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VOL. XXXVIII, No. 11 ..



ain inwhich
th peetcmag of the senior
nr ~ ~ w cass memorial in the BurtoNDI
POO E IL TL STR emorialto Campanile project. TheUIL DXA
1 drive which began Tuesday will con-
LECTURE TO BE HELD UNDER ' ................., cSTR l etde with the closing of the treasur- MAJORITY PARTY CRITICIZED DNT
AUIth'CFS OF ORATORICAL j OF DEV1,0P13vi'OFil ers station at 4 o'clock tomorrow (ON TARIFF QUESTION '*y' D
' . ---Dues may be paid today and to-<
iealder'(Con duct ed Expedit ion Into .atajiec And To lc~c 1' rsent. bestt, eCinomelobyofengllRqporf OnliFlood Control .~..Dates
Aran) Region Last, summiier Fe I Ji-isu, Fencrin ,Serenade sfiil r htte And :exican Labor Problemi In tCae
scientif ic, esearchi nd Folk Ilsncing(t ',x ic have been set at $5 be Day Filled With Activity
Geore PamerI 'a nam xvll-kown--] iforthd atsona>possible, for without (yAscae 'es'Sti
Georgel'a:Insr l'unam, wll-knon Il-kown I ] 'be ourthannual lfltiruitioniiltl erpymen t it is impossible to se B soitdIr~slSti
exploreIr, anthor 0an(d publisher, ,1n(1 !!1crecae; Pogaminvitations or WASHINGTON Feb. 29.-This was eet
I Night, which will be presented next e aa~s eet
head of the Amrican Museum exle(- Tul 'it Ilo11 the Senior ball. atredl letter lay for the 10th Congress .nJ 'therco
ditionl to Greenland in 1)26, will be ! quite aside fo h atta twsI .
will tke o t hm 1 ar'n f o1bta
the next speaker' on1tile(curent Ora- ot0 h lgno h lbAv UM T L S PLC February 29, a date that, like national apn
t oiral aoiation lecture co'sP(, it all naitions is hunmanity."'1 h~te themu GE EN TELLS POLICY lection day, gets aroud ony once inIit et
was announc,-d yesterday afte'rnoon b1y is it O.Ided It0 iliusfrra 1 C' th(~ il our years. atth
association officials. Mr. l'utaiu will I~cosnulxOplit a aspiritiin the (lexloll- fr ~st mjodegsltvejtheaid;
sp~lcon "Crecrtanf-theLitl 'wnt of iteihatioIll isfl ad will tl.1t li
spa i Cienl~d-te ltl Iranii. 11, hellg ibe intr odu lced fby a piolog t iC, it - ,o h p rpit ils aeofcouncil
l{pi-)\wn" in d ill auditorium, Tuzesday )' d' pudldIt('enb~S laBut fteH~s the congressional ways almost un-
night, MIarchia 3. senat e Ioyeigh]trel a Iionls committee 1 tra's office, and present ed by Rlph 1)1~d li 'Ia ISliits aIPaeutc~.I a eale lloet
14r. putnam: 'in addt ion tc being 1he to ex jplai oisions 5of the fnew ,.Johnson, of the eugincing (ol- i W ~il o Sr IIled(er bil, prvidig fo theretun 1ofGetf lthe i((
lad1t ti(-f1~(1li g. iavad' 'O lIhe pr1~ in Feder-;pors
hedOfte 2b'ren e~)~l hi atoleat.gs-it h ~k man, tAustria, f r adth ungary rtugr y tion thteiation ofLabor, wi spoke last night prgrs
ln. was also the diect or (of last Fol lowing. the explanation hy Secre-; The piologneo is t he story oY thle'Cusoftmpretyeiddrngoma
litisepr tim l o1letyIsized(luin lil audilorit'iflon "La4bor's o- fra
yea's XIedi llL o lafinislnd th try ellggt~nemmiteefinll ap dvelpnut of at ions from tlwim, ALRS OU UNEMPLOYMEENIthwa.Te ouealreltesiio in ldr nlstilLe.Cnpn
main obective of which was the geo- Proved the plans for the pac(t. j idividuals, from1i the l)(ciIiiin~ of',-- conference repiort anld the brill wvent to3 student
gaphical expl~oraltion of IBaffin island. .--' tiumw to 1 he presentd(lay, sand ending 'I La bor's persistency in bhl f(0-1WPeidn o intr.f Qai
'This work was in charg e of Pr1of. NvVAllffhA ithI a 1l (livi heftii y.n e i; bgainig and the salutary re- While this was being dlone, lbe j TOf
Lawrence M. Gould,. of the geolog'y (Ie- 0£EE.0MFFJYi AL; osie h ie various t " ages rt in] s w hidihaluve'followed the estab- House found itself without nthin~ 0UJ8'ZLd
prtet.tional growth liom individual tof)t' Iishin n:t anid recognrit in of trade Llsec ready and that ,ave Representa- n nrrn unaugur.
As well as being recognized as anl r n I~A 111 ily, town, and unitedI city group, anid inionls as (developed confidence. lye Garrett, Democratic leader, a !II LJ ~-IIII the conm
able author and publisher, the sp('aker i f 'ILI 1 rpeistejinn~o ain'Istrerrf ii and faith ini the policies of chanc for thinly-veiled criticism of 'ENIN FI 1!LJECION~ Th
is sld to e an xcelent: ecturr. rhe American Fdeaion of Labor Republican mranragement.
the brecaking (down of race lariers. ni tdyi-hsrahe--osto f -Rlif1 lddLlieAh B ettin of
Dr. Ptutnamn, director of the American Dancers To Appear utltdyi.hsrahdapsto fFr eifDbtdLtl tl:ltl
Gegahclsociety, stated that Mr. T'ay(OnsO~ fSnt oeg commanding importance and influence A iteltratrteariutr hant IteF eafrca
ro omte ittit Tepoga olwn ti iliithe nation's economic and socia]leprtnet Mpapiriohhd ota eeiiti' fte Car o r 11 a
Putnam's lecture before that society IjelaiioneComite ftiotrther arry oin the theme. The lTo )Iarchiappropriationoattgoe C ase ideuds a
wars rngonythe pst lcetw ya du ___ Agig lerdChrss ianeta rfesonlAnh 1jlie'"satdWilamGeepesdntttigontellor ite gadeoalA aided nvrst Clegeaie
that nr it apro pastheetw o ebte o the American Federation of Labor if $143,319,000 to be voted, Represent-'-
dLUaANTIWARtACwaArbrpgoupapse the directionthoy in anl address last night in Ihill audi- .tive Oldfeld, Arkansas, the Demo- WILL E ND DISAGREEMENT At th
hNCUd ever-ARhad onco theisArctic.p Appr:eethcpa-
IN Nico Chadisnihwillrciiture the pro-toriumi. aic whip, took a shot of his own -of the
ion of the pictures with which Mr. lou tr ihileneaiedn-Gren proceeided to show wherei t the majority. The Republican man-; Replying to their action of Tues- the mat
Putnam illustrates his lecture has also (By Associated Press.)f es composed especially frItrm the Federation hass always adopted ~~leaerd eedlbrtl
beneprse y ae B od WASHINGTON Feb. 29.-The new 1 tional Night. The theme will also lp~i wic 'l bah fexibe thl day ai'e1noon,, whn tey rejected esg
head of the Pon bureau in New York, JFranco-American arbitration treaty Ibe10illustrated by a campus dance r-i heevroagnicniinsada limnddubtheiffrmei ers h't ris-wic
who termed them the most interesting which includes an anti-war delara- ganizatifon, Orchesis, nail r the di- lire srame time practical. "While ;d a storm that flickered andl flared ~loewemn oe rsdn ial Cam
reto fln ono fthe phys- Labor favors industrial peace and tti ie l the rsoftedy. Clarence Cook Little yesterday re- i eli,
' emo ofany expedition. II eal education department. Ocheisladoption of all methods which make ThSeaewrdahleote
out of thTheeSenatefworked awhileonon thelquested the engineering faculty Daily,c
Expedhhrn 'Was 4 otofte ent frig rltin(wl presetnt "Motods From the River" for tinderstanding and coperation be- niddle Riio Grande conservation ineas-+ has be
The American Museum Greenland committee unchanged today and early in one o' its few public porforin-tween employers and employees, It xi'irtathsbegumntigsp through Dean Geore tWp. Patterson,ofial
expedition which was conducted by approval is foreshadowed. ances. never ~, r hthsbe trmytisu surrender the right to strike,' little these last few day ,ten got to snd a commttee ntot to exceed ficalr
Mr. Putnam, the primary purposeff Thre new tireaty will replace the Japan and- the Philippines 'f il he said. t ackd to M~uscle Shoals with Senator ive mem~brs (A' theaclty to the Lionwof
thihe Aeroca Murese ofNatra otarbitration treaty which expired both be i i well reresentedl, the fannerj "Its labor poe r Nisisonrylp caits' Trris narrating on the succss f iarch meeting 'th oad IfRe- have eo
th mrcn uemo NtrlFelra >1with an. act consisting of exatrrfes andl its only_weapon and defenrse hei unicipal electric pwrpojcsalget ortepof te oaof rsin suha
History, was-remarkably successfull in 1'lay t27 and will set up machin- of fencing anrd jiuz-jitsu and othet' argument, reason, and peaceful per ve oer theconty ousainhs ali.,t ostelars pro-sntngscha
bignbakauiuscetfcc ry for the arbitration of all disputes 1 clbsfie oalvaeu rlftercucninrult ~sannn lspo1their case. 1ognz
brnigbc nqesinii a-Igames played on New Year's (ay inl ua ~nhv aldt leit n slfrcniudgvrmn 10' te:dn iterrie rmyears.a
go: After leaving for the north on the that (10 not involve domestic ques-j Japan; and the latter by a seenade far idutril oprssin.
:schooner Morrissey, the expedition Lions, third parties, the Monroe do- 1land folk dance. Both will be in na-' Concerning the political policies of )tIn'ofthbg power and nitrate uget
)lant. makig othr commrent on ¢he action sget
covreda ota o 8,00mils, om trneor h~ obigaios o Fanc tive costume. Pro'essioal features the Federation, Green spoke at some Mexican Labor Considered o the engineering faculty, which, by as soon
3,G00 miles of them north of the Arctic under th e covenant of the League of from Detroit will include the Polishl length oim the necessity of maintain- Both Senate and House committees I tepof Os to25,nivesitypCoeeofplan ed
and, abut 1,400 miles with sail alone, aios pianist, Kasimir Obeeny, a Ukrainian ing a no-partisan platform. ere again delving into the ramifica e pooe'miesi~ olg ln
Thle expedition was shipwrecked on Nain.o'hsraaddne cnimainTinenilloynent Citedoso excnlbr haig~ The new move places the final leth
suknrc f otubrad Cmmte prvlwsgvnatrcn ftems motn lb ision directly in tihe hands ofth
lsland complte disster tere beng feretaryKellogshadasentathee-erneaof he mos imporanttprbfitin to tme Boxharrisproposlltoo
Isand sunk etock sofstNrthumebeind Seolktarncerloandhan Americanree-ro les with which the nation is on- Regents themselves, and makes it
divrteebra.attrdf mbyes.Themaartrsofrnohurexpainnghiss.pirtuaeotete.frotedatthepreen tie s te u-tapp n oqutaaesriciontWomrestriocdcietweter. me'Ui- an
quates o a hur xpainn Thi To Play In Ypsilanti emplnma tteeent fior ersthe niued ig's two senators said the beet suar Caegi
art cr ge Mevile by treetimsproisins ehid cose dors.Po The International Night prgrm "Tbinedt .we rm e onthisndis dustry, up in their northern ter'- Iyve rsity College will go into effect Re
a unique record for a single caron insure the continuance in force of the wlbeain ivniYpila, atrsngiutonleinaeupio ry, was dependent on Mexican help, over thle disapproval of the engineer- I Ee
for this Polar "ship's graveya r d reconciliation treaty with adofrum pisriv~igsatin iestrialativi t ndt Vigorous oppsto oteprpslbgC ly or whlethr tie obections
P o e d n, the y r s e ~ ffn bay to Pe s u io i m h s perform ance p oI and t eto ac l
th Caadan sdviitngf oesFrance, however, the committee plans ;will be on Wednesday niht The asageiofteistlactiprvidingaforthe Ipban bock booingn~of ftatbdlaet je' ei~ I~lSpin
sound and Bai~n island. I uhfr s il m k ffair is in charge of Syed F. itisain. e p niue o o en et fns i Ins developed before a Senate con- gtirnato. an
diogehecSenate ine luin grad., general chairman, while' Mrs. P ullic enter prises and public improve- mittee. Spokesman for the big p.'O- meigo h or fR-IAl
Amnphoapue aelrn int iltcleaer beyond doubt. Rbrdinesiaatnys, re ( aus
lls expeditioni, was a group of tar- Che char ..s icce table to the state Robert in e s is ain'asheifa cul eties . lucers ri wit cio i siu etio hoeldxnotibe distre d' de cidedt wil h1 the, m aont Mr chil 29,
w1lm al. e m erko f t h e f auwt e sra1sI a't Ino e r n e n A c i o )id i t rbrt o n shfl dntth ed iI rIc
wha;' al, cru ss hrs ealsor f he de"ptrtelt sandl presumably to the h
w1( F alaisShol ad'Ol gso ,l (onlevss would pas, the flood ' rnless something better was pat it i li rsdn itewspoiti
brds, scela aspa plratice. Theitellsiic tl
lrsaswlasvsl neein .ws tiegoiat od withm the 1uilI)50u te1'ier:.have i)cen ajiug acontrol bill, the amyhousing, ts pac. hy eiied monopoly a- disptchinig the Communijationm to In st
rnpl)pig bth te cnciiaton ad ri bns- egaion, L elniriileeiii coleg'e faculty in function
"sots' of bird i'ookeries. One (of te'p ytg10theheciehai ~dSplonsors of(IIlv Ii' ept. in 3diffet'eo 'llc-i nval1consrut on and(Ienerllos lgtos
s rbt iotfonuachneryin Whanewpaicifies: IR'a a 'izii. 28,i Ih u il ioti and wouldl imake the ap- Jeaiiigs othe Capper bil toet Oder 'tat they would have ampeconi
outstanldinig itre~5of tme ril a btain ahnr ntenw..7ni ie ea1. on
the visit to Knud 1Rasmnsseli'5 trading 1peace agrleC(l.Im O'der to larify 'plresident of the (osmtiopolil.-n elhbii.p ol3iat i011 tomr tin work available at erivasiono kaisine eea uITeiit iv o 0)losi te comnlee ffv.ule las'
themiotnrtheroy Nothinterw!lay, I t bteleates itictionthe inter- ;Ca rleton Wels, of 113e rhetoric de-1(nce, our ~present problem ofunem- rsin penedlbefore theatepnwihcste
temtion at "hie( dlytlnlh wrl.I teC) acso the Cniato ametis fclytesue. ;o rnet woldbequicly sove.grcum ue comnmittee with Secretary had beei devised by a. general com-I respond
it ws thre tat Ir. utna cat tatcita aspes h01ethecon exciatingea; t 11-e-, f--utytrasure ayest wof te nfuecsolvte." rinerte ill"prvigte 'i'l cig ne ie uhrt oIdv
ktwanomw e mturchtam(ati Lct tau csfhwvtaihexhag -- -'i ui f h ifuec o mSarieuametrllyilmvngte ntteacigInertmeathrtyor iep0
knwfuc f it Sitl Sud ij;' 111( i c h.two li' verO Dl A P AE' Iderot f oand lof tile great work it apper poject. Substamtial oppo~- the Board of Regents, was reported events.
of P'skimios, tieof world's mostJ north-trn t,110 ondtinsoflifetiiwaimictdis
oiy1011.lvn npiiie slpeiic"al ly sating that there 13as ,i ihfpnrlrmform 013conFeb.nsAt
(-,rl popl, ivng n riitieis been nto abiogatioll of tile force (of the FOR OPEAC HO SE Iril tabi, ang the rking people,---- tm txa eiedt apni tt eer
l a f i n p r c t i c l l y s t i l l i n t h e^ s t iO ( u l a i n l r c a i l h n t a e Yf t r ) c o n r
n0th ;uity have been made bel)tter POSTPONE SERIES te vatious college 'acuties for a- 15 and
ationte paa('ei('pally ia 1' 1 iolans;ict will'n 130 iloftn nditerihme tae'(I byde pioval,and tip to Tesday three of! though
t'lic ''liiy wa 'ixan'id ntnsredby Cernos ibright(?. 'This g eateoinomic mov- v FREAJCFJ'PLAY IS thee lc5CI0(ilties lhdap iproved Op~o- hv i
b li 13atr b il' t let I . w ho 1h , ri ra i n nott rlf e i House, s oi 1'~ 1 r a
rilt iou ilOWiI gy )(' 'merit will conti130 to'grow in strength 1sit ion ivas notm~ iticin ated to iee x - in their
wats also eays killpeeratlthe N or: intllsIi)(a1101io v hlm gneiil< i~0I'I O ilg((i-113 ilt (e ce ait il w t i'lwasregTh esrsofpaswi;,
ex('i)anmgs be weentSe' etl ai ellogg. 31etioi 'olmilitce ,1front all schioil old 410( adwllals r t 5Ci5 I lla wihweie tenttthat t it ( (ve'i)lie iinte CollegesThd
lie tiiawalho aci gov'ent ovCIier 0, l'in a strong and vitl force illall shledtuled for'1presentationl by thiL 0]f inietiu 1dAii^'Ouetll l h
Poe , t~lil l e e trLe Ii(OIle ii ig ''01 eg(' have e l);erm a *A chtetre . Y time
I pci- sibil.lieseofa 50P,1a ial 0(t I'(,0'i: td lede- '' librlbe 3w ('Cuini111ties and( in evey section Cecle Failcaisca taul~is Frenc -' t'hl tti'1"or h i~ fIfte
tw-iasteiil ew (oun dland fishing v- p ealy rt I)thelen'huc"ititont 1>,Ma.(1,881112, i 11 troui otit the lad,'' Green oin-cietyat 8 o'clock tonighlt, have b eentQeellet:g lo dulte ujct01
schooner ownted L} ' (Thiartlettl h101 1 ? x i lilt'si nal orv poes of being' foI'Iidted. r1~ ~luded. po--- -~--Tstoelelatie i 1105wil moa'-i raiefcienc e aimle1110 Ait-;110C

For Cane Sunday, Spring
s And All-Campus Elections
Set By Student Conl
ig the dates for the principal
of the spring season and fur-
nsidering the ways and means
ining the Burton Memorial
ile, the Student council held
fiar weekly meeting last night
Union. Though no formal
at was drawn up by the
regarding the Canmpanile, it
'en out informally that in the
of the Studemnt 'council tie
s now being nmade in an in-
way on the Burton Memorial
ile should be approved by the
body at large, to tile end that
Al organization will be estab-
cs sooni as possible which wil
ate tie program necessary to
pletion of the buildimng.
ouncil believed that that ac-
the 1928 literary college sen-
s in deciding to donate its
is a unit to the project has
aaterially in its advancement.
Committee Suggested
fi present time a committee
Student council is working on
ter of a formal committee, to
gested to University officials,
will have complete charge of
motion of the Burton Memor-
Lpanile project. Jo H-. Chamb-
8, managing editor of The
chairman of this committee,
n 'working with University
and alumni in the preimin-
k necessary to the organiza-
a permianent committee to
implete charge of the project,
cthat of the. Women's league
ation, and others of reent
Such a committee wljl be
d to the Board of' Regents
as the work has been com-
Day, S'upday, April 29.
tration for All Campus
ctions, Wednesday, May 24
1Thursday, May 3.
Lg Games, Friday, May 4
1Saturday, May .
i~m'pus Elections, Wednes-
,May 9.
Night, Friday, May 11.
tting the dates for the major
is of the spring season, the
took into account the shed-
t year, and in almost every
dates have been made to cor-
fnot as to day but as to rela-
sition in regard to the other
Swing-out and the Senior ball,
notions of the senior clas,
scommended for Tuesday, May
Friday, May 1, respectively,
the senior classes themselves
fi final setting of these dates
ate of Fathei's day will be set
Union, whichm is planning a
and son banquet for tie week-

wass refitted for til(e e itron a i Jm "' tz .ams aast1 i~iV(i181)h ml~. O i'i gtt \at 8i spai ~ 49S S E D D:(ttetiaiili ftepoiimittytatdtruhis aut w
Pu tnm '-"- " """''"n IC'tatothld aMigRegiES'et'img lIltOIRt A YTCVsT AUTOl extending thi'outghout te lest of this, though acommitee is woking at i cit
in ;,ss~ndiseth ie atyPasi' ]ARN S 'IL E 1'rthmepurlpose (f ecilOUr0 gai gtietsmesFORTh nxt chdued vet' reent initteer
IyDr Krelamusen h e f'Y a j B SAND NO t l t ilai Io enineerttilnra r ' trrill take plate on March 7r, and will -._-~-_--._-- i It has
Ijy Dr KnudRasmusen, te fanttis I B I' S NDINO FIRE feldn1606ineeltionmg hae een'l seMn' hIola' it . ase, 2,has been sus imetrTemxtshdld vnt1'sct-
Danishm explorlert'anid sciintist, andI -- jtoinusrilme130011 sactre:; rentand tetie2it oa tobe it ecturme by Prof. Arthur L Dun-; R H T C S OPEN the re
recognized as being the wrld's out- . .\o>,PIt-d ri"_ '.)toimmltshiamnI of11:1theill historyp departmenttie.nivrstyfortw 4RCeT CT
kio 1A At,,\cFe.29-mbs interested in this field of tescarch. yats and Wilianm C. Niclayset, '-8,hai ofle istor ENelIItn'imt.I-I
standing authoity cn tie Eskio MNAUNyFb2--na~h
Robert L. Peary, Jr, son of the Northfie 'ystlat fAgsh Sn Io, ebers of the faculty and1 o'ugii'into lbeca stspenderl1 for'tieiremaind~erivlspeak a. on11"The Stte of MindDESIG 19CON TEST I a h
Pole discoverer', acted as chief engin- I tmne ih mchine guns and dmi eeritt studn~lts, will Cerplete tie listlof the semester for violation of the in Fraimce at tie Beginning of the, -Iat the 4
eer. armed ioe nthhird.of a e o:guests. Exhibits of special i-I auto mobile bain, it was anniounced \old a." The talk iil be ac- Annuom 1C ot of a cotest for' the Riland1i~
''omayigthe party was Maur-i'- mreta netidofad-1terest to inudstrial ii enar i g(rcntyfrom itie office of tim edan o aidwith sieand hwilh be decorativedsg obRue nt e itelad
Acoiaytgtao'hmiet of U. S.nmarines were cas-i givenin Fenchan l Architect's May party has been been s,
theecpaciteof secialualties im a sharp fight last Monday. l tdns aeb to1P eze,'9,pei na
inm actedDERinON ILL D O ON P R S Ndent ofy l(the RArchitectural society. eA cil app
photographer. The motion Pictures The engagement resulte imheF DE AT OeD O N NbyT1 A
death of four Americans and thei I PEEN SAYS GFZcash pize of $25 and a complimentary gate po
takendongtimenexpeitionrsreTsaid toe STAND WHEN IT CAN SEE SUCCESS FOR LABOR PARTY ticke to the ball will be awarded thedum
the most genuinely beautiful and 3wouninotnie pothers.nTere wereinr fthIcnes iu
downright humanly-nteresting that ----e ntheat ndrtm wmi f h ots. ;ing a n
have ever come out of the iorth. ,mand of Lieut. Edward F. O'Day. "When its eaders can see the1p0s- fat alone would nmake it hard for ment of partisan politis or in the Prelnmnary sketches for the conpe- ing whi
They picture tie Morrissey bucking( The detachment had escorted a I sibiity of success for' a strong labor tie labor party to carry any large promotion of individual political for- tition must be submitted not later'a s desi
her way through tlee heavy seas, tie train of 35 'mules from Condega toI party, then the Americani Federation election." tns eaeitrse npicpe hnMrh1,acrigt na-otrv
glaciers and' icebergs, int addition to IYali, with supplies. They were ie- Iof Laboi will forsake its present nui- W«hen asked about the plans for theit unes.'Wearinteran esteninpl, thnacntthe acordigtoe.anlan- oweeks
alluring Greenland se.,nery, pictures I turning to their base when they ran partisan tactics anmd endeavor to 1lnx i0reidnitial canmpaign, Green human values. By remaining aloof architectual aind de corative design boc
of the near disaster and animal into a machine gun nest near Baraili ohi h odln ateha a I lid TleAeianFdrto ffrmprianoitcltrolad tdnsaeeigbet opt i h badi
scenes.I The nine Americans wounded were illa ren'reietftLabor has always adopted a non- political strife, we avoid any political' competition. Judges of the contestl
Mr.Punamrelaes yu Ipssin rporedtohav sffredOny sliht iganization, in an interview last night partisanm political policy and their entanglements." will be a juiy composed of faculty'~,
EsIninorator, as tha eighth nmum- wounds', except in the case of one fohighsadesi 11 uI- policies are formulated and] adopted at Citing the 1924 presidential election 'mein of time Architectural college an d fmi1vi
ber on the current Oratorical associa- man. A nmarinie doctor at Estelli istri. its annual covrentions. We have not whien the LaFollette party, which had mmbeis of the Architectural societyI
Lion seris. attendng the wonded and lans are ,Tastyet Adecidedpowhtirelweswihyetthrowedreceived wthethbackingivof thebalabogoTuthedater ofethee annualancostumetu ballal
tion series.ein atmdetoubrndemadMpansga emiT uatvmeamlericanhepoliti nys ur strength, but that will be determ- interests, was defeated, Greemn pointed of the art students has been set for Fol
T4niade to bring them Managua tem is unfavorabletoflueoperaine'dlafter the convention nominations out that the existing conditions for May 11. Otto F Wenzler, '29A, is olo

convocations were also an-
d by John Snodgrass, '2SE,
n of time convocations comn-
of the council, at thme nleetinig.
bemen arraniged, according to
:port, to have Rev. John C.
er, of Saginaw a~s the speaker"
convocation to be held Sunday
g, March 18, and Dr. Carl
, who was forced to cancel his
sst fall because of illness, has
cured for Sunday, March 25.
dition to this action the coun-
pointed a committee to invest!-
issible means for the new sta-
Lot with a view to recommend-
ame but with a view to decid-
ether the naming of the edifice
rable. The committee is the
wth of action taken sever'al
ago when it was decided to
the subject of a name to the
in control of athletics.
rwing 'the performances this

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