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March 08, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-08

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". fr





II IQ IDCV I.Nior' te: This is tle fourtb of same time offers many opp~
't fl 5 es01fcd t iiWC articles o~n carnpus 111-
EfE Stno~ii it o tis intei'led to develop their his- by means of its numerous c(
tor} >!)d m a or hriimcipes 0or0ogallizatiul for the experience in group
AlA ST C MIN[ER I tion. More than 250 wome:
LIOTSelf government for tihe women of tively engaged in the exeen
Au~ no CO L i r~of the organization. The 14



jfunction of the Women's league. Up-
on enter'ing the university every und-
ergraduate woman becomes a member
fof the league, and for the remainder of
her years in the university she is sub-


_~~1LIL~~tZ ~ LTEL ject. to its rulings. A fee ofo
P~resident1 Of Mutne Workers C'npai lar is included in her annual
Agaist ~e O PrvateI~o~ce fee, thereupon entitling her to
IEnforcing Ijntos pirivileges and activities of the
Iii ~ i.iiI~i~fS ILife membership, which assure.
I~v ssoiatd )en's league privileges andt
I'rss.privileges after graduation, co
WASHINGTON, lNlarch 7--Depict-j undergraduate $40 if paid befoi
ing (deplorable economic condi Jons inmencement, and costs the g
in the central comxnetitive bit umin- 1$50.
cns fields, John L. Lewis, president Established in 1890, the fir'
of the United Mine Workers o'' Amer- ten constitution of the IN
ica, today laid the situation pri;;urily league was3 drawn up in 19:
to what he termed a conspirarcy , tat time the constitution appli
among the railroadls.; to thoe who voluntarily joir
This conspiracy has a two-told organisation, so it. was natura
purpose, to reduce coal costs to the Ian organ of self-government
carriers and to keen down the level time. Membership became au
of wages for miners and railroad j inl1920, and its was then agre
men, Lewis charged as he presented I dues should be collected by ti
the opening statement for the now surer of the university. The
unemployedl union miners in the Sen-! has always been, however, the
ate investigation ordered under the by which all Michigan womE
Johnson resolution. 1 come to know one another.
While making this the primaly i The Women's league, throt
foundation for his complaint, Lewis IHonor Point system, directs t1,
detailed many otfior factors entering _te fwmn tdns n
into the whole equation of the ills I
that. beset operators and union and A P IT C M IT
Iron-union miners alike,.lie protest-1

one do0l-
3all the
s Wom-
osts the
re corn-
"st writ-
14. At
iod only
ned the
ally not
at that
~ed that
hre trea-
ten may

er ates tnrought nine commi
life membership, undargradu
paign fund, social, point sy
cational guidance, house, hou
i iation, League booth, and bas
1 nittees; and is governed byt
l of Directors, the Board ofI
tatives, and the Judiciary (i
Th-e Judiciary council, con
the president and the vice;
together with one senior
I juniors who are elected at
nual election, has charge of
ters of conduct and house rc
as are referred to it by
(Continued on Page
Ileann Gildersleeve Of Baritl
To Deliver Lecture; Is Pry
lit Educational Wo]
i.nr+ l r r C' Z 11 *CIV

ortun ities ji The "M11arch Hare" number of the' them being a toast to the depar tedf ir i i
Co leic on Of Dues I Gargoyle makes its appearance on' the Boulevard. a one-act play entitled ! I"!O 1[ 0B IC
coopera- I -Ifpus todiay. Due to the large sale "The Mother," "Gintime Stoies f5or
m are ac- 1('ontiuing the c ampaign for the w~hich the issue for last month ex- the Kid dies," "A Little Bridge," and FI I
tive worka collec tioni of the senioi literairy class! perieniced, more than the usual Inum- j"The Radio Man Talks About Spring.[RESE
league op- iduies, $231 was taken in yester day, itI ber of copies are being issued in I Matrin Cohen and Margaiet Gentz [T H SI
ittees, the was announced1 by officials oZ the preparation for a big sale. have contributed a new section of the
uate cain- [class.Tbs with $1 for Tedy The cover by Lou Spaldiiig affords magazine, labeled "Animal Cracks" WALSH AVND HARE
'stem, vo- mnakes atis, of$1210coletesdtay rather startling effect in red and and modeled after tire department of E N BITTER ASS,
use organ-n date i otal oivef$2colletds o blue, and humorously depicts the that nature which al ears wekly in MAJORITY P
iarcmcotiuintteButn ler troubles ofa mad hatter, A wood-cut "Life."_
Represen- i25 will be given to the wNomen's lea- editorial matter a. startling send-off. pears with reviews of a great deal of
ou ncil. i Good illustrations are predominate ! the latest music. "The Old River
mrposed 0? Pwr of Ic ay ad O throughout the magazine. iMan" and other ""Showboat" music,
prsdnt lyan tnrtrrof d e.; e mae tatvso-anILoe" Opened By Visit 01
praidet, da~ an toorrw t rc prsenaties Short features are plentiful, among "My Ohio Home," "TeMnILvToThe 1fi
and two oft sa iea' lste~r Dream Kisses," and "The WhitemanloTeMii
tthe an- IlYII [C Stomp" are among those reviweed by1evh ilb ttoe rm1t (By Associatecd
iuh lat o'clocl:in the afternoons of both UWASHL[JNtisTeparmen.ar
egulations ii L Among the books reviewed in the WSIGOM
iniiul;idyaind tmirowiLIthe lbby I Ao'AA lII Gargoyle are "Iron and Smoke" by fashioned political for,
Twoelsrl. l iii!i iiiShelia Kaye-Smith, "Vaudeville" by Iaewt asDm
First year lawv students on tire UON L ULUUICL TOPL Aben Kendell, "Certain Rich Men" setts, defining the issuk
[omie - clas oricaluto re rqetdby Meade Minnigerede, "A President cmag spopr
PEC .,ycs fls om epyetherRcnoAfc O Lin~gy vi eIs Born" by Fannie Hurst, "The Ugly vru culuepo
c~~L ues, in additioik to d ae t of erRen set fLvicoyWl i oerssictal unempo
hie lo icO niesi Let 3 Duchess," by Lion Feuchtwauger, andacogesnldy
jtreei t class, m. to tire $5 limit set opc l UnvrstyL' hr By "Eden"bMraSireehan of highlights except f
TfDII for the seior literary class dues. International Authority by uy cn.tie Sonata coal investi
IUI j A tH The House, after pu
FIPAEAKERI NOTDI U THORpublic healthr service
Id (T D N ASISOCITPofIhaceyJuayoftheanctivities and fixingu
114 Cleg ' Hun' IS fN l AY STUDENTncy ASSOCIAThe ni-IN that service, got down
roflil( nt vers ity of Wisconsin, internationally L iffM f jllcultural bills on thek TOc1Y12-ESlvratrvrivlcuehiea SC fteblswsft
IIIKj known z oological authrity, will de- OA S UMIYIIYIMP a F little 'slow-motion l
o ler a 1nivriy ectue reatu41roaheblsa frt
1 11 Trr~uAT 1 S t> f1;,. ,>, +I . ,*.,+--1 IifUor c ttn. It9

n RL
'9ation Is Also,
.)r Cerninttee
g FI"eld
,rch 7.--An old-
xay in the Sen-
crat, Massachu-
.e of the coning
'ity propaganda
oyment, featured
otherwise devoid
for inception of
utting through a
bgill expanding
up pay rates of
to smaller agri-
calendar and did
legislatinig. One
lie study of new
,o h ack tomor-

ed vigorously against the use of iron
and coal and other private police
clohIxed with tire sovereign powers
of tire state aird against tire opera-
tion of injunctions issued by the
federal courts to restrain the union

! h) ;ri dt~~ai O fI I na 1 ~dition al

ugh its Book To Be Larger 'Thn Ever Before.
ie activ- Miss Virginia C. Gildersleeve, dean1 ill Iwiv Many _Newv Features,
Iat tire of Barirard college, New York city. And Nov'elty ('over
will speak here on the regular series - t
TEE5 o°University lectures next Monday PICE ROOSTED TO $5.501
aferiroon, it has beeir announced_ _
fromr the ofizce of Dr. Frank Rob-: Sale of thre 1928 Michiganensitanz
bins, assistant to the President. Thie wlE n rdyngt lcrtheor
sNubject of Dean Gildersleeve's 1 lec 1 r or thre number of copies to he
tre will ibe "hIternationral Friend-I
(iitowaship Through University Women." printedl will lie placed withr tre pulb-
dntm. Miss Gildersleeve, who hras hrad a lisher, according to an anirouncenment
long and promiinent career in wo-! made yesterday by Wayne Brownell,
men's educational circles, was borI '28, business manager of the pubhi-,
A in New York city and attendedI ca'. ion. This year less than 50 extra
NAME! Brearley Preparatory scirool, i New ies will 1)e ordlered, it is reported1
n o I ;York. She graduated fronm Barnard by hBrownell, wNhicir will make it

o'clock this Friday iii the Natural
,-oipnop anriitnrinm T-Tia -,rnhiec.t ling



11Lnci In )
Abrogation o tire Jacksonville o1 Ii
wage agreement before its expiration I - A
also was dwelt upon at lengthl, and WSGUSS TA D]
Lwscle ateto thaog;tire first two companies to break the 1 Aplpintment ofc
wage contract were the Consolidation 1hainrdle tihe various sp
Coal company of West Virginia and 1 waa the principle bustr
the Pittsburgh Coal compa ny, of bthSudtconi
Pennsylvania. IHe assertedl that John '~ h tn~tcuc
D. Rockefeller, Jr., is a conitrolling jir"tn edls ih
factor in the former, while the latter !Johni Starrett, '28E.,
is generally recognized in financial to take chrarge of cap
circles as a Mellon concern. I Sauer, '2S, was made c'
In concern withr this action by these < pri'hg games COiMaM
two- c(C rtanies, Lttiildisclosed new , de 2IE a e
c crr, ponience that. after' tho wage cr,1whtwr
agroenment s ha l-A eenr broken limeask-E
0(1 Piresident Coolidge whether tire spring in connection wi
federal governmenrt, whichr had been j sectioin, and H-enry Gr
inst'rmenta~l in bringing abou1t the George Annable, '28,


11 O iutlent . - vt an Acc* 4 tfS bi

row to the anti-lame duck congress

pring functions 11899, and a year later received herI themr on gcn'eral sale. This nunmber
nstrsel a ter' degree at thre same ummver- i s less thar a hlf the armount of ex-
1at itsreua iyn 1900. She received hrer lb . ILrtas printed last year.;r
it at the Union. degree in 1908 and was awarded an ('o0ic m nay still1)b ordered~ to(day1
LL. D. degree from Rutgers ini 191_(i.a ndltoamorrow at, thle Press buildin g,
was appoinited Sire was air instructor iii English .ct ie ,e f 5.0whc wn-it
night, Russell at Columbia university for seven I effect at tihe earliy part of the week.
chairmran of the years followiing her graduation, unrtilI The book this year will incorpor-
iittee, Richard 11907, amid was assistant pirofessor in ;ate at narb~er of new features vhich 1
,igniatodl to_ take ;tire same departmenrt until 1910. Siiiee nhave nbt beeit preCsentetcllh previousf
m ay arise this 1911 . she has beemn full professor of 'Emsians. Tire book this year will bel'En is a d de n o B r a d c l eg , a g r th n v r a t e p s , a d aj
inntec'28,ind and shre is also a dii'ector at tire pres-andmoaoelty cover' is being' plannied. The
were appointed ent tinme of the Brearley school, and laff lhas b~een at work since early
iprng letiosof the Masters' School, aim Episco- ;last fail, and if present plans mra-
ere all made by palian educational institution. teriatjize thon book 'evi be off the
8, president of ! T I pr'ess by tire early p~art of Alaoy, as
T Iit hras beeni for several years past.
) unertaen b v~1i IN L BeTire sales of the 'Eirsian tis yeai'
neglect ors the C Gandi*date Nor Wil I have. beerm time largest ever' recorded,
eshmen to w,?a:'" I~-J-4 4 and tnhis fact as made possible a
'It was decid- ilHe U h l Al Sm'ith um~ber of additions to tire puiblica-
investigate tire ? t Iion.

been aiinouunced as "Recent Aspects of
Limn ology."
According to Dir. Paul S. Welch of
tire departmreirt of zoology, Professorj
Juday is one ofth ie foenmst experts
in the field of limnology, hravinug in
conjunctionr with former President
lirge of WVisconsin conduct-ed an ex-
haustive researchr into tire physical, If
biological, anrd chemicali factors which'l
determine biological pr'oductivity in
fresh waters.
I his investigationis Professor
Juday has examired -several hundred
of the Aisconrsiin lakes, and h Iis lec-
ture hrere Fi'iday will consist iin thre ;
mrain of a summary of i'ecent progresst
andi discoveries in the field of im:nol-,
Professor J uday, who is author, and-I
co-aiuthror with Dr. E. A. Birge, of
numerous articles and wor'ks ontji
limnology amnd kinidred subjects, is
famous as tire originator' of the revo-
lutionary theory that it i's possible for"
faunra to exist conrpietelyT without oxy-
gen at thme bottomr of deep fresh water
lakes. This theory, according to Pro-
fessor Welchr, led to thre upsetting of j
mranry long-hreld zoological tenets, the
promotion of extensive research work,
and helped mark Professor Juday as
1an inteirnational authority in his field.
League Makes M'ov7eI
To. Investigate 2,000
St. Gothard Weapons
( Bc \As'ociated Pre ss.
GENEVA, March 7.--he trouble-'
sorae St. Gothard machrine gun inci-
dent broughrt before tire council of tire
League of Nations by the Little Fen-
tente after 2,000 automatic weapons
had been foundidnm a freight train on
Hin T-irriU1d ia. 4 frmif ort1L1'v "wont

iuuen d : tit: t t 1 ssotsl . tri r ah ,y

1.11.QUL 11111G111.,Q1 111 "1111Fj lll&j Q. AIUU,?, lily:


Jacisonville conference, intendled to
interfere amnd lie r'eceived a negative
i'eply. This was in Novenmber and
Decenmber, 1925.
The [:President wrote *thmat thle gov'-
ermnemnt was not a party to tire con--I
tract and consequenrtly had no status
in enforcemenrt. lie suggested that
the unions take tire matter into tire!
c'ourts, adding that if no enforcenmenit
could be foundl thre "thle law nmaking
powers should enact ire legit lat ive,
mieasuire necessar'y to enablie the,
coui'ts 10) give surr(ielief in the fil-
t urie."
n tire stolid befor'e the inrterst ate
commerce conmuoittee all day, Lewiiis
read init(otiere ic'ord a 50-page state-
nicent of conditions amid wound urp
wih - gestnonrs foir retmedies for
oueof tire i-4 of threidi'stry and
tire: wor'iers. Chief amnong t hose was
IIIh! cuni'"f of time power of tire fed-
cral ('ourts to issue inunctionis inl la-
bor' disputes and airanmendmenrt of
th e inteirstate 'ommiier'ce act, so ''as to
lroveen1 tiereiailroads from practicingE
bittimiinous industry, further depress
nmethrods designed to exploit thre
wageI9s- aird dUS!Tmoy t11- iuler

to take char'ge of the s;
Thre appoilclienits we
( ourtiand fStmrith, '28
tire council.
A di:scussioti was also
the council as to the
ipai t of numbers of fre
thei' fmreshmn "pots."
ed by the counicil to

Plans For' Ealisting C'ouncilors fight.
For' Fresh Air Ciamp The Senate's real business was
Muscle Shoals, and it finally got back
GRAFTON SHOWS MOVIES to that with Heflin, of Alabama, 'shout-
Forie cninonoms o treStuen ISmroot, of Utah, answering charges
Former councilors of th tdnt vo idespread unemployment circu-
Christian Associationi Freshr Air camp 1 latedl by Wagner, of New York, in get-
tend ae ediri'mrsaoditeracuty te nghis department of labor investiga-
Uenioni astnigft.maladnsnerate ? ion thr'ough, brought down on Iris
Unio lat nght 'Plns aredis head a dleluge of Democratic oratory.
cussed for tire enlisting of presenrt
studntsof te Uivesitya~scou Such stalwarts of partisanr political
studentsfof the comnivesityase oun uses for cotton. It goes back tomor-
oieresthe coingnmploae.aoutdebate as Walsh, Massachusetts, H-ar-
60 miles north of Ann An'bonr, on Lake xisnMisspiaroteshrd
in a thr'ee houir assault on alleged
Patterson, is coinducted by tire associa- Rpbia igvrmn. Te
tion for fathrerless amnd otherwise;R eptulianswereisgor nhenmt. pte
undemrprivileged boys of Detroit and , etuasee o iems at
Ann rbo. Lat yar ive ectonseven Smoot vanishing from his place
of 100 b)oys each were hreld. F+inan- jIfe trigte por n h e
cialsuipC~'t O) ins~roectis i pl~ican side of the aisle being very
bia spport ot h i roet bs ienthrinly populated at all times.
by stdent andinterested people ourt-I
sid tieImvriy In the H-ouse, Representative Cole,
IProf. F. N. Mvenefee, chair'man* Prof.i Maryland, took the oath. He has been
EV.Jtean PrfLMGolI ill since before the session started,
faculty representatives of the camp bth si lnyo iefrtr
conrmittee gave informal talks at the major political engagements of thre
biamiquet. They stmessed time lesson 'ixE year, as the alien property bill is still
pracical social psychology that can I the siingle big new law put on the
be gainedl by acting as a header at the books.
camp. Four of the last year's leaders Aside frm tire opening of the
told several initeresting incidents with Senate coal investigation, which had
thre boys, that have happened at the° a curtain-raiser in the visit of a sub-
camp. commnittee to tire coal fields, other
Dir'ector's at this camp are exclu- Senate comnmittee activities included a
1sively students of the University. The start on the effort to find the why and
superintendent is picked by thre camp, wherefore of the cotton price slump
committee. He, in turn, picks his last year and what connection it had
special instructors and tent headers with department of agriculture state-
for tire summer. Threod ore l-or'nberg- 'i ents on prices; tire judiciary conn-
er was thre superintendent last year. Imittee got going again on the anti-
The one for this year has ;not yet !labor injunction matter; the foreign
been selected, relations committee put its foot down
M~otion pictures, taken by Hom~ner , on the Heflin resolution for the with-
Graftonr, business manager of the drawal of marines from Nicaragua;
camp amnd the Student Christian as- I the patents committee went ahead
sociat ion, were shxown at tiemeecting ( with radio aspects of the proposal to
- --~----declare suchn rights forfeited where
INQUIRY REOPENED monopoly is practiced; the banking
committee heard opposition to thre
1 uN TEAP'-OT DOME proposed loan restriction measure.
I-ouse committees had a little easier
(By Associated Press) time of it, although tine immigration.
WAS(-IINGT©ON, March 7-Reopen- ;hrearing on quotas for Mexico drew 'a
inmg its inquiry into tire Liberty bond startling declaration that white labor
profits o? tire extinct Continental was leaving Texas because of tire
Tr'adi nig (connpaimy, tire Senate Teapot Mexican influx.
Donme conmnittee will call five wit- And between times, as usual, both
nesses tomorrow,ali of whom are to' houses found tinme to slip through a
be: questioned as to what bonds wer'eI few local b~ridge bills. They are
received by the hRepublican nation'al mighty impiortant when political
conmmittee. fenrces at honme have to be kept in
Those called ar'e VWihianiD. Ior'deir.
I-odges, of Denrver, treasur'er of theFid
Republicain national committee;~ M.Gr a B it n
J. Pc ssin, a New York advertising'
main; Jannes A. Pattn, Chicago grain Difficulty In Eo'vpt
conmmissioner; Walter J.. Malatesta, t-
air associate of tire hate Fred W. Up-I In- Note Sent There
.ham. one-time treasur'er' of tieRe t-
publican co m mu ittee, ardid M iss F. H . T ~ fXTn %.Unroh- Thp ct~rr tp

matter with a view to taking action inj
tine near future if the situation is not
enedied. Other' traditions, such as
thme wearinmg of cap-s amnd gowns by
sen-or-, were also discussed by thre
coumncil amid it was decided to nmake an
effort to gaini an ohbservationi of these
custonis ilis spring.
The possible training of time mew
st adiunr was taken up by tire council
a-s a conmmittee of tire whole, and fin1al
act ion vas trot taken for the reas.on
thrat it scenmed to b)etire conrcensus of
opinion thrat the Aresemnt comnioni
tiaie, tine ":Aiclnlgain Stadium," was as
sa l'sfactoi'v as could be founid at
pre'senit, and pend~ing proposal of' a
'bettet' titlhIle matter was tab~led.
ELlis :Merry, _'28, miadle tire report
which lie prear'ed as a result of at-
-temding tire Aid-WeA studenrt confer-
emnce at Boulder', Color'ado, two weeks
..go. Menrry reportedh that mnost of the
tine wias spcoat in discussing tine var-

I(I x Assoc iated lr-'ss -
DE TROIT, Marchm 7-Senator' Wood-
bridge N. Femris, .Denmocrat, will riot
b tw a caundidate for' re-eection this
fall and lire will not surppor't Gov. Al
Sumithm of New fom'k, [or' the lrmoct'a-
tic nomniration for president.
This was revealed iin a lettem' Semma-
tor Fer'ri~s wrote to William A. Cent-
stock., Demrocratic natiornalcornit-
cmitemnfrom Michiganm, 'eceived todhay.
T'ine senatorin',aravowvoild(dry', declar'ed
lire would support Senator' Thommas 3.
W Nalsh, of Montanra, also adr'y, for'
tire Democratic presidential noniinia-
The Fer'nis letter was nregar'ded by
ilNigan Demnocratic leaders as thme
first coniseqluential blow at a solid
SumithIidelegationi fromrMichiganr to
the Houstoni comivention. It had long
been doubtful if Senator Ferris, who
s76, would be a caindidate 'for' me-
electioni, but he hand steadfastly re-
used until tine pr'esent letter to dis-
amass thre subject or to anrnounnce his
choice for president.
His letter was inn neply to one senrt
him by Comstock inn wich it was
1sugges-tedl that the senatoi' beumade
temporam'y chairmnm of tire1Denrocra-
t tic state conrventionr at Por't Hrn
- May 9. Comistock also wr'ote that
- Michigan Demnocrats Nwere "set on tire


1,-1N A It DE lSIO TO BEW 11)1;' to comnmittee." Ther'e it is expectedi
MONDAY A1I" FRNOON WHEN to repose. until tire represenitatives of
I : C' REtICONVEN11tES; Holland, Cilue and Finland, wino ar'e
' to investigate it, are ready to report
AtMourin'm mng ithotn'eachinig a de- to thre full assenmbly of thre League
cisioti for the third t ilme in as ,n-a nyin etmbr
days, tire faiclty oz the College of? The reference to comnmittec was ac-
Literature. scienmce, amnd the mArts ! ordinmg to programr, but the for'mal
again nieglected to take ac'tion on time dsatemenits fromthre two sidles to the
U ~niversity College p)roject yesterday dispute, Hutngan'y arid thre Little En-
aft ernooii. A mnneeting for' the puripose ;tetdevelopedl sonne repartee wich
of ~ iig afinl bllo onthethrieatenred to becomre acute.
of oling afialbalot o tmeques- Geineral Tanczos, representativeC of
tioet will be hoeld on Monday aften'- Hungary, said in iris prepared state-
n.mxlerlefclywl eon


Se aeForeign ',ion 's of suet oenet
j~ Acralnst as unrdertaken also by the council,
Troops ' nd it wa, decidtid to con sidemr a site
ca in N c raou in tine Am'boretumr, if thre Sleepy Hol-
Le . r7ing Niaragualokw location is not available because
-- 'l of the new irhospital. Starrett willI


It was originrally expected by of-
ficials in c'har'ge that action would be
takenr yesterday, throurghr a continuna-
tion of tire dehbate whnich hlas char-
acter'izedl the proceediings thnroughnout
thre weekpiprevenited tire proposition
I-onir neaching a finral decisioin. Thins
far five tfacultines; have approved of
the t'nivernity College, and one fac-
itx, th at of tire Colleges of Enigin-
coring amid Arcohitecture, hras r'ejected
thre plant.'The questiomn will go to tire
! oard of Re gents at its Mar'ch meet-
ing to be he01d1]Mar'ch29.

nment thrat tire attitude of Rumania,
Czecho-Slovakia and Jugo-Slavia re-
spectimig the St. Gothard guns was not
of tine sort to improve relations be-
tween ineighnbors. Whren Foreign Min-
ister Titulescu, of Runrania., pretested
that tire gemner'al was "pouring oil on
E flames," tire lattem' replied that Ire oinly
spoke after' nature reflection. Thnis
brought tine retort that tire matter be-
came more serious because of that
I Signer Sciohoja, of Italy, closed the
discussion by suggestirg that all
points be left to tine speciai commit-



(14 ssocatedI'res.)I have charge of selecting this site.
V;ASh iINGTO)N, Marci 7.-Tire Son- A report onrtine convocations showed
te forecign elationms committee wenit time pnograms to be in a healthny finan-
In record todaty against withrawal vial condition, amid it was also air-
fAnrerheau rneis from Nicaragua; nounced that there will he anrother
ntil after' the f'ulfillmnt of the ;Sunmay conivocationi on Mar'chn1S.
grecarent entered into with tine coin-± Two of these services hrave beef
endinig factions there for thre super-- scineduled for' tierenenainder of thec
ision of tire presidential election ;spring.


r normnationi of Gov. Albeit F. Smith."



y'which Great Britain presented' to
to E. B. Eeklart, a Chicago niller. Eyt ttmgi fetta h rt
Rogbers is to he qouestioned about Eyt ttn'i fetta h rt
Iwhat becamre of the Libier'ty bondis ishr will not grant full independence
~:winch Hlarr y F. Sinrclair tur'ned over to thrat counmtry at present, heas--been
to the Repubican organization inn 1923 ;coupled with the "holy wxa" in
.to hnehp wipe out the deficit conmg Arabia which mnay affect British re-
over fron tire 1920 pr'esidential cam- lations thnroughout tme Near East to
paign. Miss Johnson, Patteti and Mal-- thre bor'der's of India.
ate'sta are to lbe interrogated along, Political dispatches toinight ifrom
the same lines. , Egypt say that the situation here is
________-- - Ifr'aught, with uncertainty and excite-
MEETING W'"rILL BE merit. Egypt is without a cabinet,
i bnt tire nationalist leader, Nahas
'17 O 'N T 7 7 fl A Phashna, after an hour's audience with

next October. - -
With~~~ bu w rtredsetn N INERS VIEW i4 Reconstructionr of a giant phyto-
Vote.s, tine committee, after weeks 01{ TR F IC M VI SII ln al rectiitcofpitsus
heatinn :TadPAFsczssIn oMOVIEanSaursaid to epresenit a entin'. ."y ;-nmst- have been between. 315 and 40
adverse repor't on tire Heflinresole-; ----- nI ew genus of this extinct faimily feet in length, accordinrg to Professor
tion which wo uldi declare it to) be time Ti'affieciproblem;r; in New York andi somnewhrat akin to) dinosaui's aind mhymr Case.
sneofteSenrate' that the marine; tire constr'uction of the city's new sub- This phmy esaum' was somnething like
souse of the ochnephaltonrs is now iii progress inn ;
be withdrawvn immrediately tom prevenrt way, tie Fort Wvaynre gas plant, amid a ci'ocodile inn general build, extreme-I
tine loss of mnore American ives iii the -tire hrarnnessinrg of water power' in tinh ielbraoy e'ebrteplc nly poCwr'fulamid predhator'y, anid prob-I
conflicts Avitht time SandingQ forces. -Sierrma Nevada mnounntainrs were tetology. Thne work is beinig coniductedabylvdiswmsndresl -
Sp.eak:ing for a majority of the IHnighn lighits of tire film shrownurnrder by Pr'of. Ermine C. Case of tir eol ineg- on thne snmaller' formns ar'ound it,
c'onmittee, Chnairmaun Borahi issuedo a Itire auspices of time Anmericani Society ogy departmient, wxho discoverecd thne isaid Professor' Case.
sAulh1-flf'fl1 avin1o-thaftimhe agreenment i of Civil Enmginers at Natural Science fr'agmnents of tire phnytosauri'last sunsi- Whon finally prepar'ed and mnoutnted,

"ragnrents ir thre imuseumn to recoin-
truct the appear'ance of the animal.
Time University's Tria ssic collectiorn,
largely gotteni together by tire collec-
tioni expeditions of tire University mu-
seum, is rated by Professor Case as
onre of tine best inn tine wor'ld.
This latest skull was found on a
farm wcich Professom' Case hind visited



Threre will be an inmportant meeting
f? tire judiciary conmmittee of tireI
iter-fr'atermnity council next TuesdayI
ight, Mlarch 13, in thne office of
oseph A. Btursley, Cean of students.E

tional go)verninent would be formed as
long as a constitution exists.
The British note, which apparently
dr'opped like a bonmbshell in Cairo po-
litical cir'cles after the breakdown of
negotiations for Anglo-Egyptian al-
liance, makes it clear to tire Nile
country that Great Britain will not

twice before without success. Last, All petitions which are to b)econidi(-
summner, hrowever, lie discovered tire Iered at that nieetirng must be in tire
tip of thne plrytosaui's snout ;stickimig imanids of either Dales A. Knrapp, '28,


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