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February 29, 1928 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-02-29

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.- rAOr EVEY1N

wT1' T'f TAV Y i t-T4RTTA R.Y 2!}_1 t)2


r Y 2Ltv J2v JJt , I ) CI'. n'su v x'' :, a- "'aa .aa ~ -a a e-.i

~li[TIE FOB Ko
T HKInos . A in d N rthw ester n~ A re A lsw victory.

)ftlIEti Li fomilPage Six)
fc-, and unpleasant traits are
tout under terrific stress farI


([By N scit I Prss)

wcpoint shor t (ofj ali hisen-L2UL IAT 3L P.M.U1J ADVERTISING AT aPY3
.Saturclay fli ht.':, ilt, 1,-t;Y t'il l'Hh~- Winners of freshman basketball
ana and i lchiigan wvill no dout l i)v ,~ii werals wvill be announced sometime NOTICE COMPLETELY furnished apartmient
cmuchu to dlo with h iei rn the latter hartIof the1week NOTICE-Good food~ and good service, for three girls; also largo beautiful
orisof1Vc r2clon f r 'one( block fo campus-that's why roomfotw girls, and a garage.
and Oosterbaan. iccordiing to Ray Fisher, oach of the you save. IBarney's Restaurant, 51 Dial 8544 or 9714. 422 East Washa-y

IUndefeated it Itace For D~ual As to the wonderful effects of foot- j)ETRO1,IT, rFeb. 28. - Manager
meet. Title ball, the writer says, "Last l~ecemlber iTgr,
IGogMoiryothDeriHVEk lafter whia the sporting brotherhood'is stressing drill of his pitchers in2
ILLIN1I HAV EASY CARDcalled the most successful football l~e ehtso ili
propr mthos offiediig, a depart-
Northwestern, Illinois, and MliehiI season of all time, Columbia refused ment in which he says they are woe-
to speak to New York university, fully weak.j
gan remained deadlocked in the race Hrvad was still holding aloof from;Mrati icssn h iuto
for Conference swimming dual meet PrietadteNv a nte1 ttecub tann cm)i a
honors as a result of last Saturday's IPictn n h aywsi h~ttecu riigcm)i a
competition. The Wolverines ecumin- c .svrn ilmai ea in toinio yesterday, classified the
with the Army. ;pitchers in three categories-limber,
ated Iowa from the race by their
deciive54-5 vctor ovr te Hwk- "The p~opular b~elief is that sport stiff backed and stiff kneed. The lim-
eys otwsenhne h i teaches selt'-con't'rol, that it teaches! her pitchers, thost that can properly
us oxvtoaccptnotonl vctoy ut "et down" on low throws and snare
coinf tankmnen their third straight defeat with a graceful smile and a
defeat, 55-14, while Illinois sub- sincere- one. If you believe in thei grounders, are much in the minority,
merged Indiana by a 50-19' score. " 1great sports myth," I wish that your lhe said.
andWoleries ~~nmight visit the locker rooms of our One or more hours each day will beC
Th *ilcasaithletic buildings and mingle with given over to fielding practice fora
every first place against their rivals, the champions before and after their pitchers, Moriarty declared, after an
but the Hoosierrs were able to cap- col'etsI unsatisfactory workout yesterday.


Oosterionan, IMih:; n .:5
MciCracken, Indiana .. =10 ?7
_Murphy, Purdue......41. :2

Indiana. ...........
Ohio State.........

S 2
8 2
7 2
6 s>
.4 4
4 (>
2 G


yearling squad. The coaches have not
as yet definitely decided how many
of the 22 members of the squad will
' feteive the awvards.- Two more work-
tut1s will concludle the activities of the
yearling for the season.
The coaching staff expressed itself
as well pleased with the improvement
shown by the freshman since the
opening of basketball practice. The
potential Varsity men were not a
proimising group when they first ap-
pi red on the f100or of Waterman gym-
naslum. Since than they have de-
v-eloped into a clever group, of players
o.sessing a valuable season's experi-

E. Williams. C.
TYPEWRITING~ and Mimeographing
promptly and neatly 'lone by ex-
Iperienced operators at moderate
rates. College work a specialty for
nearly twenty years. 0. D. Morrill
Arcade. C
TYPEWRITERS-All makes,- sold,


WANTED-Students to know that our
home laundry methods give your
cloth~s personal attention. A~loe
Laundry. 204 N. Main. D~ial 3916. C
LOST-A black Persian Cat. Finder
please call 22110 or 6017. 111, 112


rented, exchanged, cleaned, re-
paired. Our machines and work
guaranteed to give b~est satisfaction.

(Excluding last night's results.)

tore two races in their meet with Il-
linois. Walaitis of Michigan and
;Schwartz of Northwestern were the
individual stars of the week, each
annexing two first places.
Wisconsin failed to give Northwes-
tern any kind of a battle. The Pur-,

International completition in
according to the second tenet

of the

During the session the Tigei) boss sta-
tioned himself at first base while the

"myth" as
str engt.hens
tions. The
and asserts
breedi strife

advanced by Tunis,' batters sent liners toward the bag.
the bond between aa- Moriarty wouldl field the ball and toss
author ridicules this idea ahead of the pitchers covering first.
that the Olympic gaines The proportion of ei'rors by the
instead. Numierous cases! pitchers, especially on low throws,

Bu kChocolat- :-A11 Kinds of Candy Bars

0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. CI
turnover insures a fresh stock. You
secure the best quality at a moder-
ate price. 0. D. -Morrill, 17 NickelsI
TYPING-Theses a specialty. Rea-
sonable rates. M. V. Hartsuff.
Dial 9387. C-77-180
FOR SALE-One sport coat, one vel-
vet dlress, size 36:; one rain coat; all-
very reasonable and slightly warm.
Call after 4:00 p. in. 122 N. Thayer.
FOR RENT-Single room, east section
across, from campus, first floor,
front; four dollars. Phone 5807. 112

LOST-Lady's wrist wvatch. Return
to Daily office. Reward. ill, 112
LOST-A Michigan pin. 'set with
piearls and with an "M" guard. Re-
ward. Return to Helen Newberry.
Residence. 112
LOST-White gold filigree pin, Sat.
afternoon, in Mack's. Reward. Call
3-600, between S-12 a. m. and 1:30
and 5,'p. m. 112
LOST-to rhinestone bracelet while
danuing at Granger's Sat. night,
Feb. 25. Reward. Call 22464. 112

ple relay team covered the 160 yards of ill-feeling in the 1924 games at was described by the pilot as aston-
in 1:16.3 seconds, considered fast Paris are referred to, as well as the ishing.
time for the distance. Schwartz and general dislike displayed by all for -___________________
McDonal.d finished one-two in both eign nations for American athletic PORTABLE
the 40 and 100 yard free style events., teams. W TYPEWRITERS
Collopy annexed the 440 yard swim, To further clinch his point, Tunis Corona,, Underwood.
while Hinch and Lennox, Northwas- again reverts to, the Princeton-liar- Remin ton4 'Royal.
tern sophom'ores, placed first in the vai'd break andl then wonders how We have all m akes.
back stroke and breast strroke re- spoirt can be expected to unite Gaul Some in colored duco f nislies.
spectively. The veteran Colbath took;and Teuton, Arab and Oriental.1 0. D. M 0 R R I L L
first in fancy diving, black and white. 17 Nickels, Arcade. Plione 6015.

Subscribe For


"Lucky Strikes Never Affect Our Wind"

say Moss and Fontana
International Dancers stress
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"In our work as international dancers
we have discovered a wonderful new
point about Lucky Strikes of which we
are very happy to tell you. ' As can
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condition are of the utmost importance
to ballroom dancers. Our work is hard
and taxes the wind to the utmost. We
both have smoked Lucky Strikes for a
number of years and can safely say that
these cigarettes in addition to furnishing
us much pleasure in our hours of re-
laxation, have never afftcted our wind
or physical fitness in any way."


"Foryearsl havewatchedThe
American Tobacco Corn-
p any's buyers purchase for
i ~their brand of 'LUCKY
STRIKE. They buy 'The,
Cream of the Crop' in the
fine Tobacco Districts. They
use it in LUCKY STRIKE.
I have no hesitation. in testi-
fying to this fact which is


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