e S ATTTTIDXY, MARCHT10, 1929 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~EEN- AORL[~V~WOLVERINE MATMEN TO MEET '' - L, I- ILLINI FOR CONFERENCE TITLE-- SQUADS WILL BE CUUI SCHALK PLANS COMEBACK go \]lit( soxax ns1 t I)~.a>0(tS r11&h :: cli. l 2( ll () (I C12 10 o-o of Ihe gru;AI-,, atc is I th1,E game AT PM.ADVERTISING A 3I.' Good imachin,.our favorite make. Ridr' I'uShop Phlone 85 FiNEST FOR SALE F-INSTpeditgree, one male, o:.: fe- mal~e, I)1iee nodetoy , ^1.seveni weeks (Ad. 1Mi:l ~801, Robert h-icks. 111112.\Vasingon. 121, 122 (Continued Ifrom Page Six) bp solrnoevhat offil, ihowever, or tilt, (-ialioII, in ) (e eaIri 101.ot ontile' at th 11atWarrien has comp~eel suir, 11oste.11 'ationa Fs, Senators, Hrowu t I,'taro'0ram. And (Car d inials iHaveIRounded In 1h 1 I2 1)0111(1bo0at,.Cap a in fal q C~ood ('on] it ion Poti( e (Iand Thomas, 1both 0o' a vhon1 irae undefeated iso tar 01his~ HANSONN 1OW V 0'1TH YANIS ! ", .i < faceeac othr. h - yAso~t ' ,) (hamplioll ship in iihis class least rear, b~utis(expect'led to Bled tit.Worthby ops- ATLANTA, Ga., iMarch 9 -- Base- p.tn nteA ihgnspooe ball's metaphorical axe hovered oVier .fill Pr~iescott, NWolverine I ii seven of ten major leagulebasebiall \veigh 1., who ()has fllUclQ imnpi'essive_ clubs~ in Florida today with at leatst ~1n~in ~ihis last two lbots. W'W1' ce:s s Itally ,gai11siheavior ,l p(Jflon. in13 h1ree oiib (' nico h +1111i5 :SC) 0. The 1 :} i )Jtad .boo' will 1)1'111^'to g e?}1 t' tt' it)? olli'v1,111 0 1 ;- ili p)-- aim r 11ithis 1'ivon w lien I;('- 11,..> -I' (r~ctl l,I. Iy ii iSO'. liitle 1ast NOTIiICE wer.NOTICE-Two used portable type- __________________________________ writers for sale. One and two years ,im i iw3 isW httS I;111111 I t l +1111111 old re: pecti ,ely.-IReasonable prices. vi~ru), ea L''(VD t ('all 34319. E. 11. Munn. iM. oplplsc'(-; Sporia o; thoughoa! 210 it-mei', cs "to 1111 'for 011.1"t Ilinoi". sl l ]e olI,, Ku( i!ercolle- iiol See our iie xv sprilig good" hicicr, huxing. l-xperl1tailo10ing ; a d I pai Ig". Sel s fintd 'I ,cmuilt- , 2,;~ and up. All W~or'k (hi a eeoi. C--Tues.. Thurs., Sac.; N OTIC E---Be sure and visit this most modern and efficient Hat Cleaning and Shoe Shining Parlor. Michigan Thectc BYldg.. 539 14. Liberty. C-Tules., Thurs., Sat.j OCE, -'Tut o'jl1Y i Frenchi and Ifliet(;ric. Call Clark 6249. Fountain eenReji iriig Our skilled P enmakers Service costs you 1n0 more. The only logical place to have your pen repaired. :rider's Pen Shop 'TYPE WRITER SERVICE All makes. No hotter :skill found any- where. Prompt se'rvice. Rider's Pen Shop Phone 8950 FOR RENT FiOR RENT- 1;? 4 Wa\%shington Heights p~leasant inexpensive student rooms for b~oys or a gradluate girl. Also 'oz~y lllf'urhisld aplart ment. Dial Sool. 120,, 121,1 122, 128, 124 c 1 i C a41 -fwyerutepctdtoh1r.i3.opseR I1T 11terI..VVU loi let- ed tomorrow. * t '23'an, il in l e vunimited C la:Ss. The ' Early reductions in the size of the Indian ruatulan looms as a conten'lder SPECIAL RATES TO PRIVATE PARTIES. squads of the !Boston Nationals, Ifor thle Confer'ence title, having male! Washington Senators, and St., Louis la record of four falls in as many !' Cardinals and Browns loomed espec'-;' b)1115 this season. ially strong, the clubs having rotud- The Michigan ent ry in the 145 c 0(1 rapidly into condiltionl. p( und division, Rutssell Saner, is3 a 1 Tomorrow xil end the third weepk'tav~oitei over Campbell o f linois, "1 - T ~ o l g a s a ir i otraining for the Senators at Tamn- though neither has beeni defeated this i=cM 11)" ,qT cyT %-%N f h pa, the Philadelphia Athletics at Fort year. Saner defeated a, strong field Y NDt ~~. L uN PmMeyers, the St. ILouis osonlBowns anelt Wst, to win asthe '"as Ten champaionshlip in=~ PamBecth oso meian i cas atyear, and because of ' "The Finest Dining Room iflthe Cit~~ at Bradenton, the Cardinals at Avon his experience is given in edge over Park, the Braves at St. Petersburg,I his oppionent.. and the Philadelphia' Nationals a" Dorlahoe, twice winner of 158 pound American and Chinese Cuisine Winter Haven. l Conference title, should also win i Boston Team,; Play t rom his Illinois rival, as neither = Expert Pastry Cook Most of the Florida training camps Claypool or Greene, has shown ('on-'- were the scene of rotutine drills to-( sistency comparable to tlw~t of the lay, whilm two' exhibition gamesI Michigan veteran. 3OCeLunceondis Served Every Dlay = marked the day in other camps, the Coach Prehn is undecided as to l Braves meeting the Red Sox at Brad- whiether Crane or i1Vlegge will take1 enton, and the Cardinals are playing the illinois 175 pound assignment, Pha e 3 83 . II G 1 13 . A. 'V TYPEWRITING and Mimeograph~ling promptly and neatly clone by ex- nrienned oneraVtn;'Qsat mode~rate 119, 120, 1211 rates. College woarksa specialty) for "1Kr~l 110 il ieedof one i~l(Inot nearly. twenty years. 0. D. Mtorrill. "Ii ri reiine fmoe n o. Arcade. C a~f iradlto .work hard, we have a___________________________ str timghttselling proposition on Portable Typewriters-New orI~ sel vw1th h you can start work immedj- !lIT WILL pay youl. to comeC to Royal- aatl t ad eciltinttO at full time dur- headquarters and see tile New hug o he summer months. 'You Av'' Royal p~ortab~le before you buy. This be calling upon a (lignifiedl class of ="Baby" -Royal is already outselling pr rshiect s, not a house to il0?15s a'1 otheor mlakes of portable. "Some ('aiass. We will make a speclil baby."_ p~roposition 1o a man with some Ri~der's Pen Shop \ sllngexplerience -who is capable Authlorized Dealers in Royals oh' selling and directing a group of salesmen . Write The American TYPEWRITERS-All makes, sold, Business Corporation, 1034 East rented, exchanged, cleaned, re- First Street, IDuluth, Minnesota. paired. Our machines and work 119. 124 guaranteed to give best satisfaction. f'IiI new P'lanada Apartments, 111 O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. C I~oi nn.ar no ra~l fr ocuTYPEWRITER RIBBON-Our rs niA p .uney and open for inspection. One, turnover insures a fresh stock. You tiwo, an101threie riooms, I'urnishled or secure the bleit quality at a wouer- li lrnishlid. Eilectric refrigeration, ate price. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels iiidiial l'adio)luhgs, gas clothes-,.arcade. j(dryer, electr1ic wising. machinesE inlcluded0(. Edna G. Placeway, owner. TYPING-Theses a "specialty. Rea- 121, 122, 123 sonable rates. M. V. HArtsuff . .NOTIC'E--Good food and good a3ervice, I Dial 9387. C-77-186 one blloc'k from campus-that's why , Typewriter Ribbons and Carbons jyou save. Barney's. Restaurant, 516 The best you can buy. Always fresh. ,. Williamns. C.' Rider's Pen Shop I ,A1UE nY l1siile ri'eojni,,1for 1ent. One- q uarter bloc'k fronti carlupts. Phone 6 3872. 121. 122, .123 WVANTED) WANTED-Students to know that our home laundlry methods give your clothes personal attention. Moe Laundry, 204 N. Mlain. Dial 3916. CX WANTED-A few men for summer employment. Call at Room 306, Michigan Union,' betwveen 2 and 5 Wednesday afternoon, March 14. 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124 LOST 1 LOST-Pair of black horn-rimmed glasses iat Michigan theatre Sun- day night. Call Williams at 2-2117. Reward. 119, 120, 121 LOST-Thursday nmorning, lady's Conklin p4 n, (detachable clip. Dial 9571. 120, 121, 122 A TAN silk purse, containing a pair of glasses and a fountain pen and other articles, ' between Barbour Gym andi State St. Need glasses im- nmediately. Call 8050. Evelyn Adams. I.OST-Tuesday, Feb. 21, between Church St. and Grangers, topaz ring, with (dianmond inset. Call 4872. Reward. 121, 122, 123 the Athletics at Fort Meyers. The Browns and Cincinnati RedlegsI will play their first exhibition game of the season when they nre-et to-, morrow at West Palm Beachl. Vic Hanson, former Syracuse un- versity baseball, basketball, and foot- ball star, arrived at the Yankee's St. ,Petersburg camp today, 'and went throughr his first workout. lie is an inlfielder. Miller Hugins announcedi today that Urban Schocker, who vol- untarily quit tile game, has been placed on the retired list. but eithier nlan ren, Michigan abloupt.20 Pollills. I IH I will outwecigh AWar- - ---- representative, by -= _____________________________________ TPhis advantage will SEVC QUALITYSEVC IN PA R IS ? i li!#__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ###Ef###1#############f###f#i##1#E# #E##1## All Expenses lIcluding round trip steamshiip fare for Two 31outhsI 1)retd y$75+0 Directd by einer A. Des~tarais Arraniged by ii-Tka vel Club, G~ranid Rap.Jids, Miechigan. k Such deliciousness !-Such a tasty frozen delight- The Ann Arbor Dairy' s ice cream brick for the week-end : PT A Full Line of Whitehouse & Hardy odl j ~On Display At1 GUY WOOLFOL 336 South State Street Exclusive Lasts and Patterns Diesigned and Sold Oorzly by - . I IT . "" 41. le Al 4O~ 3~ 8-17 BROADWAY 144 WES' 9c)W~~ F£ :"jIILAJO2L2 . .d .4 A-'"rLLC1ST Ut ST~ 7' en.i z ...1, K vi2' ~4~~t-- _ Three layers- Vanilla, Mint Ice Maple ln~t h " \ { J/ . ' / <<< i s ®m m ® ® ~mmI . ~ I I I i It's rich, creamy taste will meet with your approval. tt fWId THE ANN ARB~OR DAIRY CO. Dial 4101 _."'- I ;ca i Downtown Saturday -tveca I' 0 111:4 a- .. ,... FORMAL ATTIRE' S l for Every Occasion 11 ti VALUES to $.50 Come Down Early Different notes in men's9 attire _ for formal wear are n8ch in evidence this season., The set standard of design in dinner and evening clothes, that has held sway for the past four or five years, has experienced a' new trend. To attempt to portray with illustrations or descrtbe wt words ... these new and inter- esting paces of formal attire for m en .*, is uite futile. Merely reading about them means so little... actually seeingtem means so much I tln Ik DOWNTOWN SHOP .. s '7 6 of I'll~~~~ "¢'~vw ~~~ w 1111