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March 08, 1928 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-08

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Show Boat And Variety of Colors Are.

w- "' ',

Features For Sec

After Conmueneenrent, Gowns Must
Returned; Mortarboards
May Be Kept



Beginning next Monday afternoon
the senior women of the colleges of
Literature, Science, and the Arts, of
Pharmacy, of Architecture, and the
School of Education will be given the
opportunity to 'rent their senior caps
and gowns for their graduation from
the Women's league.
Last year the league bought the
gowns and charged a fee of $10 to
each woman for the privilege of using
them. This year this same fee is to
be charged to each woman of the
senior class and this amount is to be
paid in cash before the gown is pro-
cured from the Undergraduate Cam-
paign committee. This committee has
charge of the renting of the gowns.
Of the fee which is charged for the
rental of the gown, half of it is to be
for the rental of the gown, $2.50 is to
be for the mortarboard which every
senior woman must buy and the re-
maining sum will be refunded to each
woman at the close of graduation.
Caps and gowns may be procured
any time during the week of March
12. It is probable, however, there
will be so many women desiring
gown's that certain numbers will be
given out and the women will be
asked to come at the time that her
number indidcates her turn. Ail
senior women will have need of their
gowns the night of the senior supper
whic his to be held March 19, preced-'
ing the attendance of the senior wom-
en to the Junior Girls' play. No gown
will be given out after March 16 so it
will be necessary for every woman tof
be sure to- be fitted before that date.

Lika a shimmering kalaide-scope in-
volving every brilliant color of the
spectrum, was the annual Penny Carn-
ival held in Barbour gymnasium last
~night. From 7 to 10 o'clock people
were moving back and forth, tasting
the pleasures offered in first one booth
and then anothar, buying lolly pops,j
and visiting the big Show Boat up-
May we tell you about the Show
Boat? Half way up the gang plankl
you had to pay, which might have'
made you a little sad for a moment or
two but never lasted long. Strains off
music came to you over the waves as'
you ascended, and once you were in-
side and seated you forgot all cares.
Dorothy McKee, '30, was the an-
nouncer, and what an announcer she
was! If you don't remember the rest
of the show you wil at least remem-
br her-or him, for he or she keptI
you roaring most of the time. Geneva
Beyers, '30, was the girl who whistled
so plaintively, and Vera Johnston, '29,
did the speciality dances at the first
of the program. In fact, everyone
performed nobly, and when you left
one performance you always wanted
to come back to the next one. The
Show Boat was in charga of Eloise
Avery, '30.
And now about all the clever booths
downstairs. Every sorority and dorm-
itory on campus had one of them in
tow, and several other women's or-
ganizations had booths also. It would
take the rest of this page to tell about,
all of them, but we do have room to
mention a few of the most interesting
The Chinese Honeymoon where, as
you will remember, all of the color of
the Carnival was reflected ,belonged
to Helen Newberry residence. The
women of Alpha Phi turned into boot
blacks for the evening. Collegiate
Sorosis was very cold hearted and
sold Eskimo pies to carnival patrons.'

ond Annual Carnival
Kappa Delta had a musty old museum, Daily Bulletino
Pi Beta Phi an up to date motion
picture palace, Betsy Barbour house iNTER .WT
a guaranteed-to-last for 20 years for-
tune telling booth, Delta Gamma a STOP GOLFERS!
very wicked gambling stand, Chi-
Omega, a beautiful and 'sedate wax Class competition in golf will be
works, Alpha Chi Omega an arboretum carried on throughout the indoor sea-
without gates, and Kappa Kappa Gam- son, according to a plan set forth by
ma a regular candy store. There were Eleanor Treadwell, '28, golf manager,
so many more that we have probably in a meeting of the various class man-
forgotten some of the very best ones. agers yesterday, on a basis of the in-
Margaret Bush, '30, was in charge of dividual's daily record for clean
the organization of the booths. drives, mashie shots in regard to ac-
Betty Smither, '29, was the general curate placing ability to use a nib-
chairman in charge of the Penny lick shot in getting out of a sand
Carnival, , and she was assisted by trap, and accurate putting.
Doris Renkenberger, Spec. Ed., Mar- The class teams, which will un-
garet Bush, '30, Dorothy Tauff, '30, doubtedly be composed of four per-
Dorothy Flynn, '30, Eloise Avery, '30, sons, will be chosen directly after
Jessie Church, '29, and Dorothy Mc- spring vacation. Two scores will be
kee, 30. required from each candidate for a
position on a class squad. They may
have been obtained either on the Uni-
Iversity golf course or on a home
course during spring vacation.
1%r1 It has been announced by Miss M4Ic-
I P1.1411NI Cormick that a'ny woman golfer who
goes around the University course inI
50 or less this season will be given an
coptngtescoati-vr opportunityr to play on a Detroit
In computing the scholastic aver- i pcourse at opo thundtyh eao. h
crsatthe t end of a the season. The
age of thme women belonging to Kaply-
gt hof or the semnesngtr endig ,trip will be planned if possible, at
some time when Mrs. Stewart Hanley
June, 1927, Beatrice Johnson, adviser is in Detroit.
to women, finds it to be 81 per cent. There arc still several hours in
Kappa Beta Rho is a society that wa's re ay si seal or in
;which golf may be learned or pr ac- "
recently organized for the women that tired at the field house open to those,
are working their way through col- I who have not yet taken part in golf as
lege. Due to the fact that it is not a
national organization and that it does a. class activity. There are a limited
-number of places open in theTues-

of Sportswomen
from 3 until 5 on Friday. In order to
be enrolled as a class contestant, an
individual is required to play during
two half hour periods every week.
However, more than two scores will
be counted if one goes out for golf
more often in a single week. A sys-
tem of filing cards which each individ-
ual fills out every time that she plays
will be used to record the scores in
the tournament. Within the next
three weeks, the indoor tourney will
be completed.
When Phi Beta Kappa, the national
fraternity for scholars, voted to ad-
mit Charles Eastman o. Dartmouth

Tryouts for Orchesis will be extend-
edIuntil Saturday, March 24, for those
who have not been able to tryout be-
cause of the Junior Girls' play re-
At te metig hed Tursay nght' harsals. Initiation of -new members
At the meeting held Thursday t will be held on March 28 in Sara Cas-
at Holen Newberry residence, Portia well Angell hall.
literary society initiated the foiolwing
into membership: Loraine Gay, '29 There will be a rehearsal of act 1
Ed., Helen sMcComb, '29 Ed., JuliaMc- of the Junior Girls' play Thursday eve-
, ee m, Eh ning at 8:30 o'clock.
lKinley, '29 Ed., Helen Cheevor, 3, iga :0ocok
Jean Griggs, '31, Dorothy Graham, The Sally chorus of the Junior
'29, G-race Hawkins, '29, Dorothy Cox, Girls' play will meet for their pictures
'30. at Spedding's at 3 o'clock Friday.
The next meeting of the society will
be devoted to a program on Thomas UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON-
Hardy, a-s a poet and novelist. Hand organ music minus the tradi-
tional monkey, but plus a few stu-
SAN ANTONIO-Manager Moriarty'! (lent monkey shines is being used
has decided to carry 10 pitchers on as publicity for the sale of the Uni-
the Tiger hurling staff this year. versity of Washington year book.

to membership, he wrote a letter to
the local chapter asserting that col- IBREPA
lege marks were meaningless, and
that he did not consider it an honor We sell and service all
to belong to the fraternity. The Largest and Best stock
viel -backed by skilled service.
Evidentlyjunjping is the latest wo-
men's activity since one was seen f at Rider's
recently leaping from a window of
Newberry auditorium where she was Phone
locked in.
I _ _ _ __k,_ALLM



makes Typewriters.
to select from in Ann Arbor,
Pen Sharp

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4'd 1 M I NG MI- ' :LT~'

B , .........,...,...... ......... .,.-1 N

The annual intramural swim-
ming meet will be 11ld at 7
o'clock tonigl't at the Union
pool. Each participant may enter
two speed avents in iddition to
the relays amd(ives, and regu-
ation' grevI swimming suits must
be worn.



not belong to U aellen c,, IL
eligible to compete for the scholar-
ship cup. However Miss Johnson
states that it rates second among the
campus organizations.
The pins which have just been re-
ceived are small and diamond shaped
with the Greek letters Kappa Beta
Needlecraft courses in art educa-
tion have caused the co-eds at the
University of Minnesota to appear on
the campus with boxes of ribbons,

day at 5 class, or in the two classes

If a single college woman in a full- search workers $3,271.
time job makes more than $3,000 a "To a librarian an M.A. degree is
year, she belongs to the exceptional worth on the average $193 a year, and
minority, declared Mrs. Chase G. P 10 s M Wo s
PhDS~t. 4fJV $60 0 A lij. f JtllV

White Swan Laundry Co.
Have your garments cleaned and
pressed to make them look like
new. The White Swan Luandry
Co. can do it for you

Gay ,TFrocks
So beconaing to certain types easily lose
their smartness if not well chosen. Our
constant study of indivdiuality makes your
selection a simple matter.
Every Occasion
$975 and $495

thread, needles

and samplers.

Woodhouse of the United States
Bureau of Home Economics when she
spoke to the National Association of
Deans of Women which met last week
in Boston. Mrs. Woodhouse was re-
viewing a collection of occupational
histories of 7,000 members of the
American Association of University
women. This collection has been
made as a contribution to the cur-
rent discussions on the employment of
college women.
"Out of 3,039 single women in full-
time jobs 2,321 are in educational work3
and only 718 in all other fields," Mrs.
Woodhouse observ.ed. "And of those
in educational work the majority, 2,-
127, are teachers, with only 194 in
administrative work.
"The best paid women in the group
are three college presidents with an
average salary of $8,200, followed by
nine junior higl school principals
with an average salary of $3,859, four
normal school principals averaging
$3,800, and 52 college deans with $3,-
426. In teaching, the highest average
salary is $2,457 for the colleges, and
the lowest is an average of $1,632 in
tihe grade schools.
"Apart from educational work 52 oc-
cupation's were reported, in which the
best paid woman is an executive in aj
commercial organization, who makes
$34,000 a year in addition to stock
dividends. She had entered a family
owned business. This is a practice
which we ought to encourage, a step
so usual for men and so exceptionalt
for women."
The usual assumption that business
pays better than the professions is
contradicted by the report. The man-
agers of cafeterias and tea-rooms av-
eraged $3,300, interior decorators
$31146, but all other women less than
$3,000. In the professional groups,
statisticians averaged $3,730, lawyers
$3,587, physicians $3,551, and re-;
There will be an open meeting of
the Women's league at 7 o'clock to-
night in the ballroom at the Union.
President Little will speak and all
women on campus are eligible to

a tI.U ., V , b U IN-1. VU' 1UZU
adding, "This is a good interest onF
the investment."
The University of Minnesota has
taken the first step toward an im-
portant change- that of supporting
the state's finest 'students at the
state's expense.

All makes of ma-
chines. Our equip-
ment and personnel;
Is considered among
the best in the state. The result of
twenty years' careful building.
17 Nickels Arcade. Phone 6615.



' I
s 1' r

In Lingerie Too
The trend towarId the Feminine is
THE PANTIE-SLIP, of sheer white
white crepe, is a dainty com-
bination of slip and 'step-in.
THE DANSETTE. of black chiffon,
is trimmed with fine lace and
THE NI GTIE, of pink crepe d°
chine, is dlAightfully decollatee.

Nickels Arcade



Trout...... ........30c
Halibut ............30c
Perch ..............25c

Herring, 2 lbs. for ... .25c
White Fish .........30c
Walleyed Pike ......30c
Flounders ...........25c
Smoked White Fish.. .30c

Salmon ............


Fresh Filets

Finger Waving a Specialty
1114) 5. IUniVCLrs;y D)a 7311
f o
Trem edosWavi ng a Sily
-Fall Coats of Rich Mater-
5 ials Furred or Unfurred
- fermner ialuesD to ;2 25
former v ahies to $69.3tJ
Coats of twills, tweeds, and
Erich warm Fall materials. New- 'E
est shades and plaids. Smartly -
furred with American broadtail,
squirrel, pahi, or other high r
i grade furs. Some are smartly
I unfurred. Prices that are really
reasonable. -
Cet one on the Deferred Payment Plan

i{. .i.1. ./:/./1J./.a,". 4d".sr'', °.fJ. . '.0,/.A./".f ./" .®.i".0./.isr, ". . . . .%". .s , ,s ". " ".1"


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the "Maj"


A New Offering I
of Imported
French Stationery
Note paper, correspondence j
Cards and Invitation Cards.
Correct for every occasion.
A stock unique in scope,

21;i North Mjin St. Phon S1
Open Eveinigs-Sundays and Holidays.
Scranton, Pocahontasj
Kentucky and West Virginia Coal
Solvay and Gas Coke
This business has been growing ever
since it was established. The secret-
"giving absolute satisfaction to our
customers." We believe it pays to do
business in a friendly way. If you
think so too, let's get together.

Are finished with Scarfs or
furs or Grfs grain1 Ribbon

75 to


In our fine collection of spring coats we notice many new
style features. Capes appear in great profusion and there is
a trend toward the normal waistline. Kasha and kasha type



materials are most important.
lull finished silks. Fur appea
Sports Coats


The loveliest silk coats are of
on collar or cuffs.
Dressy Coats

() 6 1

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