PAGE EIGHFT THF MiC'HMAN DA:TT Y WVT)%-7V.qT)AV r4T7.nT7TTATV 94 1(19 q 1T1 1IF lMTlC' 1 fl \ .J fATI , AL.\TLA*Y. *A.VI L ! ..j AL 'U''Thr LhA Y, rrT l~ $f l~ J~ 'TLiU'.~ J L~ 3 (DAILY OffiCiAL BULLETIN*,, IA. Cli.F. S There will be a meeting of the A.I.Ch.E. Wednesday evenxing at 7:301 o'clock in Roomn 3200. ;. S. Pettyijohn, Director of (las, Research, at 11, 0ofVM. will speak ca n the "lDevelopulent 01f 1the y-Prodin t ((1(0o xen.W I'M Tltorntiw aide, ( 'al rii,:)n ONlldli®11F3"eA1M alRMml{ li l ll Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. ni. Saturday.) I volumieS. 1VEi)NtESI)AYX]'I FE IIA RY 911) Number 112. Collo4-tulnta for Applied t~r Iariks : Thie second Imeet ug xwil bo eldtehi TiurSday, Mn rolh1, 229, Vest Kngineering Btildinig. Mrh. iJe. If. Donnjell will All intoes ~t (ed ar o cordially invited to ttii. at 7:3{} pan ., in ts zf4 c IV. XM. 1t.t). ITOHL RLMNR SPEEP}HS IN CONTEST W ion~ of 1 t lefct that the sdates _t r, h pre1 linnav c ontests of the A l~ ~Oratorical league tare rabidly aal r a Mi ng. inunbrs cf the speech dl2 t'rin., stuff d are stressing the Wm- po 'tt 8 Iue or st udenlts beginning work on War ir OXtiota5., Dickinson Returns IFrom NMeetingj Pr~of. Edwvin DI) lkin son iof the oI.:iwx school returned this week frouii Ne York city where lhe :tteni i UIImetl ing of a coop)erative research g rai p consisting of prominent lawvyers an 1d law professor, mm alii over tlie country. The work was organized 1 originally by the H arvard law school 1 faculty. The work is bewing ldone Ii rpr- ,tion for the ILeag ue 0ofNtions con,' - (,r1;nc('inl1929 at 111ih :ell (ttmpt t jcr,1".m latr if vin xs r 1u tbigto ilii reCc';;tilu!°res of ijtternat inna I r! lation1ships,"tld illg I te I ilcie.-At lOll ofI eritnria I xva I ems i,7 Xxii ichl l'Ia)1 ;;1' Iickinusol's ati- eat iou is ctl~ent ered inlthen v ork of thle i ea rl'' < (eIi'':itiolt f tetrrify, is splls0I'-for snub ai ('.n '-'sien lti ( iit yeill1 )1'. A'Morrisonit, I'roli 550orof1 (It l'(ltlion iIand 1 _ire t(>r o'f abol'atory Se lloolsI1 i v ersity of ('H ligo, will be the guest speake-' for th5 (is, l l Istuidetuts atnd n1Cn~bevsof the i aOitty Who are° lo'es(1 In ELi Ica 1Yi'm {11 :itie(I. Tick(ts for tfhe b)anrquet turar b1e ottliitt(l a.t the offlieof, Philti 'l l'C;xvii be giveti i Rooln21 Anll Ilaa tlar. :\l''l' ar(li 3,front 9-12 atl i, '117:s \ill be the only ollport'u ii]yitlo a ?:i itfl mlim (- X8121..1C. 111-i:. ( (keraolly tt-11- 3, eup I>~al tluuC,; sc ii. Tni ikeipe%,iim r::0 ii lt i (;(( ;raplix 31 wVill be gi V('1in111 oom 21 AngelI hall Saturdlay, A tei roio 9-12 Ii atno.1te 111hat this exlinia Iion lhas E heeni po(stponledl trolli \\ uti'lay a~ftIernoonti1o Sat ur(1avatninng. E'. C. rophlet. 1 S. 13. hed("e. 1 sitiidit RP'r2liA.S.Mf.E.: Thete willI he a joint meeting xith the Tm impart at inn (l ii' an Uk t 7:30 o'clock in Room 1042 East Engineering Building. M'detinix s;il oel, in- cludle "The J!" ollion of the St cain Locol ivie," '"The Ilolia ad Tunnel ," 4 n1 1 the "Moffat Tuntel.'' 1. 31. Shoemaker, P~residen t. I. silhenatjcal (Clubh: 111e daties for the preliminaries as Lunch. on for the Club xwill be served Wednes~cla- , brc'rv 2.9_ at *- 12_1nei5b Prf.Jaes 1'Nil pin the -Michigan Union.'.,.!~n~n X1h1 Sigma :1Biologicatl Society: The regular business meeting of the Phi Sigma Society xviii be helmd W ednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock in the Botany Semnina1roa, xatural Sine1139. Professor C. 1). LaRue will provide thepoga t re urged to be prtesenit. E. 1'. U('clt''t f-, t t I1;1111)(Ii1n I iteting o*all tryouts Wte~l- 'tr y ':"Vl sq"51'1:1 Dllta (lii: TFhete xxill be a;I mcet lag i11 lhe front. olice' oftl)' 'eK I:b a 31111' t; iN' Play Iicliea r~a I: ?l'he seond act wixxll]bei(ri('lit ;""d 'tl oighi at 7 o'cloci 0 1il(l1"-m-1 o1' chunsI (,lc. iit'i 11l11 ' 11)ma1 f' icth rnom-rl]. i1 ii le 'oiire clog, 1t 11Mal e c bloiloa. 1 111.1 V 2 'cl 0 ia".hand hbrown, aad IItane11 lt:'Sh"ard 1itotgrll. i1r{,;1. 1 ct 2(',.l~ 2, are Mt. day, and Tuesday, March 12, 'ndl 12. In the tryout on Monday, .ollemores and juniors will speak, with 0,vO juniors and one 'sophomore b21n1,';~ acd for the final contest. %11:~ x 1 ('iozapete oil Tuiesdaiy 1 0 008.'il'-o of their numibor xwill 41 tofr}1 cil".151) Al.lli2Itg 1 GIgroup of five. rIll. , p':Nk v xxill (oiflitp l e in a ~i,~t nvr'o .conte st to be held] at r,'clc'Ilh iTleola y night, 'March 2i0.} Piw ,1 ?ii of1a,10 s contest xwill be ix', < r :1t a ca't )11Cc(izof 1100, xVhiit' 1 I', 118of 2o iiD ie 1made to tixe; Ii 'dil 1t1i1(1 te xwitnr xVHI ii p8111(-? "o he le ld iiiitt\iinnen p0>li t faze l 31;1 o [i FneoG JaPI a specialty forI r I iWetu3'yea11rs. 1'rslnt"ti e'~'j e xilirieneeid Oper- "t' , '31 i*elite Rates. I0 7? M RR!11LL i'ol. A V(5)(14. 1,114114e 4;6V-'. Whitney Theatre STCKSEASON 6th BIG WEEK onigi. t8 Matinee T ya 3 ''lbte will bha a 1181nicetiag x 11 hle St udient,111'tcklwji01 il' A.S.I .I1 1-a i ~ugit 'eijg l1(111dig. IM]eeting Political Seience :31---.Mahollp Exa itit1411o: subjects include '"ThoEv1xolit ion of A makeup examlinat ionfori cia8ll si ta l1ts ,io ni ssc-d tlile fina1in iPoliti cal h< St Oain Loeelno 1 c,;'''The I loliand Science 8>2xvillI be givenl this afternoon, at 3 o'clock, in 2035 Antgell.I lill. 'Pu on ci''andl the ''\1 offal Tu1nneL'' J. S. R eeveY s. 1°.'31. Sh oe mtaker, P r e'idcnt. 4 c G~eology 1: Th'le makeup examination in (olegczy 1 xilli be givren on rTIliuXcd(a, Manch '1, from 3-63 o'clock in Rom) 4054 Na',ural, Science. This is the only oppor- tuinity to remove thne prude ofX. in twe ourse. 1 L'~Co4t Zloolog~y 32 (Heredity):; Corect or corrected a?:sxera to the first three review questions have been posted beside the seating ls near Room 2091 Natural Science. Members of the class are invited to inspect them befor-e the examination Thursday. A. Franklin Shull. i Fr nch APlay's: rphe ;soiree Drai'tique, xvhic'h vas to take place March 1, in Sara ('iii ,d) hilt 8 o'cloc k, ha lbe' _i n ineinitcly lpostponed. . Ace T 'alaamoit A nmeenting will 1we betd 1'lthiun day, 1Al1arch 1, in Untivrsity Hall at 4:15 O'coc to re-read the 'agc. i lzt and1(1 lcuss future planis. .Jazw loward, Vice-President, '1 .-ni ersity Wo~jlen:1 I will not hold office hours Tuesday and Wednesday, February 28 and 29.! Dr. Sapping'ton will take charge of my patients. Margaret Bell, M.D. Xong Picetures oUIndustry: g "From Mine to Consumer, the story of Anaconda Copper," a five reel mov;ing picture by the Anacnema Copper Company, will be projected in Natural ?cC-!c( Auditorium at 4:1l5 on, February 29. This is the aecnd l~mt in I he series cX'~ing lp?'Cucanted by the School of Business Adminis- tration. The. public is inxLi d. C. E. Griffin. Point System Conll!! , ce: There xwill be a c te l ata:8 0clock t aday in flarhouzr Gym. Hle ilaw'kitus, ('hairtuan. There Nvill lie 8a12.! b p (,1111 radio operatoirs itetrestedh in for-muitn"' Radio ('In b on T itr rk' x Iiih 1, at 7::30 p.111- at the tll' o)01. ' YU ERDANA TESTIMONY' [)can Samuel T. D~ara of the :ScholO1 of Forestry and Conservation lofll recO('itly for Washington, D". C Where lie has been called to testify before congressional, committees on the MVc''ary-McSxveeney forest appro- priation bill.j 1 rep re for ta def alt, vocaion. IReaize the u IINIIOLI NM lion. XXI "The Dcwntou-IJjaSore for Michigan Men" . r . pp jjlf T E SPR G SHIR PROBL te HiggSiCo M''C' rih ail~~dht tidya :i-.ih,7e 1 e.Ml i l:1 ---nie 1emc ' f' aMt.a i:0--uic $e (Pon 414 1IlI1I11111111111eIldlII~g~~iiiip .1. S'.l'l. R('gu 111 -Wednesday, vite'(. Feb )1-i 1 9) I o'(,1 ,011 ck ii (-ill) V t11('tl)('r, ;ime cord i i I yin 1. Al. Suliioid. TiWchoice-' ara quality °- , w an~d Slyle of.iir sprng shirts wil solv~e l r,,,'i.c4m for you. A GOOD TIME EVERY DAY WHITE BROAl DCLOTH XNc are devoted to our bjusiness-- -We have xvhat you want and WHITE O XFORD CLOTH $1.95, $.00 thoroughly enjoy serving you. $1 95 t$2.459 A WHOLESOME AND FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE LINIVERSI TY BOOK STORE $ I Q 74 W' 'Browning 19 SOLIth Main S-treet Yb lY[INCIIE>'1tf./41SQLtlIIY 52SdJ1CEFYiitLCY:CYti4T T. °1'°"YMa°' nwwr rsaaywgMM+Mw w' saw wrn.~nr,, we .ja..sawnmn.,m.n~n.,nmernt..namn ~Ufl~R'flwfl~nan C '.fl~ fl~JOflt'LlS*flt fl~ .,r.ew..* 11-- te,. frnas . a.,in.r r x nn srnpi a a m, - ! i wa twl n s S .t f' f C..'nn&r ~ ~ .fl., mfW , .. . .f! iI ' I II ?tJtttttlttfttfftlltofltllffffflflllllflflllftfftllflltl flll[ll =. - M YII Y r /07 ylg - r i a I - N t Have You Herj Cil New Band AT UA'KIANGE: 'S IsIn Positively the Most Versatile College :fiace Band in the Conference Directing 11 1111 11 If