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March 09, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-09

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VOL. XXXVIII, No. 120.



Students To~ Hlave Oral Quiz '.N
Supple.-eat 'i'itten Work
At its regular meeting this weekj
the faculty of the Medical school re-
ceived the report of the commit tee on
comprehensive examinations a n d
voted to have a sub-committee con-
duct the examinations on June 4 and
5. The questions given on this type
of examination will be very genera1,,
accordling to Dr. Laugh Cabot, dean of
the Medical school. They are not
primarily memory questions but
rather are a test of the student's gen-
eral knowledge of the whole subject.
The students. vill be given two full
mornings in which to write the ex-
aminations and the committee in
charge will be divided into groups ofJ
three for the purpose of correction.
Approximately 18 students will be as-
signed to each group of three. Each
paper will' be read by each of the
three members of the faculty in charge
of the particular group and each will
record a mark for the papers. When
the individual reading has been com-
pleted, the three members of the fac-
ulty in the group will convene and
compare their individual estimates of
the worth of the papers, afterward
making a single cooperative estimate
of the papers.
Three Will Judge Fali Book
"Under' this system," Dean Cabot'
said, "each book will be read by three
people and the final mark will not be
given according to the jiudgment of
one man, but it will be an average
judgment of the three.
"After the books are read, about 15
or 20 per cent, wvhose marks are
doubtful, will be given oral examina-j


1 diiur's dote: 1,11i5 is the fifth of
a1 Ser ies (5 of I t~ ti c l eoi l 5 1Campus in-
st itut ions(5 jilt(n1,51d 1to develop) their his-
tory and maij::llor princip~les or orgaiziationl
The Interfraternity council, com-
posedtof 55 fraternities on the campus,
was first organized in 1.913, as an out-
growth of the Student council. At
that time it consisted of only half
the number of fraternities which it
now has.
The council was formed to unite the
fraternities into one organization
whereby individual members could be
rtuled and reg;ulated. By its consti-
tut it)n the council is divided into five
sections, with the officers being chosen
from different sections. Each mom-1
l)her of the organization is represented
by two nr'ln at the council meetings.
Five meeting'o- of the council are
i held. every year. These fall on the
second Monday in October, November,
January, March, and May, with an
election of officers for the year held
on thlip first Tuesday in October. The
council has a judiciary committee
composed of the major officers and
four fraternity alumni, two from the
faculty and two from alumni residing
! in Ann Arbor. The duties of the
{judicial committee are to punish frac-
tions of the constitution and to decide
lquestions of eligibility.
The council has been embroiled in
3ieeting Is For Purpose Of lDiscussing!
lysAnd MIeans For O)per'ationi
Of Proposed TInnovAti
The recently proposed Alumni
University will be the topic- of dis-
cussion when alumni and faculty re-
presentatives meet at 7:304'o'clock
tonight in the Union. According to
T .. Hawley Tapping, field secretary
o' the Alumni association, the meet-1
ling is for the purpose of conferring,
on rules and regulations and ways
Iand means for the operation of the
Alumni University, andi betw~een 18

a dispute over rushing and pledging D fIl D fl hM III "George Pahmer Putnam, in addi-
rules ever since its beginning. A uni- 'HU010I'iIGI M ILL tien to being an exceptionally able
form system has since been adopted 'business man and explorer, possesses
to solve this difficulty. This year the De f llfPA T~ lfA a keen mind and charming person-
council has undertaken to hold 01U U Orni~ ality." Prof. Lawrence Al. Gould, of the
bridge tournament between the var- 1A ~ 4 JR D ygeology department, who was second
ious houses in an effort to bring the - E in command to Mr. Putnam on the
members closer together with better IWEANilENRZY I. BATES OF LAW Baffin island expedition Wit summer,
cooperation in the future is hopedl SCHOfOL TWILL SPEAK ON said in an interview yesterday. Mr.
for. Rules were recently passed re- OIL1 CONSERVATION Putnam, who as wll as being an ex-
quiring members to send representa- plorer and well-known publisher is a
tives to the meetings of the council yletrrontwilaprhreex
or forfeit a fine. A quorum of two DR. FORS'YTHE TO SPEAKTesdaey ofnte, ill apparihereunext
thirs ofthemembrs i reuire inthe eighth number on the current
order to hold a meeting. D~ales Knapp, Three Stdents From Scholl~ of Music, Oratorical association lecture course.
'28, is president of the organization W irishl5ianmo, Soipi'&uIo, "Mr. Putnam fascinates nearly
this year,. being recently elected toI And Contralto So1os everyone with whom. he comies in con-
fill the vacancy caused by the gradu---- tact," Professor Gould declared, "and
ation of Wayne Schr'oder, '28. Four faculty addresses and a mu- fo that reason is a splendid lecturer.
- __- sial' program by three students of I At the cojluclsion of his lecture before
R SD NIADDR[SSES the School of Music will comprise the American Geographical society,
SithHtelthMihianNihtr Dio . *Bowman, director of that society
the welth. 17ihiga Niht rdiostated that Mr. Putnam's lecture was
program to be0 broadcast over station not only the best which had een given
OPEN AGUEMIETNG1WWJ , the Detroit News, Friday luring the past two years but was
PEN LEG UE METIG night March 16, according to the probaythe bet ofthe adrctc. d
annuncmen maeyeserdy prIolnabhyethbjetfthey Ad eeri ear
yesterday to exploring, one of Mr. Put-
Says Poitics Is Great Opportunmiy JWaldo AT. Abbot, of the rhetoric de- na's chief interests is boys. lHe has
For Public )Effort, But 1Wouei ptmen i, who is program manager a 14-year old son of his own, David,
andsanouncerfor tehan2728 raio- ehoalready has shown himself to be
-Must annunceMoretheh127-2 rado-i an author of promise. At the age of
ASKS CHURCH TOLERATION csts.j 12, David Putnam pbllished his first
Dr. W\aren E. Forsyt he, professor bok, written on his tripi to the
"Christ was more interested in 1.11 ! " hy'giene and Public Hlealth, who Equator with the famous Arcturus ex-
conditionofhsontm thnith is iteo'oth nxestHelhPdto; the next year e published a
hs ory an slorig n oftisme lig.1in, te i ieco.ft e nvriy el similar book on travel, "David Goes to
hit~ or n orld oo s rlgobackar ~evrme Fx'icli iri'ovidl05practically
ane n does worldlo, e back a ll1,11of the medical attention neededr
an osnot apply its doctrines sdtote byIUniersity students, will 1)e the{ S J K 4 N Al CJ .
needs of today," (leclared President LI E R S T C
fis pae ntr rg'i.D.Clarence Cok Little in addressing an
open meigo h oe' leage orsythe will speak on some phasemetnofheW e'slauCA
last night at the Union. President ~tewr fhsdprmnwuc
Little was repeating, with special ref- includes a staff of sev~en plhysieans IH, l O K O D C S
erence to women, the views which he 0ne woman physician, two) dentists,
ni all of whom devote
expressedl at the recent Princeton con- andanurse, ThZcut ItY eibairs Praise AiiyOf
ference on religious education. their time to the inte rests of sttn- A iI
11lTa o uhemphasis is laid up- dent health. In addition to looking ctr s IsenIntP re n
Th atertoo wmuchwa the first pointt for the health of the moie than I _ls ly
tressed by President ittle. "We 10,000 students enrolled in the Uni 'ED GABLER' IS PLAY
jdethe success of a church by the vemsity, Dr. Forsythe conductsIl
number of people who attend its serv- courses in Public Hecalth in the Md-
ices andl by the amount of money ical schtool. Announcement of the appearance
which they contribute. I can find no0 Fisher TPo Tjak of Elsie Herndon Kearns next week
reference to a common budget of the, Prof. Ernest 11I. Fisher, associate at the Whitney theater in Ibsen's-
disciples. If we are interested in professor of real estate in the School "edda Gabler" is being received
raising money eve must be something iof Business Adnhistration, will be with enthusiasm by vaiious members
besides Christian part of the time. the second speaker on the program.oftefclywoaenm rd
"Politics should be one of the great: - Professor Fisher will give a short among her friends. Miss Kearns ar-
est opportunities for unselfish public talk to those interested in real es- rives this morning from New Fork~
effort. But unless women can bring tateIproblems. Professor Fisher'stoierethefmu Isnhr-
to pltc oehn oeta e 01.0 deal with city growth, real ine with the Rockford Players all
have brought, I hope they stay out. esmtae values, and realty manage- next weep.
There is no reason why they should metamd his toic will be chosen Sekn fhsascainwt
add to the chaos which we have pro- (from SpiakinOofthosessocields.wit
(Illo.eed. fieds Miss Kearns, Dean Edward I-. Kraus
our international riali and Manual Training of the Summer Session, said: 'In her
"As regards or neratoalplicy, for high School St udents," will beseraapeansontecmu
we donot xhibt a gorios amd;tie subjet of the third address to be dring the summer I have regarded
Christian unselfishness. If we did, given by Marshall L. Byrn, head. of MidKun soe ftermra
how could we reconcile our attitude Ms ersa n ftermra
wihorpttofo'ieu u et the indutstrial training department of 1)10 artists on the American stage.
as we forgive our debtors.' We mnake I ihscol r01 I Her personality is gracious and
our international relations too much Byr n was formerly conniected with !charming,an he cartritos
a mater f paty plicy" Cass 'echnmical high school, of De- ion the stage are filled with unusual
In discussing our racial attitude, trait warmth and fire."
President Little advised women who Bate's Included On P'rogranij "Elsie H-erndon Kearns, in her ren-
were interested to form contacts H-enry AT. Bat es.IDean of the Law ering o: the very difficult part of
through the Cosniopolitan club and I school, will lie t he fourth speaker i'Hiedda Gabler,' last summer, gave
the Negro-Caucasian clb. Hera he tonl thleh)ogran* taking as his sub1)-her audience a dramatic experienrce
often find; more discussioni (i vital l Jc(t Ithe(conservattion of oil in thed ot soon to be forgotten," declared
subjec0ts, and] he believes that the solu- limited Stas. D~ean Bates has b)en Prof. Louis A. Etrauss of the English
lilon of many of otur problems w'ill anniun~mced ao a seaker uponi the;I department. "The subtle psychic
come with a differ-nt attitudle to ot- 5flnh' topic onl previous Michigan complexities of Ibsen's heroine were
or races-a less self-conscious atti- Night programs, but his talk 9)iei4 revealed with a simple, natural di-
tumlle been dielayedl in oder that he might retness attainable only by a sea-
Dealing with the three qtestius g tthe r more interesting materialj somed artist of considerable native
of birth, marriage, anmd death, .Presi- frmi other members oft the commit- lability. Her reading of the part was
I dent Lit tie summed up the in'luemmee rtee Ippoined't by P'resident; C'oolidge. authoritative without being comven-
Iwhich womnecami have upon these The munsical iteimis of the next tional ; her gieat personal charm' and
,imlportawmillaters.I., Hepointed out pm ogranz will be pi'eseited by three rare intelligence lent themselves
th ilgiallypoc tial ndme)tt 't o te:sholofMui.1 readily to tie creation of the true
dieval features of the present coon- Carolynmi Slerica, 2, will preent tragic effect without which this re-
ventions. Progmress, lie believes, has sc e('l lsomano solos; Fanmie Shiff, Inarkable play would 1)0 nothing."
not superseded the belief that these 'V17., cointralto, fx ill rendemr several) Pof. Aubrey Tealdi, of landscape
things are too deleicate for discus- solos; and Louise Neson, S. A., will desigun, expresse5d regrej thaty Miss
sioli. oler' sevral piano solos. ,eims naeetwst en
PreideitLitlernfs'l eengagement Th lm'wgaas illbetimeIwe1t0



Greenland." which sold 50,000 copies;
amid not' long ago hie publishe'd his
third book, "David Goes to Baffin
Mr. Putnam, who is head of the G.
P. Putnam Sons Co. in New York, the
second oldest publishing house in the
United States (Harper's being the old-
est), believes in the theory that boys
should be able to write the best books
for boys. Several other youngstersj
yet in their teens have shown prom- I
ise of developing into writers of re-
pute under Mr. Putnam's guidance,
Professor Gould declared.,
Speaking of the remar'kable photo-
graphs which were taken omi the ex-
pedition, Professor Gould stated that,
contralry to the belief of some, the1
process of makinug motioni pictures in
the Aretice region was less difficultj
than in tropical climes, and this
largely accounted for their high

Ilan Been Shown Before Many Alumni
Audiences In Country Since
I Recent Completion
Tickets for the University moving
picture, to be shown at 8:15 o'clock
SMonday night, March 19, in Hill audi-
torium have been placed on sale at all
of the bookstores, it was announced


COMPETE LANS FOB yesterday. The tickets are priced at
the benefit of the Women's League
buildiu, fund. Elsie Murray, '28, is
uain chr airman of the event for the Wom-
AN N UfICREASE DUMUL1ie's league.
The University moving picture was
filmed last fall by the Metropolitan
Reiubers Will Issue Special Scandal Moving Picture company of ;Detroit,
Sheet "Michigaun Crea-ce Paper" under the direction of A. B. Jewett,
As Part Of Celebrationi and was designed by University au-
thorities for the purpose of cementing
WILL LIMIT ATTENDANCE ' closer alumni contacts" in the far
- ~ ~ corner's of the country where many
Plans ave ben co~mp~eed fo thtie graduates are unable to return
Pla; hve eencozpltec fo th 1to the campus for years at a time.
annual Crease dlance to 1)0 held from i Shown T.o.Alumni
9 until 2 o'clock Fridlay night, March I Oiial twsntpand t
30, iii the .Lawyeins' cluib. The senior give the picture a p~ublic showing in
lawy class which annually sponsors Ann Arbor, but through the efforts
the affair is limitimng attendance to not of Mrs. *W. D. Henderson, director of
more than 125, preference b~einlg given the 'campaign for funds fov~ the Wom-
to the applications of seniors and to len's League building, permission was
those who have paid thmeir dues to the secured to present it for the beneflt
class of time Law school in which they I of the Women's league. Since its com-
belong. pletion in January it has been shown
Music will be furnished by the, to a large number of alumni audiences
dray Fawn orchestra of Cleveland, a. throughout thme country.
ninte piece orgamnization which is one The moving picture is constructed
of thme favorite music. units in Cleve- around a thinly woven plot, arranged
land and vicinity. They are said to by Dr. Frank Robbins, assistant to
be entertaimners of real merit and are th1 rsiet adtebheyrlsi
being given their' first introduction to I the production are taken by Marian
local dancers through the comimngWels'2,JChmrin'8,a-
affair. agneditor'8, oThaei, and8Natan-
As is customary, a scandal sheetgiPotte '98.hInaditiondthathree
called the "Michigan Crease Paper" pricipathr,'Inatoanuombetreoe
will be issued at the dance. Ray L. incplcaatr ubr o
Aleander, '28L, is in charge of thei prominent faculty members have been
publcaton o tht ,w orked into the various scenes.
pmtbicaionof tat ape, an isas-Include Football Ganmes
silted by Freder'ick W. Ziv, '28L, John The pictures taken include scenes
D). Voelker, '28L, and John G. Garling-I of the Ohio State and Navy football
Thoueadisinpieist e$ games last fall, pictures of the fall
The dmisionprie isto e ~ games, views of 'the engineering shops
per couple. Enough applications have and the engineering buildings, interior
been received already to more than 'views of the Clements library, pic-
allow the nunmber of the linmit set by ;tures of the Lawyers' club, scenes
those in charge. John F. McCarthy, taken at the University hospital and
'28L, is chairman of time Crease dance in a number of University labora-
comimittee, while Claude W. Coates,' toy ies, and a large number of pie-
'28L Keneth . Migele, '2Lures Hof campus buildings, especially
George W. Keithley, '28L, and Ralph newer buildlings, both interior and
M. Schmwartzeberg, '28L~, are the otherl exterior. One portion of the film is
inmnbers of the group. devoted to pictur'es of time University
Dean lHenry M. Bates of the Law I adnministrative offices.
schmool andl Mrs. Bates as well as the;Thfim tae ofhe otbl
members of the law faculty and their.
games last fall are said to be par-
wives will act as chaperones for the icual xelnsoigtedi
tiulrl exelntahwigte.ei

t1os t)Ii ue i Iainthe vriouswari~alol d29 representatives are exp~ectedi
to sh~peme t he wittn wi'k'' to attend time dinmer wh. ichl is to be
Deani Cabot explainedl. "III t his way given before time meeting at 6i: 30
each pmlan will be given two chances,o'lc atim nm.
so that both time student and menmbers occ tteUin
of time faculty camn be certain of his ; Anmon these am'e included Presi-
ablty" dent C. C. Little and about five fac-
All results will hbe compared with uilty m'enmbers appointed by him.
tlue, student's whole rnecord in cololege ;PeietE .Otwy fPr u
and on thme basis of thme entir'emrecord, iron, ameideveditr of theAlmiasc
the committee will recommend those;rainadserldrctsofAh
who amre eligible to) meceive the degr'ec association amid officers of thme Alum-
of Doctor of Medicine. Ili council will irepresent the gradu-
Is Faidr, stlys 'Clli4 ats officially, while a nunmber of
"It is a sear'chiing niethiod andlis I alumni will be pr'esemnt at the invita-
fa ii to all in] th1at it gives (1110. tion of P residenmt Ottoway.
sttcutnt W=,O)opp)otniities 10 showy hisJ These alumni include Charles
ability. We felt that somie sucoh sys-- I Baimd, of Kamnsas City, *Nilliam11'Me-
teoin must be inaugturated imn order -i Kenzie, o)f Chicago, Lee A. White,
to) keel) those whose geuneral know-I of DltotiOit, Chamrles F. Delbridge, o °
ledge of medicine was mnot sufhicieit Detro it, Colbuirn Standish, of D~e-
to warrant, their b~eintg allowed to)l ! oit , A. L. Tr'out, of Detroit, anmd
priactice nmedicimne from rec'eiving a Phiilip Wagner~, of Schenectady.
degree. It will also atllow those wvho; I
umay have slipped upi)in Ofw ic inifor Z O O E P R
'1.ject, ibut who have sufflicient gem-; I WIL TALIK TODADY
cm oh knowledge o~f mmedicimne, to) re-
o'eie teir(leree Ths witll mol{ Prof. ('lianco'y Juohay, famxous zoo-
be allowedl undoer'the 0)1(1 ystem, bt
it is time fa ir way to) do ini that it; logical expemrt, will dliver a Uni-
will allow only coimmpeten t ment to vors;ily lecture at 4:15 o'clock today
begn teirpratic ofmedcin,"in. time Nat ural Sciemnce auditoium.
Dean Cab~ot c'~oluded. 'HFis subjoet has beemn annoumnced by
IT I Dr. Framk Robbins, assistant to the
SMITHE C IT ICIZES PI~rsidenty. as "Recent Aspects of
SENATE METHODS! The study of linmology is con-
____ (cerned with the investigation of var-
Hv sso'.15 ael1-4'rFs . ) =10)115fact oirs hbearinmg on biological re-
LILGOA0I INClTONIll., March 8$ )mroductivit y in fresh water lakes.
''erni;,;theU''te States Senate P Frofesscr Juday, who ini conjunction
chember "tIhe supreume amid safest with former President L~. A. Birge of
vantage pointt it all this world fromn. Wisc onsin, has made ait exhaustive
wlhichl to lauchi at tack~s uIponth suy of several htundr'ed of the Wis-
chmamracterin, mor'als, politics, or relig- ! cousin lakes, i 3 acknowledged to) be
ion oh anyone whmoee,"Cl. 0)one of time worl's foremiost authuori-
Fr'ank L. SmuthI, twhimevred ro'' ' It s in this conmparatively new fieldl
a Senate ton iglit opened his second ! Of research.
campaign for the Rep~ublican nom- In additioni to thec distinction whmichm
1 1inaion.1 le has achievedl in scientific investi-

In responuse to) anin mvitation by the
Womnen's Advertising chub of Detroit,
Priof. J. L. Brummn, head of thej
journalism department, will delivemr
aim address o)n "Advertising and time
Consunmer" at 6:45 o'clock today over I
station AVUR, :Detroit. In this speech
Professor Brmnim will mmake an ana-
lysis of the nmeans of oleveloping; pro-
fessional spirit in advertising, ex-
plainimng the natur'e of advertising as


toleranmee rin meligiomm. l''We calln ot. to ine mradioast on thme currenit seriesi
j claim to 1)0 toleranit so homng as %\:e of Miocigan Nighut radio pr'ogranms.j
;believe that only chutrch p~eople ar'e--- -- -
in the light, or that 0)n1ly 01oar on TWVELVE PUNISHED
particular church leads to virtue.
This is a nmxewiea of tolerancee, in I O I PIFRACTIONS
Iwhich imany of time yotumger' clergy-E- -
Imen are'en'fuisiing to 1)0 marrow and it was learn ed t.d'ty at thme office3
Fdogmnatic.''II( lm ean) of studnolmts thnat siince thme
_______________('.i tiofithIle Ii °it senies Icr, ther'ehave
The W eather , 12 c as, s of dliso'ipilimuo amising out
I The \'Ve the r.,,. imifraction of t he Regemnts' m'cguha-
_- _ otic inregard to) the ,student operation
l(By .Ass(ociated ties. .))f ot mb o-vehicles. Foumr of those in-
I Raimi or snow anid slightly wvarmer f ractoits, all resultinig in dismissal
i todamy, colder by 111910 ; muostly fair to. froni time tUmiversity, occurred during
inmorrow. I the past, week-cnd.

lomougem', and dleclare'd hem' a finished
artist ; one "hmoldinmg high the stamnd-
ardh of r'eal art on thme stage ."
I"I have knmown Miss Kearns fronm
time days wvhen she appearedh agaimnamid
again iniithme open-air theater which
Professor Dennmomi of thme Enuglishm do-
p hartmenmt 1oved 'so loyally amid well,"
doclar'ed Prof. Tlhomans E. Rankinm of
tihe mrhetor'ic department.. ",That she
'is liero- again is gratifyimng, if for no
other reasonm tlian that with dramatics
so large and absorbing a feature of
student life today, such a personality
"amid such acting as liers is a necessity
las a.nimodel for' the many aspirinug stu-
doemnts who ar'e trying to express their
per'sonmalities thrmough the theater."

cation cerenmonies at the Ohio State
ganme and the. crowds at both the Ohio
State amnd the Navy games. Several
chose-up shots of the team in action
Iare included in time picture, and scenmes
of the cheerleading squad and the
cheerinug section are also shown.
The chuaracters in the' picture play
the roles of a brother and sister greet-
( hig their father, a returning alumnus,
amnd showhng hinm the campus. The
parts of the brother and sister under-
graduates are played by Miss Welles
and Chamberlhin, and the part of their
father is taken by Mr. Potter.
STickets for the pr'oduction, in addi-
tion to being oni sale at the bookstores,
are also being distiributed to sororities
and dormitories, wvhere a particular
effort will be madle to dispose of them
f due to their interest in the Women's
League building fund.. This will be
the first public showing of the picture
in Ann Arbor.

a selling appeal
whuichi threaten it.

and thme dangers

This is time first of a series of 10
talks to) be given b~y Professor Brumm
ovemr this station, in anticipation of
time International1 Advertising convenm-
tion which is to be held in Detroit
this simring. Theleries, which is tihe
contribution of thie Womemn's Advertis-
imng club to the general nmovemenut to
establish professional standardls in
advertising, is intendedl to educate the

good adivertising means. Of time nine i eret .tl,'30, were an8, noucd yes-
talks ir enaining after tonight's, one IWteudalbygWilliamwe.earcds-30
will be presented every Friday over who as y icargE. ofwthesUnion

"No one is exenmpt' fronm cithletr
slanditer or' libel in the United St ates
Scenate--no omne fmrom~ the Pmresident o~f
the nation to) a prisomner in the igene-
tentiary-exc~ept mmemlbemrs of the
club," saidl Colomiel Snitlm. If is speech
was also" theiroIimst de tailed st atementb
since beinig mnamedi se'nator t hree
timnes, once by election twice by de'-j
signation o f Goy. Lon Smimall. Ilie was
umable to) take his seat b(ecause timel
S'enate b~arred him for acceptimng cain-
utillties conmp lties.
"What, are 800,000 citiemmns of Ii-
lillois to half' a hnmmrmedlsenators?"
ble asked in refemrring to the 80)0,000

pationl, Professor Juiday, is author',
andi co)-authnori with Dr, Birge, of rn-4
ineious scienutific articles amnch books,
mostly concernedh wit h his own spe-
c ial field. inunology.I


o"% Tx7 A'r1-n Ore-I rvAfDrYTC rrnffi~r~D rr'

Z-5 4a:.jvii vvJrIL.

f vi.u+ ai . a, a.it aaaaa as va vZjJ .

- - __-___-___-___ - --

Presidenmt('lamremnce Cook Little will
go to Toledo on Monday, March 19,
for timeipurpose of addressimg;tghfle
Tpoledo aluumni amid representing time
Univemrsity in the ceremnmies relevant
to) the inauguration of Dr. Henry
Doerm an as pre'sident of the Univer-
sity of the City of Toledo. The aod-;


P ro es o rs i n th e E c n o m cs b ui d It hme c hose o f -tim e n e x t c la ss p erio d . I C . H eg ele r', an d A n d rew D . W hite in N E W A M E N D M E NTHe to r , th cl k h a k pt s e n 1 1 8 3 o si t f o e l rg b ll f v e( y A o i t d p e s.
in wo abtull lctreunilth ;did time, notwithstauiding sevemral re-j feet in diamneter, which strikes the WASHING-TON, Mrh8-Cn
camuts clock strikes the endo of the! Lcemit sips ini its olnimning, and several' hotit, amud four smaller chimes. One gross dlidIs)melim uuul ly
hour ~ ~ weetiol ntmeho'm o as1i50ii5in th im om'e distant lpast of these is used to strike thme quarterTh ait-hmedc costtoml
dhmumayesc'dywhntme(100 hen theourni faces varied amnomg ihour, antialdr struck at 7:30aedetpoosl ute ln
sto1ped for time first tinme since 19161 themuselv'es as muchi as 20 nmutes. I o'clock in tihe mmorning and 5: 30 amn1eu rpsl ute ln
One pn'ofessor held his 11 o'clo~ck Since 1888, whemnlime clock was, o'clock in the after'noono to denote ofdetim eecinuterueingwahiwore
uni ugrfial tp~dwutteplac'ed in time tower of the old library fluhe University day. into position for a vote tomor'row,.
clock had failed to.I along withntime chimnes, timecapu The clock itself is a prodluct of time
camus . IIowm'dCo.of ostmi.It s st Tueme wre oo anymen'be'sclanm-
When J. I-I. Stevenson, foreman of , clock has beenmi tatoa time- .Hwr o fBso. ti eIlhr eetomn ebr lm
time iinstrumnmt shmopms, arrived at the piece of time Utniversity, amid has vied by the Observatory clock twice a wren todayheard tim oitofnderosh-
Enginering tower where the clock is, with thme courit house clock fom' week, and it is said by Mr. Stevemuson iretdymn h deo plo
lie discoveredl that nmoisturme fronm the 'chronologicatl sumpiremacy of Anmnm Am'-iever' to b~e off mmoi'e thmanm four or five I tion dlevelopeod nade it mighty doubt-
ch-ronolo.gical .- -- (4 . ~ ~,.~. ~~ -9(LIf"' that a two-thir'ds majority cami be

bridlge tournamnmt, as the wining
team. William B. Berger, '30, and
Chiarles R. Kaufman, '30, enmerged as
4The tournament was. onducted as
fairly as possible and the method of
conducting eliinmation matches is be-
lieved to be by far time best for this
typeO of tournament and will be used
iin the future.
As the four thmevent upon thme an-
nual Cer'cle Francais lecture series,
P~rof. Arthmur L Dunham of the his-

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