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March 07, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-07

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WEDNE ...SDAY~w. M..} ARCH 7~rv . 1923 w

Published every morning -except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches creditedrto it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices:.Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
hard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor............. ........Ellis B. Merry
Editor Michigan Weekly..Charles E. Behymer
Staff Editor............... Philip C. Brooks
City Editor.. ...........Courtland C. Smith
Women's Editor........... Marian L. Welles
Sports Editor............Herbert L. Vedder
Theater, Books and Music.VincetC. Wall, Jr.
Telegraph Editor...... ..Ross W. Ross
Assistant City Editor.... Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Robert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean
J.Stewart Hooker Kenneth G.Patrick
Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaum
Esther Anderson John H. Maloney
Margaret Arthur Marion McDonald
Alex A. Bochnowski Charles S. Monroe
Jean Campbell Catherine Price
sessie Church Harold L. Passman
Blanchard W. Cleland Morris W. Quinn
Clarence N. Edelson Rita Rosenthal
Margaret Gross Pierce Rosenberg
Valbor Egeland Eleanor Seribner
Marjorie Follmer Corinne Schwarz
Tames B. Freeman Robert G. Silbar
Robert J. Gessner Howard F. Simon
Elaine E. Gruber George 1;. Simons
Alice Hagelshaw Rowena Stillman
Joseph F. Howell Sylvia Stone
J. Wallace Hushen George Tilley
Charles R. Kaufman Bert. K. Tritscheller
William F. Kerhv ldward IL. Warner, Jr.
Lawrence R. Klein Benjamin S. Washer
DonaldK J.Kline Leo J. Yoedicke
Sally Knox Toseph Zwerdlitig
Tack L. Lait, Jr.
Telephone 2121.4
Assistant Manager...George H. Annable, Jr.
Advertising..... ........Richard A. Mey%.
Advertising.............ArthurAd. Hinkley
Advertising............. .Edward L. Hulse
Advertising.............John W. Ruswinckel
Accounts................Raymond Wachter
Circulation............ .George B. Ahn, Jr.
Publication.............e.Harvey Talcott
George Bradley Ray Hofelich'
Marie Brummeler Hal A. Jaehn
lames Carpenter James Jordan
Charles K. Correll Marion Kerr
Barbara Cromell Thales N. Lenington
Mars Dively Catherine McKinven
Bessie V. Egeland Dorothy Lyons
Ona Felker Alex K. Scherer
Katherine frohne George Spater
Douglass Fuller Ruth Thompson
Beatrice Greenberg Herbert E. Varnum
Helen Gross Lawrence Walkley
t;. J. Hammer Hannah Wallen

the elimination of the lame dlucks will
requirema constitutional amendment,
and a constitutional amendment will
require a lot of trouble. The end to
be gained, however; will be worth the
price, for the anomaly of a Congress,
half of whose members may have been'
repudiated by their constituents, is a
menace not only to the principle of
representative government but to the
best interests of the legislation which1
must necessarily be enacted in the
short session.
Montreal, erstwhile opponent of the
Great Lakes to the Sea waterway, is
apparently experiencing a change of
heart, if reports from that quarter
can be believed, and the conversion is
coming about not by popular insist-
ence or by scientific report, but by the
vision of a new and gilded giant-elec-
tric power. The good folks of Mont-
real, it seems, had never quite re-c
alized just what 3,000,000 horsepower
would mean to their province until a
group of Montreal university profes-
sors recently got their heads 'together
and figured out, in dollars and cents,
the amount of wealth the project rep-
If Canada, with all its government
railroads and its conservative minis-
try, can be brought around to the
favorable view by the prospect of
power, perhaps the United States
would do well to follow a similar plan
and dangle the prospect of power be-
fore New York state. The same sci-
entists that estimate 3,000,000 horse-
power for Quebec estimate that NewI
York would gain at least 1,000,000l
horsepower from the electrical de-1
velopment, and at the current charges
for electricity that sum would repre-
resent real wealth in New York.
After all, the Great Lakes to the
Sea waterway, being a program which
will make transportation more effi-
cient,- and which will pay for itself in
power, seems to be ultimately inevita-
ble. Already Detroit is the fourth port
of the nation, though handicapped byI
having no outlet to the sea, and the
tide of Congressional opinion, beset
by innumerable favorable reports and
a strong public opinion throughoutI
the Middle West, seems to be swing-'
ing more and more toward the adop-
tion of some such measure.
Efficient transportation, which fail-I
ed to persuade either Quebec or New
York, seems to have been replaced
by a more potent argument in those
vicinities which should appeal to even
the most terrified antagonist of the
commercial waterway-the argument
of power.

r 1 r r r u, r r r i r r n a i rr it i i n r ua rr iaa i ivi i



IF YOU HEAR the clicking of a
camera don't be frightened for it is
only a couple of camera men taking
pictures of college for College Hu-
* * *
IT SEEMS THAT the men who di-
rect such enterprises have come to
realize that their pictures are not
much like real college life, and ac-
cordingly they are taking some snaps
here and there for examples of real
college doings.
WE HOPE THEY get some good
views of genuine activities, but then it
is hard to take moving pictures in the
dark. However, we will offer them
some stills of real college endeavor,
or what have you.
, *
The above is the pet hobby of some
of the leaders of campus activities.
Moving picture directors sometimes
have difficulty in filming such a sceneI
because they cannot keep the actors
supplied with pop.
Ca'or a
No, this man is not really drunk.!
This is just to illustrate how some
of the college boys experiment for
psychology classes. They gave this
man somnc pop and put a snake in the
bag. The effect is evident. This is ai
scene rarely equalled in the movies.
S * ~ *




TONIGHT: The Rockford Players
present Barry Connor's "The Patsy"
at 8 o'clock in the Whitney theater.
* * 0
A review, by Kenneth Patrick.
International Night is hardly so
much an event as an experience, an
experience that is dull in spots, re-'
freshing in others, and quite enter-
taining in still others. Last night it
had some rather startling features,
and not least of them was the size of
the house, which surpassed that of
any concert held this year in Hill
auditorium, believe it or not. It is
perhaps the farthest from the campus
pseudo-sophistication of anything
ever seen here. The large audience
applauded innocence, endeavor, and
amateurish methods with a spontane-
ity that belied its collegiate character
-until some antics began in the lat-
ter part of the program.
It is better to gloss over the ordi-
nary and the superfluous, and get to
the high spots. Briefly there were
Blossom Bacon and her harp, the Ger-
man student singers, and Nadia Ata-
manec, the Ukrainian soprano. The
highly touted Polish pianist was-
pardon me-a flop. Miss Bacon com-
manded attention and applause with
her instrument-and handled it with
true Irish informality and ease. The
Heidelbergers jocularized and war-
bled "Wie ist das Leben" until I could
swear I smelled beer and heard pret-
zels being crunched. Mrs. Atamanec
ought to be somebody's find. She
bore her audience along like a Raisa
in the duet from the Ukrainian opera
which she sang with her husband.
Moving pictures were checked up
and found correct for once, when two
Hawaiian girls did the hula with all
the fixings. It was great, and every
one trembled afterwards for fear some
of the boys would whistle and break
the spell. Along towards the finale
some 30 or 40 children came on the
stage and did little else but dance
and sing-but there was a real thrill
in it.j
There is something amiss with this
sort of program. It has so much to
work with, and makes such a: big
hodge-podge of it all. Wise cutting
of scenes, elimination of the long
waits between the short scenes, and
the least bit of real showmanship
would result in a remarkable product.
It ought to be turned over to a Shuter,
just as an experiment. However, In-
ternational Night can be termed an
earnest and successful venture. Come
on, Henderson!
* * *
A review, by It. Leslie Askren.
Heirs now to the laurels of the dis-
banded Flonzaley quartet, the New
York String quartet presented a de-
lightful program of chamber music

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the gods"
Et tu, Brute! Well, Brutus cer-
tainly knew his stuff-so well
that you can easily imagine
him saying further:


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- Refresh Yourself"
The Coca-Cola Company, Atlanta, Ga.
Act II, Scene 1

8 million a

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Carl W. Hammer

MARCH 7, 1928

Night Editor-PAUL J. KERN
Aside from the natural terror which
the name "Religion" instills in the
average University student, there
seems to be no really good reason
why the series of lectures recently
arranged by the Student Christian as-
sociation and kindred organizations
should not receive more than indiffer-
ent attention on the part of the stu-
dent body.
Such men as Dr. Wilbert Hinsdale,
Prof. Solomon Gingerich, Prof. W. D.
Henderson, Dr. Aldred Warthin, Prof.
Louis Hopkins, and President Clar-
ence Cook Little are worth the time
of almost any student, and when their
lectures are offered free of charge, on
subjects of current interest, the op-
portunity is even more valuable. The
series has been arranged under the
auspices of a religious organization,
to be sure, but the broadness of the
subjects to be covered is such that no
person need fear a dogmatic ex-
position in any numvber of the group.
The talks certainly deserve the atten-
tion of the student body.
Lame duck, besides indicating a
very unfortunate species of fowl, has
Jong been an expressionaof extreme
significance in national politics.
Designating, as it does, the Congress-
man, who has been defeated in the
November elections as lie sits in the
December sessions of the House of
Representatives or the Senate, it has
more than once meant defeat or vic-
tory for a bill of paramount interest
to the nation as a whole-not defeat
or victory on its merits.
The lame duck, it happens, usually
desires a federal appointment to some
easy position or other after his days
of usefulness in the Senate are past.
It is thus his duty not to consider
what the merits of a measure are, but
to ask whether or not the President
and his administration are behind the
bill-for it is the President who is
expected to award his fidelity with the
federal appointment after his term is
For many years this "lame duck"
session has been a menace to the best
interests of a large amount of federal
legislation. For many years measures
have been tentative to prevent the
"lame duck" session (controlled as it
is by the President) from occurring

" O

Henry Ford is revered in his sphere
as is probably no other man in the This would
civilized world. Americans are not cadent, to have a car climb a tree. At
the only ones to acknowledge his ex- that it is a good example of student
ceptional capabilities in matters of driving and the movie directors
mechanical accomplishment, financial should get copies although it will!
wizardy, and general executive power. *ave to be acted some other day.
But as is so many times the case with
men of his worldly stature, he often FROM FOREIGN FIELDS we learni
goes beyond.his worldly line and ven- that the self-appointed prime minister
tures into fields where he displays of Italy is causing a lot of excitement.
qualities that are really embryonic. If we were there we would like to
In a recent interview with a promi- speak into his .ear. We would say,
nent national periodical, Mr. Ford ad- "remember Napoleon, remember Wil-
vanced to his reportorial inquisitor a liam II of Germany, remember Caesar,
few of his pet ideas regarding life on for heaven's sake man leave the world
this orbit that are apt to startle the alone'"
current Menckens into verbal sallies
and broadsides. Advancing from the NOW THAT THE EDITORIAL staff
safe ghas demonstrated its superiority over
saeground of prophesied economic th prssafo lebsebl
independence for the middle classes the sports staff n tie basketball
and invetost d ywth os- floor, the Michiganensian staff has of-
adiventions to do away with house- .
hold drudgery, he extended his fered us combat. The slaughter will
theories on revolution by machinery take place Saturday morning at
to include physical well-being and Waterman gym.
generation of nientality.
The first of these plans had to do THERE IS NO DOUBT that The
with the curing of human ills. Mr. aily will win. With the experience
Ford recalled the recent discoveries gained in the last engagement and a
which enable engineers to renew boil- combination of the teams the outcome
ers at the wearing surface and there- is no longer in doubt. We will win
by save the expense of throwing away 143-13.
the whole chain because of the weak- * * *
ness of a single link. All that has DON'T FORGET
been done with machinery, he con- TODAY IS THE day on which thereI
tinues, can be done with the human is going to be a huge PENNY CARNI-
body, providing sufficient thought is VAL. It seems to be a rather oppor-
put upon the matter. One is led to tune minute to go and blow yourself1
draw from this that should a liver to everything they have in the place.
or gall bladder incapacitate one of us (ALL except the dances which are five
from further endeavor, or even should cents.)
threaten life itself, the matter could *
be adjusted in no time by calling in WE CAN'T IMAGINE what is going
an expert from the nearest anatomy to be sold for a penny, unless it is
plant with his spare parts. This solu- soap for the bath-tub fund. Perhaps
tion should be quite welcome to the votes are going to be sold, also. If;
medical profession, since it has been that is the case we suggest that a cer-I
giving its life for centuries in at- tain club on the campus which is
tempts to prolong existence. backing a certain man for president
Following this the Detroit magnate go over there in force and buy up allI
declared that in the future we could the votes possible.
expect mechanics to determine just * * *
where our thoughts conic from, why, THAT IS THE main difficulty with
and how much, with the possible skating. There is much too much in-
chance of changing these currents of centive to sit down and rest.1
mentality to suit the needs of the Jel.
time. Here he has somewhat over-{


this week
Sizes, 20
to 48

i' +t

under the auspices of the Matinee Mu-
sicale in Mimes theater last night.
The most colorful and emotional of
the selections, Smetana's Quartet in
E Minor was also the best handled of
the two major works on the program.
Titled, "From My Life," the theme
of the piece as it progresses through
the four movenents is the romantic
desires of boyhood, the happiness of
youth, and the joys of first love, turn-
ing in the end to the introduction of
national elements in music and the
final gloom of a future shrouded by
the misfortune of deafness.
The performance of the Haydn
Quartet in C Major Op. 74 No. 1 with
all its classical austerity and pre-
cision of expression was beautifully
delicate and demanded an immediate
response. Bocherini's Menuett was
the encore inevitable.
The last of the program was lightly
amusing. The Irish Melody, an ar-
rangement of "Danny Boy"; By The
Tarn, a weird bit of moodiness; and
the mad magic of Presto, Al Sarta-
iello were all beautifully done.
The encores demanded as a result
were the popular Tango by Albeniz,
and the lovely Bizet Adagieto.
New York's Rialto. Two showsl
opened, Maugham's 12 year old "Our
Betters" and Crhan's "Whispering
Friends," brand new. Critics, knowing
Cohan, flocked to Maugham. Piqued
by the abuse of minor critics Author
Cohan spluttered in advertisements:
If you want to get a real line on
how surely ninety per cent of the so-
called dramatic criticism in this town
has become a matter of pure personal


Presenting ,
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THESE dresses have just arrived and are love-
ly interpretations of the mode for spring,
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"The Shop of



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