E~STABLISHED 1890 41P A NE 473. MEMBER PRESS VOL. XXXVIII, No 117. ANN ARBOR, MICIGAN, TUESDAY, MARWIT 6, 1928 EIGHT PAGES INTERNATIONAL NIGHT' ELlC0MED BY ITTL AS REAL OPPORTUNITY EYE-N 'IAS IECO E IVIIIIHGANi PR ES IDEINT POLISH PIANIST TO. PLAY i I 1 I N I Ukratinians Dress Of Their jj. oillzt~ 1III Native lDances - ""MARCH HARE" EDITION OF GARGOYLE WILL APPEAR ON CAMPUS THURSDAY The secr(et Is out. At least the lit- iag reverence, the adventur es of aI tie bird that diwells in the Gargoyle pleasingly plump lady in a bat shop, CfIJQ esapedin which a petite saleswoman is sub- lon enug yeteraymerged in a sea of rejected head- a~tercesn o relate the facts about the pieces, is said to be dlone mostly in Intew numb~er which will make its ap-j white with red and blue hal:-tone. pearance on the campus Thursday T rhe cover is entitled: "The Mad Hat- UX i'ning'.te. The forthcoming edition of Michi- Another feature of the new number, gap's leading humorous offering for will be an illustration concerning the the edification o its faithful follow- $2,000 appropriation for the new ers will comec to b~e known, accord- gates on the boulevard. The bird, inl to the prophecy, as the "March however, was reluctant to converse 1l re Nuni,." And Whether it. 01,4 the subject. A, full page wood c nt conies in like a lamb andl goes out by the perennial "Liclhty" will also like a lion, tihe prophet remains to be incorporated into Thursday's edi- be seen. tion. A novelt y cover will be one of the In addition to the excitement whichj many features of the new Gargoyle. 1lprevails in. the Gargoyle offices these The cover, (depicting with awe-inspir-j days over tile number, interest is also being registered in connection! FAPIITIJwith the movement launched by Col- legTIN LeIUU I Humor which will entail the taking of several short reels on thle AIffl ni rM ichigan campus as well as at many of the principal institutions of the F hV O u S [ W C U L L U tff a e as itn D a e N. M w t country. Members of the Gargoyle Literary College Will Take Definite and George Albee, of the Inice H oily-i Action Today OnIn inovation wood studios, who were visitors at Suggested by Ilttle. the office yesterday, in any way pose- i - sible.j CONGRESS ACTS UPONI CAfR RPSIIN DURING BUSY SESSION SETIN tiOR NRPR1' CCONCLUDES SP1EECH ON :I>USVLLE SCHOAI~rs TOPIC MINOR PILLS PASS HOUSE! Dill Adiseii&d By Lindbergh Rehtive To Mahil Cont~racts And Postage ( i~'JAssociatedl I'ess.)s WVASh INCTO N, M~arch 6-Congress could hardly fall undler tile scope of. an un en-,ployment investigation reso- luticn adont ed today; it was very bus1y at both enlds of the Capital. Aside from -putting through thet resolution, by Wagner, o' New York his initial effort at national law- making and vehicle for his first sen- atcrial slpeech - the Senate got back Ito its prolonged debate on Muscle WITHS WOLVERINES, VARSITY ELI MI NATES WISCONSIN 4W% E I FROM CHAMPIONSHIP RACE, 42-18 (~ leie Rush Badgers Off Their Feet, I Outscoring 'Them More Than i Two To One OOSTERBAAN AND HARRIGAN STAR IN FINAL GAME By Herbcrt 1'. V eddecr W\isconlsin's dlream of a return to the (lays of yore when i\ leanwell- coached teamis rtulel on the crest of the wave wvas blasted completely ando titlc hopes were hidden behind the heavy veil of Michigan's over- p)owering attack andl tight (lefensive pliay last night in the fieldl house. The W'olverines rushed the 1 3adgers off their feet, outscoring them more than two to one, the final count of the Mfaize and B~lue's closing~ game of the 1()28 season being 42-:I9. It seemedi a strange trick of fate, a disapp)ointing anomaly to the 7,000 fans who watched the ruln-awayv that it was the Cardinal and not the Mfaize and B1lue which was fighting for a title. Michigan, in the ____________________________ role of champion-maker, played in Ia manner which befitted a chain- BIG TEN STAN DING I pion and a titleholder; she hit her 4- stride, too late, which would have been !!! L practically impossible for any team to InItdiana..........9 2 match. T~rhe Cosmopolitan club has mnade traditional this International Night," declared President Clarence Cookf Little, yesterday, inl recommending the annual program which will be given by the foreign stiidents of the University at 8 o'clock tonight iln Hill auditorium. "It affords annuallyj an opportunity for the University community to. see those of its mem- i. beers -v in thc ing va ed frc "Tb con tin only t tionis pie of under. share and ei One Intern the al Kasirn arrant quest would nualE the cc societ Chopi iinAr artist count: The Negro gram wil Smith pianis alter. Negro sente grans. who came from far-off countriess ir native costunlesjald furnish-j irieties of entertainment import- om dozens bf\ foreign lands. zes occrasions ' we welcome," he [ned, "for they remind us n ot ADOPT PLAN UNANIMOUSLY' hat we are but one of many na-I of te erth bu alo tat eo- While the faculty of tile College of al rce anlie oeterad tad n aoterwenthyLiterature, Science, and the Arts, in the same ideals of humanityf failed to r'each a conclusion regard- nlightment." ing the University College in a Obey yWIlIl Play! faculty meeting held yesterday after4- of the principal features of tile noon, the faculty of the School of rational Night program will be Education passed unanimously a reso- ppearance of the Polish pianist, lution which approves of the Uni- air Obeeny, of Detroit. Special ( versity college from its standpoint. gements were made at the re-!j The faculty of the College of Liter- of many who thought ObeenyI ature, Science, and the Arts will hold 1be a valuable asset to the an-. a second meeting this afternoon to event. H-e xiii appear through !continue a discussion of the project. ourtesy of the Polonia Literary The exact text of the resolution y, playing the "Chant Polonaise"l adapted by the School of Education n-Lizst, and Chopin's "Mazurka follows: "Resolved, that the faculty minor." He is well-known as an1 of the School of Education approve throughout this section of til the planis for the University College ry. j as outlined by the report of the Ford Eight, an octet te singing commnittee on the University College." spirituals, will vary the pro-I With the action of the School ofI with familiar selections. 'They Education in its favor, the University be accompanied by Beatrice! College now has the approval of four icontralto, Howard *Worthann, college faculties, while the faculty of t, and George Branham, man- ;tile Colleges of Engineering and Archi- This is the first time that the tecturU have rejected tile project as 3race as such has been repre-j far as their colleges ar'e concerned. meilals, benatoi r is beii~ ing on theI f ob 'igai to (conclude the speech he 91 bgana week ago. The Hlouse, mean- ; htwas galloping through its ENGAGED FO1F OLI he - ~i name of thee and only"Lny Silver-131sked 't'enor To Be Additional into the record again for about the Feature Of First Year Pairty thous-andth time. A bill proposing At Union, MIarch 30 long-term air mail contracts and re- dunced postage charges was up ands BRACELETS TO BE FAVORS Lindbergh was cited by its sponsors ________as having advised such action, the Fortunate negotiations have en- bill was passed after some deh' jy1 abled the committee of the annual ;caused when Representative La Guar- Frosh Frolic to obtain the services 1ita.epbian e Yr,1usin of the Goodrich Silvertown orches- l -i Wagner unemplaynrent reso- tra, WEAF broadcasting organization.. 11tion led to a lot of partisan p)olit- for their formal dance that is to be' ical starring across the aisle in the held Friday, March 30, in the ball-1 Se;,ate, its relation to the fact that I this is a prieosidenitial year touched room of the Union. Featured along t po as well as the effect of short with the orchestra will be the ap-a skirts andl silk stockings on employ- pearance of that celebratedi mystery, mieiat in the cotton mills. the silver-masked tenor, who has ab( einiwilli1ng toi orrow, polit ics -1)101) proved so popular to radio audiences alywllgt a large share of at- the past seasons. tentioni in the Hlouse since the -rules (luring I tdyjlae 'h rc Favors foil the perennial e'vent have itn h rtr11 r l n C r'rP r Who led his team to a sweeping victory over Wisconsin last night, bringing his Maize and Blue career to a fitting end. LIGHT VOTE FEATURES CITY PF"RIMARY BALLOT Professor Young Uoses Out I Contest, For AlIderuman Of Seventh Ward By 2719 To 181 Purdue...................9 2 Northwestern ....... 93 IWisconsin .......S 3 ( TICHlIGAN ... .. .....7 5 Chicago..................5 7 (!Iowa ..................... ..s hi tt 9 li Oho)tae..............19 1Illinois...........2 8 fMinnesota................2 9 I (( FREEMAN IS RENOMINATED T O OOFFERED1-1 BI Unofficial r etun s from all wardsLUIIL late last night indicated that a total of 1253 ballots had been cast in the M V t H R F niary' election held yesterday. Of the four Republican aldermenI elgos running, for renomination, E. E. Lucas F'irst in the third ward ran third to William L. Henderson with 75 votes who re- ceivedI the niomination and Sam G.I 'may~ A 11i U A ... ....- _. ..,1 .:4 1 , Wi t) Z- Ii T, U ( Educieion Inst itutme Openls Series Of Five fleek Schedule Tolligit HELD AT LANE HALL Andres who was second with 72 In i b V LA-4 I d in the I Pol ably 1t1.1 the event evil mnember's of1 Music and Dsar an organizatit perform in nZ terstic dances orchestra acc, play Ukrainliau, tion of Ivan Nadia Ataman of songrs iii tI: Oirliesis, a giyoiiuiiioundir International Night pro- I The Colleges of Engineering andi I Architectur ? and the literary college mId.11 To Pa lice I constitute the largest units to b° ef- I? most striking note of { iee'te(I iby the prop~osedl change. .1 b,, sounded by the T rhe University College thus far ra's the International Folk pIr cgressed through the following acing society of D~etroit,! stage-s: first it was proposed by a on of Ukrainians whloa commnitteI appointed to investigates ative, dress the charac- !the subject; then. on the approval of >of their country. An the Board, of Regents a committee ompanying theme will! from the entire University faculty was n music undler the direc- I appointed last fall to draw up the liustodovich, director. ;plans for the project; after the com- ic will present a group m nittee hIad worked for four months his same connection. jOiD the project the finial favorable re- caulll)s creative dance port was suibmiitted, as the third step. the direction of lone This frual report was submitted to - -- - - - --,,,,ici", -- P fo,'ulti'W for nfl- been selected and ordered by the committee in charge. The gift tok- ens for this year are to be silver slave bracelets, and it is plannedl to have the Michigan seal engraved upon them. Decorative arrangemenits for the, affair are being supplied by the Ann Arbor floral shop. The ballroom wiii be attractively hung with garlands of flowers, supplying a spring-like atmosphere for the theme. The (cial)- E rn' bothn will be formed iof a olution, proposinig a constitutional' char~ge. It should reach a vote tiis week. Then tihe radio commission fight will be in ordier. Othier Chiarges Hcar~d Other H ouse commritteeCs today' heard charges of cotton market ma- i iiipulations Jby Texas and Pennsyl- vNau-Ma firms; a plea that government ships 1)e sold only for foreign sail- iligs because the coastwise fleet is lig-enourh and plains were heard for i ji ; I E I I E G 1 C 1 U 4 Y 11 7 'A1 1 A 1 l l! SL1 l e w1 >o l e rtbw o f flo w e rs a n d g r e e n e ry . S ix -- b e fo r a e n e D a m e e e xowe k cial lighting fixtures will be employ- 1,i~ ., a . n,,.,, 1 tee nextiweep. Jolinson of tihe physical education de- 1 te xvariou~s colee "' me th 1JIca ed to lend to the c re festiveirt j. tulujil k1lji tea n p~artment wiil appear in one of its irovah, andl to the present timete spscene.truedy to consult r a flock of amend- fis n nypbi moiciusfrI Sch ool of Education, the School of spiitnlents to) the McNa ry-Haugen farm- ' this season, entitled "Moodls From the Blusinless Adllilliti'atiii, tile the Lawv Tces o ornaeI irel ief bill begininig tomorrow. 1 Rvr"school, and Schlool of Dentistry have placed~ on sale Mairch 14, the sale co1n- ,ii the irrltze llopain Contirary to hprevious arrange'ments' l~roL ,while the lEngineering cl an until athe 1. The ili bi-sssd aurdaytibyethe ouseato tesgigibenenieymngdlcoge faclty has disapproved. The ain cda t 5 etikt ilyIingiopassdosatrdabthe I-louse tlstgnisbigenieymngd1matter is expected to be placed b~efore,. be sold in the lobby o_ the Union. iligoiis(ortlteSnt g by Whlitney ]Xanning, '29E, instead of RensaitnetigI Chaperones for the event will iii- rlctilituaie committee (ut; short hear- by Richardl Woellhauf, grad. e h ordo ludle President Clarence Cook LP Iitt 0)1tle Caprsokia~sbl :tor'e Nations To BeRoeealllt'51tMi i l 2 and Mrs. Little, Dean Joseph A. 1311- wihh. nsrdiageadeie More different nlatioins thani ever be- -''' sley, and Mrs. ,Bursley, Dean Edward for thle last: week aind rolled up its fore will be represented tonight in the R PUBLICAN UCLLID4 'lfevos to) tackle thie $143,000,000. Th le H. Kraus anl Mrs. Kraus, DeanI Iuternational Night prog ram, accord- I o B P 4N Z J ereW atro niMs a-inlterstarte commerce (omillitt-O post - iilg< to)Syod 1F,. Husain, general chair- T E t, I ergeon .Patmirsoilain d Mrs a-Is 1)0110( ntil Wednesday pnn t man of tile affair. Most of these are 1 i en~ibi iip Ii'ys1hearings on conditions illtile soft adqaeyie~''eie y students O jl~tolo ie ~ Su'- coal fieldst in Pfennsylvaiiia, and also on the chi1aus11, but profet(ssionial acts, i(lnt s.cluhbiii prepar ationl for this Prof. Russel C. HIussey and Mri~s. pea' ovl 't(morwo oi are broughlt in to) unify tile2iprogr'am. yer' electionis will be taken up at a Hussey, Dr. Warren E. Forsythe an)d internationial Nigh-llt bvi present- meeting of the Republican club at IMrs. Forsythe, and Dir. Robert C. I tilinat ommeofe.o mm ssi ontl. Ii '(I aga in tomorrow night a :thtle iPease; 7:'30 o'clock tomiorr'ow n ighlt in room Angell and Mrs. Angell., auditorium in Ypsilanti, following the;30 of theie . John Inis, '31, who is gener al1 suits, ofthrpojet as yar h~e club is prepar'ed to enlarge its chiairman of the Frolic, has beeiuonou-I Ooster'ba an Expires rTickets fr )thpfo'aiesionlmmbership) for the elections this faill, fined to tile University health ser- T EghI p~riced at 50 cents, and l llr ay lob1) All those interestedl in its activities 'vice to recover from injuries received1 In f l t xse c tamned at all of tihelbookstores, in ! are inv'ited to) attend. in in accident a week past.IExstnc thle -Cosmopolitan cub.Scalnl1,Pont Anglnhai, r fomaniy lneinler 0)1f. ? RST166 A.8UNMNI ORGANIZATION OF B DUES CO L C I NU I E S TY E F C EZN19 hM, uim-lived sacrosanct athletic COLLE TION ,_ hero, Bennie Oost erbaau, expired in t t E C G C 1 (I i 7 (' - I i I 1 I I i 3 s I 1 i ,i lhe fifth, Rev. A. W. Furth dlefeated _--I Alderman August W. Dorow by a vote Opeing o: tile lecture' ser~ies held1 of 69g to 55. Aldermen L. P. Fisher each year under the auspices of the mnd Charles C. Freeman of the Inustit ute of Religious ]education, inI eve nit hl and sixth wards, respectively, cooperation w ith the Student Chris- w r l o f r e o fg t f r t e r ts o i t o , w l a e P a e a l c s u a n d t e n m n t o . i 'l c o i h t L n al w t Th reee a oc nt stosfighnfrtheirti7 soitin il ta e pae a Thee wre o)cone~t int~e frst Dr. Wilbert D. Hinsdale and Profes-i seconadfut ad.I h o ooo ..Gn~i s"h)venth ward, the contest for alder- speakers. Tile two courses b~eing of- man lay between George S. Watson, fered this year, "The Scientist and Pr~of. Leigh .J. Young of tile forestry Religion" anld "Religion and the u- sc'hool, anti Alderman L4. P. Fisher. inanities,'' wiil be dliscussetd by differ-r Fishmer carried both precincts to be ent speakers each 'Tuesday night forl renominated by a vote of 279 to 181 , the following five weeks.' for Young and 49 for Watson. - I Dru. IHinsdale, who will give the Freeman polled a total of 101 votes 1 irtlectur~e, oil"Tile Religion of the' in winning the sixth precinct Re- nor'tlh American Indian," is custodian ,)ulica l unomiinationi. His opponent, of Michigan archaeology and curator' John MacGregor, meceivefi 60 votes. of thbe University museum. As thle There were in)o democrlatic contests. first scientist of the series lie will The m1en1 chosen on the Republican give the- views held ini tile(lays of ticket will face tile democratic so- lprimitivyeireligion, when Indian loreI sections in the yearly spring election domnated tihe mind of Amierica's in- to be held(1April 2. The oth(,r noinina- hlabit ants. l)i'. H1insdale is an emin- ioils follow : ellt authotrity on the Indian. The First ward--Republican :Aldermnan, other speakers in this course jamre B. Frank Oh linger ; supervisor, Ralp~h PoesrW.D edrsn-r T. Sw e(150(1 5 . Warthin, Professor Louis A. Second ward --llcuublican : Alder- j Hopkins, and Dr. Clarence Cook Lit-. mnl, H1enr1y Weuir; supervisor, wil- !tie. hiam A. lInnsA'O14, constab~le, George Professor Gingerich, o~ the eng- H. Borgert. Ihisil departmen~lt, wviii open the secoint Third ward-Republican : supervis- Icourse with a, talk on ":Moral Drives cir, Fred J. Hleusel; altderman to fill in~ Literature." le will showv how vacancy, E J. Almendlinger. religion i5i first hinted at in early Fourth ward -- Republican: Alder- literature and trace it- through thlat maon, S. S. hiaummkal ; constable, Geo. miedium to its present form. R. A.' Nor. GJough. Baker, Prof. P. M. Jack, Dr. Caroline Fifth wvard-Republican : suipervis- IR. Williams, antd Judge George W. oir, Smaock{. Sample will b~e the other five speak- Sixth ward -- Republican: super- ein h Rlgo n uaiis visor, Har'ry C. Raschbachier. coemsine "eiinai uaiis Seventh ward-Republican: super- rThe meetings will be held in~ the visor, James N. Gialbraith ; constable, Upiper r00om1 of Lane hail, and are Myron I-H. Mills. tre~e and open to the public. CABOT TO SPn-EdAK "Th e Weather It Bvsadglris victoorsa h Itlaisandloertough aitter pillth oriz thadgBle,whouforallitpratiall fuorsesBaesdwhmpionshilprhonors pos, epingdofmponsitheowoevrls tosiherkeriasndianathandoPurdue.in HoinrgivahonrsaforaMihiganuan orin hogmeowresplr ibetwenCapt. for rank Haga,ennpietwoeerCaan. Fa Bilarrig, ehe Ofwomteasn respensible for 11 points. The first two, ending their college basketball career, in a fine display, divided honors with the 'sophomore who stands as a powerful threat who may do big things in future Wolverine basketball campaignis. Ernie McCoy closed his second year' on the squad entirely in harnmony with theo all-star Michigan effect his clos- ing guarding being responsible for holding Wisconsin's ace, Bud Foster, to three points. And Bob Chapman, LVi chigan's sophomore center, comn- pletely outclassed his Badger rival, to gahin almost every tip. For Wisconsin, Hotchkiss, the blond3 running guard, was a source of much troub~le to the Wolverines in general andl Orwig in particuar', mak- ing six points in the first half thlough going scoreless thereafter. 1Mc Coy Cages Opener McCoy b~roke away into the clear and caged the opening basket of the game in a twinkling, taking a perfect .pass from Oosterbaan. Bennie then drew two huge rounds of applause when he ran the score to 6-0. The only noticeable effect of a time out by the Badgers was Tenhopen's coaxing of a, pair of free throws. Hotchkiss broke away anti brought Wisconsin within a brace of points of the Wol- verines, but this was the closest they came at any stage of the game. Broken into only by a Badger time- cut, in an effort to check the Wol- verines, Orwig counted two baskets and a free throw to put tb-c Wolves in an 11-4 lead. From this stage on, the Wolverines kept broadening the gal) until they led 21-10 at the half. The 'second period was nothing more than a -comedy with Wisconsin, out- classed, fighting vainly to make even half as many points as the irresistible Wolverines, who went through the whole game without a substitution. Tbe, Box Score - OosterbGaN 4, ..... Oorba, f........ Chapman, c. .. .....2 McCoy, g...........2 Harrigan, g. (C) .. 5 Totals .........18 WISCONSIN (19) FG. Tenhop-en, f........0 Behr, f. (C) .........1 F? otchikiss, c. ..... .2 Doyle, g.......1 Pr"J? Lr ~1 1T 1 11'Y 1~ 1 11 1 115 0 1 4 10 11 4 1 16 6 42 FT. P. TP'. 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 0 6 0 2 2 1. 1 3 0 1 2 ; "E 1 i TO BE CONTINUED !Ui tf~t's Not:: This is the second of lister' was appointed the first alumnli ies o-itiIi l2existece last igit at the stittltjOW, intitejicdI todevelop theirhii~s-Iecre tar'y. Tlhis gave to) Michigan the ib1(15' intiiieaworept Collectionu of cdues furomimember's of tors an;d iiiaior principles or organtization frt rgnze luln sscatoi m alny Hindi, feline ever received.! the senior literary cla-ss will be eon-i and mniagemenit. the enitire country. Th'loughli not as accurate in his cir- tinuedl this week, if has been an- Cu ntieecday thiat th~e first class was o-cus stunt ofh'oitoping thle-hall as in nonuced Heresuitaties f te cassgranatoill~rmint h~ Uivesit of In 1897 one of the first acts of t Ix nounced. Rpresentatiesnewlyheformedgrassociationm w3 -nsversbuyofn!imny ot her games, Oosterbaan upheld. teserwill agi-esaindi ihgn asceyo h lminwyfrmdasca o a oby ihis quota with five two-pointers and theierby fAgl ale taytioe iiMchgnaso' fth'luiithe Michigan Alumnus, which had ui teobyoAighhalthatnr-was formed, and fronm that time therebelesaihdin19 'dwh I n one-pointer. equaling the totals i'ow, anmd Thursday. Dues may be ,"11beebeentatlleast ome h8nd of al nun- Iof fellow shy-andl-;etiring Captain p~aidl today anytinme from it o'clock to I Ili omganizat ioii. Eventually the Col- a hen in private hiantis. The H-arvardl Ilarrmigai~ and 1time Inot s0oi'etiring-aiid- 4 o'clock, thioughi class officials have :;,e,. Ltrl ie,-cine a, fu Graduate Magazine and the 'ale shy sophomore Orwig. not yet set the hours that repres: nta- th;a adAunn5eel ee h iiO )-10sf Cu baan started righlt after the1 tives will be in Angell hall tomlorriow teMEi loge alumni papers iin the counmtry to Big Ten scoring lead anti achievedol cal college organized their own alum- redeti pulcio aid teI Thuisiy.I ni organizations, though at this time MciaAlmu wstiefrt0)-P11t frial ias upyo Futi aiseo fmrom theIpayiimnt of teecolsal clees wr the senior literary class dues will be ! ."- lege aluni monthly nmagaziiie to ap-- Purdiue anod McCrackemn of Indiana, an pro :knox' a (lpatululs.But it wvas contr'ibu ted to a class unit in the poknowntils17dtpartethes. scitor pear' in the West. opportunity to overtake him in their jest for the Burton iviinorial cam-ntutis87tarte prwhentailod-tuder itsipresenlt form we hlave' 0fo0remiiggame. Alo i re ])iiile. lUnt il the dues ar'e pl, c gnato ases: forthim11wr o~oexcep~t the oiie pr'ogr'amis, iinvitaitionis, o1' tickets fao' j lartlu eit organizations were consol- one o" the oldest aluunii ou'ganza- hti ehm giai 1wh thle Senior hallcno eOtind Ic-E1lte l inooebgaun IOi .014i h onr. I LitC grinned when, after side-stepping his cordimug to) cass offiials, a io~ , and n~ow, all alumni, 1n0 matter' Alumini associatioin was again l'001 defei~sive unit, he miissed the easiest -- - - - - -~-- -Ixwhat department they gr'aduate from, gamized anod the work of the blodysot )alolomuiiy aDr'. llughli hot. protessor' of 5st1'- El gery and dlean of flue Medical school,(IyAoiaeI'e) ando Dr. Preston M. IHickey, professor hIncreafsig'elowiniess flad w1,arlier i of iroentgenology, are scheduled to tOdl1IV; sniow or raini tomlorrow; colder, A ( speak in Detr'oit today, !by nighlt. NE PROFE SSOR WAITE CRITICIZES I REPORT OF CRIME COMMISSIONI "'I do nmot- believe that the recent me- I lessor Waite ob)ser'ved that the ])public eroi port of the National Crime~ comniuls- 1s not alive to the actual situation. I soui alhouh poba~ly~oii't~t I "Thie gc neial dithmeul ty ot law en-( (soo, alhouh prbabl corectin tti'eremd'nt is an unwillingness oil theI conclusions, takes into sufficient ac- h art of the public to studhy this pr'ob- IS count the much greater difficulty of 1em," Prof. A. E. Wood of the 'sociol-I law enforcement in this country as gy departme nt declared in giving his # ( )mpared with England," Prof. Johni opinioni of the report. "People are of B. Waite, of the Law school, stated imin not interested in public ser'vice," bie ,C( an interview r'ecently. "Thue problem stated, "anod while simplification of I w here is ten tinges more difficult be0- ouir lawv enforcement system might NV cause of several reasons. Our police aid in thle solution, there is mlore than al t are underpaid, amid there aro tower of1 this ileetdet. If the problem of ty- of~ them for an equal-aount of popula- Iphioid fever huad been attacked iii the ! i lhermant, f.........1t [iller, g............0 0 0 0) .drews, f...........0 0(- 0 0 imielewski, f. .....1 0 1 0 elson, g. ..........1 0 0 2 Totals.................... 19 Free throws missed: (Michigan 5) Iarrigan 3, Oosterbaanl 2; (Wisconsin )Tenhuopen 1, Behr 2, Doyle 2. Ref- ree, learns. Umpire, Maloney. )OS TE, RBAAN TOPS 5CORINGQUARTET Bonnie Oosterbaan leaped to the top the pack last night in the race for ;onference scoring honors. He leads vith a total of 129. His nearest rival, Halter of Northwestern has 123, has Iso flunished .his season. McCracken of Idiana and Murphy of Purdue are ed for thuird with 121 points apiece. i - .+ti,,-, i.t.-. c .-ntlhnr P,..f