PAP M TWO THE: Il MCf-IGAN DAILY FTITDAY, :ARCH 9, 1929'- FRIDAY. MARCH 9. 192~ ELIMINATED IN ROUNDI State Chai piouislui p De atf Will 1 1 1Be ileldi On Friday, April 27, InI 11111 Aiiditorlumu ENTERTAINMENT PLANNED! As a result of the first and se- cond rounds of the elimination series of debates, there are now only 16 high school debating team's left in i I. r I ' i I, JOURNAL HONORS IForestryT Men 'Take THREE IN SCHOOLI Theeauhos ivil Service'Tests Threeauthrs0: educational works,' Siff si ude n ts of the School oftI{ or- from the faculty of the niversity ent ry and (Conse rvation v-esnerdlav School of Education, were recently (comle~ted( civil service ('xmimi11 ti1011 honored by having their hooks, writ- for kE ther r o uior forest er. I Inv- ten during 1927, chosen on the special ing Gpassed these examina tions. the list of the GO0 best hooks upon01 educa-I men will he carolled inl the federal t(ion which were published during ifore~st serieQ. 1927, whichI was publishedl by t he It is necessary for~ a forester to Journal of the National Ed ucation al hav~e (complletedl successfully his civil association. service' exalminat ions, accordinig to ai Prof. A. B. Moehlman's boo0k, "Pil)ih ulin- of the fedieral service. The lie School Finance," was the first ot men who pass w~ i le iregistered as the Michigan faculty works, to be _juior m foresters, ranking higher than given mention. The hook discusses the faest ranigers. Four years have been general principles underlying- the 01- I'speni. in pr eparat ion. hy those who T OLS TO Y LEAGUE WILL PLAN EVENT Plai for~I I th(hol1ingo , a. Tol sioy C'entennia~l celebrationl in Ann, Ai 111)5will he (discussedl at 4:15 o'- cloc-k mx v i) romm 104 Economics bulIding, it 11 an nouncfled1yester- a y. .A mniii her 0oflplrolessor s and in - structors of0!tle tIniveri'sn vhave al- ready. ind(icaIted .thir 'intention 01 at- 1 caliing this meetin~g, it is stated. Any1 othe w $ 'ho inm v he inaterested are} also Inivited 10o attcfldr. At thle meeting, ~' it is plannied to 1) 1OS(eII elilbinyi len su es for thle holding,; of some sort of a celebra - tion in appr1ee ill 1101of thle work ofl ii io Pussian writer, Tolstoy. whose H;i thdaiy was Sept. V), 1828. RIBBONS AND SUTPPL1IES for all makes of TYPEWRITERS Rapid turnover, fresh stock insuresj best iunality at a moderate p~rice. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade. Phione 6615.} _RRAE_ Aniother Specai NOW "A HIGH SCHOOL HERO" Noie (There ar li ein isomeit Hlighli 4,01) This 'Ad" with 10c Also )Lich. LocalIs and :1AX D) iIDSON PHU7NY SOON BEN HUR ____RAE__ / the running for the state champion-I ganization and adninistration of tne finance activity inthpulcsol shi: Te scon rond f cntetssystem, with comment upon the prac,- which was held on March 2, elimin- tical technique. ated 16 o£ the 32 schools which had "The Problem of Vocational Gumid- emerged victorious from the first de- ante" by Prof. Cr. E. Myers was the bate in the elimination series which second of those considered. The comment upon this b)00k regarded it took place on Feb. 17.,,as one of the hest treatises upon the Ina -bulletin sent out from the of- problem, ever written. fice of the Extension department of Prof. Calvin Olin Davis' recent b)00k,1 theUnierstywhee te hadqar_"Our Y olving High School Curricu- the nivrsiy, her th hedqur-lum" was thirdl to be put upon the tens of the Michigan high school de - ist rfso ai'bo sape bating league are located the final saentation of current curriculum is-t plans for the state championship de- sues and of the methods in use inl hatewereannonced dealing with them. Tewereventnnual tat chan-j Th l v nh a n a tt h i-pionship debate will be held in H-ill auditorium on Friday night, AprilCO E T 27, at 8 o'clock. This debate will be, open to the public, and, as in the E T T past, no admission wvill be charged. SW!dJ UlVJ Last year more than 2,500 high school students, the representatives 2 12 ,South Main of 80 high schools throughout theI state, attended the state cham~pion- f ship debate here. According to Prof.foI Gail E. Densmore, manager of the debating league, this year it is ex- Deiou H t pected that even a larger number of high school delegates will come to e To s d Ann Arbor for the championship; contest. Plans are now being made!Sa d ihs to make the trip to Ann Arbor asI profitable as possible for these vis- So a an C nd iting students.S da an C nd During the afternoon of the debate, cam'pus tours will be conducted _- throughout the buildings and -- ------ grounds of the University. Student- I,1111'il faculty conferences will be arrang -VOGELa, ed for the benefit of those who wish BROS. III~ to secure information concerning the MARKET.A University. Through the courtesy of "'l the Michigan Athletic association, :u ilPlione {6656 139-S. lMain St. each high school delegate will be 11'u ui given a . free ticket to the Syracuse- l 1; Michigan baseball game during the 1111vin afternoon of the debate. According ROASTIN to Professor Densmore, other plans 111 ~~ are being considered and will be an- CHICKvan np nounced in a later bulletin.CH K The 16 schools which have survived1,1 ns m thus far and will participate in the !I!! A ND FOWL .l next round of debates are : Manis-I tiu, Cheboygan, Ludington, Ottawa Wea' have.. Hills, Ithaca, Zeeland, Paw Paw, AT- l Ofac legan, Bellevue,. North Adams, Mem- NI phis, Trenton, Royal Oak, River 1.,111n0° Rouge, Birmingham, and Oxford. ,a------ - - - - -I - - - - - - - - - - - - - took the exams es Eterdayll . Q11 ('lter- ing- the national forest service the menl will (engag e in ifflerenit activities, sach as admlinistraivir esealrch, and logging worn. i I ' '1' R . 3 ARCADE 7.10 8:4'0 Whether you wear a hat jauntily, or whether you wear a hat soberly and sedately, Stetson offers you a choice for your every mood and fancy. ( I 1ral! ( orral! l ad 1was the terible -ir~t ig err of thle day s of PhTt h ~cii--thnudering hoo(f,, the wild ruish of yelling, painted red 11m1e a~'011, V o1(1 anld room Swep~ls the fiery, Mlillet-"-swepi (circle of d414 1C ., on of 01a 11 nd~redt breatllhless I ils1 inte greatest J'": lakluc{ of theliz all. A DYNAMO OF DRAMA! AN ACE. FOR ACTION! WE'RE ALL GAMBLERS Thomas Meighan SUND)AY "SORRELL & SON" Eightt to Forty Dollars STETSON HATS c ; cJ/ , ttlZ uuiy&Me Read The Want Ads h 4 C'm-on MBrin the Fail $i's r 4q TODAY ONLY STAGE AND SCREEN V _1i ?1 PE evwl eY sxcjelt~eY C',,t o ub s "Ix IN "IRSON See Him as a Audacious Guerrila DOUGLAS 0- 0, The tubghest salariiied1 )wo11ianf artist (onI 1the i ariety stage, brouight direct fromi her sensa- I ioirial engagemient at 111e ChIiicago Tlheatre last wieek. GOO Corbett's Collegiate Clothes Shop t:. 'J. ::'. .. bI S M A R T W e a r e c a rr i n g a li e of d i s wh..h . mbodie the We arecarryin alino ofdis Don't look like "old man winter" when spring is really here. Spring styles at 3- I1 1i f1 MISS SAMUELS WILL OFFER NEW SONGS Abourt Ilicks.llamas, Slickers, Sheiks, anid ether vriett chavacters in the Americlan -scene. RENDERED HUMOROUSLY, CLEVERLY AND VIGOROUSLY As ci l this iivaeions singer can interpret them. lkh g( i r !i A a i i 11 JIF' IAND ON THE SCREENI iauigIs -with roil' Lea 1; 1114 y olilea11 D~oug d(I;es both ill Ii is mlost Sumiptuiouls pro- ducd iou -- the gre itest .ALSO NE 1 s LO CALS TO()PI(CS lRE VIEW c STAGE COL. FRED LINDSAY (IN PERSON) Teachnig the Art of the DON Q. WHIP The Picture That Broke the Record AT THE No Yo ROXY LAST' WEEK!! Riecauise EVERY no ivspa per critic raved ovcr It s entertaiinmenit qualities. VICTOR MkL~ JbI A'iR Another Cosmopolitan Opening SATRDY Presenting A 1000 Chaney Thrills I 40, BIGi i l 3 E LEILA. HYAMS ROBERT ARMSTRONG. FRANCIS McDONALD NATALIE MARIA CASAJUANA JOYCE ma f1 TE tL.OUISE BROOKS IT'S ORIGINAL-IT'S HILARIOUS-IT'S SNAPPY Also- .'THlE GOLF ,NUT' RIVOGRAMS SHOWS DAILY H e 2:001, ::30, 7:00, 8:45 Karl Wiederhold's A Mack "POOR FISH" 11 ICITIGAN RHSR Sennett A Novelty Matinlee Prices H H In a New MIusical Idea Comieudy HJIA'Vi) ORGAN INighits, IOC, 50C. 1 0 mI I