r Arti, TlTT T17. 4%TV ITGA7N DAli -Y TTTT'RST) Y . A \' FAT, V -Ia _. at 1 he Ih SI ~ido. All 11C1111)i5 01 1 le lti~arI 1''l'use oh ' ,. _i ._, _._. .._ ... _ _ . 'rTI1Tf~mAY, A..A.n.2..... 4 ! w~raer . DAILY Off ICIAL BULLETIN FOlilical Scielice'291, Jioulrnal C'lul 1: 'lhere rillI be a meinjg of Ithe (Clubiitoda y t it Ulock, 203.5 At; gel I 11all. t 1F ,111th~ ':t 11 {,P ,1I'dis 6,11';'0{le:Tl ( "IITflh1 Im vi I ifP -1 . / " 4\ -:t .M Publication in the Bulle(tin is costruct(1ive not ice to all imem~bers of An lll'IU I Stileiil s :th11i A('lntngi 5 f ]pitc tur 1011te Iusinss aini I d iistaffs will the University. Copy received by the Assist ant to thie President until A meeting 1'o,1 Iist iien s htoare nit ('t-l Ied in l; s'oatua 'lIprufes si n ' tI an at oa I O'u ic's Sut o at 4 o'clock this a fternoon,. 3:30 p. m. (11.:30 a. m. Saturday.) wii e hell in Nat ural Science A udit o in on Friday, ;Jaury 13, at 3! iI. N, leua14. o'clock. ! Ttn'S rsll i )AV I 'AI 1.? ubr ;14" . lovr. 11haipI'aN ____________________All 111 1iiS' Ult are (sgneSIUtL t e wi~seit at te Spedj;g Sudio thi teori l1} '. ii: att'i'i0t0tii t J.: ;;;t 0ih(h ial1 0 1' thaC' hI~i4it l i~i ( . . Siection BN atI 1 1, Blocki willit noti mostt todit(afoyt-T(hu Ni nher8 t 10( ocaWil ntEeettedy-. mrsea y Lye '..Li President. ci ~ Thle seconid regula etn ftelnvest eaefrt1year 1t7- i 1928 w~ill be held in Room C, Lyawxv ti iding, oni Monday, January 164, at 4:15 Geograiphy 1l: 1li amda Tlheta: P. M. My s ction at 1 o'cloc'k onlThulrsday will not met Iblis'4week. 11W c i'(ehtlU I helug(t.i i G ~Lntd Tha lI Pidon'PuraJn Order of 1business: I E. C. tiop1(1. I oart , ;' 1 7 iap.m., at the P emo ' of21 s. (l reee, 82 Chiiu rch street 1.Ana lot2. Report of the Commit tee on iUniversity 1Puliatio..Teai bFor All lUiversity Womien: --H - 11 O49l. e Vesdt'hitiiit 3. Report of Ithe ('omn,iI e on Vocal ional C (ounsel end Ilacci. t. A1lUinversity women are'c (ordially invited to tea with the Avise Is of ' l,, . ame ugo Iineednto heEgnern ue nt {1i ' Jlruau kiSecretary of the Senate. Womn today at arbour Gymnasiumn iaror:;fronm 3 0 to a oclock. pGirls l)ooris, Thirsda y, Jan. 1, at :30 Lp.., in h0thenion. See bulletin of the lBrumiit, Carney, and Cauighey hoaxes wil act as assisant }Io:tes~ oard in the Vimon lobby fr room number. Please come or cblie senda rep- Comithee wilo e Student. aeettalirs: Former assistant hostesses are especially invitedi to come. g ftBeatrice W. J(lhiS4,ilJhn A. Maurer. University Halll, Friday at 4:15 p.m. ~~- i i .1. it. DI[, slcy, a.)f;au. Bureau of A ppoint iiemit,-,anid M: All canldidatets enrolled with the Blureau of Appointments whose names begin with L or Ml% and who have not ga lled at t he office for personal inter- views this week should do so today (luring thet following hours: 9 to 12 a.m., and 2 to 4 p.m., or Friday or Satuirday mrn ng s, 9 to 12 o'clock. liellen Sliambaugli. .Sehpol of 'Businues s Addn!,4istl op! Lectutre : Robert F. JBinglmani of Thompsnon, IKline & Flory, attorneys, Cleveland, will lectur'e on TrfuIsdoy, Janatry 12, at 4 o'clock in Room 204) Tp.panl i-all, on the subjct '"Recent Developments, in 'Real Estate Financing with particular reference to the Use 0o' Land a 0(1 L easehol Trust Certificates." Those who are interested are cordially invited.I C. E. Griffini, Acting Dean. P'ortia: Mviembers, of Portia will have their pictures; taken for the, 'EIi'ian on Fri- da8y at 12:30 o'clock at iDey's Studio. All members arie re(luested to bo there promptly. I Ka therine Lardner, P resident. Ise Cc:cle Franudls: There will be a meeting of Le Cerele at 7 :30 p.m., Thursday, J ntiary 12, at Lane Ball Auditorium. All members, both new and o1(d, are uirged to be present. An interesting program of dramatics has been arranged, and re- freshment'n will be served. MIlo S. Ryan, President, La Sociedad Hispanica: The Spanish lecture series will open Thursday, Jan. 12, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 25 Angell Hall instead of 1025 Angell Hall as previously announced. Prof. 11. A. Kenyon will 'speak on "Monumentos Historicos de Espaina." New e,v ore s of Frenmch C(on versatIion 113 have been op u ned, MF at S ('clock a idillI" at1i) o'clock, each one hour croi ciI, a uid one se ctoni of ('on- vei' ation 11 , iIP'at. 9 o'clock, one hour credit. IPitipjiE. ; ursley.4 All s-niior ROTC sd ltient, and ROTC graduates a Fe hereby notified that General Lassiter's visit for Friday, J1aniuar'y 13, hias been cancelled. ________________________ eifnid Melhergr. Harvard Geology IDepartment' To Offer Foreign 'Ifour As Sumpmer Session Course LECTURE IS ILSR~5 rnl1ess the pulrtic ..is b i aouti.l '1 Ow ptm hi 1(' buow what yo_( u haveC, :an1d you.' eason. toor-sellingit0,"'stted J. I'. 1 ;i'tm i,, u l}(' ot marke ing I°«a avetiugfor.thle Fl-edlel-ick Stearns5 r1Detroit, in his addr'ess on "The M_1ark- e'ting of New Products" at a meeingi of the Pr'tescott club Tuesday night in the (Chemistry building. "In former years, the sma;ll (.oil- cerns managed to exist, an1 eke oi at the last meeting of the American IHistorical association delivered a speech on the "Photostatic Reproduc- tions of Rare Early American News- papers." At the same meeting Regent L. L. Hubbard spoke on the accuracy of certain statements in Las Calas's account of Columbus' third voyage, and also gave several bibliographical 'notes on the edition of Robinson, Pulcletr b re ode paid members. Professor Pu lefrel of the Imperial Acdm at Perga Julio del Taro. and now at the University of Rostock, will 'speak: 1. Friday, January 13 at 3 p.m., in the Chemistry Amphitheater on "Thej Sigma Gamm~a, Epsilon: Spirit of Chemistry." I All members will please be present for the 'Ensian picture which will be 2. Saturday, January 14, at 11 am., in Room 2,03, Chemistry Building on 1 taken at Rentschler's Studio, 319 East Huron street, on Thursday, Jan. 12, "Stereochemis try and Optical inversion." applrntrtescn I at 1 p.m.R ETylr It is expected that the first talk will be ofapourntrethscnd XETyl. primarily for teachers and studcnts in chemistry. These lectures will be___________ under the auspices of the local section of the American Chemical Society. Assistants at Advisers' Supper: All :interested are cordially invited.I Will the following girls please call at the Secretary's Office for their pay Byron A. Soule. checks:f - Y Beata Sebold, Genevieve Campbell, Della Forrest, Hillegarde Schueren, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors of the College of Literature, Science and Frances Jennings, Fay Barrett, Jean Gilman, Elizabeth Fekete, Elizabeth the Arts: Sawyer, Helen Norris, Mayme Barnette.1 All sophomores who have not yet had their elections approved by the - Beatrice W. Johnson. Upperclass Advisory Committee should secure appointments as soon a's pos-_j Bible at the booth opposite the R.ecorder's Office in the corridor of Uni- versity Ball. Juniors and senior': are also urged to secure appointments. Student 11atlenatical Society: C. C. )leloche, Chairman. There will be an important business meeting Thursday, Januiary 12 at _-___ , 7:30 o'('lock in Room 3017 Angell .Hall. Mr. A. Jacobson will give a talk. Senior Enginwers : 1Mad elyn C. R ingsley, Secretary. Dean Mortimer E. Cooley will talk to the class on Friday, Jlanuary 13, at - -- 11 o'c'lock in Room 348. A full attIendiance is r ettuestAed. Economnies Club: Ifa1'4id L. Miii Ieson, President. f Meets at 7:45 o'clock in Roonii 302 'Michigan U'nion Thursday, January 12. Mir. 0. S. Beyer Jr., Consulting Engineer of Washington, D.C., will sneak on ('leninhal E ugineem's : ISome aspects of the cooperative plan in which he has beenm assisting the Dr. 11. II. Dow, President of t i' 1)ow (item teal Companmy is to speak before ; hop cmaft unions oil the 11. & 0. and other railroads. the AlT. Cli.E. on Monday cxciiin'.s Ja nua ; y 16. at 7:30 o'clock in Room 320)1 L. C. 1)iehiisoui. East Engi neeiring Butildin:g. 1'ircedi it g btheIa i k a dznner will be given at the - Union. All throse ihm to a'i endm should reserve plates by calling Mr. I Fou'estry Cltub : Thornthwaite. Rmoom 8219 Eat. Eng iimeemin Bidilding, at Uiversity 23(;. Aichiganensian picturte of the Clurb will b1e taken 't'hurtsday ,January 12, V. 'ioi'nlh waife, Pr'e.id('nl. at 5 p.m., at Rentschler's Studio. Harvard wvill offer in its 1928 Sum- mer Session curriculum a geology and geography tour of France, Italy, Switzerland, and Spain under the di- rection of Prof. Kirtley F. Mvather, of the Harvard geology department, with the cooperation of Thos. Cook and Son, Lint., authors of the Cook tours. A phamphlet recently received here announces that "a limited number of qualified students will be given oppor- tunity to study geology, physiography, and archaeology in selected regions of the countries mentioned." For three and a half weeks the party will be 'bined with a similar group of students from the, University of Geneva for Alpine study and travel, I under the direction of Prof. Leon W. Collet, head of the geology dlepartment mat Geneva, and authority on Alpine structure. The part= will he taken on several "PDEN SENDS OUT lore I Pa ii5,0004)('Prist'llas gh'eet ings acid m1essage ptamnpil ehs wer'e mailedj 'to I'ormfner iiie'llbel' of the Upper' Roonm ilIe ('lass by ''Pat her'' Ideni, condu('- t~om' of tlbe Ilujpem' Ro'n Bible class at Lanme hall. Not all of thlese members climbs of the lesser Alpine pleaks, andl at the close of the workc those whio are able to make the climb will be given a chance at the Matterhorn, Tihe course, to be known as S-5, will be open to those who have had a. year of elementary geology. Mrs. Mather will accompany the tour, making it open to women as well a's to men. The course will be accepted toward eithexz an A.B, or S.B. degree at Harvard univErsity and it also carries credit for graduate degrees. The cost of the trip will include a $25 tuition and registration fee, fare amounting to $1,175, exclusive of per- sonal expenses such as laundry, tips, passports, and food not ordinarly served without extra charge. aSERVICE Come in and examine THE NEW PORTABLE Portable Typewriter We are having a wonderful sale on this Champ ion of -1i1 portables. "Evcrybody wants one." Anyone can quickly learn to use one. It is a time saver and time is :'no aey. Themes should be typed--Theses must be. i Core uRf;mLwadStudents are req nest-6 tI I nosel he follo wingmig odific'-O ion~s w'itIh regajrd to the election o1'f1 hese (c(uhti5s;. Course 1(1. Tb e La v ofI' 011 igimions). lmst be,.precedIedhby Course 101. TIhis preqluisit e, however, does, o ip i Py tom Course 14)4, The Philosophy of Law. Nei tem'coumrse is -;open i fa I1u'eslu ficutom' Spliotmores. Course 106. lcugal Analysis. WillI not, he givent the secomu l semxest cv. J. If. E rake, Sr. j un1iiversity, a Ithomugh the greater per'-I IBeta lKappa. Rhot (drls : cent age have been pr'"senh diuriing Ithe Tive wll eua meeting Sat urday evening, J1anuary 14, at b o'clock at iLatecr years of thare('lass;. 181 FoestAveue.These nmessage(s 'went to pt'U('t ica hhy Lautra Johnlson, Presimdent. ('ever~y (countiry of t he worltd, and eac(h ______ cmivlope swas addrhiessedl by Fatlmcr Oratorkda Boar'd :Iden hiiimself. Tlo (10 this, the a (dress- T.'me pictumre for the 'Ensian of the Orat )rical boamrdNwill be taklen this lug was begun last summer. Authorized Dealers. yCom rplete typewriter servike.- ...an. { wt~[ fYRr'M.tiMw ...nslt1A,,. - ~ Y~~f I 'ID°a K t I'll c Q r te sm mu 0 w -- lullol T IAnwft i Latest Dance Hits Featured by "Sid" Bryant and His Michigan Men * 1; t v mEnd I ,WI 0 I- PRICE 51.00 Sat. 9-12 ",DANCE AT LEAST ONCE EACH WEEK-EN D 1! ; i -a--' fl'4Oflflh~ rij rrThis play rana two years in New York and is now playing to capacity audiences iII 31 41 rHETRW EEK STARTINGAN THE MIMES 'RESENT Cast Includes ' 1011............obeCrt P'olice S(Sergeat.......allae Tie 1Rat..................Roy Lj.L:,V E.T HH ~m Av M"f NArlette ..............,.....Loo Miaxiuillian (oin.. .SamuelI Nana. -.......... ...Luteette BY AUSTIN STRONG l:can.1........Wiliam Al2. Lev )iaie . .............Phyliss Lo Trhe Dramatic Event of the Trheatrical Season, . .. ....1 : l THIS IS A MIMES PRODUCTION Urncle Gcor .....,..IVe SEATS NOW ON SALE AT BOX OFFICE ~Chico...........Ch1ares Livn amd others. 9' Wet zel Baxter Cunrtis one, Lee Bonnuell M~oulin vis. Jr. oeghton Dontuah F oster, (a 1(1 ltl Statr ret Carney Hoover ngstone London. .IN 11 I " 1 I IM