MI TDAY, MARCH 2, 1928 THE MICHIGAN DAILY; y. 1~T~TTAV MARiIT 2192S T.I..M....A.fl .I . PLAYS KINSEL.LAIJ1T FrYEARLING T RACKMEN To OPPOSE A3P.. ADVERTISI P.flOI ~TO MPFI IIT 'IF6II4JV'nA A 117py s it1Q; I. E TUTS , CO UO CLOS:: 171,1IEU ULU 1IU UJ i lLJL IN LAST MATCH ;7 . ,,, FORMIDWEST TITLE _________ LL1LILI FGA317III I 'JL~-ilIL II r ZI Coach Charles Hfoyt's freshmen! 24 is the (dte 5c; for the big eveul, A Il1glhlaiid P~ark i\atatters Are Fa ioredl Over Detroit, Zortlivesterii y Iit Field Of 16i Teams CHICAGO ENTRIES FILED With an entry list of 146 men, repre- senting 16 different high schools, the fourth annual University of Michigan interscholastic swimming meet will be held tomorrow in the Union pool. The preliminaries will be held at 10 o'clock in the morning while the finals Will take place at 3:30 in the after- noon. Eskinioes D)efeated (Colts Detroit Northwestern, which has won the meet all three years that it has been held, wvill find a great menace in tho Highland Park swim- mners who have already taken the mea- sure, of the Colts twice this year. Highland Park, which is considered as one of the outstanding favorites for the National title, defeated Northwest- ern in a dual meet, 52=12, while in the Detroit city meet the Polar Bears am- assed 56 points while Northwestern, with a total of 28, finished in second position. May Brkeak Retards Many records appear likely to be bettered' especially the breast. stroke in which the Highland Park pair of Lemak andl Chase have been turning in fast time throughout $he season. In the drashes Kingsley of Northwest-1 ern is a favorite while Klintworth of' Highland Park apipears to be-the class among the 220 yard free stylers. Two more boys from Highland Park, Meigs and Carruthers, have been turn- ing in fast time in the back stroke. The schools entered follow: Ann Arbor, Carl Schurz, Hyde Park, and St. Mel, all three from Chicago; Cen- tral, Eastern, Northern, Northwestern, University of Detroit High and High- land Park, all from Detroit; Grand Rapids Central; Flint Central; Red- ford; Jackson, Roosevelt, and Ypsi- lanti High of Ypsilanti. "Kappa, Signia Allpha SAN, Theta. C~hi. "nd au1Kmaa Esilon, havye sit r- qualified to entecr the iiit erfraternity relays. Phi Sigma Kappa "will rim against Sigma Alpha SIn and Th1leta ('Chi will meet rfTn Kappa Epsilon. The winners in these mnatches will compete for the charmpionsh ip next traclk squad will open its 1928 sea- son tis afternoon when they comn-c pete with thle Illinois yearlings in a1 1 elegraphic imeet. The events of this afternoon will; be the nrile 'run, 65 yardl low hurdles,' :0 yard clash, 840 yard run, 65 yard high hurdles, 4407 yard run, broad+ jmpm])ole vault, high jump, and shot put. T'he time trials are set for 4 :1.5 o'clock and the entire squad will par ti ci pate. The second telegraphic meet of the and if all the Big Ten schools ac- cpt the invitatiion to cut er, it should p~rove a good means of testinug the abilities of the respcct ive yearling squads. Excavati on work has be en st arted( on the_ Damodar (canal in India, which will irriga te 180,000 acres of land. NiOICE NOTICE-Good food and good service, oncA blMock from campus-that's why' you save. Barney's Restaurant, 516 E. Williams. C.. 1\O\ is the time to order your new Spring suit or 'topc(oat. Suit or Top- coats, $12.50. All wool guaranteedl. MARTIN CLOTH-ES, Marchese Bldg. Room 212, 321 So. :'pain St. Open Evenings. 11, 114. 116 WANTED WANTED-Sgtudents to know that our home laundry methods give your clothes pers~onal attention. Moe Laundry, 204 N. Main. Dial 3916. C FOR AFTERNOONS-A lady with ex- Iperience in coats and dresses. Please 3apply in person. Marilyn Shoppe. SNew Michigan Theatre Bldg. 113, 114 WANTED-Students who recognize good food and. good service. Call at Barney's Restaurant, 516 E. Wil- liams. C-113, 114, 115 I LOST LOST-Woman's small purse, contain- ing a sum of money; reward if re- turned. Call Miss I-larpel 9421. 113, 114,11.5 Thursday evening as a sidIe feature to seasoni is scheduled for March 10 I the boxing show at Yost field house.'! it ii the Minnesota first year mlen. . ~ I Marks made in the time trials by Numerals wifl be awardled on indi- the ,'our qualifying teams were as vidtual showings in these contests. E p , ollws:under the leadership of the D~aily jPhi Sigma. Kappa 1:22 4- > seconds; ilini, plants are b~eing laid for ant Sigma Alpha Mu, 1:22 seconds ; The-.all-Conference freshmen meet. March! x¢ ..>. .3 a Chj, 1:24 ;secondls; Tan tKappa Epsilon, 1:24 second(s. TYPEWRITER Pjerre 'tsb inter j After checking upl yesterday it was REPAIRING Freunch pr ofessiornal our t Stnnis1 found that Phi Bet a Delt a tied with: All makes of ma-I chamupion, who p~lys his fatee ll Sigma .Alpha Mu at 180 baskets for: chines. Our equip. m~atchi today in New~ Yor k agatinst Ifzirst place in the foul-throwing *cons- ment and personnel W altet Kinsella. Eltchebast( t defeEat- pet itioni at Waterman gym Wedlnes-j is considered among Jock Soutar, holder of the Atner- day night, instead o' winning the ftehe est in tihe state. The result ofI ,can title, last week at Philadelphia.; contest, outright, as was erroneously th * my years' careful building. ANN RBORFIVEPLAYS atenon.Dupicate trophies will he1) 0Ri IL SA INAW TOMORROW" awardedl to I Beta D~elta atnd Sig- 17 ickels Arcade. Phone 6615. ma Alphia Mu. _____________________________ Columbia New Process Records tl2S-Bac k i1a Your Own S ack 1 id When You're With Somebody Else. 111th 1:I. U 48-01 ' MaiiRiver (Show Bat). Can't Help sat in' Dil opii lrhis Orchestra'. ALLMENDINGER Music Shop 305 I a{'1ai1t. TYPEW RITER SBERRICE TYPEWRITING and imeographing promptly and neatly 'lone by ex- periencedl operators at moderate rates. College work a specialty for nearly twenty years. 0. D. .Morrill. Arcade. C TYP~ES iTERS--All makes, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, re- pairedl. Our machines and work guaraniteed to give best satisfaction. 0. 17. Morrill, 17 nickels Arcade. C TYPEWRITER RIBB~ONS-O ur rapid tturntover insures a fresh stock. You secure the best quality at a moder- ate price. 0. D. lMorrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. TYPING-Theses a specialty. Rea- sonable rates. M. V. I-?artsuff. Dial 9387. C--77-180 Subscribe For THE MICH IGAN WEEKLY' Still smarting from the effects of ~ 1T45(A( IEA E its first"(defeat, Ann Arbor high Ye_____SCG EAU school's basketball team will meet NEW YORK, - Pennsylvania as- Sazinaw Eastern totmorrow night in Islimed the lead in the Eastern inter- the high school gytnansinin. Tho game collegiate basket ball league when will contclude1 this year's court I Dartmouth lost to the Yale quintet, scihedul1e. 47-39. Saginaw boasts a victory over Flint. - the only quilet that has trouncedt the Free airplau es and equip~ment are Purple and White this season. A 1 ,pp given by the Canadian department ofI meeting was held in Pattmngili audhi-j national defense to any Canadian city toriumn yesterday afternoon to arouse where civil flying clubs are p~repared enthusiasm fot' the encounter. Ito meet certain requirements. -Ann Arbo,-%r's Le Cading- - Quality Meats at P-opular Prices 4-.Free ,Deliveres-4 =- Eschelbach, Marke.t C 12202 E. Huron Phone 4159 W .;[IIII~IHII 1 lHlHII ilHtltl Hl ttlt1111111111111 I~tI Ih1I~tlItihlHI 1111IIlllttIH11 t Thompson's A Showing of Spring Suits 50 and 65 dollars A few Topcoats of choice English and Scotch fabrics 45 and 50. dollars $3 $40 $45 I I and up (wrlth two pants) Y OUR Spring suit must fit well. On the balmy Spring days when overcoats are discarded, your appear- ance counts most. XWTHY take chances VVbuying a suit any old place when you can take ad- vantage of Del Prete's many years at tailoring at Michi- gan. Satsif action guaran- teed or a new garment is our policy. T-opcoats S TRICTLY hand- tailored from fine im- ported tweed's in light grays and tans. ~ I f4NON STATE STREET ;I y BRANR You l beon op o thew-0 one f Wld ' Ne,7 Tpm oat . - e e e lafkh tit 11014 e TAILRED O YOR, MASUR You ii b on op o theworl ATN GETR.CS in oe ofWilds Nev Tocoat e e $4250$ 5 0 R C e TO ISPEC THEE COTS I e Ie TO RELIZETHEIRVALU c II 25.00 20 II 3a.0 H A T ~S in the correct shapes for spring t $ 5 II A .o n 1 11 I!I