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March 02, 1928 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-02

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.... ......

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)
Volume 8. FRI1DAY, MARCMH 2. Nunmber 114.
To the Deans and Registrationi Officials :
The Secretary's report on non-quota immigrant students enrolled at the
University of Michigan for thc first time this semester, and on those who have
withdrawn since the beginning of work last fall, should be 'sent to Washington
at the earliest possible moment. 'Will you, therefore, kindly get this in-
formation to me, on the blanks which you have for that purpose, with the
least delay possible._ Shirley Al.. Smith, Secretary. j
Action of the Disciline Comitjtee:
Mr. B. H. Levy, '29, 319 Thompson street, having been found guilty of will-
fully mutilating a periodical belonging to the General Library has been
placed upon probation for the remainder of the year and directed to pay a fine
of $15 to the General Library and replace the mutilated periodical.
J. S. Reeves, Secretary.
College of Literitture, Science, and the Arts; Combhined Curricul:
Students who desire admission to the combinedl curricula, Letters and
Law, Letters and Medicine, Letter,; and Business Administration, Letters and
Dentistry, Letters and Nursing, in the fall of 1928, may file their applications
i the Recorder's Office, Room 4, University 1-lll. All applications must be
made before spring vacation.
Florence Molir, Recorder.
Phlarinacy Faculty:
There will be a meeting of the faculty of the, College of Pharmacy
Friday, March 2, at 4:10 p.m., in Room 212 Chemistry and Pharmacy Building.
o C. C. Glover, Secretary.

Econonmics 122 and 222:
Economics 122 will meet again at 11 o'clock on Friday, March 2. Ecoionm-
ics 222 will meet Monday, March 5, at the usual hour.
Carter forxlrichi.
Gegraphiy 1-31akeup Examiiination :
The makeup examination for students in all sections in Geography 1 wi'l
be given in Room 21 Angell Hall, Saturday, March 3, from 9-12 a.m. This will
be the only opportunity to take a makeup examination. F. C. Prophet. #
Geography 31-Nakeup Examination:
The makeup examination for Geography 31 will be given in Room. 21
Angell Hall Saturday, March 3, from 9-12 a.m. Note that this examination has
been postponed from Wednesday afternoon to Saturday morning.
E. EC. Prophet.
S. 1). lDod ge.
Sulplemntary Exaninatin in Botany 1:
An examination for students who missed the final examination in B~otany
3I la. t semester will be held from 9-12 o'clock, Saturday, March 3, in Room
2003 Natural Science Building.
Carl 1). La RueQ.
Sociology 12 l-3ahieup E xainationi:<
A makeup examination for those who missed the final will be held Mvon-
day, March 5, from 3 to 6 o'clock in Rom 102, Ec. Building.
A. E.1. Icod.
Englishm Honors Course:
The English Honors will meet Friday at 3:15 o'clock at the usual plac.
L. A. Strauss.
I'lillosephy 3.103 (Sloicisn)-M1aheup Examintion: n
The makeup examination in Philosophy 103 (Stoicism) will be given on
Monday, March 5, at 3 p.m., in 106 M.H.
J o n N i e.niversity 4C iii:
Theo next University Club Night will be held March 2, Friday, at 3: 15
o'clock. The program includes M r. R. Ray Baker of the Ann Arbor DailY;'ew ,an Pr f s o E.M G le f th Hi o y D p r m n .
Programji Commiittee'.

Alpha i n:
Alpha Nui debating society has ac-
cep~ted the following into pledgships:
Jarl Andeer.
P aul II. Young.
Ralph Andrews.
Albert Donohue.
Rob~ert Taylor.
Charles C. Bo'swell.
Frank Giambrone.
A. Wright.
IEdward Benson.
\Villiam G. Phelps.
NWilliam II. Painter.
SJ. A. MacLean Jr.
Naximino G. Bueno.
.Jolm A. Cherry.
FAurther notification will be made
by letter.
J ohn Webster, President.
1925 )ichiganensian:
There wvili be a short meeting for
the entire staff' Friday at 4 p.m. Bring
subscr.ption books with you.
Toni . Yates.
Dr. Aldr ed S. Warthin, professor
of pathology, went last night to New
Orlear s to aittend the meeting of the
Amnerican College of Physicians, of
which he is first vice-president. As
editor of the College's journal,. the
"Annals of Internal Medicine," Dr.
'Warthin will attend the meeting of
the Board o1f Regents, and will also
p~res;ide at the meeting of the board
of governors.

I ! _.... ._.. /

Cosmopolitan Club
International Night
Hill Auditorium
Tuesday, March 6

Admission, 50C

8:00 P. M.

D ,

Unlyersity Women :
I will not hold office hours on Friday andI Saturday, March
and 3. Dr. Sappington will take care of my patients.
Margaret Bell, M.D.



House Presidents:I
The Signing-out Slips for February must be in the Office of the Advisers
of Women by Wednesday, M~arch 7.
Elirabetli IWoodworth, Secretary, Advisers of Women.
Class dues are being collected today in Lobby of Angell Hall. Five
dollars ($5.00). These mnust be p~aid in order to get invitations, announce-
mtents, ticket's to Senior ball andl canes.
Dales A. IKn,1p p, Treasurer.
Senijors in Joirn Ilisju :
All second semester 'seniors who are candidates for the certificate in
Journalism are requested to file a transcript of their university credlits at
the journalism office, Boom 303, W'. Med. Building, between 2 and 4 o'clock,
any afternoon before March 10). J. L. Bi 'unm.
Vuiiveipslly Fresh Air Camnp:
Applications for positions on the staff of the University Fresh Air Camp1
are now being received. Twenty qualified students are needed. Those with
a real interest in boys and who have some special interest or hobby are
needed. Some compecnsation is made for services but is not an inducement.
If interested call at Lane H-all, for more information and application blanks.
We are serving as a clearing bureau for one or two other boy's camps.
Homer H. Grafton.
Psychology 33, 3i, 37, 42:
Examinations for those absent from the final last semester will be held
in N.S. Room 3126, Saturday, Marehi,4, 1928.
W. B. Pillsbury.

N stice-i92S M3ichiga nen sian: SPEECH ENTRANTS
All people who have paid 50 cents on their l'ichiganensian subscription ! SPEEJaCH .ONil edo h
must pay the balance by Friday or forfeit their pledge. v. na none
Tom11 Yates, Sales and Distribution Manager. ment. made yesterday requested that
i al1 entrants in the contest to choose
Leag'ue for Industrjial .Democracy : t1 e University representativ. in the
There will be a meeting of the league on Thursday, Marcie S, at8m. , ca N' r'i Oratorical league contest
at the Labor 'Temple, 207 East Washington. Prof. Z. C. Dickinson. of the tlcl their names. phone numbers, and~
econcmics dlepartment, will deliver an address on "What is Indlustrial the subjiect of their orations in the
D3emocracy ?" Everyone interested is finvited. ;peech. department office, 3211 Angell
Charles I). Iii'eilel. hail, not later than Tuesday, March





e i




Supplemnentar'y Exanimation illZoology 1:
An examination for students who m?-ssed the final
ogy 1 last semester will he held on Saturday afternoon,
in Room 2091, Natural 'Science.
'Varsity Band :
Meet tonight at 6 :45 o'clock sharp
on the fourth floor of IUniversity Hall
to broadcast on the Michigan Night
Gilbert B. Saltonstall, Asst. Mgr.
Students' Recital Series :
The following program will be given
in the Students' Recital Series in the
School of Music Recital Hall, Satur-
day morning, March 3, at 11 o'clock,
by students of Edith B. Koon of the
~piano faculty. The general public is
cordially invited to attend.
Gaynor-Blake : Columbus, Neil Kor-
zuck; Williams: Lullaby, Bllythe Mil- I
ler; Ashford: Dance of the Kewpies.
Mary Frayer; 'Williams: The FoX
Hunt, James Bourquin ; Mozart: lAlin-
uet, Stanley Moore; Wharucliffe:
Three Duets: Queen of Hearts, MVotherj
May I Go Out To Swimu, Mist ress Mary,
Betty Hagen and Virginia Osg'ood;
Schytte : Etude, Tdarguerite Cook;
Rachmaninoff: I luinorese, Marian
Earle; Matthews: The fPines, El'velyn
Stevens; Yon: Daza Tripolina, B3eren-
ice Wilson; Bach: Solfeg'giet to, Maril-;
ce Fingerle.j
(Charles A. Sink.

examination in Zool-
March 3, at 1 'clock,
A. E. Woodhead.

OR Mrmr~sri

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Im~iiJ~ WJL e UIjĀ£I zi J



For the Weekly


6th Big Week-The Real Successes!
Don McIntyre says:
the people of .Ann Arbor and the students of
the University for their wonderful support
of the Rockford Players at the Whitney
Day after day, nine times a week, the
Whitney theatre is filled with enthusiastic
audiences, and never bave they' been so de-
lighted as with this week's production of
Sutton Vane's "OUTWARD BOUND."
This is high praise, indeed, in the face of such
~brilliant successes as "Cradle Snatchers,"
"Aren't We All?"' "The 13th Chair," and
"Great Catherine." At each performance,
however, the houses sit thrilled with the
wonder and choked with the laughter of this
daring melodrama "OUT:lWARD BOUND."
It is the most moving, sensational play of
the season, and marks the company's finest
work to date. As Mrs. Mansfield's farewell
bill it presents this great artist in her most
appealing role as the little cockney char-
woman, Mrs. Midget.

..ff...r... .. .... ........... i...
Detroit Theaters
~~f.r..~r.,. . .. ..... rs
- Beg. Sunday, FebI. 26 I
Wed. Mat. Best Seals, $1,511. =
Balcony, $1.04),, Plus 'lax
Sat. Mat. Best Seats, $2.00)
. Balcony, '$1.00-.0$1.50, PlusTa'.2,
} Woodward, at Eliot
NIGHTS, 75c, $1.5i0. lilts. Tues.,
Thum. and Sat., 50c, 75c
2nd, Week Beg lMondy Febi. 27
"The Wasp's Nest"
Beginning Sunday, Feb,. 26
Farewell T.our of thme World.
Annie Nichols' Comedy Success
Nights, 50c to $1.50); Wed. and
Sat. Matt. 50c and $1.00
S"Abie's Irish Rose"

Tea turing
In solid colors with
neckwear to match.
Tinker & Company
,So. State St. at William St.

i108 80. UNIVEIISI'lY

OPp)osite Engineering Arch

Tonlight-A Den Sandwich,
a cup of Delicious Coffee, con-

"Ann Arbor's Original. Sandw'ich and Coffee Shopa"

Sutton Vane's Tremendous


ver ation, music,


a Good

Time at an Active

Center of

college life, The Den.

66ouw r

Tonight at 8!

Tonight at 8!

E -- _ _ _


m m

m m

m - -

I - _ -~ -- II

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