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March 11, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-11

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SUNDAY. MARCH 11, 1928


'4.1 iT)AY MA 1 CL IT ii3 . 1 92{.fF

Mid f n ,th sertion. One would not ha
t vestigate very deeply, howeve
several fallacies in the case p
Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in -errors which materiallya
Control of Student Publications. situation.
Member of Western Conference Editorial In the first place the as
Association, that our men of letters, tea
The Associated Press is exclusively en- colleges and universities, doI
titled to the use for republication of all news aei xelnewt hi
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise pare in excellence with their
credited in this paper and the local news pub- who teach toe-holds and t
fished herin.
d not well founded. It would b
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, find an average university
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- upon which the men teachin
master General. fcmaal mnnewt
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, of comparable eminence with
14.50. ocig neapeo
4ofices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- coaching. An example of
nard Street. is not hard to find, for on t
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.
gan campus, balancing M
EDITORIAL STAFF' Yost and Weiman there ar
Telephone 4925 gan's Wenley, VanTyne, Crs
MANAGING EDITOR Hayden, Cooley, Bates, Su
JO H. CHAMBERLIN Aigler, and a host of others
Editor.................Ellis B. Merry It is perfectly true that the
Editor Michigan Weekly.-Charles E. Behymer
Staff Editor...............Philip C. Brooks ars do not receive the wid
City Editor.............Courtland C. Smith acclaim that accompanies e
Women's Editor...........Marian L. Welles
Sports Editor............Herbert E. Vedder tion of their athletic contem
heater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Telegraph Editor.............Ross W. Ross but public acclaim is not
Assistant City Editor.... Richard C. Kurvink
Night Edtr measure of achievement, and
Robert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean nature of their profession c
J. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick
Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr. off from a large share of the
Mleporters tion which should be the
Esther Anderson John H. Maloney
Margaret Arthur Marion McDonald coach and his work are conti
Alex A. Bochnowski Charles S. Monroe the popular eye, and every
ean Campbell Catherine Price
Fo (v'.-h hrold T.. Pasman accomplishment is broadcast
Blanchard W. Cleland Morris W. Quinn
4...cec &. N.ueiuuoita Rosenthal wide. The football team ha
Margaret Gross Pierce Rosenberg icali i
MagrtGos Pec rebr CIValborg Egeland Eleanor Scribner . appeal; it is simple;t
Marjorie -ollmer Corinne Schwarz can hardly be said for the s
James B. Freeman Robert G. Silbar
Robert T. Gessner Howard F. Simon which the scholar moves.
Elaine . Gruber George E. Simons
Alice Hagelshaw Rowena Stillman There is competition, to
Joseph l. Howell Sylvia Stone that keeps a football coach
J. Wallace Hlushen George Tilley
Charles R. Kaufman Bert. K. Tritscheller of the newest developments;
William F. Kerby Edward L. Warner, Jr. -
Lawrence R. Klein Benjamin S. Washer is an intellectual urge whi
Donald J. Kline Leo J. Yoedicke e
Bally Knox Joseph Zwerdling every real scholar not only
Jack L. Lait, Jr. but in the forefront of the
BUSINESS STAFF lishments in his field. The
Telephone 21214 doubt but what football tear
BUSINESS MANAGER the field inspired with the ta
WILLIA .PUSCH them, but it is an inspirati
Assistant Manager... George H. Annable, Jr. akin to mob psychoogy an
Advertising.............Richard A. Meyt. impulse, and has no count
Advertising..............Arthur M. Hinkley the inspiration of the classr
Advertising................ Edward L. Hulse
Advertising............John W. Ruswinckel If conditions at Cornell a
Accounts................Raymond Wachter
Circulation..............eorge B. An, Jr. as bad as presented, which is
Publication ..............Harvey Talcott credible, then affairs have r
George Bradley Ray Hofelich sorry state indeed and it
Marie Brummeler hal A. Jaehn
tames k.arpenter ames Jordan time that a revulsion was f
Charles K. Correll Marion Kerr
Barbara Cromell Thales N. Lenington ing. If there are no teacher
Mirv nivev Catherine McKinven spire, then Cornell is not t
Bessie V. Egeland Dorothy Lyons
Una Felker Alex K. Scherer American universities, an
Katherine Frohne George Spaterl
Douglass Fuller Ruth Thompson look to its internal conditic
Beatrice Greenberg Herbert E. Varnum than criticise the whole
Helen Gross Lawrence Walkleyhp
r. J. fHammer Hannah Wallen education. Faults there doul
Carl W. Hammer
-everywhere-but to alle
SUNDAY, MARCHI 11, 1928 sweeping statement that th
instructors of our great un
Night Editor-G. THOMAS McKEAN are the outstanding ins
teachers at present employe
cation is either a fallacy o
demnation of our athletic e
SAUIAh4UTDNE and it is doubtful if it is the
Expressions of opinion from mem-
bers )Z the University Senate Com-
mittee on Student Affairs indicate SPIRITUAL EDUCATI
that the rule passed a year ago pro- One of the essentials of u
hibiting fraternity and sorority dances uate education is a know
on the Saturday nights of home foot- spiritual things, according t
ball games will not be renewed. Lyle Spencer, who but rec
The measure was passed to be in sumed the pr'esidency of the
effect for only one year and will, of sity of Washington. Real v
course, expire with the close of the not rest, he says, in the me
present semester. The Senate com- of our everyday lives, nor c
mittee expects to take no further ac- measured by monetary ga
tion unless unforeseen conditions highest values are determine
should arise to radically change the spiritual things,
situation. As things now stand there In maintaining that the way
is nothing to prevent houses from giv- our leisure time enriches or
ing dances next fall on the nights of from our spiritual happin
home games. Spencer is not only right bu
The reasons given at the time the sounded a note of even gre
rule was passed were that organiza- nificance. If all that a sn
tions found themselves unable to con- graduating from this or ai
trol the dances, principally in respect university carried away with
to the Prohibition Amendment, and that knowledge which he ac

that it would therefore be advisable the classroom, he would g
to eliminate the dances altogether. It life under a great handical
was the opinion of The Daily at that education consists, not so
time that other solutions to the re- material benefits, as of soul
ported situation could be found, and acter, keen mentaliy and
that all houses should not be punished anced morals. Indeed, Dr.
for the actions of the few. is more than right in emphas
It would be advisable.in the present spiritual side of a college e(
situation, in view of the fact that no
ruling is being contemplated by the PROGRESS
Senate committee, that the Interfra- Stepping forward in social
ternity council take steps to encour- tion, Alberta, Manitoba, pass
age more careful and adequate super- providing for sterilization of
vision of the dances by the individual defectives and feeble-minde
houses and the council itself, act shows a conscious reali
Such steps would do largely to pre- the social conditions of th
vent any criticism being raised this Birth control, despite the unf
fall, would indicate the council's- will- laws which render it power
ingness to cooperate with the Senate steadily gaining ground as ar
committee, and aid largely in elimi- checking the alarming incr
nating any possibility of -the present mental defectives.
situation occuring again. A similar law pertaining
question was passed several y
PROMINENCE in Michigan, but for some r
In a recent challenging editorial on other it was never enforced.
the whole process of college educa- by its, action, should set 'an
tion, The Cornell Daily Sun made the for others to follow, and1
assertion that college coaches are of might do well to make its la
a much higher grade, comparatively, tive in this regard.
than their compatriots who teach in
the classroom. "In athletics we find The presidential primaries
coaches who are outstanding in their lot of noise, but more and mo
respective fielgs," the editorial de- comes clear that they don't m
clares. "In contrast to this we have thing.
the instructing staff of the University,
made up of many individual scholars, Senator Bruce's remark t

ve to in-
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"I'm nothing but a little dog
Who sought an education.
I came to college for it
And caused great consterna-
"I entered classes quite on time
With studied preparation.
When someone said what I ap-
I barked my approbation."
"But still my conduct did receive
No fair appreciation.
And Pardon of the B. & G.
Sought out my habitation."
"'Sir Canine,' said he, very stern
(I gazed in admiration)
'I think that you are guilty of
Some serious depredation.'
"'No no,' said I, 'My conduct, sir,
Will bear investigation.'
(And being very upright I
Made no prevarication)
"'At times,' said I, 'I greet my
With heartfelt salutations.'
But I could see my honest plea
Caused only perturbation."
"'To languish in the pound,' said
'Will be your relegation.'
And thus he ended rude my quest
For mental elevation."
quarters we learn that the candidate
is not in favor of the soap campaign.
He thinks that it is too slippery a
proposition. "I don't like soap any-
way," the campus hero said.
* * *
SINCE THIS IS so we shall have
to find a new appeal for Bolt so that
he can carry the country. An addi-
tional plank in his platform for hot
running water in fraternity houses
has won the candidate untold support
in American colleges.
* * *
WE LEARN FROM The Daily that
the chairman of the committee which
handles such things for the Gridiron
banquet has announced that invita-
tions for the banquet which will be
given April 4, will be placed in the
mails on April 16 and 17.
IF THAT IS the case is isn't likely
that there will be many present to see
the event. Perhaps they will allow
anyone to go who pays and then if
you don't get an invitation and have
attended you will get your money
* * *
AS MOST OF the students know all
the B.M.O.C. and others who have
fraternity brothers in the organization
are invited to this Grid banquet by
Sigma Delta Chi. It really is worth
seeing for there the facutly members
act human and tell stories, some of
which are slightly off color. We
mean the stories not the faculty mem-
* * *

In line with the policy of making
the students feel at home, the admin-
istration has ordered the B and G
boys to provide a little atmosphere
for the students from the farm.
The R.O.T.C. is being rushed by the
enlistments of those who have heard
the rumor that the ordnance depart-
ment furnishes gas masks to, all
'members of the department free of
Colonel Coxey.
* **
How About The Prof who Owns Only
One Tie And Had It In The
Plant To Be Cleaned
Mr. Rolls:
Since Goldman's burned down, pro-
fessors are giving bolts right and
left. If a prof's only suit was at Gold-
man's what can he do?
The white coated medical staff,
however, have met the situation very
strategically. The Ann Arbor bar-
bers have voted unanimously -to lend
their coats to University M. D.'s until
relief shipments can be received from
the Chicago White Wings.
Hot, Stuff.
*5 * *
NOW WE LEARN that it is a good
thing we didn't have our suit in that,
fire. It seems that they are only set-
tling for 20 times the pressing, etc.,

TONIGHr: The Rockford Players
present Henrik Ibsen's "Hedda Gab-
ler" in the Whitney theater at 8:30
Elsie Herndon Kearns' arrival in
Ann Arbor to play the title role in
Ibsen's "Hedda Gabler," which will
open tonight at the Whitney, has been
the occasion for a good deal of excite-
ment among those who have known
her and who appreciate her ability to
give dramatic portrayals with a great
and delicate artistry. Here is an
opinion from one whose taste is keen
and whose ;judgment can be relied
"I cannot resist the impulse to con-
gratulate the happy inspiration of
bringing Miss Elsie Kearns to Ann
Arbor. Her subtle and varied art has
always been a delight to me and to
all the patrons of drama in this com-
munity. It will be a great pleasure
to see her mature, thoughtful, and
fresh interpretations again."
Albert Lockwood.
** *
Out of the shambling hulk of loose
acts and odds and ends of scenes the
Junior Girls' Play is rising like the
proverbial Phoenix. ;Dance routines
which were once just aimless and
silly leg exercises, acts that were bits
of idiotic dialogue clouding the air,
musical scores that were nothing less
than one finger'ed jigs on an ivory
floor, all are ,sliding together into
their designated grooves as if sorie
divine puzzle-maker were pushing at
them, and the dazzling story' of ad-
venture and daring "For the Love o'
Pete" is rising in full dramatic ma-
Pete is big, and blonde, and good-
looking in a silent way, and master-
ful, and insouciant, and wholly lov-
able as the focal point for the mys-
terious plots and female wiles which
surround him and try to crush him-
*just like the silly waves around the
Rock of ibraltar. But in Merle
Raine's story there is more than deeds
of derring-do; there is music. Edna
' Bower wrote' the score that runs
through the tale like a golden thread;
the lyric accompaniment is the work
of several artists.
Conservative estimate makes this
year's play the best in the last four
years. There's no point in being ex-
1 travagant about it then, is there?
R. L. A.
The Gilbert and Sullivan operettas
are tenanting the Cass in Detroit this
week-if that fact have any signifi-
cance for a public which knows Sulli-
I van chiefly as a rubber heel and Gil-
bert as Miss Greta Garbo's adulterous
accomplice in cinematic sin. To the
knowing, then, this reporter must
confess that he is, so staunch a Savo-
yard that reviewing any product of
the Castor and Pollux of satire is for
him a hazardous procedure, conducive
to the creased brows and indigestions
of worriment. Of the performance of

"The Mikado" last week, therefore, this
deponent had best not speak, lest he
reveal the trembling lip of rapture or
the moist eye of joy, and make his
readers, if any, suspect him of having
just bought an interest in the show.
He must hence content himself with
the remark that the arrival of the Savo-
yard troupe, restoring as it does the
roses to the pallid cheeks of' Detroit
in its mid-March doldrums, should be
greeted with the waving of banners
and sarabands in the streets. "The
Mikado" easily the veteran of the
series; a lively valetudinarian, it has
undergone many -icjssitudes, from
being afflicted by the Messrs. Shu-
bert with the gutta-percha-limbed
Lupino Lane and cherry-trees from
the ateliers of Watson Barratt,
down to production as the annual
high school play in the gymnasium;
and the latter is undeniably the lesser
But never has it been better done,
nor for that matter so well, as by
Winthrop Ames' present company. In
Mr. Ames' subtly tasteful production,
"The Mikado" is, as it should be, a
sly and demure buffonery, poking an
always well manicured finger of scorn
at the comic cosmos, and tickling
rather than smiting the assorted ribs
of the customers.
"The Mikado" and its fellows,
"Iolanthe" and "The Pirates of Pen-

Charles C.
Morris on
"The Christian -Century"
State and WashinogtOI


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