!'AE SIX TI.1F, MTCI- IIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1.9-28 TI IF MICI IJGAN DAILY -a. x.I " .. 1 t# T JA~ AIV1,+1 N f r8 3. tt 2R _.,,, ILA MI. p u x Amok mwm r < SAIINIftL 4{ 1' "'3 FS n < :51 b Y YrF'..f , E , 7C r x Y ,i . Y s l r ... .._. ,iT BERKOIT? TEMEETUC. ST I !nPE~r'4T II3H~COIPT TAR ~~ iu~~ LETTER 4!WED,'PUHDUI-'OPHIH GAME 'RUCTION WORK ON NEW INTRAMURAL SPORTS nr llIES f OCE WILL SETTLE RATING ,.~hVt V 1 ' 0, 0 i ' tub .8r v't ( 1: ' C: 10'a 'ow y tis- LETTERS aNNtOUNCED °r uuiirrnrnutr riui Twelve mlembers of thbe 1928 Alichi- IjO'COR) AlEITHAVOERCAC TO I T I I' E Evil -. -,-.n < .... .,... Wimv'~( ;'-s ~ ~ios To Pi :JIMaC' 70oxa al-(:a l ; u V 0 td 2itde1, on sro. W.-) : V ~ '~t rn 0de- w7eigt-; o ( ilig-alwi eofnp le+t 0 1( 1 a1 oII9part icipan' s in 0cTc E:!r r,, the t'igbboo s will bT)(-: n ~u yof the )e-I troit Y. . .,ari illiam Bori:- S cwitz, Woilvinm ice. 'The ,latter has aireaQ y 1(1w I) (':( oded lbe Tniver- sity hnpinbi in the middle- weight lsn niht' bout will b<, i t in w r:,. 11 1) 11 Jlibiiion. Another c1)0 i Wai e V XpIcct0(1 to aroue ju eVTet ar' 1-poe.t at ors is the luantxain x ._1 ui(11 , in which .Ja)ck \uen xvii iu;l! i.1oiiiiv 'X- 1era!. hoI b (i I) 50 j:E,, 151'0re I~a Ii Wa.;llialil, alid --I eIie 11 ol thfe Iii the0 fly x 'alet'e()11ter. Jerry Enls rnf.(iebt;freshmen, xwil 1. i11< 01(1 Knapp, a m'omis inug yea' ? lug, is to ight .Jo0 Stein in ii 010)1li" reihtdi visio. Vic H eim anlso h Ic I tsh will box in t he Ii'g 1 - i n c(Ia s, ,while Phil Weiss and W il.amSt elens, Welter- weig~ ~ ~ ~ts.hts, wil ni i go es In ttligt b leliv °web bt.1, Geo.j Ryorso i'i ( 1 tn ('t _ 1 Stanley Doll r- ingi on. II r';in'1 ii an lc, a reshmn meets 0 Jo r o, S,l8 senior, in tihej heavyweiglif diiionli. A st ihi;i 0$ 101)111of thtle Show is the numbher (o, 1i 19k ill111 who will partica,;}ftell , IO' fstll) n fine alt 01 fifte.('' St udenit (0ij')1 1 will be ac(('pted as admission, 1' iii .s a tee(ot 50c will be charged outsi1d1er:. 1 . ) ii' ';'l13: ?I~5 (, 1';lp a : il- tA0 I 1d iii (i(5ii .nI GI i Athleti z.,, s t:, rflt.- o'biy ofl tha 1010ii10 O idIe (ail, JeCoy,,(Cast eibaan, Or wig, Ba- 1)x', antl Ico.;e 1Ie thoso 0who earned0( I he major " l" ost erb uall 11(1 Har- rigan being 11a i i d for tlhe tl 10( tim (0. Bose, Orwig-, aldFaher were select-, ed for tile fir-st time. Tialsamo, hBarley , Powenan, Cus-- illg, uKaiiz, Lo ell, M'agrain, Mefon- aiit, 2Alyron, Nyisill, Sla gle. anad Whit- tie Nvill receive "AMA" emlemls. Bar- ley,, Nyland, ant! WIhitt i; were like-' ,wisp h-ored last season. Only hey- landl of this grou)ndrill be inuavaila- )1 fiefr (competitionlne xt season. C i* r TiOD)AY IOi 3-I METlAT IOWA 'I'hlirteen AV olx el xn ' thack ath- Ieec will leave _for 1Iowa City at; 13:4-9 coc l is a f t cia ool to1 represent. Mic ehig )in11the C rltferenc00 idlo ra1ck meeC0t tc) i-Ol row and Sa unl'la y at Iowa (City. '"his stit;i.> in~saller. OFL BIG TEN TRACK T EA MS. By Herrrt E. Vedder 1severOal ertormnt-ecs above 6 feet. If tihe recent announcen.ent to theIbMann, o''Iowa, is an 'in and( outer' effect that Anson of Ohio State has Iwhlo m 10d M 1thting;. Al3ii le of I1- STATE CAGE TOURNEY !IL'L START TONIGHT Annii Arbor M-eet,, Ponflac In lInitial Rloiundl0 Regionial BashetballI Meet At f ic1soii SEVEN FIVES TO COMPETE After r'inging dlown the curtain on the regular courot seas(on last l+Priday withI an overwhelming- victoryVover: Saginaw Eastern, the AnIn Arbor high schotol team -will lparticip~ate in Ih class A regional basketoali -t /urna-; ment commencing tonight at. Jackson. Six other high schools are enter-; di h et asnM.Ce- ens, Port uron, Jackson, Pontiac, and( Adrian. Dr'awings held onl Alin-; (lay placedl the first three teams in the upperlI bracket wvith the last three anti also Ann Arbor in the lower Bracket. The first r'ondtof play will start tonight with Ann Arlior mceting jPontiac, Jackson opposing Adrian, andl Lansing p~laying Port Hutroni.-Alt. Clemens drew a. lbye 8an(d xill not OOSTERBAAN'S MARGIN LOOMIS AS SUIFFICIENT c (heek ltl Ifeel;- 'Qi11(o is good fo;r £lfeet:, a. mar-k whic-lishtuld lbe suffhicit t) break iii 1(1 Ilit' soing. t 1iiiioveris W t'istons- in ',,;1hole, nowj t hat Mlcc 801lllas gra(I at ed. Ben- nou.t. and ('(dy 0alt' 0th eYr Chicag~o 'I l s P l n l ( w ', o.11 1 e N o n i't e s t . I C1rn~s best, bet; for.a first place (('oxutitjued toilIPag'e Seveul) SAUER, DONAHO s EDGE ON Ll t-$ItTO R'S Nti:-- his is die secoti I nalx zr the r- Y t'J-Civt- fmerits of th- 3[.11 bigan anal Ilnit i restit-i-t who till Michigan's 1127 Confer-ence c*111lu- pion1, Sauer', is concede') td a ;light edg'e over Campbell o_' Ilinois, whomin he will face Saturday nright at Yost field Ihouse ill thlt 145 1p(u111tIhout of the Illinois-M'ichigan mleet ftar the 1928 Conference wreOstlinlg t'hiipitin. Saller was Mlleeatfod la4t ye', and1( lvtm thron)1gIt1 a.4ro n", field to .111next the H il ''en1tite ill his first scason o il varmsity Ivrestlinig. Wile e 1'has heeln 110 3(1 gtoltui a f'all imn any mneet this yeari, Satte r hlolds a811 nbi tlck~uo t rilig (tof tseen 'onsOcutIive Itime adlvanitage victoi-:oII' andt Botddie, :Northwesternl veteran. t 'a npie! ,Iin juois soptho4more, Ihas ,also jpiled41 vp as ieivarliable rec"(rl, including -ins over sei'- cra'a IlilIJtailis of oppl) f igteatits. How ever. Sauer dc- eaated ('or- I'C11(Cof IWest 'irginii by as1Hiuer; huge r tane aadvantitgo'thani d(id C'aumpbell, and becuse of his p-rcate'r experience mank :t slight favorite overi' his Illitois oppo- IDonalhoe, the heavie"*t of thle AWOl- verines' thbreo Big Tell tit leholtiers, is' againi giveth ie edtge in thle 158 p01111d notw enjoys. Tire Wtolverinue forward hleads the list withl 129 point s, McCracken of c lIndina hfts 125 to is credlit, while Walter' of Northwestern tr'ails himl by two) ploints and(1 Murphy hlids fouth glatce with 121 mlarkers. Mc- era cken and Walter hlave both playetd thiMr filial games for tile season. hoe's only det'eat last year was at the hand101oif Geis (If Illinois, wvho was later' ptt tit ear'ly iln the Confer- ('lice'toturnanment.. Neither Clay13pooil or G~reecie hatie showui ab~ilii3-which w-1olnd el it I11CIhemtoumor'e thanm an out- sidIe chulce uttiuist 3Mchigan's Ili)h-4-27 ('aptamin antwi tIice Con. _.®._-- - ---- -ed.. NEW YORK ---Sir Thomas J. Lip-;- tonl ias riuat':' rese(nt atioti of a; All urank as f) fool: moo witaRitJig cup -for yac(:.'Ii of', lieinter national' pc iiaps a lilt. Imore consist ent. WV -I star class. chowski has madoe (G feet 3 iulchP, ,i Committee. b)ut onily once, while all thr'ee have I tever su-li ou)o)0nent s as CapitlainiH-n -. will) will repriesenlt tile Minli. I~ona- 2- x x xxxm xxxj X.--1F ex3 12Tx xxx IFOR THE ASKING y y to The3 Gentleman's Qarterly I ha new magazine tat vitally concernste well-g r oomed man, is being published c7, < >~ b hs institution. The first edition will soon be ready for 9 rnaiting., Your name a post-card will R9 bring it to you. 1!: qoce chaI ion , : i ..r vI _i :.L. _L ( ci.lYlit. L .y N.' . ' I I Ti I I 0 -i ,- _f : 1, iZ 1y 79 a .2 k. ; i;; # Two Shapes Two Colors Two Sizes Tinker &Crpn So. State St. at William St. Clothes by AHN TALOIN CO w 2