SUND)AY, MARCH I111 THEl MICHIGAN DAILY PAO '.'E I FN I iF iNTHUSIASM COUNTS TO HIGH TIDE N MAJOR LEAGUE TRAINING LAMPS Enthusiasm in the major league ,have been holding short tilts be- j training camps in 'the ' outh andt West has mounted to a higher tide ist the last Ic1 ,(IYs than a any tin a daring the pent raining per- loci. Participtation in aLbiirevia toldprac- tice games hai given occasion tol muc'h ot the spirit maiise~ y the players in the various camps. Gcnerally warm, dlry wear,.l her inl the training a-c'c o ,,s lper:flfit~el t ,quads to accor,,l ;;. a lot, of work,t thereby putting th:, players of tlile yr -ious contingents farV inl adivance of their training s(iicdnile. Peculiarly enough, thase o ?aol og i has been occupi'lig theis tl'~~~ n imne (of layers inll c11tli year. It iAapparent tha~t alltmaia -1 ; .rs are i utecut Ito haveItheir lmeil well (1rilc(I inis 115depart lit0,1,\he 'li the season gets1.111(el, start. Ill ad dit ion to t he stress placed oni: baise running. there have }>een the' customary fielding and1 hitting dills. withi the clubberss having a greM.I de,,l W~ joyous feeling in dIrivi ug Ilie pol -f let to iremlote arts otfHile parY; a<1 watching tIelleI lcll>s' i iler 'spcr- :spire while letirievig ii Pit cher s, too, I1;ave, 1101 been Sh.all ,in the earlier worol: , t >. 1woil vlje;' find the going lnilll cHaIirder I 1 lW when the intra and inter-camfp con- te(st s are staged1. ost of the a lit 1145: tween first and and1( the games gn>U clubs are second teams alreadyI with rival major lea- slated to tart this week.C, Onlly a few of the large number of holdouts reported last week have not corme to terms at this writing. As Cby a gesture of irony, the majority Iao present unsigned players are zn:inhers of the Chicago White Six l -('o~ players, four of them vet- anhave r'efused tto report to ~i'aa~R [ay Schalk at. tile Sox camp ;e ~ ~ ~ L. nhie o' [lr1lCplayers are :Nhn iii losti 1, ottfielder, Bill Bar- i.f, allot her outfielder, and Charles f ;tarm li! e, left" handed pitcher who r ehloild to Sox at the end of last tlevcial1 casualties have occuredl in tile tr ainig camps. Walter Gerber, a hor t top (of the St. Lours Browns for~ eleve., oonsecutive years, was plailnfully injutred Thursday when lie fwas hit; under the right eye by a b~attledball.f Injury or illness has incapacitatedj several Pitt sburghl Pirates. Ray Kre-! nicr, l: ,tr in g pit cher of tile National it u~~if2 4Re fl~t(X.1 !. F PHOTO 7 YCu PH TO Vas 719 iX. I~l~'i e Phone 451 SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICE Good T~yp~ewriters For Rent machines, your favorite Rider's P-eli Shop Phone 8950 .make. ®. , { We are pleased to announce that our complete ca~~ and pressing service will be resun ed ~~ usual efficiency Automatic fire doors protected the cleaning equipment Which is still intact. Replacem-ents on other equipment have been made and we are. in position to FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Corner State and Washington Sts. Arthur W. Stalker, DAD, Minister Parley C. Binghiam, Associate Minister and Student Director 10: 30-Lent's Creed: "I Belieye ini '200-Discussion Class: T> Bible Study (lass: Mr. Carl Scott, "Lead(er. 6: 00-lDon il11will sp~ea k on 7 :3:0-Charles C. Morrisonl, editor of thle Christian Century, xviii giv;2 the \Vesleyan C'uild Lee- tarne Gi1 "Amrnei(-a's ea '~ Policy." rI1lE UNITARIAN CHURCH Stale anldIturon Streets Sitjn4 y S. I'tobis, Minister March 11, 19328 It):45-4f)iir Rlhtloit PtoNion.(C Iri'- 5: 45-Candlelight Supper. 6 : }5-Discitus'sion of mlorning topic by a Mohlammedan and a Hndoo: MVr. Hussain, Mr. Kul-; karni. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Itev. 1t, Edwmardl Sayles. Miilster. Minister of Students. 10: 45-Worship. Sermon by M~r. Sayles. "A Hypocrite's Talk With Jesus:' (3rd in series on Intelrviews with Jesus.) 12:00-Church Bible School. Dr. Bunting, Superintendent. The student class meets in the Guild I-ouse. Mr, Chapman is leader. Subject, "An ancient citic1 oft'nationlal lie. :U----Fl endslip Hour.1 6: 0-I.M. il XX 111 n AveryBarras, E'lld(ational D)irector of Read- L-ibiary, XN ill spear onillnth topic, "FrIom 1Christiai 1it0t FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTISTr 49)Sioth JDii-sioiStreet 1 t) :;~0 a. nz.- -Reg :ula u' iMorning ,cr- vice; Stihjec i: "Su s~lte, 11:45 a. in.----Sun day School follow- ing the mlorning service. 7:1-1) . Pm.--Wedne'sday eveninig Aest imon al levt 'ing. The Reading Roomz, 1.0 and 11 State Saving Bank Building is open daily fromn -12 to 5 o'clock, except Sundays and legal Holidays. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washingtoni St. and Fifth Ave. 9:00--Bible School. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Corner H~uronl and Division Merle 11. A nders on, Mliniister D)ale H. Moore, Associate. Mrs. Nellie B. Cadwell Secretary for Women. 9 :30--Church School. Student Class led by Dale I. Moore. 10:4-5--M~orning Worship. Sermon cn Tii m ir Stones of The 12:00t-Stiul nt Class led by Prof. 11: X'ard lcMClusky. 5::0)--ci-al f1lour a11(1Slipper. ;:30---Young People's Society. BETHLEHEM EVANGE2LICAL CHURCH (Evaingelceml Synod of -N. A.) ]FourthIi Avi-.. betwveen Packotrd 9: o00---Sunday School. 10 :00-Regular moninig worship, 11 :00-Germani service. Rev. C. WV. Roth, Ypsilanti. will preach at both services. 5:30-Young People's fellowship and discussion hour. I CONGREGATI ONALf CHURCHI State St. at WilihIn ns JDr. Carl S. Patton, Acting Minister 9:30-Sunday School. 10:45-Morning Worship. Serlmon by Dr. Carl S. Patton. 5:30-Student Luncheon and Fel- lowship Meeting. Prof. Howard Y. McClusky will talk oan "New Frontiers." Students andl other: interested are invXited1. ST. ANDREW'S (EPISCOPAL) CHURCH Division and Catherine Streets - !Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector 116,. Thi na s L. Harris, Assistant; THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT. 8 :00-Holy Communion. I 9: 30-Holy Communion Service' for Students in Harris Hall, followed: by breakfast. 11:00-H1oly Communion and Ser- mon by the Rev. Henry Lewis.. 6:15-Student Supper. 7:30-Evening Servicm ST. PAUL'S. LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Syniod) Third and West Huron C. A. Brauer, Pastor Parsonage: 420 West Liberty M r,-..-. 11i- -FOIR AIDE FINJ ST Ipedigree, oneae 11, 0110fe- male, price made to sell, seven weeks old. Dial 8801, Robert Hlicks, 1111 E. Washington. 121, 122 f FOR RENT FOR RENT-Remiodel('d, Apt. on So.- Division. Four ros a i unfur- niished. Inquiro 52;.' o.;) Ivi ion. 7531. 124 2 FOR RENT-1424 Washings on 114eigilts pleasant inexpensive student r oomis for boys or a graduate girl. Also cozy unlfur'nished alpartillent. Dial 5001. 120, 121, 122, 123, -124 LARGE 'single room for rent. One- qiuarter block from campus. Ph-one (;3)72 121, 122, 123 WANTUEDI WVANTED-BIoy s5111d('it 1to 1help)in hcit 0:hen i11 for oml a1d 110:1. 4770. 122 I WANTEI--Students to know that oulr 1dm e la undry muethiodcs give your. clothesl persollal at te-ntion. Moe Laundry, 204 N. M1ain. Dial :3916. C WANTED-A few tmeitfor sumnmer enilploynteni*. Call "It Room :306, Mlichig'an Un~ion1, Ibetween .L2 1and15 Wednesday afterlioon. March 14. 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124 LOST LOST-Thursiay mlorni1ing, lady's.- -Conkllin peni, detaichable clip, Dial 9571. 120, 121, 122 LOST-Tuesday, Feb. *2.1, between Church St. and Grangelrs, topaz r'ing, With diamond inset. (Gall 4,S72. Reward. 121, 122, 12"1 LOS'T-- Pair of blac'k hiorn-i-l'idrnli glasses at Michigan tlleat re Su~n- day night. Call Williams at 2-2117. Reward. 119, 120, 121 ILOST-In gymnasium, a gold cuff link. Finder please call 6744. i 122, 123, 124 I A TAN felt purse, containing a pair of glasses and a fountain pen and other articles, between Barbour Gym and State St. Need glasses im- mediately. Call 8050. Evelyn Adams_ - 122 1 1 again sahisfy- your most exacting mands. de- All of our books, are intact. We have a oor alete e ordo every garment in our sh-,ops at the Le of the fire. These garmnts re inured-- guaranteeing our c~stmc~~2~fladjt1~2r HIILLEL' FOUNDATION 1 1610" E. Uulverslty "Wla ",79 [ Sunday, l 4arch 11, 1928 ATTEND I CHURCH Subscribe Ii