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February 28, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-02-28

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_ _ _


fich (quintetlPrinied For Final (hanie
of Season At Howe, Tlireaten
In one of tll.' fierce't; battles everj
\vag;ed bet weeii O vo histoeric foes, the
University of \l ichig;al basketball
quintet, led by the irresistible lien-1
nie Oost'er-baa n and (Capt am li'ank
llarrigan, downed Ohi-io Slaite, 45 to
39, her etIonight ill the (closing lhonk.
game for the Bwkeye fivye. '
Irinled as they wee or. their last
hone game, the Buckeyes put up a
great battie and had it notl beeni. for
the stellar showving of "Big l3en" awld
Captain Harrigan, the score would
have lbeep considerably reversed. Al-
though Michigan. never trailed, the
score was (lose throughout the game,
Ohio confing within bone ,li~
of taking the lead 'ftromn the Maize1
and Blue warriors on three differ-
ell" occasions.
Oosterbaan Guts Loosej
But cach. time the Buckeyes threat-
ened the Wolverinre lead. Oosterbaan
cut loose and widen-Led the gap.
Michigan started off well and as-
sumeci a big lead at the start but Ohio
soon succeeded in finding itself and
at half time the Wolverines led 21-16

Tw~o projects of the greatest impJortaince ar'~'e eg p~lacebfo re tae
campus today. The senior literary class is beginning a campaign of four
(lays to secure the senior class dues which have been set at "'5. Followirng
the recommendation of the class memorial commrittee, the funds secured will
be used at the end of the current year to further the Burton Mfemorial cam-
panile project. At the present time activity in the furthering of this project
indicates that a few years' time will see the campanile one of the fintest fea-
tures of the University of Michigan campus. The senior lierary class has
given the project support at the time when it will accomplish the most good.
The campaign to secure dues deserves the support of every member of the
senior literary class.
The Union is requesting the attendance of every member at a meeting
tonmb t at which an important group of amendments, affe'cting the admniistra-
tion of the org0aiiizat ion,, will he presented for the approv al of the stuident
nlenibership. T[he amendments provide for the al lish tug o1f1two <gvernini
hoards ill favo r of one which will have complete charge of the activities of
the U nion. The amendments will largelyv mitioante the evils of1 a decrentrrtl zed
adon i strt li n. As a practical move to inmprove andl simplifyi' the ;idmiai>tra-
acot the amuendmnents merit the support (of cvery member, whien p;'es'enteil at
the mecetin tnighlt in the Unionr.


Rep1'e 4entaflves Act As City ahiersl
Ot WI~slington ;Work Oil Bills
0OfJDistrict Of Columbia
(IB' Associated Press)
WASINGTON, Feb. 27.-While the
(house sat 'all dlay as city fathers of
Washington, D. C., the Senate collided
with a little $41,000,000 river and har'-
ber a sp ze c t of th e a m y b ill th a t co n - i e a l d l y d th M u c e S o s
ilebate which is it,,. regular diet these
Thfe Senate t rouble was that its
m nilitary committee, in seeking aecon-I
itromise between budget bureau ideas3
that $50,000,000 otught to cover river
'i (1d harl or outlays for the next calen-
itz' year and a flolzse notation that
I uarly $50.000,000 was more like it,

i 3
. j

Pm * sidlemt Of IFederaion fL abor0 1 ,4 '"Y1ou An i s " lmt i ef Iiormance.l
Well Kniownii I'li ouli11 Iii ily Of Comedy(k (lubi, 'ii iking Seco(nld 1

l)rnllnniit kit Ii * nns vAII

Ii Its 5Ist i ilo ll"f1k I II11011 l ll U 7W1 % i


with Frank

Ha rrigan



scorer with four baskets. It was, not
until after the start of the secondI
half that Oosterbaan staged his cor-
ing spree sinking seven baskets dur-I
ing the final 20 minutes of play. Prac-
tically every shot was a tip-in affair,
so pratily staged that it endeared the
Michigan flash even to the Ohio State
fans. On the evening's play Ooster-
ban nertea xw neld goals.
II&rrgallPlays Well
Captain Harrigan also played stel-
lar basketball, dazzling the Ohio State
defense with what was probably his
-greatest playing of the season. Bill
Orwig, sophomore star, also showed,
uip well for the Wolverines, while
Bill Hinchman, Jack Evans, two
sophomores, and Vanzyde, a Junior
play exceptionally good ball for Ohio
Michigan used no substitutions dur-
ing the entire fray, while the Buck-
eyes employed replac'ements only in
the final few minutes, when Beer, a
substitute, was shoved in, shot tw ice,
and connected both times. I
A ('rowd of 4,500 w.at('bed the two
tc)iil'in iiaction.


WVilliam n.Gr.een, nresidlent cxt the Tonight will see ti olpefliflg Ii'i'- j titumned all Hlouse proposals except
American Federation of Labor, who I t'ormnanice of the Ilarvard 1'rize play, '"or the M souri below Kansas City
will deliver an address tomorrow '"You And I" by the mnemblers of iL(oin~gly. That walked on soE
eveingat,8 oclok i Hil aditri-I Cnrav Cubmaringthe scon many senatorial toes, North, South,
evenng t 8 'clck i lul aditoi- on~ey Cubmarkng he scon East, anil '\est, that a lively assault
urn en "Labor's Position In Modern production of that organization forloO the committee plan took up sev-
Industrial Life," is a man. well the present season. The only other oral hours.
known for his activity in labor ques- work of Comedy Club this year' was The Senate finally voted overwhelm-
ingl to override the committee-and
tions and investigations. During the the presentation of Kaufman and bugtbra!ad ji h
past few months, Green has been ac- Connelly's '.Dulcy" last fall. "You Rotuse, which added $3,886,310 to the
tively connected with the many' coal i And 1" will run ;the remainder of the committee bill, to be exact. Pre-
confrenes nd roblms hic hae wek, losng aturay igh. viously it had added another half
confs en s e a pr be msn whicha vent T ekploy sng oSatrday enig fht, ip illo n for reserve officer training,
arisn, s wll s bingan rdet Th ply i frm te pn o Phlipagain agreeing with the House rathierG
fighter in the Senate quiz in the min- Barry, author of "The Yotungest," one !thian its own comnnittee.
ing situation in. Pennsylvania. of the best ten plays of a few sea- House Committee Active
Under the late president Samuel sons ago. Barry is becoming more! The House had up District of Co-
Gompers, the American Federation of and more known as a collaborator and lumnbiahills of various kinds. It
Labo hed t coservtis asitswriter in his own right, and "You; droned along" about salaries of. Dis-
Labo hed t coservtis asitsAnd 1" has been hield uip by criticsI trict employees and the like, and
policy. Green, however, who was the as one of his best smart comedy seemed surprised itself at a burst of
first president to follow Gornpers, the works. f applause from the thinly populated
latter having held- the position for The cast for the Barry comedy will II howeasallngouptofInestgons
more than 40, years, has (definitely, include Torn Dougall, '28, Phylibs 1 Iowdasllgupf.Nroi-
changed this aspect of the organiza- Lough'ton, '28, Richard C. Kurvink, tiiet residents were responsible for
tion, this being -demonstrated by his '29, and Lillian Setchell, '30. Miss the quickly suppressed cheering.
aggressiveness in the mining inter'- Loughton is doing the directing, and tivoe.Themermitsw ne vroupc
ests. Dougall will carry the role originally ItocieupThippinghwitmmbrierouth
The American Federation of Labor taken by IH. B. 'Warner in the New tok shipping addrwing gloeroypie-
first assumed definite form as a na- York production of 1923. "You And i"l tures sipn oahedrelativen standing of Uncle
tional labor movement soon after was first produced at the Belmont asamrhnmrieaog
1880, largely on the initiative of theater in New York by Richard GT. f the nations. The agriculture commit-
Samuel Gompers. Prior to this time Herndon, and the cast included War- tee voted out a reforestation bill, but
there had been m'any unions operat- ner, Lucile Watson, and Geoffry cut its projected $40,000,000 outlay to
ing in isolated localities or single Kerr. It was a Harvard prize p lay, $4,000,000 in two years; approved a
proessions. Tae membership which and the sets were made specially atE Utah bird refuge measure, and plan-
totaled 40,000 in 1881 increased rap- the IHarvard university 47 workshop. ned for a wild game and fish refuge
idly until just before the war when The play is in three -acts and twoI on the upper Mississippi and also a
it had reached 3,000,000. Following setts, and the latter were executed bill to give better sea-going accom-
the war it again increased rapidly by Richard Woelhaf, Grad. Roy Cur- modations for American export horses,
until the depression in 1921 caused, .is, '28, president of Comedy Club, is sheep and swine ,then decided to take

To secure the class dlues, which
have been' set at $5, representatives
of the senior literary class will be
stationed in the lobby of Angell haill
from 9 to 4 o'clock today, according
to Dales A. Knapp, '2$, treasurer. The
senior literary class dues may be paid
today, tomorrow, Thursday, andI
Friday. On Thu~rsday and Fri-j
day representatives will be in the
lobby of Angell hall from 1 to 4
o'clock instead of from 9 to 4 o'clock
today and tomorrow.j
Unless the class dues are paid,'
gebr antscuecns rrams, invitations, or tickets to thet
Senior ball. According to an informal
announcement of Lorne Poole, '28,
chairman of the ('lass memorial corn- i
mittee, the funds remaining at the
end of the present year will be given
to the Burton Mlemorial camp~anile
T 'a )I~tk Ont General Question of (Xood
'eat hires Of New Educationa~l
Programmi Of I'mmivyersit3-
iThe final trial in the exteinpoman-
eons speaking contest sponsored by
the Oratorical association will be held
at 7 :30 o'clock tonight in the Alpha
Nu room on the faurth floor of Angell
hall. Adelphi debating society will
al'so meet in the Alpha Nt room in
order to insure a good audience.
The four men who were selected
from the preliminary trials which'
were held Thursday to participate in
this final contest are Nathan Levy,
'31, C. H. Uhrist, '31, Ormond J. Drake, I
Spec. Ed., and Martin Mol, '30.3
The general question which will bet
discussed by the students tonight isI
stated: "Is the new educational pro-
gram b~eing fostered by the Univer-
sity of Michigan a progres-3ive step,
that all state universities should fol-
low." According to Lyle I]. Elsermnan,
manager of this year's contest, this
question is meant to include tie pro-
posed University college; a compre-#
hensive examination in professional
schools, and a high standard of en-
trance requirements.
Tihe subject which was discussed in
the preliminary trial was, "Resolved
that recent developments in inter-j
collegiate athletics will more aide-
quatly represent student interests and
the aims .of competitive, sport.
-Today at 5o'clock the four men who
will speak in the contest tonight will
be a'.signed a particular phase to
discuss in their talk. They will then
shave three hours in which to organize
stime material for an 8 minute speech.
The judges of the final contest will
be the same junior law students who
judged the preliminary trials. ph .y

IIanv Members Of F
yConnected Wi
Favor Nev

l'inal arrangenments have been completed and all ballots printed for
the proposed reorg'anization of the Union to be conducted at 7 :0 o'clock
tonight in the ballroom of tie building. Every effort has been made to
irnterest all tihe mnembe~rs in tihe amendment. It is necessary for boo
miemb~ers to belpresenit in order that there be a quorum, and a two-thirds
affirumative vote will rati fy the amendment.
N laimx members of the faculty and students connected with the
Union have beeni intervicwed regarding the amendment. Among these,
lPresideut Clarence Cook L ,ittle. J . A. Bursicy, (ean of students, Prof.
J. . HIIayden, of tile p olitical scie; ice depIartment, Dean [Henry M . ates,
of the 1Lawx school. William Jcffries, Grad., lpresident of tihe Union, and
W. Roger (;reen'e, rccording secretary of the Union, have all expressed
favorable ~iw i oBjS.
'The mleetiing tonight will be presidecd over by Jeffries and lhe will
explain the ; arinus changes whicih tie passing of tie proposed amend-
mient will brin abt in tie constitution. Ballots will then be passed out
- ~ ''' and tihe voting' conducted.
~ULVIUIL IU IUILII A complete text o of. the proposed
amendmnt is as follows:
TIE Amend Article III, Section 2 Para
PLA _ i'graph G to read as follows: he
may hane th amuntof the annual
Var'sity 'lloeke4' 'Teatm Lacks 'Necessary cues.
Punch To'( Score Inm 60 Minutes "Amend Article IV, Section 1 to
And Two Etra Periods read as follows: The Board of Di-
-___rectors shall consist of: a. The presi-
MIANEYHART, JONES STAR dent of the Union and As recording
s secretary to be students, et-officio, to
1 T-be elected by the members of the
(Special to The D~aiy) Union at the annual election herein-
DErROI'T, Feb. 27.-Michigan and, after provided for.
Wisconsini hockey sextets fought a "b. Six vice-presidents of the
fierce and desperate scoreless tie at Union, to be student members to be
the Olympia arena here tonight. After selected by college and schools on
the vote of the students therein, re-
engaging in the regular 60-minute en- spectively, at such annual elections,
counter, of which the seciond and third as hereinafter provided.
periods Nvere exceptionally fast, the "c. Three members of the Univer-.
teamns played two five minute over- sity -facultias, each a member of the
Union and a graduate of the Univer-
time periods with neither gaining an sity, or a member of its faculty for at
advantage, least six years, to be elected by the
IThe Wolverines were the imost ag- University Senate.
gressive of tie two teanms, and ad- "d. Two alumai members of the
vancd te puk nar te BdgernetUnion, to be appointed by the Board of
vaned tme ucknea th BagernetDirectors of the Alumni association of
several times, lackimng, however, the the University of Michigan.
necessary punch to, gain the coveted Regents Appoint Member
goal at the opportune time. "e. One member of the Board of
With Wisconsin taking the defen- Regents, a member of the Union to be
's~v, te Maze nd.'Blu pucmenappointed by the Board of Regents.
sive theMaheand Blu pucmen f. The general secretary of the
focdthe play from the start of the Alumni association of the University
game. Fisher and Maney made re- of Michigan, ex-officio.
peated threatening trips down the ice, ,g. The financial secretary of the
but the stubborn Wisconsin defense Union, ex-officio, t, e appointed by
composed of Krueger, Murphy, and the Board of Regents on recomimenda-
Carrien stood off the attack of the tion by the University Senate council
'two Wolverines rear the goal. Sev- or its successor as hereinafter pro-
eral Badger assaults at tie Michigan ided.
goal in the first period failed due to "h. The dean of students, x-officio.
! clever saves by Jones, the Michigan "Amend Article V to read as fol-
goal ten'der'. lows: "Committees of the Board of
'Michigan again, unleased another Directors. Section 1. There shall be
passing attack in the s ceond period, a finance committee which shall con-
Two golden opportunities to score at sit of (a) the Regent member of the
the egiinin ofthestani~ ereBoard of Directors, ex-officio; (b) the
f-issed by the Wolverines, With the president of Vtie Ujor, ex-officio;
Badger defense all in a mass, Mamey (c) the financial secretary of the
shot a nass to Hart, the latter making Umnion, ex-offico; (d) two non-tu
t-a stab at the rubber amd missing. A dent members of the Board of 'Di-
few minutes later Hamrt shot the puck rectors, each a resident of Ann Arbor,
dedo o h e anda Michigan Itobe appointed by the Board ofDt
scoe' seemledl inevitable, but Mitchell,I rectors.
c'orpulient WVrjsonsin goalie, stretched "The finance committee shall be di-
his entire length and made a remark- rmectl~y responsible to the Board of Re-
able stop of the har'd drive. gents of tie University and shall have
{In thw third period, the ganme waxed full control over all financial mat-
i ei'crer and ftader timan in tie first two ters relating to tie Union; including
sessins aind threats at the goal were piower to bormow momey from time to
made by both te'ams. The endi of the(time amd authorize the givings of the
I period foumid the scomre still knotted, Uniomn's obigatins, signed and s-
amnd both teamus fought cautiously ini cured ii such mainer and payable at
I llie last two ovetimae periods, resort- such times as tie committee shall do-
ing to tight defense tactics at the termnme; powemr to authorize a cmvy
cne-slightest hinit of impending 'score's. lance of any or all property of the
ManiovFisher, Bryant, and Nagord i TTinnto h et Boa frd o1 f Rese'nts of the

'acuity And Students
ith Institution
w Measure

S U' 31 31 l I
0rx'iZ-, i...'......... 4
('napinan,(°............ 0
MCoy..g............... 1



j the membershmip to drop off abotut onej staging the production. Inicdenta ' imp time
Iquarter. Dinmg Creedm's presidlencyI music for the show -vva, wm'ittenm by 'hel it
Ithiis lhas b~een pr acti(cally all megainc- Williamin M. ILow is, .r., '29, who coan-
c (d. Posed the music t'or thme bast fI wa T 'me
I 'oineidoet. t-% ith ithe grow thime mii- Iunion COpemas. 'lhe('r('gmimrMi'mei s titil iiou<
bi'slip. the Federation has assunmed theater orchestrma. und~er the direotiou I amnti-pix
a positioni of increasing importance'l of Roy Langlmam, '30, will furniihl'y' (onlder(
in1 the lab)or nmovenment. At the pies- music between the acts., mit teeI
ent t ine. in spite o' recent inromads' { --~--~--veicialis

n~ade byc)tzmy unions and other
22 I 2 fommims *of' labor organizationi, it in-
eludes more thanz 775 ncr cent o"' the
01110 S'lA.TE I:I'FT I11 organized labor of the country. Prac-
8 1 ~ tmc i ly all the plow~er'ful labor or-gani
Ge'er, . ' 2 0 1 zn t 1(11 or the i'oumnt rv arie inded ill
7vis '. .........'... 4 4 0 1 .
lliuchuiman. g.......l 2f ~ reels c1treend ilIte Feder aliotu
('i ...........2.0 ;og oneof the most politica llyafiatduiosteI
1is '3 4 Al ii' Vi, olior1ems o' Am 'ric'a,. and1inI
Refeee:Sciomiel'.Chiago U1-, I-1921, 11nbe (i3nsO yearm'of'hishuiesdency.
pir:: L ane, D~etrmoit . thie Fed emtion shlowed c'onsiderable
syntpa Kvy tom' the La~ollette third~
DIRIGIBLE JNVEARS ' party nmovement.
PoliticleaIactivity h a" her'etoforej
PANAM~A JSTHMUILi.)beca uegar~ld b Iy the Federation as!.
- - an uit imate mresort to be used only1
(Ily Associatedt Press.) {whemn other means failed. Samuelt
'WASH-1 NGTON., Feb. 27.--Out over (lGoripem's, for more than 40 year's time
thme blue ('aribbcamn sea and mnarmiing Igtuiding spir'it of tile or'ganization, of-j
thme end of a 2,265-mtile joumrney fr'omn; fectively blocked all attempts t~o in-
New Jersey to thme ('anal zone, theimec' t party politics into time Federation.
giant navy dirigible Los Angeles sped Expem't observers have begun. to spec-
toward Fmrance field tonight to com- ' ulate' somuewhat more freely on the
plete the fimrst nomn-stop flight of anyi trendl of the American Federation of'
craft fronm the United States to the Labor polic- towar'd active liartici-
lsthnm us.
it was expected at the navy depart- )lil nplt~ u s3e oolca
ment whch rceied prioic rdiohas expressed his opinion on the sub-
reports from- the airship that she sect.
would reach thme eastermn end of thme A ESK
Panama canal about 10 o'clock to-; HIN.SDA E PE K
night, completing in about 40 hours ON I I N Ti L
time second longest flight of 410" cx- IO N I N T A E
-- "Routes of travel of time primitiveI
FAIL TO CO VE TO j Amneian Indian" was time subject of
TO, Ithme lecture given by ]Dr. Wilbert B.
DECISION ON PLAN Hin-sdale, Custodian of Michigan
Archaeology of the University Muse-
Failing to co-m to amny definite con- urn, at a meetinig of the Men's Educa-
elusion at their faculty meeting yes- tmLon club held last night at the

Mrs.Fise Ad OIS under a
Skinner Play Here l P.aI
In Comedy Revival., aUa;
A tepreseit at ivc a unitenc'e-greetecilj t')-a111!
lie a ppea'a cc at Ibe leWitney th leateri' Mo [eica
last Ii-git of m's. Mii e i'Mmdel'at'n ' s']ieu
Fiske a inli Otis SIillzae' iintlIme revival ote ' ,mnryjiim
thue ShakespeiaIn eoiii (Sy, '"Mer'iy week,g
Wives of Wincisom.''Thme hiodui(tiol lon c'on
wxas undr' the staging amid rnanage'-
ment of' Harrisoni Gregv Fiske,
Thc' Itwo)v Mec'an i 0 t ists lieave' loll ied
forces tom' thle season and are conduct -
lug a short tour' of time coutrtmy. 'lb e
tinme-honor'ed revival was secured for'Imr

cottonl futuires trading"lbill are Rober't M. Kem'r, '29L, Harvey L1.
got clear' on fIarnim'relief. ' Gervais, '29L, Gerrit Dl-!mminlk, '2'.r,,
Flutes Ou1t es Phls !Fratnk T. 7Zinn, '29L, amid Rober't F.
kilor coimmiitteec lucard con- ISchwvam'z, '29L.
al arguments opplosedl to time-- -
soil made O~loods in interstate 1]ORGANIZE 1-JOOVr °
bce ill antidhe veteran corn- CA D AT LU
head ?dii'ectoi' Hines, of the
s bu reau, oiutlimne his planm for Om'gammizat ion of. a Hoover-totr-Piresi-
ration of all veterans' ag'enciesj demnt climb «wa, effected at a mmeetimig
i sigleadmnisratve ead ;last might at tihe .il higan Umnioni at-
so11ingl enistm'ier esa. temided by students fr'ont the various
'he m'ooha lt pmepctai t classes and colleges of thme University.
~c--bokimi ofinm-iigfilm1 Fohlowing pi'eiminat'y or'ganizationi
lackbookng f lul in fi li~ lte following officers wem'e elected:
heni up1)tot' hearing bmy time jpm'esicent, Mart in Mol, '3O; vice pm'esi-
cc commmittee mucl thew projec't'demnts, Milton ID. Greemi, '2iL ; William
!yiml g limnir lion q Uttas to jeffrics, grad. ; Lawr.ence Tharp, '301,
5s amid othem' Westeriiihmenmii- Fred Alsbeek, '29 ; Johnm Snodigiass,
na0t ionials which has been oc- '28 ; coi'm'epoiimg ecm'eta ry, Robert
a house Commmm1it tee for a i1. 'Toot, '23; reco'dimg Secretam'y,
ot. goimng hicoi'e he imni:'ii'l- iHarold hlusbamnd, '29 : treasturer, Ed-
immlitl cc. - ward 13. Dawson, gr'ad.
-_-__--_--This organizatiomn is beimngmrecog-
l[-e X[ eather in zed by time state 1-lovem'fom' Preet-
Ycdent committee andi is the first.or'gan-
----- i~ecl effort amomng college stuldentls in
(Bv Associ~ated Plress). ; behalf of Herbei't Hoover for presi-
atlsinl cloudin~ess today becolla- dent. Arrangements have been muade
tewhiuat immse-tl by tontighlt or to have future ii-leetings addressed by
011. War~merc today and1( cooler pr'onliment Republicamn memn intemestedl
1011. iii the Hoover mmovement.
atteill)t at codificationm of ex- ' ties," Professor D ikison iain-
imnternational maritime law tained. "In the first place, ecd
for war would not -omnly be ex- country has its own imnterests. Great
ydifficult, huit decidedly im- Britain, being powerful in degree of


A review of "The Merm'y Wives
Of Wimdsor" wil hue found in time
Thieater, Books, and Music col-
umn on page 4.
Anni Arbor by D~on M('fmtyt'e, manager
of the Whmitmncy. H-emrietta ('mosinan
appeared with Mi's. Fiske and Mr.
Skinner in thme part of Mrs. Ford,
which she had recently played with
the notedi English actor, Sir Beer'-
Bohnm Tr'ee.
Otis Skinnem' is this year celebrat-
inig his fiftieth yeam' on time Ammeican
stage aind is 68 years old. Ile last per'-
fornmed at time Whitney in The~r~ Honor
of time Family" last year, while Mrs.
Fiske was also here in Ibsen's
"Ghosts." Miss Crosley was in De-
troit in time all-star revival of "Tre-
lawney of the WVells." This produmc-

nas;teu'ful goal tendling of Jommes for'
! 'Michi-amn throughout time contest,
ecwhile Masonm and Mur'phiy were the
outstanding performners fom' the Badg-
f (I,- .XAsoiated Press.)
- SEBASTIAN, Fin., Feb. 27.-A tiny
wooden plug in the air-hole in time
hi tap of a gasoline tank, which created
Lt a vacuum and thu-s shut off the fuel
f i fn to themotor' sent THarryBroboks,

codes R
t remely

Unfiversity, subject to any specified
liens and on such stipulations and
conditions as the comnmittee niay pre-
scribe; power to appoint, discharge,
amid direct a general mianager, and to
fix his conmpensation.
Proidies For Comittee
"Amend Article V, Section 2 to read
ras follows: There shall bea an activ-
ities committee to consist of: a. the
president of the Union, its general
manager, its recording secretary, its
general secretary, ex-officio. b. the
vice-president of the Union, to be ap-
pointed by the Board of Directors.
"This committee 'shall all matters
pertaining to student activities held
Iwithin the Union building and be di-
rectl y responsible to the Board of
"Section 3. There shall be a house
committee appointed by the Board of'
(Continued on Page Two.)

, is A.xav aax uua. u . ,xu.,u J

practical," declared Prof. Edwin D.
Dickiinson of the Law school in conm-
mnenting upon the law recently pro-
posed by Sen. Willianm E. Borah to
Pr~novide tom' a conference to attempt
stuchi a codificationi.
";semnator Borah certainly shows an
1 ext remme degree of optimisim in think-
ining that time codification could be
successfully acconiplished as pro-
scribed," Professor Dickinson coin-
timned. "The ar'ms conference of last

naval strength, will -of course be very chief test pilot of the Ford Motor
particular about restrictions of cer- company to his death in "fiivver
tain kind's. The United States has its plamne" at sea off Melbourne, in the
interests to protect. Francee and othem' opinion of newspapermen who inves-
continental countr'ies would be very I ti gated the wr'eck of the craft here
indignant at attempts to change theI today.
law in such a way as to be unfav-__________
orable to their interests. Thus, there zLi l
arises a problem of how to satisfy WILL HOLD FROS
everyone in time codification of laws. ; FROLIC MVARCH 30
"Similam'ly," Professor Dickinson ___
said, "such questions a's limitatioins Frdy Marc~h 30. has been do-


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