,ESTABLISHED 1 890 Ahr Ap itX MEMBERI ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVIII, No. 116. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1928 TEN PAGES nUEOBET AIYSEXCUSE FOR EXISTENCE OUCEu B ECTPROVED IN 38 YEARS OF GROWTH I DTRSNOTE: campus, by E. 0. Holland, whose toast fl fl"Thfl Daily," according to an editor- to "The Fair Coeds" was "Reproof on TO 11fl ni ia in its second issue, Sept. 30, 1890, her lips, but a smile in her eye," and ("its own excuse for being." The by Ralph Stone, now a member of the paper, estab~lished that year as the Board of Regents. At this time The FootU Ma AmE HB Mthird college daily in the country, was Daily issued an invitation to other wid, wth orethan half of the 'space West to join in the first intercolleg- FR M ER ANPractically half of the editorial of the country. D)ECLARERS SAFETY OF PEOPLE i pce at first, largely on the first The files for 1900 show the paper FIRIST ('ONSIPEJ{RATiON nucmepage, was devoted to faculty an- not increased in size, but somewhat TO BE TA K EN nucietin the asneof no-mr pretentious as to proportion of4 ______ ficial bulletin like the "D.O.B." of the ew, a large part f which was per- t'iEI present. The remainder was taken up sonal notes of the faculty. By this THREATENS PER Ai largely with notes of alumni and time the number of football candidates sports news. The latter included re- was 'sufficient so that two teams could W41arns ,Ast'rian VChancellor ('f~ Foreign ports of a game with the D.A.C., called practice against each other. Aewsp ipers That~1 Spreaid off because the D.A.C. had not got The activity of the business side Interference around to organize a team, and there of the paper was shown in the darinlg als appeared an editorial urging that schema of giving The Daily free for (ley Associatd P [ress.)f the football management take steps to the first week of school as an adver- ROME, March .-Premier M\usso- control the "crowd of fellows" watch- tising feature. The women's section, lini today made a vigorous defense of I ig the 18 football candidates prac- however, had not reached its present t the Fascist regime's policy in the, tice,. "even if a rope has to lbe form or gained a regular page. Ont Italian Tyrol and clearly restated the !stretched entirely around the field." Dec. 16, 1899, a special Women's Edi-1l Italian position that administration of At the first annual banquet, held tion was published, with sketches ofI the district is a matter of internal !just before spring vacation of 1891, lives of prominent alumnae, variousa piolicy interference in which by for- Toasts were given by Prof. F. N. literary articles (which often found+t eign governments would be intoler- Scott, the father of journalism on the space in The Daily at that time), and 1 able. a collection of material on sororities. 1 Making a long-awaited reply to i r LE lf A~U In the decade following, the or-? Chancellor Seipel of Austria, the pro- LY flIL liI l3 ganization of the publications wast mnier. defended the Fa'scist govern-- changed from that of a private busi- mnent's patience and foreboarance in f~l*, * u ness enterprise to a student activity,t the administration of the Upper Adige jI IUif authorized by the University, and su-j'S A P B D E pininwol bri±n0on (,'7 -1 "iIk 111 VY 1JviNIIbyLfha ~nOi- in Otr. rn- - SEEK, TO KEEP EARLY AMERICAN AERHOPLANE FROM BRITISH HANDS S'II'IISONI A INSTITUTE BIDS FOR RIHT TO HOUSE HISTORIC PLANE WOULD MAKE CONCESSION i aiimn i 11scum Ilead Offer: Not To E ii pta sizre Fact That Langley M1acline 1',as First ( B Assoiatced Press.) WVASIHTNC TON, March 3--An offer with a view to bringing the original pilane of the Wiright brothers, that flown at Ditty Hawk, North Carolina, to the Smithsonian institute, was made today to Orville Wright by C. G1. Abbott, secretary of the institu- tion. Wright recently announced his intention. to send the machine to the British national museum. 'Reviewing ini part the controversy that has arisen over the subject, Ab- bott madle his offer in the following Statement: SIGMA DELTA CHIj FOILS OPPONENTS BY DATE CHANGE By R.IV . C. With the precision characteristic of all politicians, Sigma Delta Chi, na- tional journalistic fraternity, has definitely shifted the dlate for its mammoth political convention-other- wise known as the Gridiron Banquet --from Tuesday, April 3 to Wednes- day, April 4. This move is thought to generate from a desire to foil the efforts of leaders of the opposition parties of students and townspeople to control the convention. Considerable agitation has already arisen in the ranks of the campus lrominents over the possible choice of presiding officer. Rumor has it that Waldo Abbot of the rhetoric de- partment, campaigner extraordinary, and "roastmaster" at Past Gridiron Banquets, is again taking steps5 to put himself upon thle rostrum. News dispatches of the next few days will carry the name or the office to be filled at the convention, and the holder of which will receive the tra- ditional Oil Can. Disappointment on the part of past holders - among them President Clarence Cook Lit- tle, Prof. William A. Frayer of the history department, and Prof. Oscar J.J. Campbell of the English depart- ment - is expected to vent itself in efforts on their part to break up WOLVERlINES LOSE TO INDIANA BY NARROW MARGIN, 36 TO 3'41 B' TEAM DEFEATS KALAMAZOO NYVIJA'ND IS HIGH11 SCORER WITH! SEVEN BASKETS AMD TWO FREE THOWS IN LEAD FROM BEGINNING Squad Plays Ten Grimes, Five of Which Result Ini Victory While Equal Numiber End In D~efeat Michigan's "B" cage team wrote finis to the first chapter of its history as a Wolverine athletic representative with an overwhelming victory over Kalamazoo college, defeating the M. I.A;A. leaders, 43 to 25 last night at Yost field house. Last night's win of the "B" cagers brought their season record to five triumphs as against a similar number of losses.. Many fouls-21 to be exact,-fre- uent time outs, and occasional flour- ishes of clownish defensive and offen- sive playing by both quintents tended to make the contest dull and almost man-speaking minority, and issued a - warning'Ithat the I15-Germnanlanguage ;Spiie ets Two l() orld's Records For newspap~ers published tilers; would be I Osianding P'erformance In summarily suppiressied in case of a ie- Back Stroke Events vival of "intolerable inteiference" -- front Austria or anywher'e else out- ~A~T iT ~ f~P sidle of Italy's confines. ( ASTYi' GETS ALL FRAii~t~ "A state respecting itself cannot 1- -- tolerate foreign interference," said IDjiaigterpromneo the Italian premier. "Mr. Fuller, the last week, Michigan's swimming team governor of Massachusetts, has sup-f submerged Wisconsin, 54-15, last plied us with a striking example ofln ight in the Union pool, the Wolver- that subject.", (This reference was to the Sacco- Iies taking every first place. Dick Vanzetti case and referred to Govecr- Spindle set new world's records in nor Fullei's refuaal to ke(,p Saceo the 400 meter and 500 yard back and 1.anzetti-both It aians--from Stiroke, when he cntinued oil after execution despite widespireadl move- winingr the 150 yaid event. mets in their behalf in forign coup- The Michigan relay quartet of tries.) Walker, Walatis, Ault, and Captain Recognmizves Only Safety lirnall won the 200 yard relay by a "'It is time to declare tha~t insolenti wide margin, covering tie distance in spteeches, odious insinuations and viii- 1: 3. Thompson of the Wolverines gar insults have only one result-to captured the 200 yard back stroke in acceleiate the turning of the Fscistat easy style, beating McGovern of Wis- vise and open anl Jb'yss between two cosin by, five yards. Halteadl of neighboring peoples. As much as it 1M1 Agars took third. is in our powver we wish to be friends Walker of Michigan took the 50 of the German world ofi whic'h we yardl free style in 24.4 secods. Bat- recognize the good qualities and apl- I ter, Wolverine veteran, placed second, preciate the contributionis brought to! while Civoley of the Badgers was human civilization, but on one condi- third. The 440 yard swim went to tion, that our safety, namely the 3Atilt of the Wolverines, who was the safety of 42,000,000 Italians, should winner by more than a length. He not be put even vaguely in question."I swam the quarter mile in 5:18. Wat- The premier madleIs addi'ess, whvlich sonl of Michigan annexed second place, was greeted with a storm lot apllause, while Winsey of Wisconsin was third. only a few hours3 fter he had mach- Spinle won the 150 yard back stroke ed in the funeral p-rocc54on of Mar- in 1:54.4, and then went on to stab- shal Arniando Diaz. fish a new mark of 5:53.6, (dispacing ________ the former record of 6:1 1.2 held by+ EDI1TORIAL. STARS Robert Hosie. lHe also shattered the 500 yar iecord of 6:5 5.4 held by EASILY CONQUERI Conrad Mila of the I. A. C. when he SPORT F.ANATICS coverecd th distance in 645. Lange' I ofthe adgrs ws seondin the back stroke, while Warner of Mich-I $y ,en igani inished third. Comimng; from bolnld and 11(1 5'()ii Playing two overtime periods, thle 18 bashets inl jh v I :l Bk ort~cn of iA ;all'.Vchiga ii aniidWisconsin wa1e'r'poo the T ally edit oril a {afldo:caht d Ithe i lns battled to a 4-4 tie. The Wol- sport St af, inl the to-lw-expected vcr os missed many opport uiiels. inanne'.1.13-7 83=4, i a fierce('.gno of Sunmmaries b~asketb~all at. Waternian gymnasium 200 yard lacy-Won by Michigan before a spectat or. i (Walker, Walait is, Ault, Darnal). Playing c'oach "13''0" luChamerlin Time-1: 37. 5{) yard free style--Won waIs the in It.a ii hg lperfoiner ':I by Walker (1) ; Battemr (M), second; his redl tights, bearing the hri'nt of Crowley (W), third. Time-:24.4. lie attac'k,.ctvringOwfocr like a; ( yar'd breast stroke-Won by tt andI handlintg hi, 1 mcii in may- Thompson (M); McGovern i (W), t ('I'Ill a s h io n . le w a s s k illfu l l y Seco iR; Jjs a 1 ) ~ t i d 1 i n .. guardedl by ''Skinny''iredrier o' the 2:4. 40 yardh swiin-Won by Ault sports staff, ut managed to diop in!(,1) ; Watsoin (M), second; Winsey several basket s--during practice. (W) , tird. Pine- -5 :1. 150 yardi "Silver tongue" Kern, ('emt e. of the 1IXI'k stoke-Woin by Spindle (1); edit team wvas carried off Ithte flor .,. l cod;Winr(W after the first two minutes o play. ; tbud. r1ime1 51.4. 100 yard free He chined that he had been lit 1)-style -Won by Darnal (M); Seager( low the belt, but. the m'eferee ruled i(M), sacenId ; Davis (W) , third. Time ! 54.4 Fancy diving--Won by Wal- it was his he ad. 1'idts (M); Cuisinr (W) , second; I"Speed" hm'tiv( at, bitt. when rush- I1 Baley (11.) , third. Medley relay-- ter, intoited itmson othen rushit- ywon by Michigan (Hubbell, Thompson, e~l nto he incrn o theedi, tem .eif) . Time -3.11.8. p r v d v r a u b e f r t e s o t e f.me n . lie w a s th e o n ly (o 1le to w a lks I home unaided, because he didn't playI REEVES SAYS UNV for much of the game.ISSU G TE J Time keeper Smith held the wateIhS G ES E without letting it fall, but has been i- accusedl by players of both teams of j7The fact that acceptance of the matiing the game( too long. It Was Uiversity college plan will be recoi- alleged that lie hiadl a gruiiile against miended to the literary college faculty most of the upo amd knowing their !by their specially appointed commit- condition was seeking; revemnge. InI tee does not necessarily mean that ai private interview la.st night Smith I that faculty will accept the Univer- said, "f have seen worse basktetball sty College Monday afternoon, acord- gaines, but niot todlay." ling to a statement made by Prof. Job was also there and played most , Jesse Reeves, chairman of the com- of the game but his teaml mates did mittee, yesterday. The group which not know it. He wans playing sneak- prepared the ireport recommending the in forward and hid so well that accepitanmce of tile University College, ing with minot' reservations, was appoint- even his colleagues couldn't finild b h ieaycjeefcl jmim. merely for the purpose of investigat-i Thec game was rough and there ing the matter and making such a re- pIU YivsU by the tsoDrainuontoi of jUL IIIOlectd in January to l00 secre- '' ""''C"'r ~Will beilieit devoid of interest.1 Student Publications. This step was itai z o ' lie Smnithson:ianz institute, 1inteUonblrm. rheyle About tie oily redeeming featurez the result of extensive political ma- inei dakot rbefrIe-Saidltolbe chagrinedl beause this of the listless battle was tie siper- menvring amid contests developing in-Irnr years holder will also have an liuic- lative shooting o Nyland, (captai i to gang fights among the students mar ought me face to face with tulos title to accompany amd ug- adcne ftl az idBu vieing for control of The Press. thle Wright controversy.0ml Fo. 13 1: nlnniithis possession,. Further detailsa"B ee wofrate aketn forue7 The Board, under the management wroty~ie to Orville Wright: It would will be amnounced in tie near fu- goals" fran the ildadetwfoufr71 of Prof. Edson R. Sunderand, busi- we ol rmtefedadtofo be a matter of great gratificationl to _____________tie, foul line, and o Balsamo, di-1 11055 mnmager, has maimntained its 1)-;- sition ever since, and provides ani or- meamd to all ur conrmnif ti lill Ammu~m~utive forward, who gathered int ganized system unappr'oachmed inl busi- (mow, or even at a later time, you o~F11kI AII'11 Ufthourtdgas.l fo a ece ness efficiency and fairness of cons- should see your~ way to depositing it! TheUWolverinesifwerUe nev1ofitimercourt college publications,. fayohr(tm itlw mcie ee' IflWA IN CP1O0SF ble at any juncture of the fray, gain- peito bhtlimthd pto(arett. r he plommes idt i i a me fovrimaeb ee dvnevge in tro- The Daily of 191, under Lee A. ta;bt eallhsht rte'IYI1 " L O 't n ofral datg me White, managing editor, amd now Iw'ished Uto diatelhepln i tey atiheoeigofttgm editorial secretar'y of The Detroit amd maintaining it to the end. Theyt News ha imcresed o afiv-co uniImted States National museum, but badgersGo lnto Tie WiVth Purdue By scored 11 points before tie Hornets (Conthadinured o fiecol) n1hat it, is now sent to the Biitisl 1 Sohving Strong Defense had hardly found ositioms on tie ________________I aiomal niiucun because o 1wIho li Of llawkeyes' floor to prodice their first marker, 1 ORA M th ie amd unifaiir atitude sownVilusI and at te half Coach Harry Kipke's BARR CON ERIby the ofic ials of' the Smithsonian; CHICAGO WINS A'T URBANA players were leadiig, 26 to 13. At IN H 1 institutde. It is stated that tie plane i - one stage of te gaime, the Michi- EKis still subject to recall. Simce both City Asocated Press) gal seconds were leading tie Ka-t DD (411tL Mr. Wrighit and the Smithisomnian fi-,I IMADSON, March 3-Wiscomnsim's zoo cagers by 19 points.I ~I [ EA UR ~ E stiflte dleire it, there remains oily blght but at iaktbal team oh te' Kaamazoo Defense Weak1 Coir 1 ~~~ ~ ~~Anwr cans AeInterested tauacstmdtI loro h Coucd3yOf IDomestic Li° 'lx Cho s ..F"h,, people of tie United States, I elow-score classics of the sea-ltremenasonoftoha felodrhouste1 Ccuntrals4 T'Jo utton Vhatte ~I who suppilort the lationai museumame largedimensionslofBtheefieldehouse son,20-7. he adge'sneeingcort, set up oly a flimsy defense Mlelodrama vitally interested. They ardently d- each victory to stay in the ruming through whicl Nyland dribbled un-k II + t sire that an object of such pmide to fo' tie title, were not to be daunted, molested on three occasions to make FR NESDD W SLED.llAercn as tie Wright machime despite a stonewallefemse developed successful shots at tne hoop. Ba- i --I of 1903 shouldl;join the iatiomal val- by tne 1awkyes. The Badgers went samo, let 'unguarded, pushed tie ballf Contrasting with Sutton Vane 's alh. of aeronautics where rest so into a second-place tie, with Purdue, through tie irons four times duringf 'Outward Bound" which closed last many planes that have made aviation I as a result of tonight's victory, but tie session.< night at the Whitney theater, and with history.I still have Michigan and Illinois to Kalamazoo launched a powerful at-t Ibsen's "Hedda Gabler" which opens j "I will not again present from tie beat, both on foreign floors, to gain a tack in te first few mnutes of tie1 nextweekwithElse Llrndo7 Kernsother poimt of view questions recently share in tae Conference title. Iowa got secornd half, cuttig tie 12 poit lead1 mmet eekwih Esi l-emmmdn oarmsraised by Oiville W right and his away to a good start, and (uring the held by the Wolverines at tie ter-i in the featured role, the Rockfor'd friends, ~or fixed opinions wouldi re- first 12 iminutes Wisconmsinm had notr I laycra~ are presenting Barry Con- ;ma in unch angoe cd. Bravimig warnings 1 coe afelbol. Latr the Badgers mnmaiioftefrshlf o si no's light cornedy "The Patsy fo that whatver I now say wvill le much ook tie lead, to keelp it (uring the re-pomt.Tescrig nryofie 3 , Y formisconstrued, I ask a fair hearing for, maider of the game. Iowa theatened1 Kaamazoo tear, however was ap- a week'smrun openimg tonight. the followimng iffei: rpe)atedly i the last miniute of play, paently all spent in tie few minutet S"The Patsy" was originaly played "T;ae nesoo ht I n eedimg mly thiree oinimls to tie thieIsurt. in New York with Claribone Foster I rios ut xlinta im ag-gm.IGA T NT proos I__st eplntwt aeLag-gae. T_, I inifthe leading role, anmfi was tiefist ley machimne of 190; is now 0o1 exhibi- ~vrktobrnghe atemtom a a i-[ion ii i lie iatiomal museum, with a URBANA, March 3--Battling with ' Ialsamio, f..........4 0 3 4 1 libel t taced whtichi was priepared inWomre energy than scioee, tie Ci-.r ~iiz ......3 5 2 1 geue tar I hs snc acieed, (ag bakebal 'ea deeaedlii- IN lad, c..........7 2 1 16' J io ic sla.rIiyt has simanyie l 2, accomdiml, o le advie of a coi- Lo(velliagke h.il.tam...elat 0 3 Widl Itl~umal'i y hm'ngh ts mmi 'itnterj1wo genti lemeni friom mout sidel eI (519to I18 toinight to retaii lead- Lovlig, g. ............. 1 0 'f I stuckz prcduliitois over the country. the Smithusonianiliaiely, Dmr. Josepih orship of the seconiviioini thiilie (nlimg ......I Fmramnces Dade, ingenmue with the S, Ayrmes, ofJohnms I-Iopitii univesity IigTlen. SMyro, g.......0 0 1 0 Rockfor'd Playeo's, will have tie Iitle 1 Piltiiiioi'e, amnd Adm. David WV. Taylor, Chanzo's free throw in the cos- "hg""". .. .0 0 m'le of Pariia I ari lom, whleIUnidted States5 ima vy, who are Slow ig minimute o' play was time decidin ig Bowerimanm, f....... .0 0 1 0 Charles Warburton. is featured in I ie !('hairanand ve e-piesidentesee- (poimt, breakimng the secoind te of tie Ilgr_,f......_1 tiveIy. (of the Untd States advisory 1last five minutes oif tie contest. 17 9 10 43 cimedy role of ler father. This wil commrit tee fomr aroimatics of which Chicago had a ead of 13 to 9 at AA ZO niark Miss Dade's outstanding role ot nmmnittA Orville Wttright is now a the half, but some of the decisions,B 1",I r ' the seasomi. following hem' appearianc(e membeir, forim tle coummimttee At upsetting both teamms, started a wildIB F I i"Clarence." I l e ertry ~ l ~ ~ ~ H~ Masselik, f...... 0 0 1 0 imeh lt Scetr acots rq ms ough session. Horger, of Clica-( Davis,f ............1 0 2 2 Testory of "'lime Patsy" centers j(they e(xaimiiiedl the records of the go, amd Mills, of Illinois, were con- Hackney, c. ........2 0 0 4 about Patricia, younger daughtr of I Langley imachine, Including muchm u-; spicuous in the hot play that fol- Mielemmerg, g. ......2 3 7 time Harrimgton household, whonehm'z fale i cvewih erbeutfu ss-published correspondemmce, took testi- lowed, amd at one timme tie officials Berry, g............1 4 1 6 falen ii ovewit he beutiul e! molly (of , ..porits, and preseited a e-1 caled tie game to give time for te Watson, f. .... .....3 0 4 6 ter's discarded lover. Her schemmes, omt whitch was givemn to the press onIm players to cool off. Both teams wre Bremnier, f........0 0 0 0 dilciis osals md iml5i~June 9, 1935. i wild in their shooting, aind the fail-- - - - cess form tie situationis for three acts s Thought First Model orue of Ilimois to register from the 9 7 1 25 of~h timedmeticisb ngdimedly.; t ulgr Oh1iifla ici f iniiy cmpeent Ifoul lhke was the primcipal cause Refeee - Brown; Umpire, Vai. Charles Warbiurt oniand hthe. settinrgs to.mgthsw'tiefrteae-I of their downfall. Asyn " have beemn designed by Robert Ileimdm- Iti -i'cat i i- ut1Yo i soi. hecat meuds at holamd wuoild ('opahlo o(f suslaimici free flitt WHIP CRACKING COLONJEL IS M/AN Patton, Velima Ion , Franz Rothie, 1111(1C aircraft.sligtluyiantediae !OF KALEIDOSCOIC EXPERIENCES andI Saimuel Boniell,' '28. teone e(leigned amd built by Wilbur ERSIT Y CO yLLE GE a13f Or'ville 'Arigit, which, on Dec.. Twenty-five foot whips, aim as- first conipamy of E ngland's roughim Ri UT NOT0.ACCEPTED 3 was time first. in the history of the sumed name, estates im Austraia, ders inm South Africa during the Bor BUTN®T AC EFBED word to acconiplishi sustained free and a career as an oficer im th war' and a conpany of te same flight under its own power, carrying a Britishm ar'my - these make i te Professor Reeves said yesterday, "was uu.sonewat pcture'sque lperson of Col. type of cavalry during the last war. adopted andi in the hands of tie miime-; "(Thiere( follows inl small type ac- j Fared Lindsey, who is appearing at a e deems it a coincidence therefore ographmers last Momnday before tie en-( comts of the ivestigations of L9ng- I local theater this week Ii connection that le received the chance of co- giueering faculty had determined its { ey amd(of his zii8Ohiiii, too long to with tie showing of Dougas Fair- mning the historical group o Roo- positionm. Time report considers tline quote here.) ank's Dicture, "The Gaucho." Co- I sevelt's men in the picure, "The matter omly withz references to the lit- "I believe that label to bet just, as 0O inel Linisey has othem'intresting Rloiigl Riders," when le imperson- erary college." Imy colleaguecs, amd cannot thinmk any- attributes, among "them a close1 ated tie late Gen. Leonard Wood. Following the drawing up of tie e- body would wish to recant falsely, limt friendship with Fairbanks, whom' he He is strikingly similar in appear- port by the same committee appointed I om' tile sake of tie public I make taught to manipulate the whips, an ane to the latter. for that purpose it was distributed to jtie following offer: Austalian education, and a home at Although an Englishman. Colonel the faculty for their information. " If Mr. Wright will openly state ini a Monto Carlo. Lindsey received his education in the When this was done tie womk of the friendly way that he appreciates that ThaperneoLidywsntUivstyfMlbuenAsrla committee was complete. It has held i time Smithsonianm institute honestly be- Teapaac fLnsywsntUmvriyo ebunilAsmai no metig snceit gred o a epot iarranged under the regular mean,, amd there learned the art of cracking no~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ metn ic tarclOlarpmtlee ia eLnlymcim fforle is mot a vaudeville actor. lHe the bull whip in roudingip cat- and expects to have nonec prior to the 1903 was capable of sustained free I andt his two companions drovelte. He is interested particulaly in meeting of the literary college faculty flight nndemr its ownt power, carryinig a I~riI a,,,li. _ pti fipi,nild1iu, nd rr.,vA e ,- HOOSIERS ATTAIN UJNISPUTED FIRST PLAC'E IN BIG TEN STANDINGS STRICKLAND HIGH SCORER Harriganm's Aggress~ieness ResirnshJble For Early Exit; McCracken Gainis 1110op Rung By D~onald A. Young, Sports Writer The Indhiaa ely Student BLOOMINGTON, Ind., March 3.- Indiana went into undisputed first place in the Big Ten tonigt when McCracken and Strickland .led their team to a 36 to 34 hard fought victory over a determined Wolverine basketball t eam. From the first the outcome of the tilt was in doubt, and aside from an 11 poimnt lead shortly after Hari- gan had gone out on personals there was never an appreciable difference ill then scoring. Harrigan's aggressive- ness caused hiim to acquire four per- sonals, three im tie first half and a fourth soon after the second hlaf started. McCracken passed osterbaan for Big Ten scoring honors by gathering 14 points, six baskets and two free throws while Bennie was able to get only two baskets and throe free throws. Strickland, Crimson sophomore ace, was high pint man of the game with six fid goals. and five from the charity line. The second half saw a cessation of the relentless bombardent of the basket in which Orwig led for Mich- igan amid Strickland nabbed four field goals and five free throws inm the first half. Indiana was handicapped through the game by failig to get the tip-of f from Chapma, 'Michigan's high-jumping center;' Seldom were the Deanmen able to strt their plays from tie center of the floor. Indiana led at the half 27-21, largely as a result of McCacken's five field goals and one free throw and Strick- land's four baskets and five free throws. Both men accounted for all but three of Indiana's points. For tie first ten minutes Michigan men could not get inside the foul line for' a shot, with the exception lof Oosterbaan amd Orwig, who registered one under the basket each. Orwig led tile Wolverinme scoring with six points, and~ Oosterbaan was second with one basket and three charity tosses. After Indiana led 7-5 in the first five minutes of play, the lead see-sawed back and forth with neither team lead- ing the other until Indiana drew away just before tie hal ended. Intermit-. tent stalling by Indiana in the last half was responsible for the low scores of both team's. Coach Deani made only one substitu- tioni durnmg the game, sending in Starr foin Stricklanmd whenmtie latter came out for instruction:. Orwig played a g;od garne for the invaders, athoughm he had thmree personals in the first half. Time two-point victory for Indiana avenged a one-point defeat at Ann Arbor. The summary: MIHIGAN FG FT T1P IP Oosterbaan, f....... 2 3 7 0 Orwig, f .......... 3 1 7 3 Chiapmn, c ....... 2 1 5 0 McCoy, g.......... 3 3 9 1 Harrigan, g....... 3 0 6 4 Rose, g............ 0 0 0 °1 Total ...........13 8 34 9 INDIANA FG FT TP P IWells, f.......... 2 1 5 0 Stmickland, f. .......6 5 17 1 IMcCracken, c ...... 6 2 14 3 Correl,g.......... 0 0 0 .2 Schied, g ......... 0 0 0 3 IStarr, f............ 0 0 0 0 Totals......... ,14 8 36 9 CANADIAN AIRMEN TELL OF BATTLE WITH DEATH (BY Associated Priess.) OTTAWA, March 3-The victory of three men over ice, cold and starva- tion was told today in the survival of two Canadiani airnmen and an Eski- mo guide who cheated death after two weeks on ice floes of the NVorth Atlantic and the mountain wilder- ness of Labrador. The harrowing tale of the survival of the trio was related in a mn'ssage Sto tine marine department from Squadron Leader T2. A. Lawrence at Port Burwell, on Hudson, Straits. The