T HURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1928 T HE MICH IGAN DAILY PAGE FIVM -:. .- VIA =A'WA mm j r .._. 1 mro~r un liminITravel C ommittee. Chairman Describes ' f FRM U R W LL HUL L ICvlVl .il11t -41L11111Ykp l% r Delights Of European Open Road Tour -VR S Reliving i1 . n memory some or they Housethere, and two nmore Open DiyBlei fSotwmn delighits of the nast summer when Road groups of girls. W'e a1 stayed she torued various sections of Elurern a swhoa] a few streets rip from HeeaTl Ch osren AF o n atteone with the intercollegiate student, the League of Nations building, and Complete P ans for SNO AO WN Hed oB hsnFrPgatgroup of the Ope~n Road, Inc., Phyl- felt very jolly and cosmopolitan to- -7 r~y FROM NON-EFFICIENTS ThIMS lAternooni lis Richards, '28, chairman of the g'ether. } 1Fencmg Tournamentl --- PAGANTp AitsLeague tir avel commiittee, tells of thel "Only the guides and the ontstand-___, In a fast postseason basketball AEATWILL BE REREAD program which the ten Michigan wo-ling people have been mentioned here, Plans for al interclass fencing game at 5 o'clock Tuesday, in Bar- men, who will 'take ai similar trip but one must not forget the many tournament which is to takn place boa gymnasium, the Semior Majors Iijection of general chairmen and this summer, may expect people whom we met in the deffer- aftei- springy vacation are already defeated the Non-Elicients, a team of commitatee heads for the Freshman "In Belgium, as in Scotland, ourl ent cities that are student centers, being discussed and organized. c nmbin d alumnae andf faculty, by a Pagan~wiI e eldat4:5 oclckguides were men, M. Pierre .Ansiaux Brussels, Paris, Tours, Luxembourg. "We had thought" said Miss Ella - scr- Pagant.wil b hld t 415 clckand M. Jean Couturier, both from There were always many of them, all Rawlings, fenc ng instructor in physi- The Senior team Was the champion thisaftrnon i Uniersty allthe University of Brussels. Their) pleasant, and all eager to make us cal education, "we would have this 1h th ne s rmhe auditorium, according to the an- chie° characteristics were an inabil- welcome. Itournament as :soon after vacation as Nw nEhich ene staehur-asday. T de nouncement made by Jane Howard, ity to understand our i'odess for Amlericas Should Cooperate Ipc ssible, bu we will haetowi n- att e ts ethe ch ps awighord - viepresident of the _freshman class. postcards, and a penchant for mak-i The American student who goes til every clas'sis prepared fir it. Two br t theirnsisens oodtheamed rk- ing witty remarks to each other in m iust of coarse play his part. He; groups of women have just been en- ie y the osi tergo team wrkuh- -nagto t h eea li Frenchi, and taughigura ins ,ms represent the finest in his own rolled and, of course, they are not asuthegm. man, there ill be ninemembers onAnother thing; they could not under-(country as thec host does in his. Thelfar ah ad 1, those who have been 1n Teca1egr1ftegmewste the central committee of the pageant. stand was or enthlusiasm for climb Open Road Willts to feel that every thre class since flu' I)ginning of te o-fiietta.Fr h ean- It was reported that candidates will ing tow(.s, lbut 'hey nianfully toiled. ,tudent whv~o goes is a guest wothy semlester. There are 20 womn en- e ftesaool hlegd be run with a view to election to u 1 cev' one, and took care ghat no of the time and trouble that thej tered il fencing classes. now, and ga swilobrplyofb the eisuony cl ssged the head of a specific committee. Fort one fell off. Otherwise, they were; hosts talc to ertertain them that!with [hs nmber the tourlna suas. the benefit of those who were 1un-1well bred, intelligent, ice looking he will enter into the spirit. o: this sai ag nuht aecni elowc is the lineup four thu g ame: ; able to attend the meeting last weekjyw ing men , and were erha s the kiln(] of travel n d app eci te ths r l al ry a2nll n to o ate tosn jL o adcens Louise Auble, '31,author of the. pro-!nmost interest ing personalities We 'tillof it. ,'he st an dards of selc- emabke rf he co ntdi noct to ndle. Be Paumont . . . .. .TRF. .. . .. . . . . . Ha logo(, and lyrics of the Pageant, wil camne in c'r of the and pmus,. also be congeial with re ilb nroe dw hrbs e c radwcll,............ ? nnebig das, cmltte or t i the-w.ely unver sity ]aper, "L'U nivei.- sprect to its Euroren hoss. Teer iilnaroead las ru.Woe w Sustitutions for th Nonll-Iciens pageant is dependent upon the. schol-j sitaire ." members oif such a group should feel have he^n chosen to he captains Of ere Raticc, Ogborn, and Poivinen. arshrip record mrade by first yeair wo-' Friendships are 1'ormled that theyr are mlaking, a very real, hr asgrusr a fols: men during the last semester. Tho These cntacts; with foreign stn-, even if small contrilmtion to inter MNarv Klen-lill t, gradiate, Janre Fol- EMPLOYEES REQUIRED 'T minimum requirement is a total of dents we're One Of- the outstanlding national friendship alld understand -scm ',. Lily Schmidt, '39, Ona Flkcr, WEAR UNIFORM SKIRTS honor point;, equal to those given by' features o' the visit, according to olf. arml that comrbined witl the ' 0, and 11011 Guckenb rge, 'H. ]ight a "B" and three"C" . Miss Richards,' and constitute thl idcalnitic aim of the tnnr is thie new mils and , some new plastoons Wmn mlydith gve- As a part of the traditional Lan- most attractive factor in the C) en oippotunity for 1'nn and intrsting h e en ridded fn this depart mnt of ti nt postal. plepholne and telegraph tern Nighti program, the Freshman Road low's. The stndent hosts who; experionce quite outside the rang- physical education and this will n-i services most wear uniform skirts .ox- Pageant has become al ottstaudiug eiverywherev meet and take care o' o ordinary ;ommiercial travel. or in-'0 obtely ald to the interest in the Gendi ng at least eight inches below the feature of Michigan women's activi- the Axm(_ricanrl guests are selected by dividual traveling withot the ,ai-,ccming tnurnamennt lknee. Tlerder has recently hcen itie is 'c.,sntti " f tetei nt ernatio l- Student Hlositali. i rtnity of meeting any of the peo- Every entrant will !w required to :s'd b r ate cazl i- Work of the entering womn just ist association coopecrating; with file ple ill the countries visited." have rooorted to class l14 tines, but if istrof tener. Dr. Schaetzel the Junior Girls' Ply so h u- National Student Federation of Ainer- T1:11 Michigan wvomen, accompanamed any. experio-ncd fencer. nt enrolled cmsfo Bavaria, whre th ,3cley for class Lantern Night signifies ica, the ]latter organization sponsor I'fy Aliss 'Mary 1L. Lytle, director of at pre sn , wo ld care to enter, these ,c msp ri uary h stl to he re f the passing down to the succeeding ing the Open Road tours. IBetsy Barbour dormitory, will sli class attendances can be made up try( the modern women. class the :responsibilities of the sell- "Our French guide was mile, x'011 New York on July 7, landingi14 practices. The touirnamenit will The federation of women postal and for won-.-en who hand their lighted Yvonnte Mary, whom we knew bettori in Plymouth. Ali itinerary covering' probably take place during the reular telegraph employes objects that the lanterns to the junioirs who in turn than any of the rest because we Western Europe has been arranged class period, at 4 o'clock, Mondays and order is neither il accord with the give their vai-colored hoops to the sitayed with us longer," -Miss Riih.. and they will depart prom Europe W'edrnesdays in harbour gymnasium. times nor is practical, for the women sophomores. _ ards went on. "Her ta,;k was lop, from Cherbourg on August 17, on the yTi will have to pay for their uniforms It is desired that all eligible wo- and ardnours, for the groan stayed . S. DrYesdenl. The total cost. ex-jON"E D;J*AY REM AINS out of their own money. ment take part in the freshmen's con-jtogether more in acountry that pre-) rludint' such -1pe'rsona. ,(11 ite lluchas. aCl';) ., - -1- - ,.,,, _.AATO TRY OUT FOR team made ul of Croup. ir, Culve League T'o Feature Holidays With Partyi "My dear, who woulhl ever imagine' such a thing? llolidays are so trite, but this, this is eay ,n add variety to these .suits, and the4 hunters, and the danigor that f# bright handketrchief searrs accent the, would' b strippmed caused \AZr7 T color contrast still m'oreAl onir o.eo fre',t For less serious sports than g olt stand guarl over it through a dr iz- the skirt may be of creme de cehene 7l1'1 rain, 'm deop mud. with a jumper sweater of striped ail-' gioup of Ei'ls, especially desir- gora wool or fancy open-weave hou- ois o" "somethiin- of Lind's," mn- clette. The tennlis frock of white in aIgedl to het by he statllorn ua light weight silk, mlade witil a pleat-. a1nd Seized a pair of mm'krvat ;Ioves ed skirt and simple attached sleeve. )fr1m i1Mide the t1lane. 13W they E less blotisa is still good. LeLong adds t'oiight over them and in the midst of an abbreviated cage back sometimes.; their quar reling, M1rs. Cornair White or cream is phcnomenally snatchedl the gloves, with the state- llopuilar just now for resort wean. menlt that she wvould return them to; Coat ofh r e n aool l as ethvcave C l.fhe lh gi f h em want ed 1 13 more flesh able by h lving a N'orfolki and 'Major Lanphlier to the Ford air Cut with soulder yokes; pleats, 141d, sor recie a $5 bill whiceb ,11e J t down socks. ouit, thler e ii b e a gameutwe al CHOICE, PRINTS Chinese, Egyptian, Indian .Desirable as wvall hangings, pillow tops, table scarfs, and ed spreads. Mary Louise Shop Nicker Arcade. N eWNo velt y Hats CompaCto Holds Its Own J 5 t t: - Li\ y _..... 1: ) L ,i _ a \ \C. i\ Li . \^ hf. 1 Z . Q',J s7. ,. _ y - , t _ + A. ,,,, } 1 ____ . , ,, !, , ; { , . 1 , __ ...._____----- r Bound." with Tom Dougall Y I I Phyllis Loughton Rchard urvink Wade Carney Mabel Baruch Hoyt Sherrill . +' ..,y. -s . rp e , . O J \. '*+ + Al te tye No touch of Fashion now high in favor but can be found in these Attractive h shades in georgettes, and crepes. ver $x.5.00 Original Fad Quite the newest and most original fad in the millinery world today is the compacto hat. It combines the novelty with the practical and so is certain to be a success with the girl of today who insists upon comfort and style. Somewhere in the hat you will find a cigarette lier tukedin asi AChat Hat TThe', ,, little hats pit the head closely and are in many colors. They come in soft crochets and in felts, or combinations of both. The lines are trim and neat, with becoming brim lines, which are mostly off the face. Even without the additional conveni- ence and novelty they are well worth their price in chic. Besides the cigarette lighter. with its gay orna- m e t a ex er o t h e r is a CHIC DIVERIID NW $ 2 %_ 00 t $6 00 Tweeds--woolens-as you like them. This season these fabrics are correct for coats. So that you may choose a garment for daytime, for sports or for semi:formal wear. Tailored or fur-trimmed. For women or misses. Aeader olco wih have drifted into New York, I have- en- joyed most the bright comed "ou and I. Ime Friday and Strfday XTEtvbn Printed and plain hig chiffons, a Nothing c i I I I I Ii 111 11 1.