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March 07, 1928 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-07

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V AGE S3. s.















Toleo QuntOBoass 6lod teerd q fy Ilrert, F. Tedder
Toled Quitet wi~t %~od Il, r(;.r tl . first time in the history of Conference indoor track meets, the
While ildi-('oelOed tcrcii '(,I'car l ]W'i tftl wxi l be Loxva C tyi steaid of Patted gymnasium. This
lI~i IU('4 wei ~ cu 1 ~' xv I e fact at Iowax' s new iel d hiouse will not, cramp the athletes
~AL''~ 10' IhIPI, 7'21(1 l (a .l a gbter 'VInci, ono in which track events will be decided
TrE N W I'VLL MIVAKE T i i " 'o;)' ',!:w a i lrof the draw a, was so often the case 1in
-- 1(1 <~'II Ui~a.\ t i ll elimlinate running back c;'Lt'Iesiandis as
) awing thle curitain s on the 14i cli- form _
ga n haslket ball season, the ""3''d VuIt A 2 t i a hia X ngcr amphitheater shoutldi result ini ailet ter
c'haii' I1 '< ii t; n as asna1 OslieIo.,e.veets'i
itv s~nrt] will eave forToledo t- 'h . - . of:( ('oiilp2 H " i. iice i d a aepsil to"teveet"i

Although counted out o: the racej points while countering with onli
for the Conference hasket ball titl050
E-vent Pr'omiises To Be The Greatest cv hicaohl oc ene' ie-,,ileWl teghnM~ op
sic etWSJtat'iae ince about the middle of the Ciec hlhCah Vene'sfve(-wWl l MyExeted To MaheIu~d('rp
Sic ~ee a nu rt( to a low offensive margin, this al-1, &O X)wtdr~~M~ 11d
Three Seasons Ago lpioishil) chase, the Wol erine cinI though the A) 'aiolons were dlefeated Far Outfield Berth
_______ tet, closedl the season. i xii ian iiuntie- 'll bhoth encouinters. Michigan tallieud
CARDED FOR MARCH 16, 17' niable rush, statistics priove. only 22 baskets and 10 free trowsi OOSTERBAAN TAKES REST
Enern telat(i t 2 f h against the Maroons for 54 points_____



«,'iti rynt , fi .) - i r~i I' 1-gamTIe camipaigni, uia(1 . Corge as' coTTit as (MIwith 'lilcago's i42.

. tS

day, where hey will meectthe T 'o- VaI a:i.s "1i1 :r>r llacettdi a 60)
](edo University tive ill the final game yard p~i >1.cl ib' 60 4<vr d liigh l
of the year.ad! : v a. iisni
The ~~~~ ('V1eenlat '1) ': F.A:,I .k
The Tledoteam hashad awiei ila I' Pu ! 1.:c E cn ,i a i i1b1( (on-
;;ucceesitul seasoit while Ithiat of ; erei , ;erit
Coach Kipke's ceha~irges has lbeen only t(f ir'l lhP<' ,I
mediocre as they have won five oult Cd.(,avc1 i.f Michigan,
of ten;giwn'es. This has heen lhart.- I Li 11 iit'tai cE>#' ti 'll , ana
Cuhel o''i:ow:i xv ci) lu ished second,
ly due to tho continual changing o: zil1~i' atvei r
the players from one,.squ~ad to the Iil slrlIl',> 0 il r x
otlher. With the (1whole team av aila- p( ee ?toi a cil. tr ljs ofOhio, Nwinner
I le for tolight 's enicoutter it is ex- a year a 'a v clrtir;; ut to be in -
pected that the "B" (i'niwill make eligil, a 1;<:, i P Wconsin. a
a very (creditaible showing. '-tood main.
Toledo ih eal s .Millsboro }it may be, hoxvc',r that t he above
The Toledo quintet has a victory quartet, will "Ocld to a nc w crop of
t~o its credit over the M illsboro five, mnen, since lI cat er 'P. far fromt hisj
which lost a one ont(eiso obest, form hull 11 'i'flanicii has be
Alma's fast 'team. 'T'he Alma squad loiiiing i'e ,i ,l P t'iiI ,rk, tbeing me-
has ;recorded two wins over the Well- Mltted(linEi il for1 a'ittimle. Cuhel,
v'erine cagers this Season, once. at, t h trtA er and I'1O stal',roily be
Alma andt againi in the field house. drawn iin1 the spr1intsa for ira other
In the latter contest the Maize anti events.
Blure team had a big lead at the half Several nexx ni taled as most po-
lint afte 1 le Iest ieno ittential point wiine(rs and may force
I he vtafter the retsl'tbapeiciod.Jor
slumped, a t endenicy which has beenth eoalsiote acrw.J-I
dispaye onsevraldiferet oea-don cfI Ioxwa is ai star of the first
Si~lSthi yar.xxt r, havirng heat en the C.A.A.
lionsthis ear.sprinters a few weeks ago. Illinois,
In its other games the "B3" team~ hoping to take the lion's 'share of
has twice taken the measure of Al- pithsucvrdtoo he
bion and duplicated this perform- good new men including Kaufman who
ance against Ypsilanti. It split in ran a 60 yard trial in :06.5 Saturday.I
a pair of games with lKaamazoo col- Others are Lee and Patterson for the
lege, hut lost the verdict in a single uilni.
encounter with the' Kalamazoo Nor- Micihigani will place relianco on two
mial cagers. It _also dropped a con- new men, Chapman and Grodsky int
test to Detroit City college. the point scramble. Chapman looks.
Squal Namied For Trip to be the best of the Wolverines at
The ten men who will make the present, beating or halving with
trip with Coach Kipkie are Nyland, H-ester ill :06.5, and should place.
Kanitz, IRaisamio, Lovell, Myron, M4a- 4,10 Yard Runti
grans, Cusi>_,ng 'hitt Ic, Slagle, and George Baird, Iowa's star junior, is
Bowermian.' Althoughy no- definite an overwhelming favorite t 'o capture
line-up has.;*-een announced, it. is first lhonior's iin this event, though he
quite pr'oba~ble that Kanitz and Bal- may be pushed by hip~ teammate,
xsamo will be assigned thle forward ''Bab'' (uhel, if~ the latter is entered in,
berths with Captain Nyland at the thlis e'vent. Baird has stepipedI the
pivot position anti Lovell and M~yron quarter in : 50.6 a time or two and is
at the guards. given a cliance to crack Binga Des-?
It, hals been announcet that AMA mondI's Conference record of : 50).
will be award-d to the men onl the Wrhichl has stood since 1916.
I asket ball squaad that (do not receive Indhianca still has St'eppenson who .
M's. The itaile5 of thlose to ieceive l pl1aced second ,outdoi'$s a year ago,
the awards will lie announced somte and Abromson who took a fourth.}
tinie this week. Bot h are point piossibilit ies. OrlovichI
is probabily-Illinois' hest het thonugh

Chanibers is a noi l ihe ' ? cod man.1
.Tones and lutiger appear ti be the
best Michligiian ('it ies a tid have a
chance to pick up a few points. Catlin
and B Iinger of M\inne'sot a are twoi otheri
good men. T~hough much has not been
heard of thenm this year, they were at
the top last seasin. (Clicago has a
goodtliiani in Schiulz a ml Nort hwestern
also has a goad t)uari (' miler. Ste-
phenson of Iowa is a promising man.
Ramsey anti Stowv are 'Wisconsin's

IV LII mote I21iti ) etries rei
ceivetd already the fourthl annual
Michiganit erscholastic iitoor track
meet schedunled for 'March 16 and 17
promises to lbe Itle greatest in thle his-
tory of this event which was inaugur-
atedh in 1925.
The noticeable feature of ','_s year's
entry which even nocw exceeds last
season's by 50 men is that while last
year the largest entry to lie imade by
any oine teani was 22 by Wait4 high
of Toledo, five of the teams that are
entered to (late havo surlpassedl this
record. Scott high of Toledo stand-
ing first on the list with 33 nmen en-

Veenker's Michigan toadac~ i(tutally
stood credlited with one less point
than scored by tihe oppiosit ion. H ow-
ever, through clear marginis of 22
and 2" lpoits respectively against.
jNtrthwestern and Wisconsin t lit
Iwolver ines increased t heir g;rand to-
tal to 406 points offensive'ly as opl-
piosedl to 364 points allowed defens-
2Of the 364 tallies registered against
the Maize and Blue five, 167 were
amassed by the two representatives
of the Hocosier state, Coach AWard
Lamrbervt ' Boilermakers making -D0
ini the Ito games anti Coach Everett
'Dean's Crimson making 67 in tihe

j(The difficuilty w!i attempting an Oak Park Won lit 1927,.
analysis of this event lies in hart in Oak Park of Chicago who upset the
the uncertainty pirevailinig as to whatj dope last year to capture the meet
entries the various ecaches will use. 'have yet to enter although. Northwest-
Some of the men listetd for this event e rn high of Detroit winners of the
'myrun in the mile anid other amen meet the other two years it was held
(fvrdith mlemay tunupi has entered 26.
the mle nay trn i Detroit Northiwesterni who tied for
Captain Williams of Chicago, who 'second place with the Colts last yearI
won this event last year in 1:59.5, is has enteredl 14 menl. Central high
expiected to defend his laurels though of Kalamazoo and Dearborn high have
he my tke artin he ile I~artn jsigned upII for large delegations with
of Purdue is a great nian either at a2 n 3mnetee epciey
1mile or a half, and will be withi the River Rouge will also send a large
best in whichever event lie runs. He ;aggregation composed of 20 men.
holds victories over Williams. Tooley. In view of the large entry that is ex-
of Ohio State is anothier, dangerous piectetd this year a. new plicy will lie
man, and finished second outdoors last iiite;fmaigi ato(lyme
spring.j Instead of one.y
The well-balanced Illini have two or C 3eet Will Opel March i 1
three great possibilities in the 880 The meet will be formally opened
among other things. Hamlett ran a E Friday, March 16 when the prelimnin-
trial last Saturday in 1:59.5 and Bun- aries will be run off. Saturday after-
ning finished back of hi in 2:00. noon at 2:30 o'clock the majority of
Gerby of Northwestern andl Arne of tile finals will -be completed, three
tWisconsin are outside possibilities events being held over until night.
Lomont, Michigan's representative,j These three events, the 65 yard lowj
took a place outdoors last year and I hurdles, 50 yard dash and the 880
may gain a place though lie is only :yard relay race will be run off in con-
mow rounding into shape. junction with tile Michigan-Harvar'd
The U~e m ~dual meet that will lie held the same
Illinois has sonic half dozen nn ight.
capable of tur'ning in good perform- Following is a list oif the 22 high
anes in the mile though some wil schools which have already entered:
enter~ in tine 88(0 or two mile. McElwee Poit;t Huron, Detroit Northeaster'n,
and Stine who romipedl across the fin- Ann Arbor'. Detroit Northwxesternl,
ish li$ne hand in hand last spring aazoCetlRovetigif
seem' sure entries foi' the Gillmen,I Wyandotte, Detr'oit Eastern, Redfor'd,
bothmenarecapble f dingw e1 jDoarborn, Ypsilanti, Centrial high of
bothmenare apale f dong ellColumbus, Ohio, Scott highi of Toledo,
under 4: 30. Novak is nearly as goodHihadPrDtotCnalRveI
hoghemytur'n half mie. Hgma~ ak eri }niaRvt
thouh li mayRouge, Detroit Northern, Hamtr'amck.
Petaja of 'Wisconsin and Elliot of Uierg of Toledo, F'roebel of Gxary,
Iowa, both of' whom figured in thle
scoinglas yar illliesion"c~i-Gass Tech of D~etr'oit, Lakewood, andit
scorng astyea wil bestrng on-Detiroit Western.
(Continued on Page Seven)

pair of tilts. !Captain Harrigan followed] with 59,
Lose 'Itree Of Five %xaniies after wvhich Oirwig, McCoy, and Chap-
Three of the five defeats suffer'ed man trailed in the order named. Of
by the Wolverines were received in this group, Orwig played in only 7
these four games, the other resulting gaimes, ats he was ineligible unti~l

4n the 42-41 win over Indiana.
SOhio furnished the weakest oppo-



sition to the Wolverines. In the
Buckeye ser'ies Michigan,_ although

'Acur ate Frfn i Fotul Line*
In lte matter o1' foul shooting, star-
tistic's which cover olhy those tilts
pilayed onl the field house couirt, in1-
cltiaing,, the non-Conference gannes
withi Pitt sburgh, Bradlley, Cloe, and h
rM ichigan State, the Wolveirines show-
ed themselves skilled in registering
fr'om the misdemeanior stripe by
niaking go(([ it 6 out of 91 attempts,
slight ly less thian ti wo-thirds. The
opposition took advantage of 48 out
of 87. opportunities.
In individual scoring Oostei'baan.
of course, led his mates with 129
points, an average of slightly less
thain 11 in each of the 12 games.

totalnig less than 10 noai tosses,
piled tip 40 field goals.
Against the third and fourth place
Northwestern and Wisconsin squads
the fifth pilace Michigan five earned
an enviable record; after hosing to
both of these teams on the initial
swving around tie circuit, tile _Wolver-
ies more than retaliated biy crush-
lug the Wildcats and Badgers duir-
ing the last week. Wisconsin al-
lowed 27 baskets and 10 free throws
for 64 points while counteiring with
only 45. Northwestern allowed 27
baskets and 13 free throws for 67
All freshmen and first year, menI
on the campus are eligib~le to com-
1Pete in the all-freshman track meet
which wvill lie held at 7 :30 tonight 'ini
the field house. Coach Char'les Hoyt I
is anxi ous that all memlber's of the
l'reshan'm teanm should take pait iii
thlis meet.j
M~en intending to enteir the 440 yard
dash and iie loniger' distances will 1)e
required ltot submnit to a physical (,x-
amination which will lie given be-
xvweei 5:30) and 9 tonight at flhe field!

The records in Conference games
PlJayer (x F F I~F rp
Oosterbaaii .....57 15 9 129
Har'rigan........25 9 20 59
Orwig ..........21 9 9 51
McCoy..........18 13 20 49
Chapman........ 20 5 12 45
Rose ...........11 6 12 28
ERaber........... 9 1 4 19
Gawne .......... 6 2 3 14
Barley.......... 4 1 3 9
Nyland.......... 0 1. 0 1
Lovell........... 0 0 0 0
An interesting feature is the fact
that Oc-sterbaan completed his third
season without hieing ejected once for
personal fouls.
jIt is expectedl that this meet will
attract a large numbier of the first
year men interested iii track coin-

Bennie Oosterbaan, who is taking
a wvell-earned rest pirior' to reporting,
iwas the only absentee firom the reg-
ulair practice session of the Michigan
1928 baseball squad yesterday, Ernie
3McCoy andl Dick Gawne, members of
the Varsity cage team, having reportedl
to Coach Ray L. Fisher for their in-
itial wor'kout of the year.
His position at first base being as-
sured, there is no necessity for Ooster-
bann to report immediately, but he is
expected to make his appearance at
the field house the latter part of this
week to start training preparations
for the season which is scheduled to
get underway tin April 6.
Oosterhian 3t ay Pitch
While Oosterbaan has been used in
tihe outfield and at first base in his
two seasons as a Varsity performer,
there is a possibility that he may be
in the pitching box on a few occasions
during the, impending season. Ooster-
baan has a remarkable flinging arm,
and Coach Fisher has declared that
with proper attention and develop-
ment he may be of service as a relief
or even a regular hurler.
Gawne and McCoy are both vet-
erans of last year's squad, the form-
emr hieing a pitcher while the hatter is
an outfielder. G-awne made a. few
c reditabile performances" on the mound
last season, and is expected to be a
valuabile member of this year's hurl-
ing corps.
McCoy was a substitute outfielder
last ,year, and bids fair to give the
other candidates, both the regulars of
the 1927 team andl the new aspirants, a
merry battle for a regular outfield
1 UIRBANA.-Rice institute of Hous-
ton, Tex., has entered a four-mile re-
lay team in the Illinois relays, March



All Expenses Incwluding rouil
tip st (e1J"'i h ip fareIfor Two~(
, 750
D~irectedl by II c-innr A. Oesffarais
A rrantged by ) -'navel Club,
G~rand Rapids, .)lichigan.



CONFERENCE GRAPPLERS 'i11Eii1lal1tlll1 l~tll1
(Special it -1 he Dilytn')I
B31,001\hIl N'T(N 'Alarchli6 - Iiter'- I
c e'ieg u. c xxt ahiig I an xxwill see=
t1l"hest Igra.pplers'- in the Big Tc'n
pierfom nere, Marichii2) andl24 whenl-=.
thley \Xer Ci (on fer'enc'echinmnpi on- -
rbhip1 raeld t. All .01'thecanudidatIes
i f!t:h. lig Tenl foil, the' Olympie team
wvillh;'enct ered, tI lste lebst tof
wr"eath i ;t Ialeint xwiil hue ittead
agailist each otheri.
1 _
Br w in in '
Foerlysprig warL

Colle.ge JtesTwil
Shfie ou utue I.


Y ztExecutive_ Positions
JLUST what the future holds for you will depend largely on the
Jseeds you sow during the first few years after your college days
are over. Some men will follow the easy path, the line of least
resistance. They will select the soft snap jobs, the kind that pay
fairly well now but hold no future. Others will be willing to
begin at the bottom and work their way to the top. These are
the men who will be tomorrow's leaders in~every field of endeavor.
If you are of this energetic type the Kresge Company offers you
a future rich in opportunity. We will train you to manage one
of our stores. You will be started on the lowest rung of the ladder.
You will be gradually advanced until you are thoroughly trained
in every phase of store management. Then you will be given a
store managership and a share of the profits.
Write to our Personnel Department today and we will arrange
an interview with a graduate of your own college who has already
found success in the Kresge organization,


While I was attending High School
andCollege, I spent my spare time
working in grocery and clothing
stores. Upon completion of my
college course at Illinois Wesleyan
University in 1915, I was very
anxious to connect with a mercan-
tile establishment offering chances
for advancement.
Through a friend I learned some-
thing of the plan of the Kresge
Company and was introduced to
the local Kresge manager. I was
soon sold on the idea and began
work In a' Kresge stockroom. Here,
my education was continued in a
very practical way and advance-
ment has come as fast as I have
been able to assurme larger re-
I have not had a minute's regret,
although my parents and friends
were rather inclined to think I had
made a mistake, they could not see
why I wanted to start at a low
salary and apparently throw away
the immediate benefit I might have
gained from my college course.
iHowever, my efforts have been
amply repaid and I feel that any
man who gives his best efforts to
the Kresge Company will not be
disappointed. With the company
growing as it has and with its fine
executive personnel it w~ill un-
doubtedly continue to grow, thus
enlarging the opportunities. Only
p man's ability will limit his

A Showing of
Spring Suits
50 to 65
A few
of choice English
and Scotch fabrics
45 to 50



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