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January 10, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-01-10

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J. A. Tra br '29A, Wi First Pl o,-,W s. ace In
J -111 lDeeorative Competitionl
0 icr I'rofeeiouals
Decorations for the 129 J-Hop will
be built on a more elaborate scale.
than have any in the past severals
years, according to John Gilmartin,1
'29lE, general chairman of the affair.
This forecast has been based on a
miniature model that was erected by
the designer, J. A. Taylor, '29A, for
presentation before the J-Hop com-
mittee some time ago. The motif of,
the decorative thcneu will be that o a
Dutch village.a
Taylor was awarded the first prize
in the decoration competition after
two weeks additional time had been
spent in judging the schemes submit-
ted. The award is all the more unique
in that it has been made to a studentt
All independent men students]


Hearty approval for the plan of re- all the powers and duties now held by
organization of the Union which will the two boards.-

be placed before the students early in.
the second semester for a vote was
voiced by Union officials yesterday.
The plan proposed by a special com-
mittee appointed for the purpose was
passed by both the Board of Directors
and Board of Governors of the Union
late last week,
Paul E. Buckley, general manager
of the Unpion, called attention to the
added cfficincy which would bey
gained1 by th-, new plan. In his opin-
ion, the old organization with both a'
Board of Governors and a Board of
Directors was not able to achieve the
speed in carrying out plans that the
new organization should make pos-
The new plan cannot possibly go in-
to effect until after school closes in
June, Mr. Buckley announced. After
the meeting of students which may
pass upon the plan, there is neces-
sary: the general ilection of student
officers on the 'board, the meeting of
the Univernity Senate for the appoint-
ment of its representatives, and the
general meeting of the alumni to elect
the alumni mnrmbers of the board.
The general alumni meeting can be

"The students should be particular-
ly interested in the proposal, owing
to the fact that eight of the 17 mem-
bers of the board will be students,"
Jeffries said.
W. Roger Greene, '28, said, "The;
plan of reorganization embodying a
new Board of Directors will be of un-
told value to the Union-in focusing
responsibility and bringing about
quick and sponthneou3 action. The
disadvantages of the present un-
wieldy organization will be removed."
Emphasizes Value Of Studying Man1
In Relation To His Environmenti
And Behavior
"We must pay attention to human
biology in the matter of breeding,"

. _
13 cupi Of V ilx tGsp t A i.

j }1

While 2,700 students have already tion for the College of Literature,
completed their classification for the Science and the Arts.
coming semester, the work would be Already more than 1200 students
much simpler and all of the students have failed to report to the committee
following in their appointments would at the time that was set aside for
find much more time and opportunity them by the slips that they had
for easy passage through the hands of signed, and this means that all of
the committee, if all of those people these slips will be carried to the end
who have reservations with the com- of the week and all of these students
inittee by reason of signing slips in will have to classify with those stu-
their classes would report to the com- dents who signed no slips in their
mittee at once, according to the-state- classes. The whole difficulty would
ment of Prof. Daniel L. Rich, chair-i be removed, according to Professor
man of the committee on classifica- Rich, if students would apply at the
very time set down by the committee.
flIT flIITThis will enable the committee to
C workat full speed all of the time andi
will enable them to work on a certain
definite schedule, in order that all of
the students may be easily and quickly
The classification will continue to-
day as usual. In the morning the
Abseice From Two Successive Meet- committee will meet all of those peo-
ings Will Meain Suspension; Will ple whose names begin with initials
Permit Reinstatemient H-J, who have signed any number of
reservations. In the afternoon the
PLAN BRIDGE TOURNAMENT committee will deal with those people
whose initials are from K-N and who
Suspension from the Interfraternity have signed any number of reserva-
n..ri '1 <..,n n7.,.4ort n. .l~n aonh t(Lions.

To Panama And Confers National
Medal After Speech
(By Associated Press)
PANAMA, Jan. 9-Another triumph


held during the ciass reunions in
Commencement week.
William E. Jeffries, Grad., president
of the Union, also stressed the speed
with which action would be taken
under the new plan. He said: "The
proposed amendment to the Union
constitution will undoubtedly make,
the governing system more efficient.


declared Dr. Earnest A. Hooton, not-
ed ilarvard anthropologist, in a uni-
versity lecture in the Natural Science
auditorium yesterday afternoon.
Dr. Hooton, who spoke on the sub-
ject of "The Study of Human Races
and Types," outlined in his lecturek
the field of physical anthropology.
touching briefly on its various phas-

awaited the- good will ambassador
from the United States, Col. Charles
A. Lindbergh, when he landed on the
field here today, named in his honor
Campo Lindbergh. He cane sailing.
through space from the direction of
Balboa, and settled down to earth at
1:51 in the afternoon. It had taken
him a little more than four hours
to span the distance between San
Jose, Costa Rica, and the capital of
Pana'w'a-310 miles.
The flying field was thronged with
spectators who immediately made a
rush for the Spirit of St. Louis, which
taxied swiftly to the grandstand
where President Chiari and numer-
ous high iofficials of the government,
Col. Harry Burgess, acting governor
of the Canal Zone, and Br;g.-Gen.
William S. Graves, commander o. the



who are to attend the J-HOp, }The Board of Directors ill assume
must meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight
in room 316 at the Union for the M m
purpose of organizing into 1 mes ayersOpen
groups for use of the booths. All Post-1o1da Season
booths must have 20 couples. Or- ""
ganization will be made as far In "Seventh Heaven"
as possible according to schools
and colleges. Also a chairmanI
must be chosen to represent each After two weeks of rehearsal the
group in the signing of regula- Mimes Players* opened their post-
tions. holiday season last night with a pro.
duction of Austin Strong's "Seventh-
IIHeaven." A cast composed of several
nstead of to a professional firm as in i of the better known campus players

council was adopted as -the penalty
for any fraternity missing two succes-
sive meetings at the session of that
body held yesterday afternoon at the
By the terms of the resolution,.
drawn up by a special committee and
pr*sented by Reuben Wax, '29, a fra-
ternity having been suspended may be
reinstated by a vote of the council and
the payment of a $5 fine. The full text
of the resolution is as follows:
"Resolved: That any fraternity fail-
ing to send representatives to two suc-
cessive meetings of the Interfraternity
council shall automatically be sus-
pended from this organization; this
suspension shall take the form of the
publication in The Michigan ;Daily of
the name of the delinquent fra-

Student Council I
Tuesday And N
Week Fo
Two days have
the collection ofe
nounced yesterda
ing of th3 clas
Union. The days
day and Wednesd

the past. Taylor has figured promi-
nently in other' competitions, having
been given honorable mention in the
contest for the last architects' May
Party designs,.
Extra Lighting Effects
The Dutch village scheme as laid
_ut by the planner will afford oppor-
tunity for more than the usual amount
of lighting effects. It will be carried
out in both Waterman and Barbour
gymnasiums,' and is being especially
built to fit the auditoriums, thus elimi-
nating any incongruous effect. A huge
windmill 'will be erected at one end
of the gymnasium, behind which will
be a large moon. The moon will serve
as a mediumfor changing the lighting
during the course of the dance." It
can be illuminated in several shades
of red and yellow and the blue sky,
overhead will have corresponding
shades of darkness and light. At
various points around the floor will
be situated lighthouses, from which,
spotlights will play oii the dancers.
The booths for the accommodation
oif patrons, pat ronesses and J-Hop
guests will be in the form of houses
and c6ttages, all cdifferently construct-
ed. Some *of these will have slate
roofs, others roofs of thatch to repre-
sent poorer dwellings. The names of
the fraternities and organizations will
be hung on the booths.
Jtweeny the two gymnasiums the
pass tgeways will beo in the form of
bridges, and the orchestras will all be
accommodated in boats moored along-
side and underneath. The whole ef-
fect will be one of exceedingly bright
color and changing light as the night
Contract Is det
The decoration has been awarded
to the George P. Johnson Flag and
1)ecoration company of Detroit, and
several men are now employed at the
task of designing and building the
Taylor has been awarded the first
prize of $25, while second and third
places were given to the Johnson
company and to the Arts and Crafts
club of Detroit,. respectively. The lat-
ter organization was given the decora-
tion prize and the contract for last
year's J-Hop. The second prize
scheme was that of a Spanish court-
yard scene, and the third an American
sports setting. The committee which
judged the exhibits was composed of
Pr1. Emil Lorch, Prof. William C. Tit-
comb, and Prof. Jean P. Slusser, of
the architectural school, and the final
awardt was made by the J-Hop com-

[epresellii" ve Names
Tednllsday Of Next
r Colleetiuis
been set asid, for
class dues, it was an-
y following a meet-
s treasurers in the
set aside are Tues-
day of next week, at

including Charles D. Livingstone,
'28L, Thomas J. Dougall, '28, Phylis
'Loughton, '2$, and Robert Wetzel, '28,


A review of last night's per-j
formance of ''Seventh Heaven," I
by Austin Strong, will -be found
I in the Theater, Books, and Mu-
sic column on page 4. '
contributed a finished touch to the
performance. ,«
Sets and properties for the vehicle
were of the more elaborate type -in-
augurated by Capek's "R. U. R." last
year. E. Mortimer S'huter supervised
the staging of the piece while Living-
"Seventh .IHeaven" is a story of
wartime France un to the time of
the signing of the armistice. It is
replete with colorful episodes gath-
ered from a locale laid in the Paris
A special musical progra-m built
around the song "Diane," written for
the show, was arranged for the Mim-
es orchestra by Roy Langham, the
I director. Tickets for the remainder
of the performan es this Week may
still be obtained at the box office of
the Mimes theater. All seats are re-
IIn honor of the ninth anniversary
of the founding of the league of na-
tions in Geneva. Dr. Francis S. Onder-
donk, of the architectural college, will
give ant illustrated 'olstoy leagueI
lecture at 4:15 o'clock this after-
noon in room 231, Angell hall.
In keeping with the occasion, the
pictures which have been sent from
Ncw York especially for the lecture,
will -show the different stages of the
work of the league.
Martin Mol, '30, will deliver the
principal address on "Alexander
Hamilton" before the Ann Arbor Ro-
tary club tomorrow noon in observ-
Iance of Hamilton's birthday anniver-
sary which falls on that date. A year
ago Mol delivered the Hamilton Day
address before the House of Repre-
Isenstatives at Lansing, this being the
first time in history that any outsider
had ever addressed an open 'session
of the House.
I ~ - I
Holders of booths for the J-
Hop are requested to mail lists
of their chaperones and guests to j
the J-Hop editor of The Daily j
as soon as possible. In order to
be published in the J-Hop extra {
1:. t1nc., i--.me t L fw. n n n

Speaking on aplied anthropology United States navy, awaited him.
he emphasized the importance oef .President Chiari took the youthful
studying man in relation to his en- aviator cordially by the hand, saying
vironment and behavior. "This is the to him: "Colonel Lindbergh, others
anthropology of th'\future," Dr. have secured the liberty of America.
Hooton declared. You, with your ability of shortening
distance, are establishing a basis of
As an illustration of the practical !fraternity and are bringing together
value . of applied anthropology, Dr.-;all the Am'erican countries on a basis
Hooton discussed a New Mexican oe real under'tanding,,
pueblo village which he is now en- The president then conferred uponj
gaged in studying. Dr. Hooton be- him the national medal.
lieves that this pueblo, which was Through the streets of the city
continuously inhabited for .over a Colonel Lindbergh proceeded atop an
thousand years, will provide the an- automobile. Crowds lined the roads
swer to many of the riddles of mod- and streets for a distance of seven
ern science, particularly in the field times and cheered the aviator as he
of medicine. Dr. Hooton remarked passed. School girls in white dress-
that the anthropologists had already es and panama 'ats, school children
been able to disprove the widely held i various picturesque attires, fire-
theory that tuberculosis and the so- men in red shirts and white knicker-
ial diseases were brought to Amer- bockers formed a solid wall against
ia by the white man. "They were the Avenida Central, Panama's mainl
prevalent among the Pueblo Indians street.
long before the first Spaniard set All Shops Closed
foot in the New World," Dr. Hooton 3All the shops were closed, and the
said. According to Professor Hooton, city was in holiday dress, with flags
it may be possible to find the origin . flying and buntings adding color to
of a number of diseases through athy scene. At the catlredral plaza,
study of the remains of the aborigi- t wher ethe ancient churches stand
Discussing the connection betwen half hidden by the royal palms, Col-
the physical and mental characteris- onel Lindbergh was presented with
ties of man, Dr. Hooton stated thihe golden key of the cityy the al-
in his opinion there is a definite n- calde, Mario Goldmio. T me nrtional
in hir s opinsio.n threis adefne in - band played the anthems of the two
terrelationship. In this connection he I republics from' a flower-bedecked ki-
brought out the problem of racial in-
termixture, particularly of the'negro A.fter the parade, Colonel Lind-
and white. bergh was escorted to the American
According to Professor H-ooton, ra- legation, which once was the resi-
cial amalgamation is steadily pro- Bence of Count Ie Lesseps, of Canal
gressmng in the United States withfaime, later purchased by the United
out being much noticed. The prob- States. The American charge d'af-
lem of the hybrid is a very pressing faires, John F. Martin, will be the
one, he said, and worthy of carefu flier's host dari
study. He stated that, although he roma. s during his stay in / na-
"Tel atste'sd m ""a
I vas not prepared to express a lefin-!
ite opinion, yet all his investigationsI It is nearly a inonth -r--December. 13,
had tended to rove that the hybid e exact-since Colonel Lindbergh
generally inherited the characteris- took off from nBolling Feld, Washing;
generlly nherted he caracEri-ton, and he completed his good will
tics of both races from which he wamsg
lescendied. In 'conclusion, Dr. Hooto circuit to Mexico and the Centraf
emphasized the fact that he did not nAerican repubics without an acci-
believe that mixed breeds were g dent of any kind.
erally of low intelligence, popular
theory to the contrary. IWORDEN TO TALK


ternity. which time the various class treas-
"Be it further resolved that any fra- urers will collect the dues from all
ternity may apply for reinstatement clas'ses of the University.
by written request to the secretary of Charles Gilbert, '28, chairman of
the council. This request must be the collection of class dues from the
presented with a fine of $5.
"Be it further resolved that any fra- Student council presided amid outlined
ternity which has applied -for rein- the program which was followed in
statement more than one time during the collection of dues last year. This
any school-year must accompany their year the system will be exactly the
letter with a $10 fine, same, with the two days 'set aside as,
"Be it further resolved that rein- class dues days upon which the money
statement of such fraternities who
haveproed hemelvs wrth ofwill be collected simultaneously all
hlave proved themselves worthy of I-
recognition by the Interfraternity over the campus.
council be reinstated by the council Following the meeting of the treas-!
at their regular meeting." urers, receipt books, which are the!
It was decided to hold an Interfra- official record of collections required
ternity Bridge Tournament, a plan
t ri ge Couamnt, a plan by the Student council from each of
originated at Chicago to promote bet- the class treasurers, were distributedt
ter acquaintance and understanding to the men. These books provide a
between the houses oi the campus, duplicate record of all money collect-
Two men from each fraternity will ed, and as in the past, all the funds
compose the team to play an eliminra- wIll have to be deposited with the
tion tour'nament for a cup or similar treasurer of the University, and no
prize to be given by the council. A expenditures will be allowed except on,
committee to arrange the schedule vouchers signed by J. A. Bursley,I
and other details will be appointed by dean of students. y,
Wayne Schroder, '28, council pres- Some of thetreasurers who have al-
dent. The play will start after the ready started the collection of class
semester finals are finished. dues in their classes under their ownl
Concordia, a local fraternity, has initiative will be called upon only to1
applied for admission to the council enter their receipts in the books pro-~
and their application will be acted vided by the Student council. At the
upon soon by the judiciary committee. meeting yesterday 15 of the class
-- treasurers were present and another
DEBA TERS TO GO meeting has been called for the same
hour next Moinday afternoon. At thisi
TO l.O N CO ,L GE tinme, _if any of the treasurers fail to
appear or to comihunicate with
Final preparations were completed Charles Gilbert, '28, in the meantime,
this morning for the second prelimin- some action will be taken by the Stu-
ary debate of the first semester which dent council, according to officials of
is to take place tomorrow when the that body.
Michigan affirmative will be the - __'
guests of Knox college in a debate STUDENTS RECEIVE
before the Galesburg, Ill., Chamber of
The men who will represent the -
University in the discussion upon the Charles Munroe, '31, and Horace M.
Baumes law will be Jarl Andeer, '29, Read, '31, sustained slight cuts about
William C. Bishop, '28, and Ormand J. the head when their car collided with
Drake,.'28Ed. a truck at Canton Center road, six

Wisconsin Denionstrates Suerborl
In Basket Shooting To Pile Up
Early Advantage
(By Associated Press)
MADISON, Jan. 9-In a game filh
with fast basketball and beautif
shooting, Wisconsin tonight defeat
the present champions, 26 to 22, R
the Badgers' second Big Ten vieto
of the season. The heavy Mchig
five took the lead early in the fir
half, but the Badgers came from. b
hind,' tied the score at 6 and 6 a
maintained their lead for the re
o' the game.
. Michigan Scores First
Bennie Oosterbaan, Michigani fla
started the scoring and McCoy ga
the invaders two nwre points t
minutes later, but after that Andrew
and Bud Foster went into action a
gradually turned the tables. T
lighter Badgers showed far great
accuracy at the hoops and this a
counted for the difference in t
score at the final whistle. -
The Badgers' advantage at the h
was 12 to 7. One feature of the gar
was the fact that it ran along for
minutes before a single foul was ca
ed. The diminutive Andrews of W:
consin then drew the first penal
By tightening their defense in t
second half, the smaller Badgers he
on td' their lead grimly, showingI
termittent flashes of speed that ke
the Wolverines in check.
(Special to The Daily)
MADISON, Wis., Jan. 9.-Michiga
battling Wolverines rose to frenzi
height's in vain here tonight as a wi
and fast passing Wisconsin tea
shot its way to a spectaculor victo
After rushing off to a 6-0 lead ea
in the game Michigan's attack falter
and broke on an unyielding Badg
defensive and while the Wolyerin
sought vainly to break through W
consin's criss cross short pass pI
up basket after basket until t
Badgers were well out in front.
Sensational shooting by Fost
Wisconsin -center, shoved the Badge
even further ahead and lengthen
their lead to 24-21. Then Fra:
Harrigan led a desperate Michig
vally which scored seven points
five' minute's and closed the g
to 24-21.
The lineup:
4ichigan ' FG FT ]
Rose, rf............ 2 1
IOosterbaan, lf............2 1
Ciampman, c...........1 0'
I Harrigan, rg............3 0
I (iawne, rg...............400
McCoy, Ig.. . . 2
.9 4
Wisconsin ' FG FT I
I Andrews, rf...........2 0
Ellerman, If...........1 1
7 Behr, If..............4 4
Foster, If.4 4
Nelson, rg. ............1 0
SDoyle, lg. .................1
10 6
Referee, Travnicek, Chicago;' U
pire, J. Maloney, Notre Dame.


Northwestern, 37. Iowa, 32.
Dartmouth, 27; Columbia,


STUDENTS CHOOSE J. R. Worden, manager of marketing
and advertising for the Frederick
WOODS AS LEADER Stearns company, manufacturing
"ehemistc. f( f Ttrit will-dd th


Ull111t",I O eL 2LP SiL, w111 aQ Uress L e
John Woods, '29D was elected the Prescott Club on "Problems of Mar- As a result of the holding of this
president of the freshman class of keting New Preparations" at the meet- debate, it will be possible this year for
the School of Dentistry at their class king tonight at 7:30 in room 302, each of the University teams to appearf
elections held yesterday afternoon.Chenmistriy building, in one home debate and also to take
Charles Waldo, '29D'was elected vice Mr. Worden will speak in Ann one trip. Thus the negative team
president, Ruth Earle, '29D, was cho- Arbor a's part of the Prescott Club's which met Minnesota will make the
sen secretary, and Ivar Johnson, '29D program for this year, which involves trip next week to Columbus for the
was chosen treasurer. The elections I bringing representatives of prominent Ohio State debate and the affirmative
were held under the auspices of the pharmaceutical houses here to talk team that travels to Galesburg will
Stuent councleltespions omtte before students and faculty of the meet Northwestern in Hill auditorium.
Student council elections comm-ittee,_ Pharmacy school. a week from Friday night.,
and were made necessary by the fact a
that the dental curriculum was re- SUDERL AND T ARGUE 0wN BILL
organized last spring and the two ~
sets of freshmen have not as yet been IN HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
consolidated into one.
James Fairchild, '29D, was runner- { Prof. Elson R. Sunderland o= the I land drew up as a member of a com-
up to Woods for the presidency, gain- Law school will leave for Washington mnittee of the American Bar associa-
lug 17 votes to 35 for Woods. Three I within the next few days to argue be- tion has met with tie approval and
nominees were placed in the field fore the Judiciary committee of the I
for vice president, with James Nor- House of Representatives in behalf sanction of that body.
loch, '30D, and Anthony Mickiewicz, of a bill which he has drafted and Explaining the need for such leg-
'30D, in the field with Waldo. Mickie- which will come up for consideration I islation, Professor Sunderland com-
wicz reached the final ballot, where in the near future. mented that "The constitution pro-
he was defeated by Waldo by the "The purpose, of the bill," Proses- vides that such laws from other stat-
same count as the margin in the ((sor Sunderland said, "is to provide es and districts shall have 'faith and

miles ea'st of Ypsilanti, about 1:30 - ---
o'clock Sunday morning. - Le Sociedad 'Hispanica, Spanish so-
The two were driving toward De- I ciety, will open its lecture series to-
troit when their car and the truck morrow with a talk by Prof. A. H.
crashed head on, fog obscuring their E Kenyon. His subject will be, "Monu-
vision until it was too late to avert 1y mentos Historicos d' Espana."
the crash. The car was 'severely dam- ? The lecture, which will be iven in
aged and caught fire before Munroe Spanish, will take place at 4:15 o'-
who was knocked unconscious could clock in room 1025 Angell hall.
be removed from the seat. Course tickets may be procured in
Read was brought to the Universtiy I room 104 South Wing, from the se-
health service Sunday and Munroe was cretary of Romance Languages. They
able to leave Beyer Memorial hospital may also be obtained at the door of
yesterday and return to his home. the lecture room. Adrmission is free
to members.
French Society Will
Hear Second Lecture Faculty Men Deliver
Convention Reading
The second lecture of the year un-
der the auspices of the Cercle Fran- Two members of the faculty of the
cais, campus French society, will take engineering school presented papers
place tomorrow at 4:15 o'clock, in and delivered addresses at recut con-
room 25, Angell hall. The lecturer is ventions. They were Prof. Roger L.
Prof. A. G. Canfield, and he will speak Morrison and Prof. Walter J. Emons,
I r ae T ior r ~ lorrinnpn +,t o - - - .

Denmark Specialist
Gives Food Lecture
Exlibiting a number of statistical
charts indicating the lowering of the
death rate in Denmark during the war

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