ESTABLISHED 1890 Simi 41v lit r4 to n MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS EIGHT PAGES VOL. XXXVIII, No. 114. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1928. EIGHT PAGES ENATOR DEBATES1 REED ANNOUNCES I WWJ WILL BROADCAST ENTRANCE IN RACE TESTIMONY BY HAYS UNIVERSITY PROGRAM TELLS OF DONATIONS] FROM STUDIOTO N IGHT , ,iO FROM HARRY SINCLAIl FLAYS CHICAGO'S -SCHOOL SYSTEMI M'ANDREW CONDEMNS lINDIAN PROPOSAL CONGRESS KEPT BUSY BOARD OF EDUCATIONI 'WITH APPROPRIATIONS, I .~. F - - ~ I ATICITICIAX -NIGUT is l II TO GO ON AR AT 7 O'CLOCK> BAND TO FURNISH MUSIC CamiipIell, Furstei berg, R1eeves, And: Bates Of Faculty Will Gixe Fcur Addresses Included on the eleventh Michigan r Night radio program of the current series, to be broadcast over station WWJ, the Detroit News, between 7 and 8 o'clockt tonight, will be four faculty addresses, in addition to a musical repertoire by the Varsity? band, according to the complete pro- - gram announcement made yesterday by Waldo M. Abbot, of the rhetoric de- partmient, who is program manager_ and announcer. , .ames Reed The first speaker on tonight's radio- Democratic senator fro Missouria cast wviii be Robert A. Campbgll who yesterday definitely entered the treasurere of the University, who will California presidential primaries inp give a short talk about the main nusi oppositi to Governor Al Smith ofd cal organizations on the campusthe New York, who has also entered the band .and the glee club. Mr. CapelCalifornia contest. , handles the finances of these organiza -____________________ tions and is constantly working ini Bates Will Speak their interests. R'FEnC flASTS HAlN 0 1 Tfaking as his subjet the recent in- quiry held in Washington, D.C., Henry I M. Bates, Dean of the Law School. will be the second speaker On hr prga.D: Bs, who was char CA I~R I RM R md by theFedtelOil Conservation Missouri Seator Declares "We Willt commission, will tell of the conclu- Fight It Out" As Campaign sio 's reached by the committee as a Opens On Coast resfit of the recent inquiry. "The Discharging Ear" will be the jS CHALLEN6E subject of Dr. Albert C. Furstenberg, T S T professor of otolaryngology in the (y Associated Press.) Medical school, who is the third speak- LOS ANGELES, March 1.-Senator er on the program. Dr. Furstenberg Reed, of Missouri, today signed his recently addressed the same audience declaration of candidacy in the presi- othe subject of "Foreign Bodies in . the Lungs," a talk which attracted dental primary to be held in Cali- considerable comment at the time. Hej fornia on May 1 and announced, "We will continue the 'series of medical will fight it out." talks with a subject which also comes He entered into a race which is ex- within the scope of his specialization I pected by his followers to bring a in the University hospital. showdown among the forces in the Reeves To Talk state of Governr Smith, of New York,I Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, of the polit- the followers -of William J. McAdoo,( ical science department, who was one and the Reed supprters.I of the two delegates from the United Friends of Governor Smith are re-t States appointed laat year by Presi- ported to be circulating petitions in t dent Coolidge to the Internat'lonal his behalf, throughout the state. Commission of Jurists for the purpose While McAdoo, who battled with of codification of international law in Smith for 103 ballots in the 1924 con-( America, will be the fourth speaker Ivention, has withdrawn as a candidate, tonight. Professor Reeves, who also managers of Senator Reed's campaign sat upon the Tacna-Arica commission, said they understood some .of the Mc-1 and is therefore familiar with South I Adoo followers would seek a delega-t American politics, will talk about the tion from California either pledged to recent Pan-American conference at "a straight-out dry or uninstructed. Havana, Cuba. Senator Reed tossed his hat into the The program, which is the eleventh presidential ring, after calling uponi of the 1927-28 series, will be broad- Democrats in a speech last night to cast from the campus studio on the forget their differences on the wet and fourth floor, of University hall by (dry issue and to have tolerance on means of direct wire connections with religios and racial questions. He did the Detroit station, WWJ, with Mr. not mentien either McAdoo or Smith Abbot acting as announcer. 1w0Ss efollowerA have divided on these issue. He declared the campaign is- J UNIOR STUDENT IS sue ws restriction of honesty to STU ENT govern cawI,'' andl he arguedl thatI PUT ON PROBATION JDeocat il"ner geanywhere Benjamin A. Levy, '29, has been platform. placed on probation and fined $15 by S the University Discipline committtee SUSPEND STUDEN T for defacing a periodical in the Li- AS BAN VIOLAT brary, it, was announced yesterday. Frank E. Lindsley, '29, has been Levy was also instructed to replace suspended from the tniversit y for the magazine which was mutilated, the remainder of the semnester for andi he is liable to prosecution under violation of his ,ito permit, accord- tate laws for the potectioni of i-1ing to al announcement from the of- ss hctin ci- flee of th1(e dea of students, Oraries which prohibit the defacing Clare 11. Timberlake, '29, has at the of books. sane tie been ilaced on proba'tion The advisory committee of the Stu- for the remainder of the semesier dent council, which handled the case's for iinor in ra et ion of th1e auitomo- before the _discipline committee, had bile bal. advised that Levy be placed on pro- A FOR3IER POSTMASTER - GENERALj CHAN(GES STORY TOLD { IN 1924 MADE UP PARTY DEFICIT Reason, He Explains, Was That Part, Was To Be Returned To Noted Oil Operator (11y Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, March 1-Will 1.1 Hays, former postmaster-geniera, . testified today before the Senate oil committee that Harry F. Sinclair had handed him a total of $260,000 ini Liberty bonds for use by the Repub- lican national committee after the oil operator had leased Teapot Dome. Of this anmunt $160,000 actually was used to help extinguish the com- mittee deficit resulting from the 1920! presidential campaign, which Hays directed as chairmaniof the national committee, the remaining $100,000 be-j ing returned to the wealthy oil op. erator.j Transacted In 1923 The transaction occurred in 1923 after the Continental Trading com- pany, of Canada, had made its $3,080,- 000 in profits and gone out of busi- ness, but Hays said and Senator Walsh, Democrat, Montana, agreed with him, that he knew nothing of the Continental at that time. When testifying before the same committee in 1924 the former cabinet officer, now a major figure in the moving picture industry, placed Sin- clair's contribution at $75,000 and on that point was sharply questioned by Senators Walsh, Democrat, Montana, and Bracken, Dem'ocrat, New MCexi- co. He explained that the $75,000 was all lie asked about at that time and lie did not volunteer information about the other because the plan.had been to return all of it to Sinclair. Reading a prepared statement to which he referred repeatedly later during cross-examination, Hays ex- plain(d that he took a hand in wiping out the 1920 campaign deficit because he felt a personal responsibility in the matter. Although he had retired as chairman of the party organiza- tion, Hays said he personally solic- ited funds from Sinclair, among others. Wiliam T. Mc.wdrew Ousted as superintendent of schools, attacked Chicago Board of Education l and decries plOlitics in public school system in declaration made public y -ster ay. PROMINENT FORESTEiH fWILL GIVE__LECTURES' ). -N. Rogers Supervisoir Of Natitul Forest. To Remain Here Several Days IS MAKING EASTERN TOUR1 D. N. Rogers, supervisor of the Plumas National forest in the Sierra Nevada mountains. California, arrived; here yesterday to visit the School of Forestry and Conservation. He is to I remain throughout the week, giving l a series of lectures on forest problems 1 and management to students of sil-.' Vics. Mr. Rogers is at present making a tour of the leading forest schools of the East. He is to visit 11 of the 4 I schools in the interest of the federal forest service in an attempt to inter-.l est men in the forest service or toC advise those who are to take civil4 service examinations in the near fu- ture. In speaking of the problems of a I national forest supervisor Mr. Rogers told of the extent and size of the I Plumas forest in California of which he is manager. One million and a half acres of timber land or an area AS CHICAGOPROBLEM FIVE 3IONTH'S TRIAL CLOSES WITH MERE GESTURE OF DEFENSE DENIES ALL ACCUSATIONS Says Every History Textbook Listed By Thompson Long Before Coining To Chicago (C A Associated Press.) CHICAGO, March 1-The greatest obstacle to education in Chicago is the board of education, in the opin !on of its former supemrintendenit, Wil- liam McAndrew. His protracted trial by the board on charges of insubordination and injecting pro-British propaganda in the schools terminated yesterday with only a gesture of defense, but to- day Mr. McAndrew launched a broad- side delineating the accusations as "lies, half-truths, and balley-hoo, and meeting every allegation with a de- i t d statenient of his version of "the facts." Broadcasts Letter The first public pronouncement of- fered by the ex-superintendent since his trial began five months ago was made in a 29 page letter to a con- mission formed by religious and civic societies to. take the school system out of politics. McAndrew himself had walked out of the trial and his aItornys iocii f nueld: SENATE PASSES CONSERVANCY PROJECT FOLLOWING I HEATED DEBATE RADIO BILLS ATTACKED Connititees In Both Hoinses Work On Mexican Imigratlon Plan With Opposition (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, March 1.-With the Senate tied up all day over the middle Rio Graide conservancy project and the Hlouse grinding along at debate on t the department of agriculture appro- priation bill, a visit by former Post- master-general Hayes, now a director of the movie industry, to testify before i the Teapot Dome committee came close to taking the congressional spot- light for the day. The Senate wrangle was largely a knock-down-drag-out affair between LaFollette, of Wisconsin, and Bratton, of New Mexico, as to whether Pueblo Indians in New Mexico were being badly treated in the land reclamation project under discussion. Bill Is Passed The bill finally was pa'ssed, but not many other senators took more than an occasional dose 'of the debate " and it was seriusly interreupted only once when McKellar, of Tennessee, diverted attention with a speech on I federal aid for state roads. AM P COMMITTEE HEARINGS Robert 3f. LaFollette Republican senator from Wisconsin who yesterday engaged in a spirited' controversy with Senator Bratton of New Mexico over the question -of whether the Pueblo Indians were being badly treated in a land reclam- ation project. CONTINUE PLAN FOR, INERATOALNIH attorneys followed suit after producing two witn ing charges of insubord protesting the eligibility the judges. "I was warned by perso with the school system that a superintendent who tics out of the schooln wouldulie ousted iisca fewI McA ndrew declared today. Observing that the list meanors charged against stopped short of bootlegg and breaking up homes," drew took up each 'alleg rately. Calls (Charge "Si To the charge that he in a conspiracy to spread propaganda in the school countered: "This is so have evoked the laughterc country." There was a similar acc - -^^^ - - ^a-^ ^^ li ct - yesteruayThHosaculyddtkabt esses, deny- Work Of Compiling Program Results itsh ppopr actubill part otal e t e ination and In Discovery Of Considerable The rest of the record was taken up of four of N. ew Talenit with many other things including an interesting announcement by Chair- ons familiar I WILL BE hELD TUESDAY ilman Dempsey, Republican, New York, in Chicago lof the rivers and harbors committee, o kept poll- MIore extensive work in compiling that a new river and harbor bill, in- nanagemeit eluding weeks " Mr 1 the program for the fifth annual In- the Great Lakes waterway i ternational Night, which will be held project, was to be expected. That I Tuesday in Hill auditorium, has re- will give Congress three major river him, "jst I. sulted in the unearthing of consider- and harbor bills to deal, with: the hi, robbest more talent in the University regular $50,000,000 lump sum in the Mr. Mery- I than in previous years. Past pro- army bill, the flood control measure, Mr. McAn- grams r by the Cosmopolitan still to be whipped into shape, and ation sepa- club have been drawn more from the the new bill forecast by Dempsey, size professional element in and around and scope unknown. payt..i....Detroit. This year effort on the part I Committee,, Work paromitipatf of committees working under Syed Committees in both houses were Spro-British F Husain, grad., who is general again at work on the Mexican immi- sillymaseto chairman of the affair, have unearth gration restriction plan, with wide- of tie entire ed acts representing several national- sp'ead Opposition evident. The House ities and presented almost entirely by naval committee reported out a bill students. to give submarine crews and divers utext-books A special prologue written and di- a pay bonus due to the hazardous rected by faculty nembers will open nature of their duties and also again Swas listed !the program, while the conclusion refused to approve of reconditioning klons befoe will be an original theme expressed next year more than two of the five long beforeing in the dance "The Awakening of battleships the navy would like to eadsofrth Peace" paresented by Nico Charissi overhaul. Even the two w-ill cost eNew York and his pupils. The costumes used in more thai $14,000,000. Before the nmerican his- the production will all be peculiar to House postoffice committee, post- me issued ai the race represented, and every scene office department approval to go back te asmember.will have appropriate stage settings. to the 1921 basis postal rates was at N Yomr Anmong the countries that will be rep- voiced. a ner Ybrn- resented will be Russia, the Philip- As side issues in the House, Rep- schools n-pines, Hawaii, Japan, China, Poland, resentative Dickenson, Republican, sos Bvrn'ia Palestine. and Greece. One Iowa, suggested it would be wise for th ire o~~-f the state of(VRhod Island. ,-1I tie recommusensuea 1HistorIy Operator Gives $75,000 are contained in the Plumas forest having a British bias. The oil operator's personal contri-h le said. Eleven billion feet of timber "Every history text-boo bution toward the deficit was $75,000.1 are cut per year in the forest by the by the Thompson board the witness testified, but he advanced governmeint and 12 mills are kept I came here," he replied. $185,000 in Liberty bonds to be used busy through this supply, Rogers said. testimony that he wasI by the committee in mmaking a report Over 100 rangers and assistants are ,text-book division of the to the country that the deficit had employed in the forest. I schools when Muzzey's Ai been wined out in advance of the 1924 The gra'ing of cattle and sheep tory was banned here camnpaigm. Ienter's intoi administrationi of a west- 1doubile (denial: "I was ti Hays told the investigators that he ern forest, Mr. Rogers said, as does of the text-book divisiona niet Sinclair in New York, either in also the problems of recreationists 1 and Muzzey's history was his own or Sinclair's office. and hadI and campers. He described the high tned from the New York received from his hand a package fire hazard of that section of the -------- -~ containing the $260,000 in bonds. country and said that 60 per cent of STUDENT SUE There was no memorandum or other the fieso are caused by man, while only E IN evidence o' the transaction. ' per cent ar due to lightning. Mr. ! SER" UO.S I ltog'rs addessed a special meeting -- IS RE-ELECTED TO "of"he"lstr" club last mnight called John 0. Innis, '11, is - : in-m his honor. versity hospital, in a se CUMP'ANY UFICE' - --- (IP-s- DELANEY FALLS I CIICAGO, March 1- Col. RIobert B FO E H ENE jW. Stewart, charged with constefmnpt - I - .\t~'it{'il -~i rely s tticaiswr qustresss.)( for refusal to -answer questions ask- IMAISON SQUAEIC GARtDEN, New ed by memabers o the T'eapot Done York, Ma'chI 1.--Tbe heavyweight am- senatorial investigating comm ittce,1 bitioi5 of Ja'k Delaney crumbled wa eeetdciiimto bo cte aga in tonight, this time before was re-elected chairman of the bhoard then. . , ,,, the bull-like attack of the iron-jawed 1 ct t t lj ((R 1 ,t tion as a result of a rec The horse on which in i"g bolted and ran her milk wagon, throwing the ground. In addition juries, the shaft of the w, Innis' groin cutting in inches in such a manne der it diflicult to care .fo Germiany now leads t civil aviation, one con having at least 140 air ~ TY~ I of the most spectacular features will TA heIN the large Ukrainian orchestra from JURIES Detroit. Mrs. Robert Winters is di- intin- time whole program. in the rani-I E O T A O H R rious condi- REPORT ANOTHER ent accident.I DIAMOND DEPOSIT nis was rid-1_ (d-on unto a (Iy Asc dPss) the riienr to CAPETOWN, Union of S. Africa, to minor i- IMarch 1.---Another rich diamond field agora pierced has been discovered to swell the about seven wealth of South Africa. This revela-j r as to ren tiol was made today in the assembly )1 the wound.I by the minister of mines, F. W. -_--- ;Beyers. Although some knowledge of1 he world in this field was made public a few mipany alone I months ago, it was not until recently" limes. that its richness was confirmed. I members seeking flood control action to support farm relief, while Repre- sentative Celler, Republican, New York, attacked pending bills for equalization among broadcasting sta- tions of power and wave-lengths as designed to "wreck" the broadcasting industry. DUES COLLECTION TO BE CONTINUED Visions of a unit class memorial from the senior literary class in the Burton Memorial campanile project are gradually materializing with the continuance of the campaign for the collecting of dues from' the members of that class. With the addition yes- terday of $160 paid in by members of the senior literary class, the total amount of. dames collected in the first 'three days of the drive amounts to $473, of which $57.75 will go to the Women's league. The campaign will continue today e-+ bation. The mutilitation of the imagazine took place in the form of clippingl ROMIJVI KENT WAS K IN YEARS PAST, CA out several advertisements which "The average total expense of a stu- Levy needed for a journalism course dent here today is from $70 to $100 lie was taking. per year at the very highest." Yes, the fore-going is true, but it is a WTILD CATS DEFEAT quotation from 1847 when r oons and 'anitor service ini Ann Arbor cost SLLINOIS CAGERS from $ to $7.50 for an entire year, and at the same time when the jan- EVANSTON, March 1-Northwest-' itor of Mason hall where 'studentsI ern took revenge tonight on IllinoisIlived, used to ring a bell, borrowed the team which knocked Northwest- from the Michigan Cemtral railroad. ern out of the Big Ten basketball for the purpose of getting the stu- race, defeating the downstaters 39 to dents up for their classes.aI 31. The Purple grabbed a 10 poit adThius have thinigs changod. InI- lead at the start and held it, despite stead of thme $70 to $100 which, more- the lost of Gleisehman, one of the pes coveed many incidental ox- regular forwards who was injured in petises such as books and washing, the Chicago game early in the week.I recent figure's place the -expense of Bob Chilaglry h the 1927 and 1928 Michigan student atf Bob Mills, the Illini dribbler who from $763; to more than $980, exclu- was mainly tresponsible for North- sive of many of the usual expenses. western's defeat in their previous 1mI addition, in those days, more mnetinsr wa3 stonned by Cant. Waldo I 5 o r - c i.,..,...- 1,--vo _rt int or the Standard oil compatiy of in-I liana today; with the 1,330,820 shores e frm N, I of stock controlled by Johtinl . , eore a crowd oh inore tha 18,000 I Rockefeller, Jr., voted neither for northe hat y gid $175,000 tt see tie fight of against hium. , hme leavywveighmt elimination semi- finals, Heeney carried off the decision y over the erstwhile French-Canadian EASONABLE HEiRE trapshooter in 15 mauling, bruising TALOGUE REVEALS t s not a one-sided victory for jthe blocky, square-jawed boxer from small group of 92, including a grad- I the Antipodes, but it was decisive uating class of only 12. nevertheless, and gained as the result Admission reuirements differed very of a determined rally in the last radically from those of 1928, for such rounds. Isubjects as "Orations Against Cata- In a struggle that was fast if not line," "Jacob's Latin Reader." "Greek spectacular, punctuated by bruising History to Alexander the Great," "Six clinch-es, Heeney emerged the victor Books of Aeneid," and courses in because he was the aggressor all the Latin and Greek grammar were re- way. Chunky Tom seldom gave quired in examinations given before Handsome Jack a chance to get set entrance to the freshman class. Be- for a knockout swing. Outboxed, out- sides fulfilling these 'requiremnents;,i smarted and outspeeded by his rival, ithe prospective freshman in 1847 had , Heeney nevertheless kept charging' to present a certificate from his 'in, punishing Delaney severely about BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS OFFICIALS SWOOP DOWN ON DEFENSELESS DOGS It, s a dog's Ie in short, the pits herd, the condition of the ca- tday of the campus dog is past, and nines has been going steadily down- the tribe of canines wlich formerly grade. Last spring the Clippy Memor- barked and frolicked before the Li- ial stadium was removed from the 'brary is shortly to be exterminated. campus, and since -then there has Such seems to be the grim resolve been a steady and insidious agitation o2 the Buildings and C-rounds depart- against the whole species. Powerless ment, and who would ie (o rash as as they were to resist the impending S - flint t n1 whih tore up i tide of public opinion, they only re- , i , _ with re)resentatives of the senior literary class treasurer stationed in the lobby of Angell hall from 1 to 4 o'clock this afternoon. According to class officials it is possible that re- presentatives of the treasurer will be placed in Angell hall sometime next {t0 say thaC UIC gluu;l >vill"I fill 4. ll .l a tic, l by hc r'nmin - coven mnva frian(7- } i i the old Diagonal, undermined Tappan '" e- ''"y"iUoii evni i'' 't"n week. hall, and constructed Clippy stadium ly--a friendliness which was not en- Funds collected from the remit- is incapable of the deed? tiely uderstood by the narrow co taice of senior class dues will be The fact is, the campaign has al- used in the furtherance of the plan the So the sporting score of dogs be- for the Burton Memorial campanile, ready started, amid for two dlays tefr h irr a enrdcdt Buildings aid Grounds pound has fore tie Liui'iy has bem edntet and must be paid before the pro- been filled with sleek airdales, frow- a mere handful - a handful that curement of canes, programs, invita- s colliesand distinguished looking bats a steadily losIg battle for its tions, or tickets for the Senior hail, s olles, anydt rexistence against the impending it is stated by officials of the class. m;ongrels - without any respect for 1i e of the B. and G. Owners w ho' _________ rank or social position - a most piti- I have had to bail their charges out m able sighto Kind owners have bafled the houmd three or four times a reMOVIE MEN MEET out some of the creatures by paying fToDthCrSurBIsL for their board and room, while already planning to mortgage te1 TO DISCUSS BILL family hom-estead if the practice con-i others of the sad canines have look tinues; and the humanitarians are (By Associated Press.) ed in vain for a friendly hand 1 to i'0(apparently satisfied that a "veterinar-j WASHINGTON. Marc, 1.-Repre- parents and other people certifying the body with an attack that was as to his good moral character. And persistent as it was damaging. after all this trouble, he still was not --- officially in the University, for he was In reciprocation of the visit of thef inn only for a probationary period of American hotel keepers to Germany, one term after which, if he was sat and to study Anerican methods, ho- isfactory, ie might continue his stu- tel keepers of Germany plan to tour t. dies ;here. nart of this country this year.