A PAGE TWO_-r TIIF IC I GAN DAILY . ATI1R AY, A TT 10, 1A24 .................... . ......... ... . i FLOATING UNIVERSITYN"EW AiFFFP HRFF PPI7',AS NVATIONAL FORESTS WILL BE USED IN EXPERIMENTAL PRACTICE, S'" ...l..1A.".."JS.«.rJ, "::" Oratorical Association Was Organized 8 f FrStimulation Of Forensic Interest 8 OPTICAL S For ______DEPARTMENT M 4 1 r INGT(N. ?March 9:--Vlichi- natural growth of trees. vo flf'w nat ionai forests lo- jned to plant andnmainti am It is ll) the for'ests V 11 I I 1E1i IL.1 INCASH T f TO AWARD P~RIZES OF FilkIENI)SIIIP i 1"ORE1( N EJS fl ~ counties, willI lI'ieutilizeti as a labor- (nv~r to d! l E'Iiniie 1) )5t forest pra c- i u ~. N ic (es, acccrdling to a ;st ate'ment re- cen I I announced by I Is" 'United ONr BASIS Males forest s:-rvice. 4II'l heiina l)f orest I ser1v8 t jli cofl- rnissii napprol()ved est lishimenft. of the onl a eontamuonus timuber prioducetion ; basis. "While the volume o f tber tbeste areas ultimately will producle will be important, their muajor value will lie inl the opportunity t hey will atfford for forest research and experimentation1 anad for large seaaIe practical1 demioni- (continued from Page One) A1h7 uno i~derth) ie auispice5 of the -a - - ii onillis yea r Were Commanderti l r i aid L Byrd, IDr. Will D)uranti. Judge Florene 1?. All en. and Edwin 1I. Whit ney. G eorge' Palmer Putnam. ,well inol0W O xplorer, a uthlor andit u iiisO . sneaks hiere. Alartch13. Tho0 Oraltorical a sociat ion is co)U- 1c !d0. 16 f;mefl'lh'i5, four sIule its elect ed 11by111('canupl stlu ree faculty inen, loni'foenisic' society reii'et'n I- tact v 'es, a 11(fibe a 1))0111 ('(1at large. Riobed' S. A tiller, '28 ,is thie inclnmb- enti prie"Idein I rof. R. ID. T. I lollis- tl. G.1%. iDensmore a nd Carl G. lBrandl, all of' the public spealking ce- iartfllent, are the i'm-111lx' meutill the orgai ilOn. 7 k t! , , - Lenses and Frames made To Order Optical Prescriptions Filled HALLERS State St. Jewelers I RA TOD)AY ONLY "ANDS OFF"f Phis "Ad"! with 10c in "TH1IS('1CICUS ACE"I SOON BEN HUR ____RAE___ 4 CAMPBELL, MAKES Feelim", Of 1Responsiility To~ 1Titerna.t ionlaI eht ionsIs' ObjrectiVe Of (Contest in connection with the University conducted by the tional university committee, Campbell of New York haso fund of $6,000 to be dlivided the three students, either women, who accomplish the services in furthering inter friendships on the trip. Tot outstanding student will b $3,000, to the second $2,000, an third $1,000. Judgment of the accompl of entrants will be made ont of promotion of general frie and cooperation among all students; interpretation of th4 States-the government andl ple; pronounced understam foreign students-their couni ernments anti special problei on specific projects put thr promnote mutual understanolin Mr. Campbell's idea in mai offer is to impress upon theA students the feeling of respc in furthering international with foreign students and asst with ;whom they come in foni at, the same time interpret what our country stands for. two new l)ui,'hase un its uonder prove- 51 rat ions of t he best lions15 o1 the ('larke-McNary act passedj management within Fe.FE eb. 13. It is priopiosed( ultimately toi I acquira all landes withbin lbhe areas Fuirther :suitable for f';rt't 1) urIos s. The C11i ef NI d1r uettet'uniit ('xItvi,;into Chippewa (ounity.,:30 miles west ofl Sault St. larie, aml suulrr mids t1'lte Aiirqiiet Ic floating distrie I of the state fo -r,:'ut reserva- Interna- lion. John AV. hIn this area many 0f tile farmers'frda avlethlncrvrtotesae 1 among through failure to pay taxe.Not'," men or morte than 2 per cet f 1thei land is ! & greatest sita ble for tarminag.Tiro district willI rnational j1>' almost d, serted when ecurirent log- the most gin," operations are conipletedl. About be given 170 per cent of Ib? area hats been nd to the1 burned ever i ct edly. whiile 15 per Senlt. is being restocked lbhrough I ishmentj 11i0,11 hofcforest th li e i't'iioii5 irsi. .,,r .r.,rr. .r.rrr. . ,. . , s ® yA.M ' ti r .. - a . s. rti h f: -COSMOPOLITAN OPENING SATURDAY MATINEE 2:00 and 3:35 Ann Arbor First Nighters Have Appro ved This Day for Our Deluxe Programs the oasis endliness Iforeign e United the peo-1 ding ofC try gov-! ams; andtj Trough to rig. .king this A~merican ronsibilityr relations ,ociations tact, and to, them 2ARCADE 7.00 840 A PazeofBewilderment -A ,M zeof(Awaits You Here At Every Performance) ANOTHER COMPLEX CHARACTERIZATION As Only a Genius Could Give You Again. You Will Acclaim. MarveloushIndeed! 1'OI)AX'ONLY The Great West Coast Bowery Picture ! WE'RE ALL GAMBLERS With Thomas Meighan TOM3ORROW "SORRELL &SON" w_ '4 y P ,. . ; \ t:.E v h Remember It Starts TODAY, MARCH 10th (. -A Returnst Thrill You! Corralt! Corral! ! 1 hat -wias, the terrilie warnm- iug cry of 'the days of 19. Thlle-thunderinlg hoofs, the wild -rtusl of yelling', painted red i~eas r'oundi and round4 sweeps Ite fiery, ballet-swepit circle of death. It's oiie of a hu ndred Breatihess thrills in time g'reates t rciiamce of thewi all.. b JAMES CRUZE Przovucncs -a _aramointgid.i Sun.-Esther Ralston in "Love and Leamn" i .i . i E I '- I i , ,\,\ ;, .l . ,=' 1, . ° : _ Y 4 y "p'' ... t , \, ? / ; :; ~. '. . '; ' tf. ' ... y X '" , I " r. NOS 2:00- c')! ON-BR RTNG THlE FAJIILY-lT's VICC 46 WJ SHOWING: -r 3- 0-:0' S~al i e t re- itli it~i<<' . ... :::::........: :.. . ~p, ;Q"'............ =:" :::i t!:: y 7I i~i~C % t !P . . . ... .. . . . 'TOD BOWNING'S p roduction WithI BETTY COMPSON MARCELINE DAY JAMES MURRAY Lon Chaney gives his most effective performance no~w as the underworld leader in this throbbing film production. A spatter of bullets in the dark ... a battle of crook against crook... and the flowering Aa beautiful romance in, this ari1 azitig setting. Tlhrills Without End! A Metro Goldwyni 1k a yer Production I ,1T "7 MAJESTII(' AIPOBT UENTS' 8CII E\N IN E POLICY 2:00 35 :10c t7:0) )Oc 1 Oc A New Aesops Fable ~Ahuwqs Bring 141 imlis PARR 1I'\'1' N F IVS Th~Ie IEes () the 1'li MI(Ilh(;IN A IIIAN 1 IAI(A15 BEAU'f'y Here's Plenty of Laughs, Too FIND THE KING f~T ALL-STAR COMEDY CAST Musical Arrangement Personally Supervised by NICHOLAS FALCONE afl(1conducting Majestic Orchestra Also- arl WiedrhilINs 11E GOAF3NUT AanBackcernoas "OO FISH" 311CIIAN ORCHIESTRA A novelty -In I