T I,: MIiMUA] s sRi1t9 #eM ++.w . IA Ihl1iIM NY THE MJ(T-11GAN DAILY S UNIAYMiI.CIT 4, 12 DAI LY O FFI CIAL BULLETIN Publication in the M3iletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. In. (11:30 a.in. Saturday.) I i:3( o'clock. followed1 byv p'escnt11ion otr rlL io,lops i(e ' hYocl ~~I I 11it Nl' ILpAa~. pastol-, dduring the [I Alt en sea son. This evening 1REV. 1">. C. Selli) 18\ViI I.VG 1FIL S EA ISpeak on "Th e At onemuent ."'Stuiident disc tision AN-ill fol141W lie (1 dl es. OAT CREDIT 'I4ORKI Kvery Lutheran stu(dnt on the cam pus is inv itedi. K. N. MeM ich'twel. I uthera n Sinden I Secreta8ry. TI~Iiier the auspices of the School Pitf Y 51,e311 'c1iiitlee: of lBusiness Administration Paul IH. 1 [ilie mein ( - ugwill be :Mond~ay at 1 o'clock in Ba~rb~ourpGA In. i I''ii ed St it es referee in bank- IehlI ;iwkiiis Cli i mm. on rp1 ly, will speak on "G eneral Prin- Ann Abor At Asociatoc:les, of (hiunercial Credits'' at: 4:15 1 The exhibition of paintings selected from the fortieth Annual American o clck tomorrow in room 101 ,Eec- Exhibition in the Art Institute of Chicago is open every afternoon this week. nomies building. This lecture is thej ! Volume S. SUNDAY, MARCI II I. NUmber 11M. To the Penitms and Reg istr"tia1m Oficials: Igo not over'look the 1fact-tht;It811wo) raps~i'! of noni-quota students. are necessary and are expected from you at this time: (1) Report on new non-quota students enrolling. (2) Report of non-quota students -withdrawing from your school or college, and their expected dest inat ion. 81irley W. Snijil, Secretary. Uiniversly ILectuire:_ Dean Virginia C. Glildersleeve of Tiarnardl College will lectuire on "Inter- national Friendship T1hr"ough Uiniversilty Women" at 4:15 p.m., Monday,j March 12, in the Natural Science Auditorium. rf'i'epblic is cordlially in-j vited. F. IE. Robb~ins. Faculty Neeting, Schiooli of Education: There will be a meeting of the Faculty of thce School of Education on Monday, March 5, at ':15 lun., lRoom 109 'Tappan Hall. Considleration will ho given to the qluestioni of thle iiiiveity Collelg(%. C. U. Davis, Secretary. College of Literature, ,Science, and tlhe Aris; Combinied Curricula: Students wvhio desire admnissionl to t he c(omubined curricula, Letters and Law, Letters andl Medicine, Letter's and Business Administration, l etters ane Dentistry, Letters and Nursing, in the Sail of' 1928, may file their applications is the Recorder's Office, Room 4l, University Hall. All applications must. be made before spring vacation.I Florence Nobir, Recorder. Dance to Bill Watkins' Eleven Wolverines Under the Direction of BUD GOLDEN every Wednesday, Friday) and Saturday Nights at Granger' s Academy Sunday, Mlarch 4, is the last day. Bece-1I. Donaldsoni, President. first of a series sponsored, coverinlg the field of com'mercial credits, each1 League for Indiustrial Democracy: t eg~nIyamnWoi pc There wiii he a meeting of the league on Tb ur sday, M~archii t a p.mi.,j ia list, in some phase or commercial at the Labor Temple, 207 East. WashingtIon. 1 'rol. Z. C . I ich illnon, of Iiie0cred it workl. Thle seies is arvrang'ed economics department, will decliver ,nn addresso oti "What il iutst cial espe)cially for the benefit of students Democracy?" Everyone interested ISi fivitedl. in the business school, but is open to j ('t'r< l. 3ei4 others who may be interested, Physis (illofuhln: O1 the other lectures already ar-, Physis (_illl u.1 : i Mares1V, 6(I_ 1 __ I' Business Administraattion Lecture: Hon. Paul 11. King, United States Referee in Bankruptcy, will address the students of the School of Business Administration and others who may be interested, on the General Principles of Commercial credits. This is the first of a ;series of lectures on commercial credits. Monday, March 5, at 4:15 p.m., Room 101, Economlies Building. C. E. Griffin. I'llicersil V i'ri IiAl.ir (a in ii- Applications for positillls liit ho stlt (;' l e liiveisity vnFrslhAir ' aiiip Lire niowl.'ily,' eg i'lvcll. '''Iilty quailifield studtlis are li(,eiled. 't'hose \with a real initerest ini i)oes 101(1wh illi, son'ic( spililintciest or lohobbyarc' neded. , . lille t',liljl)1S2it t'A b ':li iitotselwi( (s btiis 11W, an ~iiilllw( Inelit. It i'Iter-'stod (call8at1 :l1III(4 K1.11',1for ('itilorfliliomn ;11di jplicatinn lankims. Wte arie serv'ing, as i LarigP0.a oloii lio of\to li(t) hrboVs caiii. fl ae . 6 "f oa.iiericaz, A 's~ cO t so a c I ni4 'r~P 3 1 PIl.fe " ;I's Tbhu annlial Hil 4't i l t'the I181t ('ihapter (II tihe A.A.t'.1". will he held" is Room I), Atalmni 1alelinlal81, 1211 'Ii rs111V, Malrch S. ai 4 :.15 p.mn. Report (;f Pro',lL'or 11. :A. S-;uildi(' as 11^lc('8t 1'IIItin'heininna8 iti i( (t- ing. l opoirts (of nlllliie2-of. i ~tioll o"I ''oittees. lElection of olilcees. E1-10i7,.1 N 1?. qIIoa, Cii 8p1 :'i'Seerel81 . Seniior 1,11": PI,)o'gi';us and11 iivl itioils vwi lihe olii Sae iiithe lobby of Allgell Ihail, 71-jlay, wedllieslhay, and1'I'liluitYi8, a181ai I,7. andiilS. J. A I herl iloescht, j SenioI4ril e('lua ls ,ia1?1F !'1ricaIs: A1r%. Al. l oring of the (gen eral 1 lecetliii (Compn~ iy, scheiuc t ally. N.Y., wvill be in Room 15 8 A'eolENitgil r In g Buf ilding on(l.iolinlayand Tuesday, Alarcilh' and {, for the puirpo~se c(f ilt Vi'VlOwing (i (Io >inl t('l~st ed ilntho trainiiing cour1se offered by the G(craI l iect oto ('snillyvinlthen' Various plantIs. 11. C. Anderson. j (15 cpb 11. ('annon. Second SemeserFresi nicti and. irst Seimester Solhoiiiores: All thoso liavitig the necessary average for initiation into Phi Eta Sigma Will please report at. Dean Bursicy's office, Room 2, University Hall to pay the $7.50 initiation and1(1 ha I(uet fee before Sat urday noon, March 10. For any further information call Emory Nuinneiey, 646)4. Leonard A. Schteele, President. Seniors in Jouirnalismi: All second semiest r 'seniors wvho are candidates for the certificate in Journalism are' requested to file a transcript of their university credits at the journalism office, Room 305, W. Med. Building, between 2 and 4 o'clock, any afternoon before March 10. - J. L. Brummn. Business Law (19A. 104)-Xake-up Examination : A makeup examination in this course wvill be given Monday, March 5, at 3o'clock in Room 25, Angteli Hall. w 1 i i a Iti'. C. ..Humphreys xill speak oil "Mipl111et Se'paratins," £and ,Mr. '""s" "MW ""'"'U" t h l IV11 11,ULr. Edward Baker on "The Polarization of Resonance Radiation," t 4:15, Tuts- by UI . Mtuller, head of theadutT e aE says: " llthe ord' stagebu day, March 6, in Room 1041, East Physics Building. All interested are in- ment (division of the Merchants' Cre- I vited. isi Bureau, Detroit, who will speak .. 7 1). e n4"j o"Operation of a Credit Bureau. "a+0 Ott Marchi 8, 1. C. Greene credit0 Graduate Club in Education: imna;ger of ihe -sing-Blair Co., De- IQ The Graduate Club in Education will meet Tuesday eventing, March 6 at troit, will lecture on "InstallmentW 7:30 O'clock in the edlucation library on the fourth floor of the I.,versity Credits," while onl March 19, R. B. "' Nr I'E 111igb School. All students of education are cordially invited ill le present. Schick, credit manager of Crowley- 9: 'Please note tihe change of (late and boutr of meeting. Milner and Co., Detroit, will speak- L. W. . hceli'r. onaTDepartment Store Credits." E EI. Etou . freshmen Giirls' Glee Cliii,: T H E A T R E 0 ~ There will be a meeting of the W ______________________10_______ Freshmen Girls' Gxlee Club on Monday, r®^ March 5. 0 Katherine MlcI~urray, President.' _ SO TCURO N Drama Section. Faculty W1omen's Cor. 4th Ave. and Huron St. Tel. 5565 S T O COKS E A SO: iMonday evening drama section will_ A NT 'O F R B EO meet at the Clttb House at 226 South 'E lq L/.,lr v' xy, 1:l leitel.. llyci'I,, ecrel a ry.- CONVEI ENTLY LOCATEID = " Th asji ItV Glee Ctni iwili 1i o2HOTEL. FOR YOUR +GUESTS. Q next i'eliea sal I ('Ii'iticsda . Atrel I _ (I at 1)11c 7 ( 1:inlloon 108 at theu n'ion. ,^I r It is of ioaralnouil1 importance that [Hot and Cold Water and Steain Heat in )'.1 memblers he present1 at the stated veyRom Shower Baths On Each Floor, W 'II6cod air(' l, aiiis '1 'Ors , 'i'l' i dh1'it fR e a l IH o m e - C§ o o k e d IM / e a ls in th e t t c d i 1' +y I e d n ; ct o i ' c z f =R s a un t t P p l r P i e .7 h B g We kTee l Sc e s s 11 otuin's (1111: _=; -Al The 'i:'sday hlI 'a.vleafliing Sectiloll Sr atcia.i C ken LDinnerOs a 50sre nIl tile h'8(1i I A -W flae'sl ul('111 sill i v t 111001. ! i'sdav. .itrch (6, ill 2:30 tp.m., every Sunday. Weve your inspection. 1 at the 1h1me1Wo01 Irs.A. F. Woodl, No.Lt Ma ge 48 Harvardl Place. Mi's.1I111higheyelet r = ' k(11( Mr s.,ni rrwin k will act as = .G 0 0 9 Li9M ngrE Q Al (eet at thue Vield] Ho1)15e t1 (inilr Thrt-ffthAn1' night !lcndaY 1 at 7 oclock. L~iiig lniry-nin~n a you r coupon hl ooks. D~rum and cyi- bar( plavers trill be able to gt their A T 17'1 ' T'1 ' T iultrunient-.4 out 01 the Baud B-all lbe- .4 .1 1 U4 ) ...1.Ij 'wren 6:45 and 6:55 p.m.yPIV \Niclholas 1i Flcone, Director. Barry Conners' w Hclts ILL AUDITORIUM -: ANN ARBOR!, Acolytes will meet- on Monday eve-iMa 16, 17, 18, 19.t1928 ntg, March 5, at 7:30 o'clock in Roo00112 May Famous Comedy Success *+ 106 Mason HallI. Prof.l'.Dl itI0 Parker wvil read a paper on "Cogui- ARTISTS AND ORGANIZATIONS , tive values." EARL V. MOORE Musical Director RyodHesr. FREDERICK STIOC._K Orchestral Conductor f There will be no meeting of the P ERCYDELAMARER Guest Conductor Michigan Dames, this week, Tuesday, PEC1G ANG RGus Cnuco March 6. CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA TX0 'r.Zr lbPeiet UNIVERSITY CHORAL UNION 10 Faculty College of Literature, Science, CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL CHORUS The March meeting of the Literary LEO'NORC OOA Srno E Faculty will be held Monday, March Prinia I nna AMetr opolitan Opera Co. 5, at 4:15 p.m., Room 2225 Angell LEONE KRUSE Soprano "0 Hall. Professor Reeves will act as Pr'ima l1)na Chicago Civic Opera ( AS i 11. J. Corbini, secretary to the Dea. 1 MARIE MONTANA Sopranor _______________________________Talented American. Artist RARE BOOKS DULCTDt A GU RT 'LA F Contraltori In order to allow a greater use o MARGARET MATZENAUER Contralto \ .'in rare books, m'any of the larger li- d Metropolitan Opera Company braries have instituted a photostat !i MERLE ALCOCK Contralto C department whereby photostatic Metropolitan Opera Company 1 plates are sold to people desiring a PAUL ALTHOUSE Tenor ,I book which is otherwise impossible Metropolitan Opera Company1 to obtain. People wishing to purchase TUDOR DAVIES ~ i pr Tenor with adorable these plates must buy the negative and 'have the option of prcaigritish Naional Oper as many positives as they reqhuire. MARIO BAS3IO)LJABaritone FRANCES DADE \ll 1 i-NpolhitaillOpera ('tnpainy 1X~ RAYMUND Oera('onpay BritneCHARLES WARBURTON CHASE BAROMLO Bass Nl lScala andl Chicago Operas VELTMA RO T N . BENNO RABINOF Violin ~RYO 1 PERCY GRAINGER Pian~ and the other favorites PALMVER CHRISTIAN, Organ S gt illiiigSna IS 0-U,75,$.Wd 1lSEL11 Marclhing Scrrong fIancrc ran ti :0- -Entim'c hous;e Rio: Sat. Nat. at3 :00-500c, 75c. - Aecn Uivesit. t. ~~iuelcan niverity. The Quest of the Queer Prince (Children) Hyde 0 SAida Verdi , si r V SEASON TIC'1-S-$5.50, $6.00, $7.00. Mail orders . .A (Phone 4814)[t K S ed lise quend c ei fC (enclose I/cents for regstraton). 0I 0RE;1;Addlress: CI JAR LES . SINK, President. I :®sSw iP~S~~.I T rr e: tfr u ssv sle a.,, a- uARd. E. S. Wolaver. Sociology 121-31alicup Examnation: A makeup examination for those who missed the final will be held Mon- day, March 5, from 3 to 6 o'clock in Room 102, Ec. Building. A. E. Wood. 1'Itlosoplty 103 (Stoicism) -Make up Exa niinationi: The makeup examination in Philosophy 103 (Stoicism) will he given on Monday, March 5, at 3 p.m., in 106 MA. John Kuiper. Fresbuian'Women: There wil? I'e -1meet~r, o f all Freshman women on Tuesday, March 6, 'V. 4:15 o'clocK, in Unliversity Hali .Auditorium. Th,. selection of committees will be made at this time. Jane Howard. 's f Lutheran The Lutheran Students : Litheran Student Club meets exvery Sunday evening in Zion Paxiil 1 Hil. 209Eu st \Vsb ingt on ree.t-Supper and socil lat ROF. ROBERT OOLE Y.Al A Study of (>nterrio rary Undergraduate Life in tihe $2.50 mmwlBOOI 1 1% a , .. L 4 a t"""L S Y'_.4 'r. r -, _ __ Alex says ip Vs7Fe'4 Se whiat Alex has 1 " P4i 1 ii w ICIi I nu, x a - '0 ..iIy I k