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March 10, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-10

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Senate To Discuss -Norris Resolution
Concern ing Muscle Shoals; Mouse
To 'Fake Up Radjo ILegislationi
(Icy ,associated Press.)
WASITIINGTONv, March 9 -- Tho
House forced its way through a
rough sea of debate today to turn
in a flat-footed rejection of the anti-
lame duck Congress constitutional
amendment ; but the Senate remain-t
ed still stranded on that long-time
barrier to legislative navigation,
Muscle Shoals.

As an upshot of a day filled withj
talk, both houses lost out on the
Saturday holiday, of previous weeks.
They'll both be on the job tomorrow.
the IHouse on radio privilege legis-
lation and the Senate on the same old
Norris resolution for government op-
eration of Muscle Shoals.!
The H-ouse verdict on the lame-
duck idea was 209 in favor and 157
against. That was 36 votes shy of
the necessary two-thirds. It goes off
the books for the session.
Activities Are Varied
Committee activities were varied in
both houses. The cotton market slump
inquiry before a Senate sub-committe
developed a new slant with govern-
ment experts called upon to demon-
strate their skill in the committee
room. A plan for reclassification of
all the disputed cotton involved and
the market manipulation charges took:
shape. The coal inquiry went ahead
with Pennsyvania coal operators tes-
tifying, one witness bespeaking benev-
olent dictatorship for industry as aI
means of curing some economic ills.
Two new possible sore spots made
their appearance in Senate circles.
One was in the shape of a resolution
by Norris, Nebraska, to deny the
President the use of armed forces for
supervision of elections! in other coun-
tries . It is a new angle of the Nicara-
gcua policy row and drew, fire from
administration supporters although
not up for debate as yet, The other
was a move by Neely, of West Vir-
ginia, leader of the fight against the
con firmatio'n of Esch, of Wisconsin,
to the interstate commerce commis-
sion, to explore statements that some
of Esch's colleagues might resign in
a huff over adverse committee action
in his case.
FarinRelief 1Disciissed l
ThV hlouse committee that voted
out the radio bill that is next in order
in the IHouse went on with merchant
marine policy hearings, taking up gov-
ernment insurance aspects of federal
aid and getting opposition from ma-
rine insurance representatives. In the
agricultural committee a proposed
change in farm relief legislation to set
Lip advisory councils in landbkd.i)s~(1-j
(ricts was voted (Town; while the mnili-
Lary had the bill to accept. the bid of
the' American Cyanamid company to
lease the plant. before it, bult took no
Tomorrow the Senate ccommittee~s
will be back at the triple-headed in-
quiry they are making into oil, c'oal
andl cotton matters. They draw better
audiences as a rule than the pro-
longed Mulscle Shoals debata in the
Senate itself.
WASHINGTON, !March 3.-Organ-

r kii;1 hOfrT S U II~ fLIIi
a~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ l ofisdf !~cal l~ (l d~l~. of the dget forthe maintenance b~iA R L N
[11via itils ilii P( ll C M ISSNIN 1 N III NIN CONFERENCE TRACK
shttL1 1(l to deelp ther hi - Hof the debates. at1 i(
admain gecxpicpe c-trtllatol Wt heepne fth necl .n'~~a DETROIT Mach 9-The l'ddu
lgegiatectitestsfe the e- O II P ilI I4Stinson-George Haldemn attempt to ' E TR LM N RE
Organized for the purpose of fos- gxisth atPitesoftl0asoia HAT L establish a new endurance rME[ePcEoIMrdR E
tering interest in oratory, debating tion centered upon the general in-
and public speaking, the Oratorical terest of tre canmpus in forensic work,ne a h1to t betvea--MCIA LCS TRE I
asoito ae ak3 er oLocal contests in extemporaneous i1N lEAO O h~ NIJST All) 0p few miinutes after 3 o'clock this 3IH~ AE HE k
assoiaton atesbac 38years t moningwhe a udde snwstrmPRELiMINARY CONTEST
1889. At that time, Thomas C. True- and oratorical speeches -were lman- SOUT h EIIN RAtILROAl)Dmonn3we[asdensowtr
l~od rfso mrtso ulcgurated. Extemporaneous contests! IN C(NTIIOYERlSY forced the big Stinso n-Detroit mono- HIEATS
blarednowrheldsannuallyualohoughlup plane to earth.
speaking, felt the need for an admin- llieeunaneelhadnbeenyinltheuairp since
itaiefrni oit upnteuntil last year the contest was held TO BE TAKEN TOQ SENAT ri paehdbnintealsnc QUARTER-MILE MEN FAIL
campus for the purpose of stimulat- each semester for all students eligi- ofrihala f385pud rm ootTrsI atTm nHl
ing- intercollegiate debates, and out bl o ciiiswohv o eutern Itoiity Are Refiused Req~ust the ice of ake St. Clair and began ~T i is lc
of t.his feeling thne Oratorical assoc-I taken part in public speaking coinpe- '1' ('ut Prices To Offset circ ing Selfridge Field, over which Ml From Speedy FitPel
iainge.tition. Thins year's contest was held + -thrt(opt111 h niefih a ae
Informal show;; were presented by Feb. 28. --Thenherbedrten ircingaelrgeer
It.he organization for the purpose of The University Oratorical(coicitCit, -- The nlane had beenycircling a.largeer
rasig -oe ososrtee-the Atkinson contest, the Black New WA HTO, asch 9-APres. beacon light when the snow began IOWA CITY, March 9.-Iowa, host
raissngfnintercllitoespnsortes at +estainent contest and the Nat ionaxl W~IGOMrh9Adc-falling so hard that Stinson was ru- t h eten Cneene i t
pne ofitrolgaedbtsaInecleitcots(iteCo s ieu to appel Ito the courts against ile to see the light. Although theI hteetean nuarinotrckmeeit,
i first. However, this amode of sup- ItrolgaecotqunteCirt-egtet ana nortaifietd
(Ilain a so tution comrise the oratorical events Ithne latest decision of the interstat~e field was in total darkness andpotn ast eatn a icn led the other teams inqulfesd-
tindno h prpito ytesponsored by the association. The commerce commission touching lame blanketed with snow, h ini a ~''lg tonightspeiiaisi h 0
_ lnivreiy ratricl ontst eaaptprogocoairteiwasreahy htheeo-brought to a safe landing. Who reached the semi-finals in the yard dash, 440-yard dash, and 880-
ReetCfmne n te pbithe Northern Oratorical League co-dynl gteig f]ricpB ie loth Stnson nid Ilaldeman, the 60-yard run. 1lep came in second, fol- Iyadrn
liAtets; the Atkinson contet is baseed latteriRth Elderswaylotfn aniot The Woverines lived up to most ex-
ingsnwIt ond avthenfol-pectations, though the quarter milers
NOfIrC L ST Thenmoer torld, ao.Chst'seatOhioatd Pteracriorssout;yemp ofyacosteAlatclslwn okwa fOi.falr es.Coach Farrell's team qai
BakNwTestament contest is has- Simltaneously an endeavor wa ig nowitwoud avebenlfol three men, Captain Hester, Chap-
CONVOCAITIII I ONIIR po n das rmd oge h l rirasi hardy to have remained aloft longer. maaio h
e upnayielorinspirations maet eIh he alod Stinson, a pioneer flyer and now
su'gu JfVU~IU!O Tee by the New Testament,ia( eaixcpt Iowa laced more men
suetdthe southern coal area to joiti with 'a manufacturer of airplanes, was at temPee
heStudents' Lecture association ov h cntos oItetaeffilldr-ItheI ItlIR Yfinals though Illinois, Chicago,
prwhich was established in 154, pro- mne ew5 rin the appeal, LLIvItheUcontrols Wisconsintqualifiedltheusam
Schroeder I~Il Give First Talk Next vie h tdn ~ ~ enx ~i 's ~igii a ing Thursday and Thursday night lie Ua
Sna;HsSoeAtEeesaid the motor functioned perfectly. inubra Mihg.
Sidy sSokiAtEee, by prominent men throughout Ithe taken the plea of thle opeators into Weather wsteolcnerofhe iacinsAeDtrydBIro Wiolverine hopes were gratified
Hlarvard And Wellesey wnsioetolyncntereofGhe yaiv dchdashAe whichyedfoundo
t___ wrrld. Among the noted men who a separate conerenc(e of ofcials of airmen. , no aemAtr ame osnthe aptaHerd and Bih ounap
H SITRSIG CARER erdi n Abr'ne h the Chesapeake and Ohio, Norfolk Average consuniption of gasoline for Et Through Floor bt ati etradBbman, sophomore star, qulfig for
auspices~ of this early organization te,,qaiyn o
wer Rlp WadoEmrso, orceant -Western, and Louisville and th first six hours was 15 gallons ani
Rev. Johin Schroeder, of Saginaw, Mann, Wendell Phillips, Henry Ward Nashville railroadls. I the ice the motor was making 1,300 RECORDS REMAINITACTI ran second to Rockaway, of Ohio,
and Rev. Karl Reiland, of New York Beecher, Winston Splencer Churchill, W'hle the coal operators and rail rvltos u hsWsicesdt hl himnfnse utbhn
i iy ildlvrthe addressesathe!n Presidents Harrison, McKinley,( offcials were engaged in their cis- abeut 1,700. ire, of ruknowni origin, broke loose Gleason of Chicago, who has not been
two convocations which will close Cleveland, and Wilson. This assoc-'cussion, the lake cargo case was, early yesterday morning in the base- defeated this year in the sprints.
iate srilg srieowhcheavebeewarsiaionshoeveiws dscot l eilinagaia brugh ino gilt intoco- rflcongressTionalI fl I coutofRoldcnarosaprsaing ndimiowilobeascntederforpoits
gagd ythe committee in charge of 1912 and the Oratorical assoiation lti'0v01V, Sen. Neely, Democrat, West, IITIII T LKU insii roiOl tt treOhI ) imewi nningacothner heatsoin the
rnelyicdeem'rel it advisable to continue to IViriniagiv irt ice of his iites- gterheas i.th
student Sunday convocations, accord- ion to introduce a resolution to di- I destroyed property' in the establish- fastest time of the trials, 0: 6.5.
bring promuinent speakers to the (r ~e omsin oepan itsIPII
ing o llatouceeanb Jhannouncementhecomisin o xbyi isJohnad n heroms vehed1o1ll Loon1prfrmd he mottin
Snodgrass, '28E, chairman of thecoem- Among those who appeared in Ann a ttitdetoward present Senate 1*is-R CAL mHI AN etaned eitn terso verhead0. t o r Lni etfteperormed ies mos
mittee. (Continued on Pasge Two) cussion o:' its coal rate decision. Starting between 3:30 audi 4 o'clock, Ith Michigan standpoint, running
ReverenSchroderwildelivrthe__ToAppalToourts_ away to win te first heat of the half
address at the frto hs w oi Senators Neely asserted that re- lir.11. F . Buiglart D~iIBis Will (irej the flames had spreadl throughi much mile in 2:00.2, outspeeding a great
feeai icrsode wilheie t 6S TA KOnpr ! pmlhsiehiOteelet Lecture Today i3.lid&r Auspices of the large finishing room before fire- incuigscde sDc i
voCassedon e fciSuay a srchatmebrso1th8omisio Of Nro-CaiuLa~suiI Club. uenarrived on the scene. All of the hams, indor chapion last year, and
byascats I I~~~~~templated resignin g he ause their clothstind supwleeithi0steaom wre 01he 00lf is a tdspitin
I "representative clergyman of the best u or LIl N u . v ote n lake cargo irates had beuen I WAS HISTORY PROFESSOR cohsadsplesh hsroIe' Pueo lios
Fe t o e d s w r e t o 1 s e m p eO-T e ha l f m i w s dsa p o i n tm e n
Imodern type," le is a mani of signal i I rogh! into questioning duiing the i ng machines, a tro bocker andl tie to Ohio, Tooley and Loomis failing
ablt!h a priual icoting-I____euinig Senate confict over the Dr. W. E. Burghart Du Bis, editoryg
ished himself iin his contact with IAccomplishi Vast Amount Of Researh'confimatlin ofCommissioner tsh s of the "Crisis," willdelive alecture cenr h atrtobtrcmtyt ~ae fe atlzn is
, I.r.apoi,.tp'ri t,(istalved The machines received !hat which found Dusty Munger nosed
repon-nat41 'lc SiIisald out in the last few feet of qualifying
yongr rupreyugsanhii Wateryii Lakes ls decsil o teinertae, tda n atra tm rchief damage from a fall to theI by a narrow six inches which sep-
self-lie is 30 years of age-ie has Waeiak4co ereomusinonlecrg ence auditorium, on "Racial Segrega- I Aar
served in maniy capacities in various WISCONSIN 1 PR FS rates, against whinch the southiermn op-jtin: His talk will be giveii under basemnt after the fr aletnae u rm Hmeto linsm
parts f tWe country amd has preachledhIf S P O-S OR ',cators decidbed today to ahplCtl to the !the auspices of the NegroCaucasiani through thz wododn floor. scmdwie Bid ok h et
byii-a-isa EeeAdvr federal courts, refused tie Chesa-cub, anid in order to defray expenses, lie cleaning est abishnent and Seymour after making a desperate bid
Harar, nvtaton Sit sait Eetr,"Lirnimohgy is a comparatively nmewv Ieahe anmd Ohio, Norfolk anid Westeurn, ain admnission charnge of 25 cents will! truck garage to the urear of the press- in the third heat, fell on the final turn,
Graduating from the Uiiiversity of but growing scienuce," stated Prof I. anid Louisville and Nashville urailroads be charged. igrosadsprtdfo tb iihn at ntefut et
Ne ork, Rev-eremnd Schroeder en- Chancey Juday, of the University ot authority to cut tie lake cargo rates3 This will be Dr. Dum Bois' second firepoof wall were not reached by the Jones could never get started, while
I ashe d- lams. Te fontoffces ereaf-1 Feee ran himself omt in the first 300
roldfor graduate work in Colum-Wisconsin, in a University lecture in' from soruthrn territory by 20 cents appearance in Ann Arbora ea-Ifaus h fot fie eea-F
bia university and a course in die'tie Natiural Science auditoriuim yestcr- per ton. Northern roads were ord- dressed one of the Union services lure fected emly by smoke and ater, the Iyards, leading ill the final spurt
Unoyhooia eunr.I d day afternoon. Professor Juday, who ! eed to sake a cut of this amount oxn three years ago, and was well received records being muaageol. Doctors' which left him fifth. Illinois and In-
,diton t thee tw comleteco sanentoalyrcgie o1 coal originating ini Pennsylvania and by an audience of over 2,000 pople.i offices on tie floor above,hoeriaapcdtremnechnte
diin qths tocopet oussogical authority, spoke oni tie sub- IOii, but thud'commissiomn's action hlcd TDr. D Bois was professor of econ- I*'v ere badly damaged by the intnse finals wvhie Iowa and Wisconsin
lie was the House Maser of the Ca- Jett of "Recent Aspects of Lininology." uill a volutuary proposal of tie three . onics amd history at Atlanta tuiver- heat and smoke, conmbined with teI gained two apiece.
ter~al Choirdwshool, ttdi atth-e o irincg of tooeogspeaer, hiuiul-octiei1 hus;o)ine3tmenothrnstyeld619( tHeiswelomrrnowfoos fwaertgthiemn weedrDains orfordftee vetst
rnic sbyadtassrsanutrthoy abaocn foloydelngwth !commietitionP anu author amd ranks among the fore- imto tie building foir almost fourm I eheo theuorrow nightnwerenae a
BrikPebtra hrho ithtie studly of fresh water lakes, is a tenpt To Ipset Rluing most writers of true importance ini j hours. 'Pare machines amd equipmuent ia meting o h oce'cneec
l avenxue. Despite these four activities, comuposite science which inxcudes ni J ; rnichnrun o ietiscuty mn i oosaeiisvrlofteofcswr i tualhiis mornnin i conjunction with the
eachi of which might have beeui in its scope geology, physics, biology,! Soutlmrn operators' conmmitte cin lake "Tie Suppression of the Save Trade," ruined or damaged beyond repair, drawings for tonight's preliminaries.
itsel a ful tim occuatio, Schoe- aid chenmisry. argo mrates, lpresided at th:,nueetimng;"The Souls of Black Folk," Johniwhle records were injred to an u-aDelotefcttalnl 9ne
de oultdhsDco fPuls otmumghsls rcltetiuxtoday, arid counmsel for thecphcrator, 1Bown,'' "Quest of the Silver Fleece," knowix extent.Huwreshefteascometorsinratcheshigh
ohnding , itihis thescattienage of hu jctoay img, rfeorteaded by J . V. Normuamn, of Lous-'"Darkwater," and ''Tie(ift of Black Plans for ecomstrutiOn wre al-Wa
ophy orkhithei the enof .ofaydeclaredl that not evenmaiau aet nhcrcietahttmr wsFl.'leisas n ftmeci-rayude a etra atrmo.wsdlcdu od wa ihtepe
24.. toeed theicdIi-oto)"he also ' liminaies tonigtadmu hmwt
2.hadben given tothis particular dr-good pr'oslct ofupsettinig thim-"tmilutos totheeleenth editionuif'Tire Goldhuman b'others p5lanto)st 5( oih adrtthmwt
During the sunnmemrslie reported Ipart-ment of zoology until 1850, but; isso . rln ycur rcdr h nycoei rtnia ;tmoayhaqatesi hi l h
Ifor th-e okTme sa en that ini thudlast two decades a vast mImusois~hmg ) or o-dlieIteEcclpdaBianc. ep a' iadimres i l he smfinals.moineythuseiminang
time New York 'Pmnmes as a immeammo tihe operat or's suit must be begun lbe- During the last 30 years, Dru. lDu f home at .220 Southm State where tiey Itm eifuas iie fMcia
ofi supportinghimsel, amd at tie samme amount of research wcrklhad beenm ac- ~'ahm 14,u'"nd telegal rfr l ' ois ldslectured at. ostftie led-xpct t )0b ableto) re-sume business luad poo luck in tie draw, bing as-
tmmc worked iin boy's cammp as a'j ompisbed. He eniphasized the fat cc oe.tmei ; u~sa lea-d d1 1sined to run in the same heat with
1 oel-dSdloriiHehalwlabnii- hats m ilgyi o rbil rw ieiieug stthefie- fprcduelogs, at imternational gatherings ini An iinsranceeadjuster has beeni semt ni tr. eg le rmsn
r Speaengo-f te rewhichinesti'ation London, Pails, Brussels, Geneva, Lis- fox' andt all adjustmuents necessary will Buckeye timber topper, was also
serve sinc thattime n irey ca wr.I egin-bon, audI beforenmru ii n be m ae after his arival, it is hiawim in this hneat.
pacities that had to do with the care gress ini lake study, Profesisom' Juday ( Iteccuiting ft c, railrads, A. C. social clubs. He has traveledl in se- noumced. As the records are coi-i t~x ovrn iih ea emhn
I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~N~us an h dctoio dlscmt. neuime eea sseuso lsiy od es0ideit of tie Norfolk and eral countries of Europe and Africa, lete, le xwil be able to make a com-
Du t heepeincsthtRe-01gvaiusttypes of lakes, amongi I l .1 still worse luck, drawing the fifth
I ~~~~~i-- i-wes------.----W-- t-k-------prs- nd n veyAmica tajte. plete check of the clothing and deter-Iae nteusd ftetaA


eremid Smhroeder has hiad, and due to
the {actual contacts whichhele as
m uadle iin so many walks of life, lie




ized laboir amud collective'lbargainming
were condenmed before the Senate
committee investigating thte bitummin-
ens imdustry today by W. C. Warden,
chmairmamn of thme board of directors of
time Pittsburgh Coal conupany, who ac-
cepte'd responsibilit y for initiatinmg
that concern's repudiatiomn of them
Umnited Mlimic Workers amid scrapping
of the Jacksonville wage agreemenit,
in 1925.
Shortly before, the crowded commit-
tee room had heard chargo s by Oliver
A. Eaton, unmion attornmey, that the
federal council of the Churchues of
Christ iii America, were in collusonm
with coal operators on amreport to,
"whitewash time latter of responusi-
bility" for the (distressing situation inl
time Pennsylvania coal ti; ids.
Invitations for thme ainnual Gridiron
banquet, sponsored by Sigma Delta
!"ii, which will be hehlthis year omi
WVednesday inight, April 4, will lie
pla.ced in flue mail; on April 16 amid
17, it was announced yesterday by,

is able to bring to his job a fund of
knoxledge amid utnderstanxdinmg which
are invaluable.
Rteverenid Ieilamo will follow
Schroeder-, on Sumiday, March 25.
(ByAssociatel Press)
URBANA, March 9 - Wiscomsin's
basketball teamm swept Illinois into
another conference defeat in the cur-
tamn gamze of thme season for both
teams tonight, 32 to 22.
fIllinois played a listless gamme
throughout time first halt', the Bad-
gem's thirowinug 15 poimts through the
met before Illinois couldl attack. In
a flurry of baskets, Baer and Fos-
ter, Wisconsinm cenitemrs, repeatedly
piecoed time Illinois dlefenise to sinuk
easy shots.
A fluke basket toward the end of!
i tie first periodl evived Illinois' wani-
imig hopes, and the Illini held Wis-
cousin, to two points wile Howe and
1Mills added 13 points. Wisconsin-
emt loose with 5 muore points 'to pile
ump a lead by half-tinme of 20 to 14.
Tl.he Illini fought desperately iii the
second half but every effort to pierce




sis mecthmodls. In this ('oiuic~tioum he ~eIt OtDri. Dui Bois is a fellow of the mine What has been ijured. A pr- I (,l) Yrd Das
citedthe xhautive ork f a uns-I Addisen Ir t. Smith, vie-presidlent o , t 0f1h ltiginteccnn
ciedtme'ehusiv ouk i amuumi-I im ousvle ndNshile mt il~IAmerican Associationi fu' theAd- tom u ~ecohii ntm lahgIPrelinnaies, first Ieat - won by
ter Loaiscille tnofNachemlce, met wishinter- I estaibhishimemt will le retrned todayRodayOi)hetr Mcign
brof Sw-.dish and Russiani scion, IGvenr oe.uatiommailyofliencim a ndm fiderRofkaway,'Otime balance Miciigay,
ists, statimug that iii soime cases they IenrDr.ntoal nw sth one f n h aac ody.Iscn.Tm 0..Scn et
;m~hcm bet rc akub h Pan-Africanx congresses. In 1921 I Tie clothing- dammaged is covered scn.Tm-0..Scn et
geological history of a ake fomr note i.EAPEL FOUR MEN i he was special representative of tie ;by isurance, as is a portioin of theWobyGesnCicg; ham ,
I I Michigan, second. Time-:;06.6. Third
thami a thousand ycam",.. Pres~R'TYR~"idt of the Uniiteol States at tie1 builoliigand equipmuett. Those whose ha-o
FO D IVCG ARS hreat-Wnon by Cuhel, Iowa; Benson,
Professor Juoday also discussed the _____ I i uitmgatioi of the presidemt of i- i lothing was destroyo will be notifeod Wisconsin, second. Tim-:06.7.
experimental work now going olr in -beria, with fle amnk of envoy exta-I witin a foxy(ays it. is stated, and ortiet-o yIipon ho
exprixmeita iom' muw oimg m~ I Foulr e-students have been iemuu' orh etWnb ipoOmc
conniectionm with thue effect of flue smun ordi..ary amd ministem' penipotentiary. Iaolustmieut madoe. lUndoerthinr-tooCcasend Tm-:65
eoi fu'eslm water lakes, amnd also litshime . buiidmedhnolfrom:m1 ti e cUlivemsity fx ot hcgscn.Tm- 65
n_________,_it__a Lifoe- ance policy carried, each piece is not - Fifth heat--Won by Larson, WVison-
chemical cso of inmiology. (tletema1111'o iesmuseas teasurdi iin actual valuse but umder a SinReMneoa eod ie
Im coixcludinug, thue speaker brought resul of xviolzki Thn of tie ant ommbi The Weathe njj1zlj fcover&°. e system which provides re- -06.5. Sixth heat--Won by Stevenson,
dut the extensive scope of lake studly, )ban. Tie stud(ents sumspo'imdl are: _____iubu'seneit iii case (f fire or theft IIw;Wlis otwsen eod
anxd emurphasizeol the practical msc of Cliuitoum H. ('oulter, '28F, Edwvin A. '(JBy Assoiatvrl Priess) 111) to 20) flmestie charge but nt to Timea-: 06.6. (Grodsky, of Michigan,
linumulogy ix connection with minme Schrader, '31, Johnu F. Sevald, '3, ; M1104ly clouhY, not quite so cold to. exceed tie actual value. ran third in this huat.)
life>, and Janes I-. Warod, '28E. day; tomorrow rain r snow " 1 adDs
GELG EATMN AT N W F- 'AN'YA M AKERDIES 1 Frsteat-won by Baird, Iowa;
G E N A D I EC P(By Assocated Press.) sand treawn tbyd.)Knalz, Wisei
Lookimng with imterest for n ews of sibility, also that the food taken in oni anrunner on their sled broke. Oar EW YRK Mrh1.-o!ua sill; Abromson, Indiana, second.
Ilenge Bamgsted amid Prof. Jammes L~. tie slec will net lac,, the nnu mo a.1 eo' hycudrtn I t X nNW YKm tMe WanaRomakerTime: 51.6. rThird heat: won by
Church, menm~ers of flue Umivemshy udogs umiil they ge't hbank to -At. Evaln r epinm'the ruiner, they wer'e foced 1o stores, lied at 2 o'clock this morning Stephenson, Inodiana, Nickl, Iinos,
Greenlhanmo expedlitioni, whineate en- Iando the snow mmay begiun to) mmret, cony'-; weather a 120 mile windstor'im in tieat1tmtiCtyitwsnnucd secomnd. (Seymour of Michigan fell onr
gaged at pruesent in a scientifinc exhie- plling themn to walk b acks.'There is opei. heIc- by Grover 'Whalen, executive Ils u'. Pme 18 orhha
fditiomi to flue interior of Cu'eemlai ifo gaie doxtue i-a hc hy Amothuer'vioenmtwindtonrm accomm- ieadl of thIM]ri. [--won iy Wilmoth, Iowa; Chambers,
over time treacherous ice-calm, tie go'- *an shoot to adld to them irli'ovisidomspaiied by low teuuperatmre was ire He had been. ill but four' days with I Illinois, second. (Jones of Michiganm
el gy ol pamnt is ex ecim g ma ain g ute food phrob emui esp ecia l y ~ 'e y mai io i M . v msl c l , ai a ee o fn d t isI w s f ur i) T me 518 F ft h a:
dio message this mmomthi fromm the Mt. I " onus.ccntly. This storm will provide val- I edl at his home, 501 Atlantic avenue,: woni by Ranmsey, Wisconsin; Smock,
te1mu When thie mmc left lAlt. Evamns, tx~ al oprtv aafo theyii .A uui it.hIndiana, second. (Freese of Michigan
Evans station tligof their satePo a e Oiettaemuli uom 0tnor cmamlfroatime dge fof time ic- lIAaptcty. hmaaehssn a it. ie 23 eifnl-
return amid of imnm ortautscientific' re- t10mmle.aithreoi aeriradfo h deo h c- at oi aan~ ,hssn
sults expecteod fromitime data=whihhtud'lce ii wichtoahve ,hil cap, Belknap explained, which should;amd his daughter, Mrs. ector Munn, frthct o ySehnol
colcii.inii hdo ieucn tochesoalie ihhleProfessor Iwere at his bedisidle. diana; Wixrothu, Iowa, secomud; Chain-
they ar oietmu metoologia ht.Bxg
Thme expeodition is the first to)at-' to stmedmuowxepoeII ebbs' theory of the origim of stomrms Ty ebdy hili aenthiscoun- Ihe t:hiobthiro ckie,52.nose-
tempht to wintemrfor a considetable Ralph 1,. Beknap saidt yesterday, who Iover tie ie-cap as opposedl to thxe a tatueraliaainghiaelpeits dy Sto 1cIndat,wonmdbyBNicko, Imois,
theor'v that the Storms simplyv sweepflaatfmerlarugnmns umck mda,seod;Iai',Iw,

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