il'Pa,"o h
the fitter known actors of theAmeni- Whitney theater, and formed one of mex-ona ngttnHilan t'unrof.time season i.expectedcorgTem profeso ek ob utsaid, tanuLoJnio r Girls' Pilay, "ForThe
can stage, and has established several Ithe University social events. Duming ItoPo* ilim .Hob, iecoITeSpane odkaotthiypo ,Lv FPet,"willSbethdaofthirs-
trfiin ocmu rdcin aone-year's absence of Professoi' Nl- CHANG..E IS A'IADE ' of the University Greenland exped- visions by killing sevealf tie dogsdaFiyndStryofhs
orman i~ackett, 'G&8, who recently so, Paul Stevenson of the Ypsilanti AM N * vtiomiwe.hystu hi iecv t-wea il adtrui a n
apeae3hr i terodcopayofPayr scceedhm s i-etr"t.h text of the radiogiam folows: tion. It is possible, Professor Hobbs nounced yesterday. The box office
Somiest Ma'igiman's "TimeConstant producing Suttoni Vane's melodrama, I lt Evamns, Greenland-Temperature explained, that they have killed all wl eoe rm o5ocoko
Wife ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~n " mdPylsP haebt Otad Bud" Ti a hem Deto the inability of Prof. W 1.since the first of Mar'chmmanging from time(logs to enable them to remain Thnnsd*y and Friday, and from~ 9 to
(Wie, n dkmmow ismers f h e tag hfa-Oupetwa veHofda~Thiewer hno emitIenderson to appear 0on the second of plus twventy to plus thirty-nine. Much longer on tie ice. 5,o'clock Saturday.t
teinmt wh bganther arers n n te 'raa, midexite coisherbleifthe series of lectures which ae being j melting .took place and[iio snow onl In any event they are xpected back rime show will make its Initial ap-
Coedy wcluba ne tie in threpsciiii e drat anexitedwas afnidalsponsored by time Institute of Ire- go.OhrGenln ttosm-at thme Mt. Evans station very soon. Ipearamicw Monday nightMarch 19 ,
the productions we<re directed by Prof.I failur'e. The year following this Pmo- ligious Educatiomn, Pmof. Louis Hop- i port no winds amd temperatures Concern will be felt here for their at tie Whitney theater, and will rutn.
Loui- A. Strauss of the English de- fessor Nelson returnmed and broke all' kins, secretamy of tie Colleges of Ein around freezing. Balloons show i safety if news of their return doesI thm entire week, with a matinee ont
parmet, uttim geatr artoftheprcednt by poduin Gerg Igineeing and Architecture, will de-! strong southerly winds aloft. (Signed) !not reach Ann Am-on by radio within i Saturday afternoon. An advance
patrnbttegetrpr ftepeeet y pouig Gog arly work was done by Piiof. J. Bernard Shaw's "You Canl Never Tell" I ivem tie other address on tie pro- Kallquist." the next week or two. Mt. Evans will seat sale has already been made ;by-
Ralegh Nlsonof Ie egineringin tme imesthe his sta- gmam in Lane hall tonight at 7 o'clock. "This may be very unfortunate for b e out of conmmunication with the out- I mail order. The play, the 24th pro-
college.,IHis wemee productions Iishedth presentpoiy and was fol- Itie memn on tie ice~'' ProfessorHob side world after March 25, when Iduction o its kind, will have as its
that were deemed the nmost successful, 'lowved by the first of the studemnt- r ESI-MAN HONTOR Isid yesterday, speaking of the ex- Oscanyami, radio operator for the ex- setting, a floating univriy
a n d is c m- n o s e v ic e x e n d d o er ir e te d pla y , - S h a 's G r e t C th - ~n r ' i ' v T l MP T e d tio n in la n d o v e r th e ic e c a p b e in g p ed itio n , p la n s to m u s h to H o ls te n s - T ic k e ts - a r e p ric e d a t $ 3 fok o x

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