bA~t TWO TIE MICT-IIG.AN DAILY TTIlT11RSAY I \[AC 't 192 ., L \ 11IIA-lt, 1 , It t d,. AL%, 1: 1. [* A:f.+.!, ILLINOIS rPIKS MEN !NELARDM EIN ADELP"HI DECIDES CHRISTIANITY IS VITAL FACTOR IN LIFE OF STUDENT FOR MICHIGAN DEBATEt Thfse Choseni For Treanti laive All Hadrt Experience o(hi Varsity Anid r Other Deli,ate Tleaims TEAMS TO DEBATE HERE Word received by the University speech; department yesterday from Illinois names the Illinois debatec team which will come here March 16f as com~posed of Lish Whitson, '28, Al-' beet Hallet, '29, and Lewis R. Suitin, '29. Whitson, according to the iforma- tion, is now participating in his fourth year of college debating. He was a member of the Illinois College of Com- merce debate team which were intra- mural champions in 1925. He is also a member of Delta Sigma Rho, hon- orary forensic fraternity, and of the ;rational' Collegiate players. The -second Illinois *speaker, Halle[, is a member of the Illinois chapter of Kappa Phi Sigma, national literary and forensic society. Alpha Nu is Michigan's chapter of Kappa Phi Sigma. Sain h~ Io will conclude the. speech- es for the, Illinois team~ is !now int his second year of Varsity experience. He was a member of the Liberal Arts and Science debate team. in the. Intra- mural league, is a member of Delta Sigma Rho and Kappa Phi Sigma. In the rebuttal speeches, Hallet willj spear first, Whitson, second, and Sutin. third. Tfhe IUniion bll Iiar(1d anl tviol I 011,:z5- mrct: ha vc1' reached the fin al st a and should(Ihe fii sh edl so0n. fez )th tourneys. 11e eight Men Nwh o \vre he su rvivors in eliii U or contIe t ha ve *started the routndl robin mlal elu s from which the Wx illr'in the (V, t will be sele(ctedi. Cup)s will b(, awa) d >1t,)hot h tIhe \Vwiizrsand 111rimers nl)illth1w vo tI Cur'n amlents. TIh isis t1e1o ('vonld 0c1u of this n1atulre t o he h 'd tillsYomr, the first 010 Ihavring heeil 5s)o i : hi i. it0atI it wvas con sideredl ad visalbicto1,n av',(a. j _econd. 'r it (Chriistitanity 'will he a vit alI fact or inli e lives of University sti-G dcilt ic s s th1e optinio011of Ad elphli 11 olise (i' I tepr{'seltivt]1es after a ';pi riOed debateoTI'esd a -night . Aone - v ct(o ittil gill gave the negative a v'ic- toryV aft1er a id 5iscsio ofthe dues- t loll, "tiesolve(I Tb at Chr listia-nity 'e:e to Play a Parit in the L ife of LI ll ('tsitV Stlde nis." A g;reat inajorit y of students sever 1lllwir conn ct-ions with church after CII! C ii i the Ui u1vorsit y, was the conl- tent ion of t he ntflirmat ye Iuphld( by F rl Willis, '29. and Frank Munger, O~cstu~dents5 inculcate the tfticlll ! aS otf modi rti seen cc they tilrni ! a w ayfromi tieilIe and its mvslticalI doct Pin eM.t hey sa1idl. They further' ariguied that chturches no Longer teach the d 1octrlinies of Chtrist and1 have de- genera ted Iinto social cent ers. Chlristianityr is a subtl e teaching and athlough we cannot speCcificailly trace its affect, it nevertheless vitally influences studenit life, argued the negative ulpheldl by Charles AT. Van- dlerwood, '2!), and Gilbert Flarrison, '11. They substantiated their argtl- ment by pointing out the popularity of stutd~en]t gatherings at. churches and the part played by religion in so- roitiies andl fraternities. LIBRARY DONATED TO NEW MUSEUM Agift0:' at Iarge oriiihol o-V li- b~rary to0theliewti A~l useunm hy Brad- shaw Swales, S'9Q for many years (ctiat Ior'of hi rds in tI' lUiversity ; mttsettfl, was annitouniced vest erda y by Dri. Alexander G. IRutliven, dIirec- toir. I lchlided in thle collectiton are' ap]proximnatelyv 2.000 b ooks on birds and b~ird life. Swales. who1 die'd ill January of this year. was anl honors ry curator o" the local muitseuml. lie bequeathed his collect ion of bird ibooks t o th e Mluse um here on hiis deatl b, baving: butilt it; til1l br- that putrplose, it has WOMEN'S LEAGUE HISTORY TELLS OF ACTIVITIES OF ORGANIZATION {Continued from Page One.) house presidents andl house heads, by the Board of Directors of the Wom- en's leagtue, and by the Advisers of wvomen. H-ouse rules are mado by the Board of D~irectors andl the Board of Representatives ini conjunction. Social functions such as the Fresh-! man spread, Advisers' teas, stylez shows, fancy dress p~arty, anid fre- quent afternoon parties for all uni- versity woman, are featured. The lelague (10es all within its power to bring women students together both socially, and through work which contributes constructively to tuni- versity life. IIn little more t han a year, the new league building w~ill be completed and opened for all Michigan* women to use in all phases of their life in the university. The Women's* league will then be looking into the "promised land" of new achievements andl new life made possible by new and more complete equipment. . '".. a. ". r . /" .o": , . : . IP P. / ". "":.0./.r . 'i:1.i .1.7'". "~. ", "~.r ''.iI.rl . PP. I /:irlw 'I /" i".f./": i Yost FieldHos CAMPS CHAMPIONSHIPS. 24 Rounds of Boxing Thursdayv March 8, 8 p.m0 Your Student Coupon Admits You STEAMSHIP R IBBONS AND I TICKETS S1PIES FOR AlL.IEr S for all makes of ~TOURS, C RUESES TYPEWRITERS MIST, SECOND, CABIN. TOUMhSTS TIMED ESPECI=ALLY Rapid turnover, fresh stock insures Phon 642 or~ 1l t.l~n~ ~best quality at a moderate price. E. G. Koehler. Siteamrshiip Aet.. Ann Arbor 0. D. M O0 R RIL L 17 Nickels Arcade. Phone CAIN1.j ~ I Thirty-fifth Annual M AF S IIHILL AUDITORIUM - :- ANN ARBO I A NATIONALLY ADVERTISED PRODUCT Underwear ',', I. f ? ! i $4I i} t i' f I / '. , . j . - I JI r - , . , May 16, 17, 18,19, 1928 SCHEDULE OF CONCERTS I. WEINE$.S1AY EVE-KING., MAY 161 Mi1scellatneous Artist Concert, Dedication of new Frieze Memorial Organ just c< the Skinner Organ Company at a cost of $75,000. Margaret M1aizenauer Palmjer (Christian Chicango Symphony Orchestra FI'e(Ivrink Stock Eric IDelainnarer CGues 2.TIIUISDA:Y E-ENi1G,3MAY 17 . St. Francis of Assisi--Ilerueim Marie Montana Merle Alcock Tudor lDavies Rlaymiund iKoch Chase Baroineo, Clhicago Symnpliony Orchestra U n iversity Chioral Union-C liidrei t's Clhoru s Earl V. Mloore i.FRIDAY AFTPERNOON!, MAY .1S Children's Program The Qhest of the Queer Prince I etinoTRabblesf Children's Chords anid Orchestra Frederick Stock 4. FRID)AY l*E-N~lx, )IAY 3_S Miscellaneous Artist (Concert com] ' I- I On the Stage and Screen ipleted by Contralto Organ Conductor Conductor Soprano l Contralto Tenor Baritone Conductor Violin "onducting 1 Soprano Conductor Conductor Piano Conductor Aida Amnneris Radames Amnasrob is-King) Conductor1 tit orders4 t.CCCC~ TODAY AND FRIDAY ONLY Dou. te* ashngLover! Cc Guaranteed Not to Rip Anywhere BrND and stretch, twist and turn Bas you will in No-Rip under- wear. There will be no rips to mend --no binding or .pinching. Yet there is plenty of room where it is needed, and all strain points and points of wear are specially rein- forced. Elastic webbing doubled at points of greatest strain. Hori- zontal buttonholes--always hold. Come in and let us fit you with a suit today. (Guarantee If a No-Rip, Suit rips anry- where, we will give you a new suit FREE. University Choral Union Chicago Syrnpeoiy Orchestra Fredecrick Stock Percy G~rainuger S.5A TURD1)AYV A TERN(OWN, MAY 19 Symphony Concert Percy Grainger Chiicago Symphony Orchestra Frederick Stock G. SATURD)AY EYENIN(G, MAY 19 A IlA-Verdi CAST OF CHARACTERS Lce CKruse Jlarg-uerite i)'A lvarez Paul Altioist' Mario Basiola Chbase IBaronico (:1hica go Symuphtony Orchestra University Choral Ujnion Karl V. Moore Guest t { (Rampli Ann Arbor Dry Goods Co. {. I6 S. Main St. ' _. SEASON TICKETS---$5.50, $6.00, $7.00. Mai Sfilled in sequence, (enclose 1 7 cents for registration). Address : CHARLES A. SINK, President, _ i 3:35 85c 50C ]9ch 7:00) 8:40) Wec 75Sc O"c o f f 'I i AOM," &VT 2 SGC3q[ fl E / The boy who never grew UP! The chap whose smiles steal into your heart! Whose hair-raising stunts thrill! And whose ad- ventures create joy focr you--and you-and YOU! He's here again. STAGE Presentation Unusual COL. FRED LINDSAY (In Person) Teaching the Art of the Don Q-Whip STAGE - STARTING SATURDAY:' The Genuis Is Here Again! FIRST STA R---They tell fne you'll endorse any cigarette for a consideration.. 7} SECOND) STAR--"Sure, so long as the consideration isn't that I give up my Chesterfields!" I HLON CHN ' }s" "t; r', :~ 'S!:. a ; . - E" .L" pI -, z '1Y Ir+ "P Alk aft Now ed. I Vk a1 I I I tw i I TJ jr,,