FRIDAY, -MARCH 9, 1928 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THRRIL THE MiCHIGAN DAlI Y PAflTh r1Trn~E w BARRETT GIVES FIRSTJ REPORT ON NEEDS OFl Du Bos Wil Spek FOJY SYS H NOR G OUP AN AR i blievef hoever On Races egrl~ e aion S S l f C ' dt U "1 * evMOS SUCCESSFUL IN YLATERjLIFE that c olastic success "Iroves a tie- "Memersof ion-lins a mith a avrag sire for precision which is. carried pop] larceampusethi'eenI tOST it)later life and proves highly vl- Dr. AV. E. flurghardt D~u Bois, edi-j orary societies prove to Ire most suec- citizen of theJr. S. was earning ,''' afle." I for i o f t e a ' i4 "c X;, .. 1 i th, v nna f' 1 l1+n. li t r ,l , A 1 ~n{ J n' r+. r. 1 ,,..7 .. . S h d PSAUP II Nnwl tne acstii ae ie"!elrd 1o.voesrl'f'l(ol~ltel etre at 4:1., tomorrow fternoon Adelbert, ord of the psychology de- At te time of Professor ors in-P( CPA HW i Narlsceeautoum nptetin nitrvwytrdy.etgtosth ls rfln s- ____"Racial Segegation," under the an-' The psychology authority toli of emn was in use at Michigan so 110to SAYS 50 MENTAL1LY DEFICIENT spices of the Negro-Cacasian club, an investigation which hie made n rscholas ic basis could lbeuse l'obr ARE AT LARG IN DETROIT In order to (defray expenses, a charge 192ie1 c 21rifgtegaute tiehsIqiis X~tterpisO AN;UIOU )NSof 25i cents will be made for admis- ls f11 odtriterl- two Phi Beta Kappa, en who hap- tionshtip bet ween campus ictivity and !e it ietahr nt hrfr ADDITIONAL BEDS NEEilDEWD later success. The results from 110 1 es tcesilfot a mntr DocorDelaes6,(N (Ot4 eeed ~ane 1'l~. u }os ninnAr omb concerning their positions 10 Docor eclres6,0 Cos 'Neeed o oce r D. D Bos i An Aroryears after grauation showed that a Care For Mental leoIlltents as he add~ressedl one of the 1 mion services here three years ago, andpunbications men followed the lon- 1IIlIII111uII111uIIIIIII111IIi11 mm111 In State Of )liigaii oary societies, with mtusical menwawelrcidbynaueceo_ In the first report submitted on the mre than 2,000 people."Teargeicm ws ,20 ,rpsto ic 91,D.Abr i. During the last 30 yar"T. u ieavrg icoews ,20 ward of the University hospital, de- (colleges, at. international gatherings MarlRAIIN ft , Trl'El~tITIMarld clared yesterday that at least 6,000 in London, Paris, Brussels, Geneva, a spcialty for additional beds were needed in state Lisbon, and before scores of civic; twenty years. hospitals to care adequately for men-I and social cluibs. Ile has traveled in: emn, utila rne'cEprecdOe.Q aiy b asa taly dfiien ptiets Th rpor jSpain, England, Scotland, West Afri- ators, Moderate (dates. C was submitted to the 'State welfare ca, the West Indies, and every An p commission, after an investigation 1American~ state, 0. D. M 0 R R I L L - ree Dei which resulted from disclosures made.117 Nickels Arcade. phone 615.r2 by officials. Ece bc Marl T. Murray, director ok .t~e wel- _____ fare department, recently admitted Gc - t~nt / - BN S o I 66 NES 0 that there were at least 500 mentally ml- tBNDatoFI t.e, NVSTO 511 it 22 incompetent persons who have already been judged insane by the courts at - 1111111111111i11il l111111111 large in the vicinity of Detroit be- ~IIiIIIIIIIIlIIlIIIIIIIIiliii cause the state has no place to care h av so n re onf- for them. I-- Dr. Barrett declared that additions to existing hospitals would not the careera youn choose IAkA t %,rmd h iuto n htol with the building of a new istitu-Ocos eti ieofedao n oko h tion would the problem be solved. ''0cos etnln fnevradt nwwt "experience has shown that a I you choose it, gives you a head start over the man state should provide at least 370 beds who chooses blindly. To give yourself this assurance, find for the insanpe for each 100,000 Pop-f out now all you can about the various fields that interest lotion," Dr . Barret's report stated.f you. Measureyour qualifications against their requirements. Michigan at the present time has only Thbodbsnsfritacepysawerng 208 beds pe 100,000 population. )Thbodbsnsfritacepysawerng Adfllttale IncreasingI of abilities. It is a dignified, interesting, essential, and "The number of patients admitted, growing business. It affords wide opportunity for quali- to the state hospitals has been in- led men-in sales, statistical, and executive positions.4; creasing annually, producing a situa- It may or may not be the rightbusiness for you -depend- tion such that at present it is now e impossible for many citizens of thisI ing on your interests and capabilities. state to receive the care which they If you are thinking of the bond business as a possible a need. This is especially true trough-i field for your lie work, learn all you can about it. Deter- out the area served by theIPontiac mine whether you are really fitted for it by ability and stat hopitl were her ha ben atemperament. Our booke, "The Bond Business as an marked increase in population in re- Occatinon for Collee Men, will gieyumuhue cent years."pggieyumcus-,. Dr..Barrett further stated that the ful and authoritative information. hospitals which had been built at long jZkfr mlllM-3 intervals andl in cases of emergency As1o rm/laM- had been rapidly equipped beyond tercpcte.HiL ALI R& C Oa"Additions to the existing hospitals i- ! 1I~ V have not kept pace with the increase IN COR 0RAl' £0 , in population during the last five CHICAGO 20 S. La Slle r. NE YORK 14 Wall St. years. Where 1194 beds should have PHILADELPHIA II I S. Ffeentb St been added to the state's horspital fa- DETROIT oi riswold St. CLEVELAND 925 Euclid A.e ST. LOUIS 3 9 N. 4t St. cilties, only 113 have been put into oSON 85 Devonsire St. PITTSBURGH 307 Ffh 1Av. service. Eiven an increase of 1194 'MLWAUKE.45 Eat Water St. MINNEAPOLIS bo Second Ave., S. increase in population and would have done practically nothing to relieve the ____________________________________ ov r r w e c n ii n wh c pr vliall of the state hospitals. ________________________________________________ "The situation that now exists is1 one that cannot be adequately met by small additions to existing state hos- pitals. It can best be mset by the con- struction of a new state hospital and by the adoption of a well formulated policy that would plan to provide con- I ulation of the state increases. "The state has assumed the respon- "A nAbrsOiia adihadCfe hp sibility for the care of the insaneAn ArosOigalS dwc adCfee hp and should mieet its responsibility in a way that will provide for this ac-I 108 SO. UNIYERSITY Oppsite Enginieerings Arch cording to the highest standards of medical treatment," Dr. Barrett con- cluded. Numbler Of Pal1ents lDecreases The report showed that the numn- her of mentally deficient patients per' 100,000 population has been steadilys declining since 1915. 111 that year there were 285 insanity cases per 100,000 population, while in the yearf*I 1927 there were 198. Dr. Barrett es- timated that by 1950 there would be only 142 patients in mental hospitals fr each 100,000 people in the State. D.i.trh'it Theaters li ___ _ SCHOOL IN PARIS All lncluinlg round trip steamiship fare for Two Directed by I-iner A. esllrais Arranged by M -Travel t'Club, Garajid Ra.pids, fticliigan. I 's Leading, = ket Popular Prices verges-4 iMarket Phone 4159 Always, the best OF LUNCHEON, DINNERS, AND FOUNTAIN SPECIALTIESI We are now ready to serve you with our home- , de candies of the finest qualities. for. your East~er Greetiiigs. Order early. Namies and Initials without extr~acharge.r Prekete' s SUGAR BOWL 109 South Main Street Pleasant Surroundings Excellent Service CLASSIFIED I ADS PAY Head of the American Museum, Expedition to Green-, land, 1926., and Baffin Island Expedition, 1927 A Lecture Illustrated With Remarkable Motion Pictures "Baffin Land and Beyond" Hill Auditorium,- 'TuesdayMarch 13 - 8 p.m. Single Admissions $1.00 Season. Tickets Admit At SMater 's Y~rar2JIE22I: \ r i/I \ 4i I . ... . . . . . . . .. ^ . . . . . . . . . . . .... . _ _ _ __ _ I C ,AS acTHEATRE SPrices-Nights, $1.00 to $3.00. 2' Wedn~esday Mat. $1.04) to $2.00). Sat. lat. $1 to $2.50. (Plus Tax) S Tlturs., Fri. and Sat. Eves., = and Wed.. Mat. w= IOLANTHE A TUX COATS Lively pig, The and always interest- Den not only offers R(AGLAN MODEL Foreign Hornespuns andl Tweeds many d elicious things to eat, but Woodward, at Eliot BON STELLE PLAYHOUSE NIGHTS, 75c, $1.50. Neats. Tues., Thiurs. and Sait., 500, 7")c 2nd Week, 13e. Mon., M1arch The Season's Draminc Sensa ion1 CRAIG'S WIFE also stands out as a cheerful spot where color, motion, and music are agreeably combined $32.50. $35.00 $37-0-0 11 to make every moment well spent. there '., . .......tea.. GA RR I C Beginning Suniday, iM~archi 4. Farewell Tour' of the Wforld. Famnous Annie Nichols' Comedy Success Nights, 50c to <$1.54);'Wed. and Sat. Mat. 50c and $1l.00 "Abie's Irish Rose" 3 i i t I i r x Tinker & Company So. State St. at William St. Clothes by KAHN TAILORING CO. Hats by 7 TDobbs, Ntl - - '/-A ,L-- i I] 19UU 9 m