PAGE six -- THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, A.TARC3I 11, 1923 SUNDA MAR!! 11 192 OOS TERBAAN CHOE ON . CONFEENCE. SH~~~ N ISK WILL MEET IELIMINATION BOUT TOMORROWJACKSO FIVE WOVEIE OWADPUCKEWARTZ IS NAMED PHYSICAL Il TRAINING, DIRECTOR AT ECNB' 1William Puckelwai tz, versatile 9 ¢ Michigan athlete, has been namecd di- IS UANIOUSCHOCErector of phyica educationin the Bi tlntVaew Wai e llsi OnVi ialso coach the football, basketball,- ~i' I hi~,AdWll inti track teams of Escanaba hg l 'ltzjtt Iea~tbxtisch ol i nd its n i hiC r~t- r aThigh IrYOUR PARDION Jerry Engel was the winner in the all-campus flyweight championship bout held rece'nt- ly at Yot field house instead of Martyr' 'ecker, wXi1()was er- roneously reportedi as I do vic- tor ill yesterday's Ma ly. rELIMI NATES ; :} ::: M'COV, CHAPMAN HONORED Bonn11ie Oosterhaan, Michigan's ver- satile athlete,, was unanimously clo- sen by blas ( A 11 coaches of the Big rTeri r:hteol , for a forward position on the alt-Western Con'erencc team. This marks lie second time that the Wolverine athilet ic s1a r has been named oni the mythical Big Tfen quin- tet. , Oosterbaan, icidentally, was tshe VIhile attending the University, _______________ P~uckelwartz has made anl enviable record in athletic,.lie playedloin the D I baseball teeni t11 e yas, captning .uI reviULflIVW LL H L the nine last spring. iurinug his car-t er on the diamnond. whe re lie played r r in the outticd ide was rank~d as a ' tLir.O>P> £W F dangerous hitter and fast fielder. M' Onl the football1 field P'uckclwart z also distinguished himself, playing oil With thle removal c fr1t 5 ,t ail the -1925, '26. and '27 teams. Hie won1 his let tar every year. Duuing the 1~926 court in Yost field ]iou'-,e loll, lIa sti season lie was handicapped b~y in- night's~ wrestling mleet, Coac 1 Ray L. uries. Last year "Puck'' was one of Fisher's baseball tossers will now hebc the most consistent memibers of the ab~le to release thea long pant.-up en- Wolverine backfield, showing ability in huring forw\ard pa1sses. I le played ergy when they will bce nablledl to quarterback andl ahhaek du rng Ihis, utilize the spacious (quar ters o(f1the service oil tlb ( gridil ~n building for practice. Cactli Fishier expects 11 sstart infliel d diilill. g iledell a o] ill order to 1:Lf ("'' I"' C . TA I T. {Bt: t9 ;1W ia1ii11t1dthe nmen ml a s.hapeo lwfore th li' 'seasoin le'ss;tlihi23aweek fl-i'S~ lloay. Thte (:al ta iii a. the \\ (ii (I'm jlfp It is expectead tliathoust ian w ill he 1 928-:<9 quintet will he ~ehst at first lase, Mor se at :,z'coid, ('apt. ' tonnarraw at 12 :1.5 o'cloc~k, tl\cIiai Loosat eli arft op, ndalWin tl'aub at t Y . a r { L )A _ , -.- y. ' ' : N C r . Jack Sharkiey, B~oston heavyweight, Hn nn and Johnny Risko, another conten-1HI SCHqOOL 11RfrGeeUiurys ron wl ueet tomnorro n ight inl Madison Completely upsetting the dlope, Square Garden at NewFork in thec Jacksonn ruinedl the titl!^ :1SIirmitionais semi-lial., of ' o-Rickardl's oeliii-!oc'' the Ann Arbor lliii shotihas atio~n bow~s. ketbll tea:m hy an tunexp'cted doc- T i., will be Sharkey's firstsa-fa.2 to 13, Fridiayv1 flh t in the' pea ranuce since his rather ponor show- regional basketball tournament at ing against TorndI lecney, :t boxing Jackson. critics are extremnely n>c>erot i On the basis of pastprfmacs 'he Monday night fracals. rn 1)'epa r- the Purple and White should have 1 uls for thlis boul.theCIO ,,on 12sailor Eb .et. IIaneasy winner. The Jacksoni has shown froquent displa ye> of hiisj quint at bad suvffered a rather deci- l'ormer spirit that) once carried hinim siv,' defeat (luring the regular sej- to a trial agatinst: Jack Dempsey inl son at the hands of Coach Iloll'o- a, now hisi o i Icbat tie. way's five. R ik, always un itnm-essmx'e ill his Pont IHuiron, victor over Lansing in j 4yintla sinin wcorkout~s, is oil thle shortI another upset on Thursday night, won eud of the betting. Odds have risen easily from' Mt. Clemens, .32 to 19, fromi 1 to 3 inl Sharkey's favor to and met Jackson last night in a. 5 tot 13. Judging from the demand battle which would determine the re- 101r tickets, it crest in the bout has ikional champion. ,increasedl (uring the last few days., Ann Arbor's other entry in the re- ;Mail order's and box office sa les halvf -ionla1 tournamnents, University high, been swelling rapidly as the (late of qualified for te finals last night in only player to be the universal choice I. of the Big rTen coaches. "Stret~ch" nwuPeJewiz Murphy, Purdule's elongated center,s lacked one10 vote'to b1)a0 anfffiflolls J;~~CACK ,flAREV ROBINSON WILL ADDRESS . I Oost (r111: :ui, Mich iga n Forward Fidher, Northwestern . Forward Murphy, Purdue........ Center Hot chkci s, Wisconsin . ..Guard WNells, Indlialna.........Guard SEC'OND) TIA3 Waltters, NoitIi west erniForwVarid G'4ilco, ,Ici w......For'ward It cCa eklofit .I2dia ni.. .Center IFloi'g,, ,.Chicago........Guard Correll, In diana.........(1Guardi 110NORA1I'E l [ETION i+)F otads - Wheeler, Purdue; I Ta rpieson, Purdue; Bohr, Wis- coisii I [ow, ill in ois T wogood, Lowa. Centecis --- Post en, Wis cousin; (Gist, C('lilec o; Chlapmlan, Michii- go n. Guards M tcCuy, Micigan; Kemmier, Purdue; Johnson,. Northwestern ; Marshall, North- western ; S'chnait en. Purdue; Doyle, \Wisconsin. 1I1IL~I ~ I II L..a~AuI I f+ 1ij I TITLEHOLDER IS DEAD i 1 , I i I rtihe sqlad inn eeto t(ie(S phiotoU c)lcal ensll r; ido is F .1) 'RT', Ma icli 1to Trhe filia~l'bell jgrape a'-en Mts..<>e, SlIt1ir. and Sat., 3 R IC adillac 870-1,_________________________________ 'ETT it 0 t Z' #/t Wa S lirs. ({iri ig a 'Iife tlli v eyoel II4'1 alils. Airmig j Didliii's. ('raig have a honme? Wlzt ic 'e 1lI'irriaige? D'O aY.:I MAetRCH2.0 The Season's Dramatic Sensation 1,,i e "DI{'c t o M . Al I i111~f Of Is71111'if(1' ,X IN," E ,w ly GIFO1I E L, ;autlor of "6TilE 8110W 0FF" I~hi A N'I~ A ~I) 1I1~1LSIn "Craig's Wife," George Kelly has built up a drama of intense and iii.. .! t': N ) . I~ II ;S Io~ interest. N obotlyy w ho ha s at through a perfor nm ance o f 1t tWI N CH E' ,1. ; 11Tl, 101111 I "V'rai's Wife" will torgpet the play. (ertninlyino onte will forget thzt Do al;ose closing scene. Noy wore finis;hed anti technically perfect play has * ( l F ser bensen nan IIeatr .i i .. #l choice for the pivot position on th, first teatm Two other Maize and Blue cager were honioredl by the coaches in th+ selections. McCoy, guard, and Chap: man, sophomore center, were give: honorablec mention. Indiana, leaders in this year'; championship race, secured the lang est numubelr of places on the tw( teams selected by the coaches, tho Hoosiers placing one man on thf first team and two on the second Wells, guard, was honored on tho first team, while McCracken and Cor rell wore nmned center and guar( respectively on the second quintet. Ii IS to n t.ydia I Westman AM) '01 INA 1- P! 7 have eaned ther rep catiz " 52 p U 4 OF, 5,- N N \\ v Two Shapes Two Colors All Sizes Tinker $& Company So. State St.' at William St. Clothes by TAllI H7RNG CO- Hats by V') .l,. I KAY-IN w