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March 07, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-07

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flED TE William H. Barry, who holds the
-o position of teacher at large in the
Detrot Public library system, will
1100 speIak at 8 o'clock Friday night, March
U ~ 1LI , i oom 110, Main library.
I IM. arry's position consists in giv-
_ ~ing lectures to various literary and
'iI'I ' TII EET social societies interested in books.
OtTORIV~I His chief object is to spread the idea
of books. His u sal topics are on rec-
_ rehtiona~l reading, books for en joy-
TALK! ment. The topic for his lecture here,
U however, is "Books For More Than




Nmber Is Extra Feature Of Course,
ComplillleIntarY To Seaso
Ticket Hliders
As an extra number on the current
Oratorical Association lecture series,
S.S. McClure, well-known New York
publisher, and Dr. Vincent Nitti, edi-
tor of "The Black Bird," most vir-
ulent of anti-Facist puliations in
Italy and son of the exiled one time
Prime Minister Francesco Nitti, will
appear in hill auditorium in a (debate
on thue rule of Mus~olini, on March 2,
according to an announcement made
yesterday by Oratorical officials.
This number, it has been announced,
will be complimentary to holders of
season tickats for the Oratorical e-
turf; course, with the remaining seats
in lill auditorium on sale for the
general public. The number will he
an gxtra feature of the current course,
1.14 lecture by George Panir Putnam,
explorer, a uthor and lecturer, having
previously been t he last scheduled
number. Mr. Putnam speaks in Hill
auditorium onl March 13.
To l elale Ont Mssolinil
TIhe Subject of the deate hre be-
tween Dr. Nitti andI-Mrs. McClure will
be: "Trhe Rule of Mussolini-Is It
Injuring Itay?" Mr. McClure, who
recently returned from making a study
of political conditions in Italy, will
take the negative side of the debate,
and~ Dr. Nitti the affirmative.
D~r. Nitti, who is best known as
being editor of "the one harsh voice in
Italy which caws and carps at Facism
and its iDuce*--the voice of The Black
Bird," is at the present time making
a tour of America before returning to
Europe. It. is his opinion that "the
wealthy class in America approve of
Facism because, in their opinion, it is
a sort of strike breaker and wage re-
ducer. rThey do not," he says, "look
"The Black Bird," Dri. Nitti's publi-
cation, is printed at Paris in eitions
of 12,000 on thinnest India. paper.
Once in an envelope, the editor ex-
plains, an issue of the news organ
can no more be detected in the mail
than a sheet of common note paer.
Thus the entire edition of 12,000 copies
is mailed into Italy, despite the ban
on anti-Facist literature.
31.111ing Place tln1«ige
As ian add~ed peautioin, each edi-
t iL S ii Jmaile (Jout sde of Paris frot
a city which changes from week to
we'ek. Dr. Nitti is tho son o1' former
Pirne iNin~ster Frauceso Nitti who,
exiled, us virosides inl ar,, where
"The lack Bird" is published.
The subject for M\r. Putnam's lec-
ture in Hill auditoriumn next Tues-
day, it was also announced yesterdaiy
by oratorical asociation official, will
1:2! "Balti B ay'' inste(al of "Green-
land" as previously anno:unced. The
lecture il be based upon the exp-
ditioni to Bafli island la1st summer,
(brecctell by Mr. Putnaem, the "main
(bjective of which was geographical
expliorationl of Balin island. This
work was in charge of :Pro. Lawreneca
M: Gould, of the geology department.
The lecture will be illustrated.

club i.

sponsor ing the talk.
afirhi AflfflpPFPo

I F mj : ,osizes Va ll Of fHl-iumianEmotionis
jAs D)etermiining Factor Of
Mani's Conduct
"Keep thy heart with all diligence,
for out of it are the issues of life,"_
quoted Prof. Solomon H-. Gingerich of
thie English department, as the text
of his lecture last night before a meet-
ing held under the auspices of the
Institute of Religious Education.
Professor Gingerich, who spoke on
the subJect of "Moral Drives in Liter-I
ature, mhaie the value of the
emotions as the (determining factor of
man's conduct. "We ne d to trust the
real emnotions although there is much
Spreaching against it," lhe said. I
Tbhe speaker then demonstrated howI
ltthree getpotWordsworth,
fBrowning, and Tennyson had stressed
various moral teachings of the Bible
in their works. "Love was and is my
lord and king," he quoted.
Speaks Of Poets
Professor Gingerich also stressed the
fact that a number of the poets had
nal2 the omnipresence of God and a
belief in immortality a favorite theme,
using as illustrations Browning's
' amnols 1poem, "Rabbi Ben Ezra," and;
Wordsworth's "Intimations of Im-
"Immortality," concluded Professor,
Gingerich, "is something that is feltI
inside every human being. It is uni-f
Dr. Wilbert B. Hinsdale, curator of
the University museum, the other
speaker on the program, lectured on
"The Religion of the North American

PLAN NEB [1I[[flQNEDS APDPRODDIATION Before one 01 the argebst audienes A M
PL N NV2ET RE I U L O trruiiiinthe Cosmopolian club 0of thANY BILS PAS
iii siy last night eete t infthilaui- f
0RG I (DE IED Y CON RES torium. Acts added after the official D RN DAYVi ES IO
______program had been made up, helped to
FLAGS, PLA'TFORMfS, % O)VE ,'L ' PROPOSAL I tLUDTES 3IILDING fill out the array of representations CO)PI TUE WOrRK IN BO0TI
SEATING ARRANGEF IENTS f ! OF 71 WAR VESSELS; by the differant nationalities. HORSES AT EBB TIDE
ONPORM U O1 Featuring the program was Kasimir DURING DAY
f t___ Obeny of Detroit, Polish pianist, who -
WILL BE HELD APRIL 4 PA O RVCTVE ga was brought here eP~~smpcita for the EN~ATE APPROVES TREATY
'and the Polonia Literary society. Senate D)eates Goernment Operation
Staig Event rThis Year Will Rtepresenii Speaking Of Disarmiamnmt, Secretary _____Plan__________________ -ruiOf Musle Shoals In
Senme Of 'National Niolminitatnl Suggests Agreement Between EI"Vigorous 1iscussion
Con vention Great Naval Powers A review of the program for_
i Ithe fifth annual International I
With committee appointments and r (13y Assoiated Press.) Night presented last night in H-ill (VAscae rs.
ASIGOthe general decoration scheme an};. BAY CITY, 1larch 6- Staunchly auditorium will be found in the W AntI-ame Nduck ctituionaltaed
nounced yesterday afternoon, plans _ --- % ~ nig hs $4,0,0 aa Theater, Books, and Music I
a6:euen goigsfrwad4r0,0y0fr,000 nacolmnanlpgen.tent squared away at its House
buildingforwprogram, forwhich ..metun theagdis-( hurdle today after having slept peace-
sixt annualngGridironbanquetetonhe i
sixt annal ridion anqut, pon-I (fully in a House committee on each
sored by Sigma Delta Chi, p'ofes- approval of the House naval commit- of the four previous times it passed
sional journalistic fraternity, whih if Crtis 1). Wilburt tee, Secretary Curtis D. Wilbur' of, More nations were represented in the Senate, Congress was fully en-
will be held this year on April 4. Soo-retary of the Navy, who spoke the Navy department tonight rein- last night's program than ever before gaged in major legislative labor today
The stag event will be sta~gedI th i as nibt, in Pay City defending the in the history of the club, according in both branches. The Senate was
year amid the etuis and cns!l ~ o~t osen 7000,0 o ul crated his stand that the proposal to Raja Ilowran, '28, president. En- back on Muscle 'shoals, with debate
! 7I ethuias vesOp sls.s on-omptiiv(andb$740,onti00,000ton aton hbuild o
of. a national nominating convention, 71_ i ,se' a o -copttv n ae pntr ieto a ntehnso warming up vigorously on the govern-
according to present plans. The theg~, actual needs of the nation's d- Mi's. Robert~ Winters, while Syed men operation plan, after a preim-
Union banquet hail will be decked I Tf~~ 1111 ense. Husain, gad., was genra caim n ary two hour skirmish with smaller
outI SI' fo h nuleet ihfas lO I U L U pi bfo' l cily~The International night program matters on the calendar that got a lot
platforms, politicians and all the !gwl egvntngti es ui of bills through. Before it concluded
other natural accompaniments of linA0fA r publican club here, Secretary Wl'lbur Corium in Ypsilanti, following a pre- for the day the Senate approved the
such assemblages. STIJN POISTPONE I declared that his proposal for the cedent established last year. new French - American arbitration
Seatim° To e NooelLIJ construction of 71 war vessels was Carleton Wells of the rhetoric e-teay
SangT epartment, is acting as faculty trea- reamttey.kfo h aywsa
N~ovelty seating arrangements 'will i -presented to Congress with the con- surer of the event.a commaaiteebbworkefor the ySat
be another feature of this yearz's l (oid lied Discus~sioni Blocos Faculty sentof Presdent Coolidge. _________it_ ____acopraived ebtti.lInteSate0
Gridiron banquet, according to Her-! Of litracy (olh 'ge F>rom ('oiug -, twacofndsbttilyoa10
bert E. Vedclder, '28, general chair- -'l'o-T Agi'eiem&1 (On Qestion I We have performed our duty," lie rllfU F vote by the interstate commerce
mnoth afarwh anoucd- 1dlae."We are not calledl uI)on!g committee against confirmation of the
the committee appointinents yester-- PF''RESTERS ENDORSE PLAN to advocate this pi'oblemr., to lobby A LML reappointment of Jhn J. Esh, of Wn
d cay. The exact nature of this pthopopgniean odrseiIlh N fIT O cousin, to the interstate commece
of the affair will be made known iContinued discussion forced another acivUtNW ev o ogesION' S IM' C Nomite. ht sth pit twhc
later, however, when the specii~ po-;tpomiemuenit ' he' decision of tjethe uUI U ~~lI ther.asnct hgphelkcasrbeenoaiminge
scheme' can be desgnat ed. ; f ofth( ('1 hty imposed upon thto(ybtievrsnehelk cag calat
.. ft e 0ne(g~ fL Ltratuice,- - fight began. On the committee show-
Following are the chaii'men of thes cience, cund the Arts, in the questinntttion of tie United Sates and -'icesil 'nesais ilhaeIdonprt iesboe pwthfu
various committees for the banquet : of the Uniivemaity college proposal l;y the pe of the Uiited States." ames l'nraved On elver Republicans voting against Esch and
imvitations and tickets, Kenneth G. Iyestei'day aftei'noomn, while at the samne Program C'ut reMIIe Swinti (up1 one Democrat for him.
Patrick, '29, aiid Paul J. Kern, '29; (time the project was unanimously en-SumrnReotinDfad
decorations and seatimig, J. St ewart dorsed by [1liefacuty of the School The program was cut down by the .nI I-J SbareRsltonDftd
H-ooker, '29, amid Bert Stoll, Spec . f z~orestry amnd Conservation. An- [-ouse comnittee to 16 vessels at a I NwVO a~n4'~ erlat okdboz nlyousewoiimitee
entertainment, Howard Kenyon,8, niio^itofte (decision of the at- csto:$274,000,000. o imUno vh wi eresutswoThebutn amfew pr-
and rjti~V'8 ~ . l1 ~T ~ t'io dy was male by Dean Samuel ' Meducerresult.tTe enrotniwgam 'sub
an on .Otaa;,; speaker",, Those whio nave termed the arg-' itneo e ie ewe ac marine abolishment resolution con-
Jo H. Chamiberlin, '28, and Court- T. Daina, of that school. Istconisucanncpogof tenmplminlestebetween Marchtion
land C. S'ithz, '28; programs, Paul] Yrst(rdlty's was the secoiid session lietcosuto npl'seram rya5ndJuedmyhaesheramstmthating n wstrn oneoutiaton
J. Kern, '29, andl Nelson J. Smith, !of considration fr thne faculty of theti-"th iaxascetry hrgd engraved upon the large silver Ten- It thatfoendrewasthon oumtteofcotb
'29;publcit, .1 Steart' 1 it rry ollee, ad i is xpeced have not been sufficiently attentive mile sviin cup Wlii('hz is in the P0-thfoeg rlaincmite,6o
lookcllgeird',i -pe toedeGnv ofeec"ad"aeseso fteUio n hc ws5. The merchant marine committee,
'2 29,adK)ntiG Parc , '29.ta l vot wil lie takeni at the et esino h Ure n wih'a still grinding along on government
ing to be held at 4:15 o'clock today inIogttm o'inoe th aigon used in a similar contest last year,,
As AilAadOlCn~ngel hall. Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of treaty foi 'the limitation of iaval according to William V. Jeffries, grad.,caganpsegrshpolyha-
Asusual the Oil Can, annually ''- lie political science department is arm'ameints." president of the Union. The cup will igs, was told that the government's
sentd tothe ne mst wrthy a)ctini; as chairman of the committee At Geneva, he said, the participat- e on display permanently in the pa0idlemrhnfltwaamnceo
retaining it foi' a periodl of one(,year, ingpwr rnl e o'hterro teUin the shipping business and shoud be
willr beiawboy.dgcpowerslfankly set ftihetheiforothis the. Union'sold off at once, the witness represent-
wOill be awarded.seHolders of the projectndorse resent. strengthi, (their proposed Any member of the Union is eligible
Can in past yeisingashipeeowners'I associationse onothe
Ca n at ers hve ben Pes-I 'st'da Y h frsty school I uildhing p ogiams, and the prog'ess to join time contest, provided that he;in shp o er ascat ns n te
dentrda CbaemnehCok ftteerotrOsyAtlantic amd Pacific.
den Clrene Cof i1ihi s- broughit Ihe ttal of faculty approvals 1 of their naval construction at thaet was not one of the successful con-
cam' J. Campbell, o the Egihdto five, while the Colleges of Engin- isme. Gieat Britain, lhe continued, :etnsls ea n osqe TlyI'he agriculture committee worked
pamrtment, Prof. Thomas Reed of the ; em 1ug and Architecture stand as the not only submittedl estimates of herI has his name already upon the trophy.itwathogaseinofhear
political science department, and I il: ones opposed at this time. Iii a E needs but outlined tihe specific de- Those i-ni who desire to enter willreifblposonlyactngn
Prof. William A. Frayer, of the his- Imreetuirg hld M1onday atteriiou imeItis~h lnfrflii hs &10rqie oerl lrn the vee amendment designed to give farm or-
tory department, who won the triophiy faculty of the School (A Education quirements. beginning tomorrow afternoon at the aiaioin u soepa in whthe fdrlf r they
]atya.I a :n anucdisaproval 1"fi this slm fashion, we were 1)001 h po oo.No es hnthe bill would create. The judiciary
Predictionis as to who will get the i of ie m('asn e. Tie actual decision ' die that the nation i wth which+ 25 yards, which is the length of the I committee began hearing proponents
Oil Can at this year's banquet are will be niuleo ly the Board of Regents, 1 we expected parity in all branches of pool, nor more than one half mile of the anti-lar injunction bill, most
chie;isntheknown untiltil m's-1d L1(-lit f eMach 2.oIth at tery saaval defense, intended to build more may e swum any day. The total dis- of whom have already 'stated their
choice i not knwn untilthe pre:u~i~eduell for1shipsliat.aIngreatertetonnage1 ahana.greancetoofage0hmiles ornce70f1hipslemust70t)apscase:toe aaSenate Scotemittee.ee Thee vii-
sentation is mache(during the bait- tase a dec(rmleit of' act ion until forth-i esire or expected to build," Wil- completed before June 1. i itary committee was put on notice that
(luet, lies the novelty and intemest r (lt ails ha ve beyen n~de available I:ur demanded, "why shiouldt our anr-' The cup, which is 36 inches high a vote on the bid of the Cyanamid
atahdt heaad will bea ;~ssbh lernatiev ha w tned to buid i opdb tteo Vcoy copany to lease the Muscle shoals
atta-hieu to the awaat. be analtdrnativei d i opdb tteo Vcoy
____ _________- I IAt atlis timze tie School of business wajrsne otl no yNva ln o etlzr pouto
'PR f'zA Athmnis' ol~l olnthe a r chothe fwrsisadls ong
,t tflI~IL BR IME T LO Sch l f duatonna,(Ith SholeJOconsidered as provocative?" ;aind Sons, a jewely firm.in Detoit, would be demanded by March 15.
SJI'c'J S "F Oof-" ofmit ismi'hv signid theSclir p icse Iianaietlargely through the efforts of Walter' Dleite Constitutional Change
SMIT AS 6"F GTH ofDenisty hae sgniiedthei ap i iscssesWsamamntM. Novak, '2-, who was interested in Debate on the resolution proposing
':m'v a, inaddtionto hoseafoe- urnig t the(lustioi &dis the building of the pool durimng his to change the constitution so that Con-
(hy Associated ['res.) 1 niiA ioncd. I sirnaent, the secretary expressed residence in the University. Besidesi gross would convene January 4 each
ST. L+'T.RSBIRG.Marc 6 -± egret that the powers had been un- the engraving of the mame upon the year with shoart s;essionis abolished and
Smith is thme "fmoth that the Deomo-; LAWI~ CLASS WAILL E able to harmonize their coiflictimi ellp, the men who swim the 10 miles f the President take office January 24
y wil blo int nothri.;,- (views and1( at the same tim-e Udeare successfully will be p resented it - instead of March 4 began udra five
nc ia i paty EA BATE.Sthat "on broad principes, looking special medals by the Union manage- hour schedule in the House. It i-ay
nesweni atesa I-os, a-e~ oisifuneoi(ia m (. reach a vote Thursday under the five-
F. Scott McBride, general supeariu- Iaedt t nlec ndsra
tendent of the anti -saloon league, I7Deani Hecnry \l. lates of tie Lawi menit among the nations of theac worldI Registration opens tomorrow and ;minute rule on amendments.
tolt the southeastern states pmohi- school will lie the prin(ipal speaker':mid the interest of peace, anl agree- will be open for one week, the time In. the Senate ;Muscle shoals debate,
bition comvetion her'e tngt at a gathriiii of tie freshman class ment between the pri'ncipahi naval for tie swims to begin on Thulirsday Black, of Alabama, resumed his fire
1"rsotenDemocrats like yourn'f- he a'l'h 'veon ispring tP h 1pwes udhe of d"supasig arch 15. I against the Norris government opera-
" elves,'' lie declare(], "-nr.'st (e('ide Uniion. Th vn sbigpandimprtaince." -- -- tien proposal after the calendar had
whether hie was right0o' wrong whenli -ttcr the purmipose of cireatinmg a closer "We cannot believe," lie said, "tht i j,h 1T, -l been well cleared of pmviate claim
at the Vanderbilt hotel dinner iiiclt'ig wtithin tie class amd a better Ii' tie three girat naval powers are Th eathier ; matters, proposals for new migratory
New York a few years ago, lie d ,-_ contact betwe'en studemnts and facul- willing to maike this limitationi andI bird refuges, small department bills
Idcared the Democratic party is a ~ reduction, there is any resultant (By Associated Press) 1anda a number> of other matters.
! saloon party aind everybody knowvs 1h' 'en i'pansicall for a dinnier, (hdanger to their' respective govern- ]ruini or snow toay; slightly And behi-id the scenes, arrang-
it is, andh it ought to come out andiiimd . prgrm and speeches by nens, their trade routes or their warmner; mostly fair tmorrow and memts were perfected for the hearing
H otil stdemts and mit erl~is of time , possessions." c ldei'; opening tomorrow on conditions in the

T 7 j O~f 1 T JL 1 faculty, accol-i'ingto George E. IRich ------ ---iPnsyvnasfoa ilsta
L E I 'V E 90{L, pi' z~esidc fimttihe fmeshnmamm (lass C UB ILL. figure in tie Esch and lake cargo coal
LT . " " ntehwshoad al E U p I~A CN T ALJ U"'W I " " P'Arate cases, and also in tie anti-abor
Bamer,'80, thmni'iamio' imesocal g~i~ V ~ l TAT~b\AI d~f~FIjNTijunction legislative drive, which
-- committee. They also have announc_' 'J~~~-L ~ ,J..f~I4 I 4.JJ.i promise to find a place in the unem-
!p1oiltell by tie St udent coumcil be- ell that, st op watches wiill be heldl 1 lloymet investigation by the- depart-
s fore time annual spring elections, ! n the speakei's. i'or tie lpurpose of gettimng plans .menibersiip in tie lub will e open i nent of labor ordered yesterday by
The Student council has severacl T 'e affair w ill be the revival of, an OIiunder way for the national fall elec- to those desirous o participating the Senate. Taken all in all, the var-
j :unctionis, amid thme four objects out- old tiadit ion of the Law school Itions, the Republican club will hold Tfhe club works in cooperationm with ed questions revolving around the
hined in 4ie preamble to its consti- I wiei'eb;hJ' le freshman class used to j a mn'eting at 7 :30 o'clock tonight ini lI ennsylvania coal fields seem to
Itution include tie following: have the annual get-togethei' a part room 304 of tie Union. The organ- Ithe natiomnal Republicanm party amd; premise developmnt of a political is-
1. orJ movide an effective meains of Ifthe regular soc(ial activity of the nationi is in its 36th year of existence,' with gr'oups in, other colleges. Op- sue of some sort which will have a
comniunication ~jtem ieuiIi-5~1il mddrn that time has maintaneoorumiieIfm actual patcpto bearing on the coming presidential.
fgraduzate hotly and t ti niveom'oiy---- --- -- --- -- --- -- -- ---- 1 vam'ius d r activities, particular ly ilii ii the fall campaign otsdec of tthe ;election.ur-at oi esM U EC ARbr gng p ak sto he c y, n e -U iv sty wl be viabe ot oe
2. TCo in torprmet andtl maintain i h-i- I 8" °' coummagimg voters, ant ini handling ab- who show ability in the local omganmi- CARR GIVE T1LKC
b amns traditionis amid ctustoum f FOOD TO °fl'LRIAJES; scntee votimng foir resitdemts of otherI zation. BEFORE ALPHA NU
3. T1o exer'cise a genral.1s.iper- (1; .V-,t-a:t c1e .) ( states who are in the Umniversity. --__
Ivisioum over stuidemt activities, organ-; MA.N.\ (JA, laich I6--fauCns, anmu-!More than 2300 absentee ballots were IY'OST WILL LEAVE "Tie real sociological problem of
tizationms, traditions, custom's, anti con nintoin and food for tie marinie e- i takenm care of by tie club during tie ICONWT KINGC TRIP3 today is tie fact that we have a tech-
}duct. jt aemumitinthe mountaims of nomth- jlast elections. [OiV4t iq frprduig aeralcane
t 4. To crystallize amd mmake more' - Nicaragua wvent forwar-d steadily! Since its oi'ganizationm in 892, tie -of far-tproucing matceriacdest e
effective time samest of umdergmadu- tdyfrom ti ae hr a ak club has included in its membershlm Fil ingF. Yost, dir ector of ath- feo fr-eachingthimmatortacieese
- ate opimions. I too, of transferm'iig'tie headquarters many men who have had active po. etics, will leave Friday on an extem-i but we have no technique or institu-
ST'oe Student counmcil, through a of the regiment commamndeod by Col. litical careers after graduation. Thir- sive speakimng tour that will carry him k tions which will adjust us to these
> committee appointed for tie pur-! It. R. Wallacto from this city to Ma- ty years ago it had a membership thmoughout Tennessee, Georgia, and changes," asserted Prof. Lowell J
pose, has mower to mecommmemndl (is- I aga ipa. mol of 1570, includimg such memi asl Southi Carolimna. The trip, which will Carr of the sociology department, ii
.ciplimary actiomn in cases refer'rt'( to A pack tiati of 80 mues took tie Williani L. D~ay, '00L, later' Ohio (is- last slightly more thanm thmree weeks, a talk at the meeting of Alpha Nu
it by ~ 1. tho ii'f~ti~'nim(flf-Itn f;i-'olflat;, a.agalta.tihe ig Anmericanmm trict court jutdge amnd supreme court will imvolve speeches at various col- last night.

f '
_ i

Early Religious Subject
In his talk he stressed the interre-
latiomn (of prinmitive religions, such as
that of the Indian, and the mmodern
forms of wvorship, tracing many of our
present day observanc-es to theirf
primitive origins.
Thi e lectures by Professor G ingerichm . r i s a e w re t e f r t o h '
curent series umder the joint aus-I
pacoos of the Studenit Chiristiani associa-
tisi and(Itime Institute of Religious
Edu cation. Two talks have been amn-
nounciied mor' next Tuesday ight, onme
by R. A. Bakem', editor of time Anni
IAr'bor Daily Ne ws, and the other by
Pi'ofessom' W. D. Henderson.j
I tERRlE, ..)., Mar'chi6.-Former
Gov. Fr'ank 0. Lowdeni, of Illinotis,
N~ as1 Maninmlotsl y pmoposedi as time Re-
pubhicampih'esidcmtial nininee by ac-
tion of time South Dakota state r'epub-
lican convention today.
1 I'This act iton, tamitainmoumnt to a pletdge
of time state's suppor't fomr Lowden ini
fbto national comnvemntiomn was,tgth-
tgt-e ithi actioni in Kansas favoring
'Semator Curti--,die first formal ex-

(la- Associated lPress.)I by states initime 1928 campaign.
URB3ANA, March G-Indiana made 1,
certain of at least a shar'e in time 1 STUDENT CO.,UNCIl
Wester'n Conferemnce basketball cnmx-: '1Vla
Ilionshih) for 1928 by defeatimig Illi-( CONSTFANTLY Dl
nois, 27 to 23 tonight in time last.
game of time season foi' the'loots- ]dtrdt:Ti stetido
ierS. a ,I- k-s of f-ature articles ont campitus int-
Fighiting aimuill lbattle to chin% " , tis -ttitended lto developt their iris-
- tc<' at.ui major- principles 01or ogantizationl
seasonmhonors, time Indiamna teain tin- ;z n,, ~ net
ally won an overtime sess ion, mz in- --
ly because of time great basketshoo"- Establishmed iii the fall of 1905 with
ing of Dale Wells. It was W'ells' j 17 senoiramid junior members,' the
goal fr'om time sitlimne in time closinig I Stuzdent council has led an existence
minutes of the play that tied the of continual reorgamnization which at
score .22-22 as the final pistol sound- ! tinmes providled 24 menmbei's elected
ed. Two nmo'e baskets by Wells anid foi'omit'scmestei', amid which has fin-
a free throw by St ricklamnd gave- In-! ally enaded with a group of 12 mmmum
diamma tihe victory in time extra lier'- Iand hute pm'esitdent. Time presenit couni-
iod. cit was establishe'd by a me-orgauii-
Flasinmg a comiplet e r'oversah 't l rat ioa in 1923.
forum, tihe Illinois teamied heti tim oos(0- !ITheme mnbership at ' tine pr'esenmt
iers to thme half, 11-9. Deimnhm j timmme is commprised of six seniors
started time score andthtie Illini driopm- elected by time cammpus at large and
ped in two more baskets, rollinug up i of thnree ,juniomrs, elected iintime same
six points before Indhianma had a mnnuer, together with three ex-of-
miarke r. , imio imemberns. The juniors, elected
_______ Iin thme spr-ing, hold office f'or two
0 ~ ~ ~ OS E B AIA year, amn th three additiomnal sen-

F r' An rf r V JDP IV 1:

'. rink.. ., , ,.zrrinrr rzrliFnt" riF '1'itn T laily

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