ESTABLISHED 1890 Y -.mdL-Ld&hir 0& AfnFnF zllqvlTlr 7piiu MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVIII, No. 84. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1928. EIGHT PAGES EMERY STATES TERMS FOR AUTO BAN STAND' AS ORIGINALLY MADE, FALSE PRESS REPORTS MISUNDERSTANDING PRESENT ORDER CAUSEj OF PERMITS RATES REDUCED Reissues Statements Of Regulation To Relieve Doubt In Regard To Interpretation "The entire automobile regulation stands today just as it did in Septem- ber, 1927," declared Harvey C. Emery, assistant to the Dean of Students, in a statement issued yesterday. "The only exact change which has been made is that the fee for the permit has been reduced from $5 to $1. I think that these regulations should be definitely understood; first, be-I cause there have been some false re- ports published in the newspapers, and second, because these reports have caused doubts in the minds of many students." The statement issued to The Daily follows: "The exemption relating to Ann Ar-I bor residents and married students as well as those who have special per- mission will also hold durinng the summer session." This quotation is taken from The Daily of January 8th. The above sentence attached to the paragraph in which Dean Bursley made public the automobile regulation for summer convinced me that there is some misunderstanding in regard to the several actions which have been' taken by the Board of Regents since June, 1927. "I feel that a complete publication of all action which has been taken by them in regard to the automobile regulation would do much to clear up any misunderstandings which have come from Press reports or through rumor; therefore, I have collected the required data and herewith submit it to you. "I have not included anything hav- ing to do with objections to the rules or any objections which have beenI raised by-campus organizations, neither have I included any of the let- ters of -commendation which we havei received. This is stHetly an account of the various actions taken by the Board of Regents. "At the June meeting lof 1927, the Board of Regents passed the following regulation: Resolved, That no student in at- tendance at the University from and after the beginning of the first -semester of the University year 1927-1928 shall operate any motor vehicle. In exceptional and extraordinary cases in the discre-I tion of the Dean of Students this rule may be relaxed. "The regulation was again mention- ed in the Regents' meeting of Septem- ber 30th, 1927,. "A letter was received from the Dean of Students outlining the method pursued by the Dean's office in the enforcement of the Regents' regula- tion with regard to student use of automobiles. The board gave general approval to the purposes and meth- ods of the Dean of Students as out- lined in his communication including specifically a fee of $1 for a driving permit. The letter referred to from the Dean of Students stated that because there had been a number of students apply-: ing, who fell into one of the four of the following classes, namely: 1. Health 2. Ann Arbor residents 3. Married Students 4. Commuters. the Dean of Students asked that all students falling into these classes would be considered as "exceptional" and "extraordinary" cases within this class. In other words, in order that the rule could be justly administered, The Regents said that as many per- mits as seemed necessary might be is- sued to anyone in one of the four classes, but there is not any intima- tion in the letter, or by the Board of Regents that people belonging to any class should be automatically granted a permit, or that they are in any way exempted from the general rule. "The next action in regard to the automobile regulation was at theI meeting of December 2nd, 1927, at which time the Regents entered the following in their minutes:! The Board extended the present automobile regulation during the; summer session of 1928. "Final action in regard to the auto- mobile regulation was taken at the January meeting held in Ann Arbor on January 6th, 1928. At this time the following was entered into the min- ENTROL OFECITET ULECTW3ERS ILfate For Screenng CONTROL OF COfYUniversity Moviet DELIVER THRE TALKS DefinitelyArranged' TOD AN TO ORR W (The definite date for the showing o STODAY AND TOMORROYI Aro a enst sMrh1,i the University moving picture in Ann was announced yesterday by officers iClEMiIISTRY PROFESSORS WILL of the Women's league, who are spon- SPEAK ON RELATED soring the local showing. There will SUBJECTS be a small admission charge, prob- ably 25 cents, and all proceeds will ARE SCIENCEAUTHORITIES to the Women's league buildin g A S CT T S fund. Union The motion picture will be given in RB iter o Hlll auditorium, though it has not teaycal 'lt been announced whether it will be in Chemical Club the afternoon or at night. The date Three lecture's, to be delivered by set fas on a Modanned to give two noted scientists, Pyof. Paul C. the picture its local showing im- Walden and Prof. George L. Clark, mediately previous to the examination will be presented under the auspices period, on Saturday, Jan. 21, which is of heMicign scton f he me- the day upon which the alumni will of the Michigan section of the Amer- vd1e et1i1Sn fdne ican Chemical Society here, today and a thei Un nnil S e innr ' the Union and will see the picture tomorrow. themselves. This plan had to be Professor Walden will speak on "The Spirit of Chemistry" tonight at abandoned because of the fact that 8 o'clock in Natural Science auditor- there were difficulties in the way of ium. This talk will be of general in- securing Hill auditorium. March 19 Prof. Thomas R. Reed. terest and the public is invited to at- is the earliest date following this up- Of the political science department, tend. On Saturday morning at 11 on which it is possible to get the who has been granted a leave of ab- o'clock, Professor Walden will speak picture, since alumni organizations sence for the purpose of entering the to the members of the chemical so- throughout the country are plannig employ of the city of Pittsburgh ciety on "Stereochemistry and Op- to show it.- Penn., as an adviser on their problems tical Inversion," in Room 303, Chem-1 of administration. Professor Reed is istry Building. D EI IO one of the leading authorities of the Professor Walden was formerly as- United States on civic government. sociated with Ostwald, the famous physical chemist,.in Riga. He was the FOR D E G N[successor to Mendeljeef, the oringin- ator of the periodic tables, at the Im- I I erial academy of Petrograd. At ___ preEhnt ie is a member of the faculty Permiission For Use Of Cars Nott of the University of Ro'stock, GerAs Yet Given By many. For the past semester he has Atoiis been in America as the Baker lectur- Will Go To Pittsburgh For Purpose er at Cornell. Aside fron a lecture PATRONS ARE NAMED Of Aiding City In Plan O given at the meeting of the American P C(onsohilation Chemical society at its meeting last 't month in Columbus, O., at which he fDispensing of favors and invitations WILL RET RN NXT ALLwas the guest of honor, his speeches for the 1929 J-Ho0p will begin earlyx WILL RETURN NEXT FALL, Ite"et 1lb"2e o"""oe next week, it was decided at a meeting at Michigan will be the only ones netweiia ecdda etn given in tis, country outside of of the general committee last night. Pro. Thomas H. Reed, of the po- Cornell. The favors have already arrived, but litical science department, has been Professor Walden is chiefly noted some delay in obtaining invitations granted a leave of absence for the for his publications in inorganic 'has occasioned a delay in the matter.r second semester, (uring which time chemistry, especially the discovery of A sufficient number of favors have he will go to Pittsburgh to work on what istknown as the Walden inver- been secured this year to insure that the plan of municipal consolidation sion. This discovery questioned the every guest attending the affair will which is before the voters of that Theories of Pasteur, van't Hoff and receive one, John Gilmartin, '29E,f city, it was announced yesterday T LeBel regarding the revolution of a stated.t Professor Reed will remain in Pitts- compound toward a paine of light. Arrangements for assignment to1 burgh until the opening of school At 4:15 o'clock this afternoon Pro- booths for fraternity men will he rnext fall, at which time he will re-fessor Clark will speak in the chem- made coincident with the distribution turn, to Ann Arbor. istry amphitheater on some phase of of favors. Since it is likely that but Professor Reed, an authority on applied X-rays. This talk will be of few houses will furnish the reuisite municipal government, has acted in especial interest to physicists, chem- number of 20 couples for each booth, the capacity of advisor for the Penn- ists and to medical and metallurgical combinations will have to be made att hylvaia CtofadmissorforthePnn-studentsthe discretion of the committee unless sylvania Commission on Municipal Professor Clark is from the Uni- previous arrangements have been Consolidation of Counties of te c-versity of Illinois, where he has made made by the organization's. It is es- nd Class. Allegheny County, in studies of the use of X-rays in chem- pecially urged by the committee that which Pittsburgh is located, is the istry, especially as applied to the de- such arrangements be made before the only county of this class in Pennsyl- tection of impurities in steel. time if possible. Those obtaing vaisa At 6 o'clock this evening, a dinner favors and signing booth preferences His plan of borough government for will be given at the Union for these should give the name of the fraternity Pittsburgh, authorizing the consolida- men, by the local section of the Amer- group with which they wish to be tion of all the municipalities in Alle- ican Chemical society. It is hoped placed. ghany county, is now before the voters that Professor William McPherson, Later in the week, when the distri-, of Pennsylvania as a constiutional from Ohio State university, will be bution by booths has been arranged, amendment. As it will be coming up present at this dinner. Professor Mc- the booth committee will be at thel for adoption next fall, Professor Reed Pherson is now in Ypsilanti. Union to give out the one free ticket has found it necessary to go to Pitts- p_ -(which accompanies each booth. These burgh to prepare the charter. KEN YON TALKS AT: are to be used by chaperones.- In commenting upon his work, Pro- A special large booth will be con-l fessor Reed said, "The consolidation SPANISH M EETING structed for the use of the patrons of the Allegheny county municipalities and patronesses, as in the past. The will probably give Pittsburgh the "Monunentos Historicos de Es- following will attend in that capacity: largest area of any city in the world pana" was the title of a talk given by President Clarence CookLittle and as the county contains approximately Prof. A. H. Kenyon, of the Spanish Mrs. Little, Regent Victor W. Gore, 600 suare miles. Its population of department, at the meeting of Le So- an Mrs. Gore, Regent Walter H. over 1,500,000 people will probably ciedad Hispanica, yesterday after- Sawyer and Mrs. Sawyer, Regent place Pittsburgh ahead of Detroit as noon. R . Bean and Mrs. Beal, Regent the fourth largest city of the United Professor Kenyon discussed briefly Ralph Slone and Mrs. Stone, Regent States." many of the historic buildings of Wi L nt and "In oyder to complete the plan of Spain, showing slides to illustrate his ets, Regent James .nMurfin and 'borough government it will be neces- remarks. He described the Alhambra Mrs. urrin, Regent Benjamin S. an sary to reserve certain powers of ex- at Granada, the Moorish mosque at c shett and Mrs. Hanchett, Regent sting municipalities and then create Cordova, the old capitol at Toledo Luius L. Hubbard and Mrs. Hubbard, newli centralcntionewWebster 1I-. earce, suprserintendent of new central and local authorities in and the new palace at Madrid, the public instruction, and Mrs. Pearce, each district." Escorial or burial place of the Span- "The plan is indeed a unique project, ish monarchs and several other hal- Dean Joh Eurs ngy and and one of the most exciting in the lowed spots in Spains. ie also gave Mrs EffingerJ Dean Mortimer E. field of municipal government today," a short dissertation on the private Cooley and Mrs. Cooley, Dean Hugh he continued. At the present time life and customs of several Spanish Ca S n .asICabot and Mrs. Cabot, Dean Henry M. there are only two cities in the world cities. Pates and Mrs. Bates Dean Edward having such a plan, London and Ber- HII. Kraus and Mrs. Karus, Dean Ed- lin. The results from this trial will The W eather mund E. Day and Mrs. Day, Dean be of great importance because simi-h Wrus. Wardand Mrs. Wa, Dean I lar situations have been arising all Allan L Whitney and Mrs. Whitney, over the country. At present the other (By Associated Press) Dean Carl Huber and Mrs. Huber, two most important cases of proposed I-ostly cloudy today and tomorrow. Dean Samuel T. Dana and Mrs. Dana, consolidation being found in Cleve- Possibly light rains today. Moderate Assistan T Dan George W. Patterson I land and Montreal." temperature. and Mrs. Patterson, Prof. Emil Lorch and Mrs. Lorch, J. P. Mitchell Jr., iDean Whitney Lauds Normal School At Prof. G. E. Densmore and Mrs. Dens- more Coach E. E. Wieman and Mrs. Ypsilanti As Ranking First In Country W iemran Prof. J. M. O'Neill and Mrs. !O'Neill, Prof. H. S. Ellis and Mrs. "Ypsilanti Normal, which is cele- 'from other universities and colleges Ellis, Dr. C. C. Sturgis and Mrs. Stur- brating the seventy-fifth anniversary will be present to tender the greetings gs Dr. A. C. Kerlikow C. E and Mrs. Kerlekowvske Prof. C. E. Griffin and of its founding today and tomorrow, and congratulations from their re-IMrs. Griffin, Prof. E. M. Fisher and is the oldest Normal school west of spective schools. Mrs. Fisher, Coach Fielding H. Yost the Alleglianies and one of the finest Severalsmembers of the University and Mrs. Yost, Dr. W. C. Downs Jr. in the whole country," was the state- faculty will address the various group and Mrs. Downs, Dr. B. E. Luck, Prof. ment made by Dean Allan S. Whitney meetings which are to be held thisC. H. Stocking and Mrs. Stocking, I of the School of Education, yesterday, afternoon. Prof. John G. Winter of trof. R. K. McAlpine and Mrs. Mc- in commenting upon the program for the Greek department, Prof. J. M. Alpine, Prof. A. J. Rousseau and Mrs. the occasion of the anniversary cele- O'Neill of the speech department, and Rousseau, Assistant Prof. G. M. Mc- bration and the meeting of the Mid- Prof. Francis D. Curtis of the School Conkey and Mrs. McConkey, Prof. J. Year Educational conference. "The of Education are among the University P. Dawson and Mrs. Dawson, Prof. E. Normal at Ynsilanti is a shining ex- faculty members who will discuss R Stason and Mrs. Stason, Prof. C. J. QUICK CHOICE MAKESNT FrOR 1928 CONVENTION DRAMATIC MOVE HOUR GIVES SOUTHERN AT CLOSING BID TO CITY OFFER CERTIFIED CHECK History Hoped To Iron Differ- c ences Of Last Convention (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 12.-Selectiont of Houston, Texas, for the 1928 Demo- cratic convention, one of the most1 notable political upsets in recent1 years had many politicians puzzledt tonight in view of the quick and dra-c matic manner in which the choice wast made.1 For three days committee members had been milling around hotel lobbies exchanging opinions on where the convention should go, with hardly a causal mention of Houston. Propon- ents of San Francisco, Detroit, Chi- cago and Miami talked glibly of larget bids. Offices were open for distribut- ing information on behalf of their candidates. The Houston people keptt still. Then, in the closing hours for re- ceiving bids, Texans placed a certi- fied =check for $200,000 on the table,t matching the largest sum offered up to that time, leaving San Francisco to raise its offer from $200,000 to $250,000. At about the same time it was de- cided to press the decision on a con- vention site immediately, whereas many members had expected to take it easy until after the Jackson Day din- ner tonight, and to vote tomorrow. Backers of each city in the running were allowed 15 minutes to present their cause to the national committee. Commotion in the large room made it almost impossible to hear. Cries of "Louder" greeted each speaker, and Chairman Shaver rapped ince's- santly for order until Jesse Jones, financial adviser to the committee, took the floor on behalf of Houston,t his home town.I With his apperance, ,.applatle and1 then cheers rang out, and the commit- tee rose as one to honor the hugei Texan who had been a wheel horse of the Democratic national organiza- tion ever since Colonel House first: brought him into the circle of party leaders 15 years ago. Busiress Specialist Scheduled To Talk Under the auspices of the School ofJ Business Administration, Thorndike Deland, of New York city, executive personnel and placement specialist for department stores, will give a lec- ture Wednesday, Jan. 18, at 4:15 o'clock in the Natural Science audi- torium on "Procuring Executives for Department Stores." In this talk he will describe the point of view of the general managers of department stores and the problems which they face in securing personnel for execu- tive positions. The lecture will be of special interest to students who are considering going into the department store business and to those studying personnel and vocational problems, but the public is invited. Deland will spend all Wednesday visiting at the School of Business Ad- ministration. At 11 o'clock he will conduct the class in retailing, dis- cussing problems having to do with the payment of department store buy- ers and sales people. After taking lunch with the members of the busi- ness school faculty, he will hold personal conferences with business school students from 1:45 to 4 o'clock. Although whaling as a profession has become extinct, one concern of Seattle, Wash., is filling orders for harpoons which are desired by men of isolated parts like Alaska, Norway, and Sweden. HERO OF AR TIC TRIP TO LECTURE Sir William Grenfell, otherwise known as Dr. G enfell, author, and inspiration of the Grenfell Labrador mission, who has virtually put La- brador on the map, will be in Ann Arbor Sunday to speak at 11 o'clock in the morning at St. Andrew's church, and lecture at 8 o'clock in the evening in Hill auditorium. Presi- dent Clarence Cook Little will pre- side at the Hill auditorium gathering, and Dr. Hugh Cabot, head of the med- ical school, will introduce the speak- er. Dr. Grenfell, who was knighted last year by King George, has been en- gaged for 30 years in his mission of medical relief to the ignorant popu- lation of Labrador. He has erected hospitals to which the sick are brought literally thousands of miles, and he spends each summer, during the season of open water, cruising the coast in his hospital ship, ministering to the ills of the great fishing popu- lation. Mrs. Hilda Ramsay, an Ann Arbor woman who spent last summer as a nurse at Grenfell's Northeast Harbor mission, says of Dr. Grenfell "He is the most unusual man I have ever come across. He is an absolutely unique, perfectly indomitable charac- ter." Dr. Hugh Cabot, speaking of Dr. Grenfell's lecture here, said, "The students can in the course of the year hear a lot of scientific men, but it is seldom that a prophet comes to town." ROOM MADE1FOR .NEY ORGAN INAUDIOU Palmer Christian, University Organist And Designer Of Model, Makes Tests PURCHASEDFOR $75,000 Actual work of construction on the new Skinner organ, which is to be placed in Hill auditorium, was started yesterday afternoon by two men from the factory of the Skinner organ com- pany in Boston. The old organ has been completely torn out and the spaces have been cleared for the new instrument. Three carloads of the framework which will be put into the instrument arrived earlier in the week, and work- men are now occupied with the un- loading, opening, and sorting of the various parts. Although the assembly of these parts will occupy the time for quite a while ahead, the Boston factory will continue shipments about as fast as the dis-as'semblement is ac- complished in the assembly room in the factory. The pipes will be shiped as they are tested and approved in the factory. The Skinner organ will take the place of the old World's fair organ which has been owned by the Univer- sity for over 34 years. The old in- strument was purchased for the Uni- versity by the School of Music, which was then under the charge of the late Prof. Francis W. Kelsey, and was pre- sented to the University as a gift. It was located in University hall audi- torium until 1913, when it was moved ! into Hill auditorium. According to Mr. Christian, the old organ, while re- taining its beautiful tonal quality, be- came obsolete. HOLDERS OF J-HOP BOOTHS I Holders of booths for the J- Hop are requested to mail lists of their chaperones and guests to the J-Hop editor of The Daily I as soon as possible. In order to be published in the J-Hop extra these lists must be turned in not{ later than F riday, January 24, { though addition's or corrections { Imay be made until Tuesday, Jan. { 31.{ { The lists should include the names and home towns of thel chaperones and guests, arranged j in alphabetical order. EK8LAW PAINTS LIFE/ AND ENVIRONMENT OF THULE LAND ESKIMOS ECONOMY OF POLAR ESKIMOS IS FOUNDED ON ANIMAL LIFE OF REGION LIVED THERE FOUR YEARS Lecturer Was Member Of Crockerland Expedition; Has Lived Life Of Northernmost People Dealing with the environment and life of the Polar Eskimo from the point of view of one who has spent four years amongst them. Prof. W. Elmer Ekblaw of Clark university de- livered two lectures yesterday after- noon and evening, discussing in the first the physiography, climate, and plant and animal life of the Etah re- gion inhabited by these Eskimos, and describing in the second their food, clothes, homes,-and activities as regi- mented by the physical conditions. Professor Ekblaw was connected with the MacMillan-Crockerland 'ex- pedition to the Thule land, the north- west peninsula of Greenland, as geol- ogist and botanist, from the years 1913 to 1917. The party originally planned to stay a single year, but ex- tremely unfavorable ice conditions in Baffin Bay prevented the ship by which they were to return from reach- ing them, until finally Capt. Bob Bart- lett in the Neptune fought his way through to Etah in 1917. Land Is Typical Of Country The Thule land is typical of most of Greenland, consisting of a high, level plateau, composed chiefly of sedimentary and igneous rock, and covered inland with glaciers which form the great ice cap over all Green- land. There is a fringe varying from two to 40 miles in width which is free of ice during the summer months. The waters about this region contin- ually are chocked in ice floes consist- ing of great icebergs which break off from the glaciers, rising sometimes as high as 115 feet in the air, and pan ice, or large fiat pieces extending only a foot or two above the water. Through Smith Sound-the path which all American exporers have taken to the Pole-tides continually fIgw at a rate of from four to six miles an hour, preventing it from freezing- a fact of extreme economic import- ance to the Polar Eskimos because of the abundant small life always avail- able in this open water furnishes sub sistance to the animals on which the inhabitants of the Thule depend for food and clothing. No Seasons In Thule In this region, 1,000 miles within the Arctic circle and about 800 south of, the Pole, there are no seasons, but the year is divided into day and night. On Oct. 21 the last glimpse of the sun is seen for a few minutes around noon, after which it disappears en- tirely until Feb. 21. The temperature then drops as low as 30 below zero. The eyes, however, become accustom- ed to the dim light, and the moon is up about two weeks of each month, so that it is just as possible to make trips and get about as in the season of perpetual day. On Feb. 21 the sun appears for a few minutes over the edge of the ho-. rizon, and from then on until April . 21, it appears a little more each day, circling the horizon, until it becomes at length fully visible. From- April 21 to August 21 is the period of per- petual day, but after thp latter date the sun sinks below the horizon each day for a few minutes of night. The nights gradually become a little long- er, until Oct. 21 when the perpetual night begins again.- Collected Much Vegetation During the summer months of per- petual day the ice-free fringe is cov- ered with a small luxuriant vegeta- tion, from which Professor Ekblaw collected 148 species; The largest trees are about three inches in height, but the flowers and grasses are some- times as tall as 12 inches. The es- kimos make practically no use. of the vegetation, nor do they attem'pt any cultivation. The entire economy of the Polar eskimos is founded on the animals which inhabit the region. The most plentiful animal life is represented by the dovekey, a small bird caught by the women in nets, which is highly thought of as food. It is eaten whole, bones, entrails, and all. Professor Ek- blaw, just before leaving the Thule land, made away with 38 of the birds at one sitting. The family, which is the real unit of their civilization, is merely an eco- nomic. relationship, with the women in command, and the husband sup- President Little Favors Idea That Involves University Restaurant For Student Body "I would be very glad to see the this time the question of dormitories U 1ivnrsitv take general charge of ;will be brought up in connection with n II el"SL y . j L11a aaj both the housing and feeding of stu- dents," President Clarence Cook Lit- tle stated yesterday morning when questioned regarding the recent cam- pus opinion appearing in The Daily advocating a University restaurant. "A University restaurant at the pres- ent time is not possible," lie said, "but in time, when the dormitory system becomes a reality here, it is quite! likely that some steps will be taken the other projects to be discussed. The President asserted that it was his opinion that the students shouldz be given both housing and food at the lowest possible cost, or rather that they should receive these things. at cost. He expressed the opinion that at times the citizens of Ann Arbor gouge the students, and that if theE University itself made food and hous- ing available at cost the general level of prices could not be sustained high